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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-3 11:08 |顯示全部帖子
iantsang 發表於 12-7-10 21:19
Almost all 直屬/聯繫 schools.
Hi Ian,

I am new to this thread.  I cannot download the excel file in the first page of this thread.  Is the file deleted already?  Can you mail me to [email protected] pls as I tried several times but in vain.  Thx!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-3 12:35 |顯示全部帖子
iantsang 發表於 12-7-10 21:19
Almost all 直屬/聯繫 schools.
Hi Ian,

It's me again.  After reading through your posts here (which is super useful!), I wish to seek your advice on a strategy-wise issue.

My boy is a 2011 Dec born.  I know it is early to ask but I do believe in early preparation.  My problem is:  since boys' development is slower and that my son is a small b, I intend to let him school with the dargon babies.  Surely this is not desirable in terms of competition, but I guess it's better for him to compete with the rabbit babies?  What do you think?

If you agree with this first question, then my next question is which route he should go.   I believe in balanced chinese and english learning and therefore do not want to send him to international school.  In fact I want him to study local brand 1 school, but not necessarily famous ones like DBS or 皇仁 because it seems overally academic-driven.  It means I could only choose 一條龍, priavte/DDS or govt / aided schools.  How do you prioritise these three routes, taking into account my expectation and the competition in dragon year?  Which specific primary schools would you suggest as my target?  And in turn, which kindergardens should I target for the primary schools you suggest?  

For background, we live in Taiwai (Shatin) and can get access to Kowloon Tong easily.  My hubby is a St Joseph prmary and secondary school alumni, but I have counted that my son will have 20 marks only for 自行分配.  i learn that St Joseph primary is very academically demanding, but the St Joseph secondary seems not.  Any advice whether I should try St Joseph primary out for my son? If yes, then what kind of kindergardens to apply?  

Sorry to overload you with so many questions, but I sincerely hope that you can offer some expert advice to this helpless mother.  Thanks a million!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-9-7 18:02 |顯示全部帖子
iantsang 發表於 12-9-7 13:09
First of all, as your son is just under a year old, I think it is too early to make a judgement on w ...
Thanks Ian.  I agree with you that it's still early and there's uncertainty in planning at the moment.  I will try our luck in PN classes then this year and focus our efforts on K1 admission next year at Kowloong Tong kindergardens.  The path beyond has to be re-examined.  

Thanks again for taking time on my enquiries! :)

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