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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-27 20:28 |只看該作者
In parallel !? One kindergarten in the morning and one in the afternoon!?  Am I wrong!?  I never thought of it before.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-26 23:55 發表
Hi jaspachate,

I guess all the kindergartens would have some sort of activites anyway.  I guess in my mind what I meant by activity-based are those kindergartens which emphasize less on traditional t ...

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發表於 09-9-27 22:03 |只看該作者
Yes, you are not wrong.  The idea actually comes from what my friend is doing since both parents are working and they figure it's better to leave the kid at school rather than with the maid.  So, they arrange the kid to attend two sessions of kindergarten.  In a way, treat it like a full-day nursery.  Of course, at the end we didn't do the same.  But it's an interesting idea and their kid has went through the past 2 years with this pattern.

原帖由 jaspachate 於 09-9-27 20:28 發表
In parallel !? One kindergarten in the morning and one in the afternoon!?  Am I wrong!?  I never thought of it before.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-28 01:21 |只看該作者
Thank you for all sharing & information!

All the best & good luck for interview !

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-28 12:27 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

好多謝你的分享同意見, 我覺得好有用啊, 你好有心呀.

唔好意思, 我有小小問題想問下你意見.
我個仔係200612月出世, 佢依家係北蘇浙讀緊k1(細仔), 尚算ok. 佢係屋企好多野講, 但出到去見陌生人就要warm up,性格較慢熱, 喜歡數字同唱歌.

我老公話想幫佢報Kowloon Tong Kinder重讀K1(家住旺⻆),打算中有:KV, PC, Soka & 禮賢. 原因係蘇浙d課程overall來講都幾深, 怕仔仔上到k2, k3曾跟唔上.

(2)我己知你點睇KV& PC, 咁請問下你又點睇Soka &禮賢呢?
(3)我同老公都想仔仔有好d 紀律, 肯學習之餘又可以開心. 請問你覺得邊間會較適合佢呢?
(4)抑或如果真係讀唔, 到時係蘇浙重讀K1好呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-28 12:44 |只看該作者
Ian, thanks for your meaningful suggestions!! After attended some interviews last week, we believe parent's interview skill is quite important and one of the success key. We understood that my boy will make conflict on language if we put another to him at the moment, it brings disadv for him as he still can't speak, so we just communicate with him by cantonese as long as his nanny also be, hope he can be more easier to talk with and willing to talk with confident. Now we just stuggling on which kind of KG fits my boy, my boy is shy and passive, my fren told me he is not suit for HKPS as its quite dynamic, but it obtains higher opportunity for entry some famous primary school. My boy is now studying in one KG which emphasized the language instead of activities, we are worrying how we choose the right one if we got offers from KGs in Kln Tong for K1 or stick with current one till K3. Either to choose common KG which fits him & obtain certain educational level or famous KG for smooth plan on famous/one-dragon primary school.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-26 08:10 發表
Hi rwurwu,

As your first interview will probably happen in just more than ONE MONTH, you will need some efforts to try to increase your son's chance on the coming interview.

But before we start, sin ...

[ 本帖最後由 rwurwu 於 09-9-28 12:50 編輯 ]


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-28 16:57 |只看該作者
你好, 有些問題想請教, 小兒是07細b, 本人最想小兒學好英文, 現讀朗思Think n1(在家樓下), 但這間很少人提及, 請問如果想考私/直資小學, 讀朗思ok嗎, 還是讀kv/km/york/學之園/迦南比較好呢?

但又想撰一條龍學校, 除了培正, 民生, 請問禮賢,培道, 聖三一, 崇真好嗎?

但又想讀英華小學和男拔, 應怎樣鋪路好呢, 現在還未有定案, 請指教, 謝謝!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 00:58 |只看該作者

(Part III) 資助小學附屬幼稚園

本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-5-10 11:22 編輯

Below please find some of the popular choices of kindergarten which has related primary under government subsidy:

(Hong Kong Island side)
Precious Blood Kindergarten寶血幼稚園
St. Joseph’s College Kindergarten聖若瑟幼稚園
St. Stephen Girls’ College Kindergarten聖士提反女子中學附屬幼稚園

(Kowloon side)
Heep Yunn School Private Kindergarten協恩中學附屬幼稚園
Immaculate Heart of Mary Kindergarten 聖母無玷聖心幼稚園
St. Rose of Lima’s Kindergarten聖羅撒幼稚園

In part I, I have already explained that the primary school allocation system in Hong Kong.  Although these kindergartens are under the same name of many famous primary and secondary schools, their students are not guarantee of admission to the related primary schools.  The reason is because those primary schools are government subsidized, so they have very little freedom to choose students.  Examples of the students admitted to these primary schools are (1) brothers or sisters currently studying there or graduates; (2) parents are graduates or working there; (3) same religious group; (4) living in that area and get randomly allocated, etc.

