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學之園PN interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-25 16:45 |顯示全部帖子
hi, my daughter was born at the end of August, to my disappointment, she was treated as "small b", although the principal said there were 3 vacant seats only last year, I was not disappointed as I have called learning habitat before submitting application form, the staff told me that all kids born after 13 August should be allocated as waiting list ! So, I was prepared for the waiting list result,

but I still spent $30 for LH interview as an  K1 interview rehearsal. After 5 times interview experience, I found my daughter performed better ........$30 worth for reference !

Learning Habitat is not bad, another kinder in Tsing Yi is really bad! When I submitted application form, the staff asked for $30, and I expected an interview though might not be admitted !But, two weeks before, the staff called me that no interviews would be offered for my daughter because she was a small b, and asked if I would line up the "waiting list"! I was so angry and asked why they still charged me $30. She said, the fee is not for interview, but for handling application form only !

So, for me, learning habitat is OK la !!!!
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