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請LA parent發表吓... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-12-1 14:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 yinglongma 於 11-12-1 01:26 發表
多謝你的分享, 我會因學校位置而搬屋的, 所以地點不是問題, 可以再詳情D比較兩間學校嗎?

另你小朋友讀了年多, 感覺如何, 英文和普通話的進步如何, 自學自習方面又如何, 學術水平如何? 而你作為家長有什麼滿意和不 ...

I am a parent of Y3.

LA is a school with good mission. However, it is too green and the school could not carry out its mission well and still had much rooms for improvement.

School principal agreed that in Lower Primary, the academic standard would be a bit lower than government primary school as school did not emphasis on it. They want student to learn happily without pressure.  BUT you needed to think about whether you accept it or not.  Maybe, no obvious improevement could be seen within 1 or 2 years.
The matter is that...you trust the school or not.  (The school was just 1 year 3months old)

Language developement, self motivation to learn......don't rely on school, rely on yourself, the parents, will be much better and appropiate.

[ 本帖最後由 littlemay1969 於 11-12-1 15:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-12-2 22:40 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 yinglongma 於 11-12-1 23:56 發表
謝謝你, 那你孩子的經歷如何, 你滿意嗎? YR 3開始進入學習狀態, 和追回YR 1 & 2相對慢的進度了嗎?

你說得十分對, 栽培的始終最重要的是父母, 我認為學校只提供一些父母無法給予的東西而已.


I can only say ......still have much rooms for improvement.
It is rather hard for students to use several months to catch up the past year's lost.

I also agree with other parents' comment. BK is not a good place for discussion.  Discussion also could not help you to mak decision.  Go to see the real situation yourself at the school gate or simple ask the student some questions.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-12-5 14:39 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bananalemon 於 11-12-4 10:40 發表
如果你地認為你讀左之後會擔心程度為何咁低, 連幼稚園都不如, 咁你地唔好黎,
如果你會問, 為何個個個月比幾千蚊呢樣無果樣無, 咁你地唔好黎,
如果你地又認為你個你個仔咁咁咁, 入到黎仲差左, 咁你地都唔好黎,
長遠計, 你地每日都會有好多唔同既認為........

I agree with you !
It is very hard for you to stay LA for 12 unhappy years.
Actually, school recieved uncountable complains on every issue which was resulted from the different mutual expextation.
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