If there are vacancies left AFTER the allocation by the Education Bureau (e.g. students allocated didn’t register), then the primary schools can decide who they want to fill in these vacancies.  At this point, as their kindergarten students will play a bigger role and hopefully got recommended by the kindergarten principal to be promoted to the primary section.

Undoubtedly, I am sure there are always some vacancies so some of the own kindergarten students can be accepted.  However, the key here is there are no guarantees, so parents planning to apply to these kindergartens must note such uncertainty.  Of course, it will depend on what the approach the parents choose to take for the primary school plan.  For example, if a kindergarten is providing education which agree with the parents’ expectation, and yet can provide some extra options later on with a bigger chance to be accepted to the primary school, then it will become a pretty good choice.  On the contrary, if parents applying to these kindergartens with the assumption that they don’t need to plan for other primary schools, then it will become a risky move.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-5-21 16:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 01:39 |只看該作者

(Part IV) 直屬/聯繫學校最遲於2012年5月31日決定是否結龍

本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-5-10 11:22 編輯



(1) 不結龍 - 至2018/19學年為止,學校仍可採用直屬/聯繫學校的升中安排,收取中一學生(即最後一批循直屬/聯繫學校升中安排的學生將在2018年9月升讀中一);由2019年9月升讀中一的學生開始,將按非直屬/聯繫學校的中學學位分配辦法,獲分配中一學位

(2) 結龍 - (i) 最遲在2013/14學年由小一年級開始實行「一條龍」辦學模式;  (ii) 學校結龍前所收取的小一學生,將繼續按直屬/聯繫學校的升中安排升讀中一(例如:學校在2013/14學年由小一年級開始結龍,該校最後一批循直屬/聯繫學校升中安排的學生將在2018年9月升讀中一);由2019年9月升讀中一的學生開始,將按「一條龍」學校的升中安排,獲分配中一學位

This arrangement will affect 2007 babies the most and I have not read any related posts in bk so far, so I think I must reveal this so parents can make earlier plan.  Also, any 2006 babies' parents if they are considering repeat K1, please also read this post and consider the effects to your children' school plan.

That means these children enter primary school in 2012, whom enter kindergarten in 2009 (Year 2006 born babies)

In the current 升中安排, a lot of the government or government subsidized schools are linked with a relationship as 直屬/聯繫.


「直屬/聯繫小學學生如屬學校網內第一及第二派位組別,而在所屬學校網的學校選擇內,又以其直屬/聯繫中學為首選學校,便有資格獲派保留學位 ......」

With the only exception of St. Mary's Canossian College, all of the other non-DSS popular schools are not one-dragon.  As a result, the schools will have to make the decision whether to become one-dragon.  As parents, we won't have much updates at this point since there are still plenty of time before they have to make a decision.

For example like Pui Ching, their primary section is private and their secondary section is currently government subsidized.  They have confirmed in parents' meeting that they will change their secondary section to DSS.  Since their secondary section change to DSS, so they are not bound by the above arrangement since DSS can manage their own policy.  The pros to the parents are their children will have a safer path from kindergarten, primary to secondary.  However, the cons is they will have to pay tuition fees all the way.

Source: 修訂後的中學學位分配辦法 http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/TC/Content_185/embc06003c.pdf

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-29 01:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 04:25 |只看該作者
HI YiuChunMa,

First of all, I suggest you to review the (Part IV) which I have posted recently and that may affect your decision to repeat K1.

I guess as a 0612 bb, especially for a boy, I think PC is a good one to try.  Also, KV will be a good option too based on your expectation from kindergarten, however, it's syllabus is not too easy.

Personally I don't think soka will fit what you want and I have no knowledge on Rhenish even though I know it is also quite popular.

