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協恩vs聖士堤反女子 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-11 17:35 |顯示全部帖子
I agree that you should consider DSS vs subsidized in secondary school.

I would choose Heep Yun because since the secondary school is now DSS (in 2012), it perhaps would imply that they would take in more Heep Yun primary school girls (my guess only).

btw, this new, male headmaster has been teaching at Heep Yunn for such a long time. I believe if he really wants to 變態, he could well be 變態 long time ago....  
just my view only.

原帖由 maychch 於 11-9-11 16:21 發表
比我就選聖士提反, 中學不用交學費, 班數多些, 容易入.
協恩中學除了交學費, 校長是男的, 無咁名女同學心事, 女校D男工作人員, 做做下都有D變態, 有D驚. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-20 22:19 |顯示全部帖子
Although earlier I mentioned that I would choose Heep Yunn in this case, also feel that SSGC historically seems to be more famous (perhaps more government officers, politicians, architects) are from SSGC (maybe SSGC is on Hong Kong island's district where people are richer....). SSGC is more prestigious then?

原帖由 bearmouse 於 11-9-20 16:49 發表
我都係SSGC很多年前的舊生, 由幼稚園一路到中學. 校內有錢人當然會有,但不會誇張到鬥家底鬥名牌. 雖不是頂級名校, 但成績都算中上. 最好的就是不會太 "谷".
我只有一個仔,沒有女兒, 否則我一定會同佢報SSGC. ...
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