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RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-6-6 14:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?

KaKaYa 寫道:
Dear all parents,
Would you please, how to select  of ESF :RC (PIS)/BHS or have a background of Christian of ICS or CAIS?
Four schools is very famous !What is the priority of yours?


It is really quite late to apply Y1 now and even if you submit your application, you may still need to be put on waiting list in all the schools you mentioned.  If the schools don''t have a place for you, you may also request them to follow up your application until vacancies appear later (maybe in 1-2 years later).

The priority of choosing the schools is always very personal, different people may have different choices.     

RC & ICS are in Shatin but CAIS is in Kln.  If the location & the religion of the schools are not your concern, I think you should try at least two of them.  Also according to my past experience, ICS doesn't charge the application fee until you are given an interview.  If this is the case, there's no harm to try it.  For RC & BHS, you need to opt between them.  I don't have much idea about CAIS but heard that the school is quite old & small.  If the application fee is also not your concern, then try as many of them as possible.
I would bring my kid & the necessary documents along to the schools to get the application form & allow my kid to feel the school and the people working there.  If your kid feels Ok, then go ahead to submit your application right there.  In the past when I went to Phoenix with my kid, I liked the people there but didn't like the worn-out school premise.  But unexpectedly, my kid liked everything of the school!!!???

Just calling up the schools for enquires may sometimes not enough.  Going there in person may show more sincerity of your application & sometimes you may be given a chance to talk to the one with AUTHORITY in the school.  As parents, looking for schools for kids also require time & sweat.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-6 19:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?

JennyL 寫道:
I think you cannot have both RC and BHS, so you need to choose from these 2. For ICS and CAIS, I do not know much but both schools have well-behaved students.
It would be quite difficult to really say which is better. It is really a matter of personal preference. I may say a school is very good but yet when you are actually in there, you might find it not so good.

Let me put it this way, besides the fact that RC is a new school, the other 3 all have good reputation. And for RC, so far, I have got mostly positive comments (from friends, from people here on BK, and from some expat teachers). So I would say that you should be happy if any one of them give you an offer.[/quote]


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-7 14:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?


Not all teachers in IS are good.  Even if students are in the same class, some parents may find the homeroom teacher good while some others may not.  Also, the curriculum in IS isn't so tight as in local schools.  Even if there are religious lessons in ICS, they may not affect the curriculum that much as you think.  It may rather be an advantage for the students to have more spiritual & ethnical education.  My impression on ICS students is that they behave really quite well.

It sounds that you really have too much doubt about IS.  If you really are in urgent to choose an IS for your kid, at this late moment, you should ACT now rather than considering those kinds of issues which are out of your control.

*I totally agree with Nintendo


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-8 23:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?


妳都剛剛在CAIS parent 果個topic度表明CAIS上星期已經收咗妳個女啦, 仲周圍問人邊間IS好. 人人都話妳有offer就應該去馬, 原來妳已經有着落. 我覺得妳都幾無聊, 駛人時間又駛自己時間.  真係要用WYmom用過果個公仔嚟形容妳先得  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-13 20:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?


間學校好唔好實在見仁見智.  現在妳女 女考了入IS始終是好事, 因為假若妳日後對間學校唔滿意或因其他原因而想幫女 女轉校, IS轉IS始終易過Local轉IS. 希望妳日後繼續在這裡交流女 女間學校的優劣啦.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-15 00:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: RC / BHS/ ICS/ CAIS what is the priority?


大家都不是滋事份子. 只不過想在bk發表吓意見, 實在用不著生氣嘛.  妳也是一個誠懇的人呀!

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