By the way, as you didn't specified, I assume your son is studying KCS's local stream, right?  Since I think the international stream won't be too difficult to handle.

With the consideration of what I mentioned in my new Part IV, I don't suggest to repeat K1 with the bad timing.  However, PC will be an exception since it won't be affected.  The new school year has just started so give your son some time to adjust.  Of course, parents help and support are always useful for them during the transition.  Of course, for safety reason, you may apply for some kinder first and decide later.


原帖由 YiuChunMa 於 09-9-28 12:27 發表
Hi Ian,

好多謝你的分享同意見, 我覺得好有用啊, 你好有心呀.

唔好意思, 我有小小問題想問下你意見.
我個仔係2006年12月出世, 佢依家係北⻆蘇浙讀緊k1(細仔), 尚算ok. 佢係屋企好多野講, 但出到去見陌 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 04:34 |只看該作者

I don't hear about Think much but at least I haven't heard much bad comments of it.  If you want your son to learn good English, then probably should consider St. Cat's or York, which both emphasize on English.

In the list of kindergartens, only PC is one-dragon, and Pooi To will be one-dragon for boys through primary school only.  It's secondary section is girls-only.

Sorry but since both of my daughers are girls, I never study what kindergartens are good prepartion for Ying Wa and DBS.  May be if I have time later then I will find it out.

原帖由 RUVSY 於 09-9-28 16:57 發表
你好, 有些問題想請教, 小兒是07細b, 本人最想小兒學好英文, 現讀朗思Think n1(在家樓下), 但這間很少人提及, 請問如果想考私/直資小學, 讀朗思ok嗎, 還是讀kv/km/york/學之園/迦南比較好呢?

但又想撰一條龍學校,  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-29 09:40 |只看該作者

I'm Yeeki's Mami, haha...
It's glad to see you again in BK, as I need to serach info. for Himhim and another little boy, I'm active again in BK, just link to your blog and see anyting updated. HIghly appreciated your work here!
Long time no see Chui Yi, she is fine, right? Hope she can find lots of playmates in new environment.
YeeKi's Mami

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 09:59 |只看該作者
Good morning Yeeki's mami,

It's good to hear from you.  I brought Chiu Yin to the park a few times last weekend but couldn't meet with Yeeki.  We went to have dinner with the family so couldn't join the mid-autumn festival's party last Sat.  Did Yeeki and himhim joined the party?  By the time we reached home, it was almost 10pm and we did play there for a while.

I think you need to start to get more rest as the new baby should be due soon, right?  So it's a good time to start searching for him him and the little one.  Would they consider following Yeeki in the same school?  

Chiu Yin's daddy

原帖由 wing15 於 09-9-29 09:40 發表

I'm Yeeki's Mami, haha...
It's glad to see you again in BK, as I need to serach info. for Himhim and another little boy, I'm active again in BK, just link to your blog and see anyting updated. H ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-29 11:47 |只看該作者
Million thanks to superman Ian. I saw your reply time was at 4am!!!!
I really really appreaciated your deailed information and valuable recommendations.
Thanks again superman.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-29 04:25 發表
HI YiuChunMa,

First of all, I suggest you to review the (Part IV) which I have posted recently and that may affect your decision to repeat K1.

I guess as a 0612 bb, especially for a boy, I think PC  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-29 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-29 01:39 發表


(1) 不結龍 - 至2018/19學年為止,學校仍可採用直屬/聯繫學校的升中安排,收取中一學生(即最後一批循直屬/聯繫學校升中安排的學 ...


million thanks for your kindness to organize and explain this in details to parents here. your hard work and kindness is deeply appreciated. :)

given the new language policy (微調), i believe that most "grant schools" will not have such a strong reservation  to 結龍  as before (still remember the 脫龍 incident of St. Mark?).  u may be interested in the Mingpao news in Feb "毋懼落車 英中積極考慮結龍 微調方案打破二分法 不怕成績受累轉中中" ([url]http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090204/4/aisv.html[/url])

this should be a gd news to parents of 07 babies (and also 06 big boys/girls, as u cleverly pointed out) as the choices of "through-train" should be more :)

this indeed is a v. important news. once again, thank you very much :)

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 12:43 |只看該作者
Thanks for the care, YiuChunMa!  Lately is very busy but as started the posts so need to make sure I have given the basic information for you all to consider.

