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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 男女/女校(小學)的迷思
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男女/女校(小學)的迷思 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-14 15:13 |顯示全部帖子
my daughter likes girls' school more than co-ed
she is a talkative girl and she is a good leader, she is the class club president.
she said if she was studying in a co-ed school, she wouldnt like to talk becoz she afraid of boys, she wont have much sense of belolging to her school and she wont love her school as now.
Some parents may think if their child is afraid of boys, then their child must be sent to a co-ed swchoolo in order to solve this problem, actually it's quite silly. Afraid boys isnt a big problem, but the largest problem we have to concern is whether our children will be happy or not on their school.
Studying and working is not the same, it's totally unnecessary to learn how to play and work with boys.
when your girl get older, 14-15 yearsold, the problem of afraiding boys will autometically solved:)
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