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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問有沒有家長安排子女同時上兩間幼稚園? ...
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請問有沒有家長安排子女同時上兩間幼稚園? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-11-6 17:30 |顯示全部帖子
Although I don't agree with this arrangement, I really know two kids are studying in this way.
Their pattern: local famous kindergartens in the morning (one is St. Cat and one is Victoria) and international kindergartens in the afternoon (one is Anfield and one is ESF).  Both parents' target is to have a better training in english for the kids.  The kids are quite busy and not much to time to play except in school.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 07-11-11 16:31 |顯示全部帖子
OKmom and mosesdaddy,

To be honest, it's not easy!  For the students in IS, they would have many projects and reading tasks, so....still not enough time to join ECAs!  And it's not easy to learn chinese without motivation and environment!

My nephew (in GSIS) is "bookaholic" but just stick to english reading.  He also studies mandarin and german in school but the later one is better!

However, RC, CIS, Victoria, CKY, Yew Chung may be some good choices to you.  With both mandarin and english learning environment.

For the KCS and KCIS, please also consider their teachers' qualification, curriculum and teaching method.  My friend's daughter was there but she quited after 1 month.

Hope you two could make a right choice!  Good luck!


I think your son is "Moses", right?  Ha, my son is Joshua!! Nice to meet you.

[ 本文章最後由 Radiomama 於 07-11-11 16:32 編輯 ]
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