Hope to share more with the parents but I really need to clean up my outstanding works first!


原帖由 YiuChunMa 於 09-9-29 11:47 發表
Million thanks to superman Ian. I saw your reply time was at 4am!!!!
I really really appreaciated your deailed information and valuable recommendations.
Thanks again superman.
要休息多d唔 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-29 12:49 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

Thank you for the detailed information given.  Your hardwork is really appreciated.  

May I know which primary school is related to
Hong Kong Ling Liang Church Kindergarten香港靈糧堂幼稚園 (Causeway Bay)?  I have already submitted application to this school for my younger son due to its reputation but not known any related primary school with the school.  Many thanks.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-29 00:58 發表
Below please find some of the popular choices of kindergarten which has related primary under government subsidy:

(Hong Kong Island side)
Hong Kong Ling Liang Church Kindergarten香港靈糧堂幼稚園
Prec ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 12:58 |只看該作者
Hi bakusensei,

You are welcome and I also think it can be good news to see more one-dragon relationship.  Although the costs of such relationship is the primary school will likely be more pushy to ensure students remain in the top 40% so they can remain all classes in English.

Even though there won't be clear definition as EMI and CMI anymore, all the EMI will still fight to keep all classes in English to maintain their status.  So how it ends up we will need to wait longer to see the consequences.

The MAIN POINT I would like to point out, is that (as my friend quoted "monster" school relationship) there are many private primary + gov't aided secondary relationship in Hong Kong.  For these cases, then the school officals will need to make a decision.  As the example I stated in Pui Ching, they will make the move from gov't aided to DSS.  However, not all schools would want to move from gov't aided to DSS (sorry but the details I am not convenient to disclose).  So, the main concern is the uncertainty, but surely some schools may act ahead of schedule so there could be good news too for babies before 2007.

Most importantly, must note that famous secondary schools will always have high demand so it is not necessary for them to join the primary section to ensure quality.  They will be better off without the one-dragon and select high quality students from all applications.  Of course, the trade off is they need to start to educate them with the school values again.  So, this is a decision that will be made differently by different schools, and affect our children.


原帖由 bakusensei 於 09-9-29 12:29 發表


million thanks for your kindness to organize and explain this in details to parents here. your hard work and kindness is deeply appreciated. :)

given the new language policy (微調), i b ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 13:06 |只看該作者
Sorry kpang,

It's my copy mistake from one list to another and accidentally included Ling Liang Church in this list.

Thanks for mentioning it and I will make update on the list.  Thanks!

Anyhow, it's a good kindergarten so it worth your consideration!


原帖由 Kpang 於 09-9-29 12:49 發表
Hi Ian,

Thank you for the detailed information given.  Your hardwork is really appreciated.  

May I know which primary school is related to
Hong Kong Ling Liang Church Kindergarten香港靈糧堂幼稚園  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-29 14:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-29 12:58 發表
Most importantly, must note that famous secondary schools will always have high demand so it is not necessary for them to join the primary section to ensure quality.  They will be better off without the one-dragon and select high quality students from all applications.  Of course, the trade off is they need to start to educate them with the school values again.  So, this is a decision that will be made differently by different schools, and affect our children


concur w/ you. my husband is teaching in one of the grant schools w/o "one-dragon" primary school and the school still (at least) maintains accepting kids of band 1 (100%).

apart from "violation" of the original "辦學理念", financial situation of the parents is also a consideration in whether to change to DSS.  In addition, unlike subsided schools, DSS needs to take care of some "additional" charges, like 斜坡 examination and maintainence fee.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-29 14:13 |只看該作者
hi bakusensai,

the reason you mentioned prevents many gov't aided schools to turn to DSS!  Especially those in HK islands, where the annual maintenance fees are hugh!

Of course, at least I know some of the Catholic schools I am in touch will also concern about the parents financial concerns and won't want to change to DSS, even though they know they can be more selective to students.  I think this explains different schools will have very different philosophy which parents should consider other than simply based on academic results.

原帖由 bakusensei 於 09-9-29 14:05 發表


concur w/ you. my husband is teaching in one of the grant schools w/o "one-dragon" primary school and the school still (at least) maintains accepting kids of band 1 (100%).

apart from "viola ...
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