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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 有無子女讀過"記憶課程"?
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有無子女讀過"記憶課程"? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-3-1 16:45 |顯示全部帖子
回復 Candick 的帖子

When my kid was in his P.5, I had arranged him to attend the "memory training course".

The course provider separated the course into elementary, medium and advanced stage. About 10 years, it charged about $3,000.00 each.

I found that such course was a gimmick and was not as useful and helpful as the course provider alleged. Near the end of the course, the instructor would have a lesson with the parents and informed the kids progress to them and tried to persuade the parents to let their kids to participate in the next stage of the training. At the end of the course, they gave a number of prize or certificate with different names to the participants and persuaded again the parents to progress onto the next stage. According to my observation, I found that it was a matter of wasting time and money to send the kids to the center every Saturday afternoon (1 hour) for about 8 weeks. I did not send my kid to the next stage.
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