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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 Thanks all for comments
樓主: Julybabe

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發表於 19-7-27 10:20 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 王家爸爸 的帖子

For MSS , St. Paul convent there are high percentage of students choosing overseas pathways, when you compared s1 intake and s6 DSE attendants you will find like only 50% will stay and how many of them are from their primary system, I heard even less, not to mention students that shift to GCSE (SPCS)So whether or not less pushy school will achieve better in hKDSE is still a doubt

However I am not a fan of local education system , I personally prefer IB for my children but many iB full scorers are from local primary school and shift midway say S3-4! so pushy style are still effective to build good learning habits .

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發表於 19-7-27 10:55 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 王家爸爸 的帖子

Those early leavers might improve their hkdse results but most cases are those students that are not confident in taking HKDSE.
MPS is under central allocation system so they will not pick those who are well off or so, renting an apartment in wanchai is far affordable  than buying an apartment in Yuen long nowadays

For upper middle class I don’t think they will prefer local school especially recent decade.
Most of them will take international school pathway in the early stage and they could access both non jupas or exercise their options to top uni in UK or USA

SPCS may still have a bunch of middle class but most of the families are not particularly well off say normal working class or professionals

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發表於 19-7-27 17:01 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Julybabe 的帖子

According to their website , only 88 students took hkdse this year which may be around 50% of s1 entrants http://www.mss.edu.hk/Achievement/hkdse/HKDSE2018.pdf

But honestly similar figures for many schools

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-7-27 17:55 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry to sidetrack , my relative is now in SHC promoting S6 this year .She told me yearly around 75% got offers from local u degree program , in which 10-20% will turn to overseas as personal choices and gave up offers from local u.
Chinese is relatively easy for them  as sh primary schools focus a lot on Chinese , not many will leave Hk ( around 20% left before s6 )instead most of her friends will take hkdse as their Chinese foundation is relatively solid
She is from private section and she said her top performing friends in SH primary were accepted by DG and TW, they are in the upper rank in those secondary schools too.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-7-27 19:00 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Julybabe 的帖子

Background of my relative:She was from local kindergarten and she told me English was tough when she was p1, her mum and Dad were not eloquent in English so she had a hard time with that. Most of her friends from private section  will score an ielts 7-7.5 by S5 so it’s quite good. For U grad in Hk , average is round 6.7 so I would say it’s way above average . But if u compare with IS , SHC spoken English is so so but their written may be strong. Some of her friends have good accent but their parents are giving additional tutorials like having native to practice weekly.

I hope this helps!


sheffield    發表於 19-7-29 10:23

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-7-29 19:56 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 王家爸爸 的帖子

Page 14 said Graduate movement which to my understanding is their destination but not offer s, as said by relative , she said some like 10-20%local offer holders will give up local degree offer and study abroad
May call the school to clarify or refer to Chinese edition
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