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教育王國 討論區 聖保祿學校(小學部) St Paul's Convent (Primary Section) in 2008/2009!
樓主: christineyan

St Paul's Convent (Primary Section) in 2008/2009! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-7-8 09:06 |只看該作者
Hi, Christineyan

Sorry that I don't have any info regarding SPK as my daughter is studying in SPN.  

原文章由 christineyan 於 08-7-7 16:21 發表

Dear Andy Rain,

Thks for your information!  Do you think that we will have the class no on July 10??  Do you knowthe rate of  SPK goes to other school this year??  

God Bless!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-7-8 09:09 |只看該作者
Hi, ii-3

Thank very much for your reply.  May I know what will they do during the P1 Orientation day? Is it also open for the parents as well? As I really have no idea regarding how big is the school, therefore, I also want to have a site visit so that when my daughter tell me this and that, I could have a clear picture.



原文章由 ii-3 於 08-7-8 09:01 發表
My daughter is P2 now.
As far as I remember she get her class no on the P1 Orientation day (which is the end of August).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-8 11:30 |只看該作者
All the parents go to the hall and listen to sister's briefing.
The girls go to their classroom.
Then, the girls will come to the hall to meet the parents.
All the parents can go to their classroom/library which is on the 1/F.

原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-7-8 09:09 發表
Hi, ii-3

Thank very much for your reply.  May I know what will they do during the P1 Orientation day? Is it also open for the parents as well? As I really have no idea regarding how big is the school ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-8 13:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 ii-3 於 08-7-8 11:30 發表
All the parents go to the hall and listen to sister's briefing.
The girls go to their classroom.
Then, the girls will come to the hall to meet the parents.
All the parents can go to their classroom/li ...

Dear ii,

Thnks for your information!
Can you provide the most important things or problems that we may have or prepare for the P1 School Life.  I just met a P4 parents yesterday.  I found this school is really my ideal one.  Kids are not stressful but strict enough.  They are very happy in SPC.  However Internal competition is very demanding.  Kids are more creative and they can explore many things not only reading from textbooks. Reading program is very good.  Each kids has their own character.  He told me that Her girl looks really like "Paul Con" Girl now!! Very Confidence and Independent!! God Bless!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-8 14:36 |只看該作者
Yes, each girl has different character--------
Mine is a trouble one.

The homework load is really less, many student can finish it in 10-15 minutes.  But, my princess could finish it in 2 hours or more, I had to scold her, than she improved to half hour, but, after a few days, she repeated her slow motion again, so I had to scold/punish her again.    She don't like dictation, just want to play at school with classmates.  Lots of talking in school.

So, it really different in different kids.  Most kids are not like mine.  Mine is a trouble one and I really don't know how to boost up her spirit in academic.  Poor me!

The testbook are easy, if your kid can cooperate in preparing dictation and finishing homework.
The important thing is: read lots of both English and Chinese story books.

原文章由 christineyan 於 08-7-8 13:13 發表

Dear ii,

Thnks for your information!
Can you provide the most important things or problems that we may have or prepare for the P1 School Life.  I just met a P4 parents yesterday.  I found this scho ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-7-8 15:08 |只看該作者
Oh, I feel sorry to hear the working speed is that slow of your daughter.  I understand your feeling!!!  My elder son is opposite to your daughter, he does his homework very fast BUT he makes many careless mistakes because of this as well.  So every kids has their own problem.  I have headache on how to improve his careless as well.  Are you feel more comfort after hering what I said!! haha

Thank you very much for your valuable information so that we won't have so much worry for the coming new school life!!

May I know what kind Chinese or English book is suitable? I mean how difficult or many words are there could meet the school level?

Honestly, we are still very worry, haha!!  

原文章由 ii-3 於 08-7-8 14:36 發表
Yes, each girl has different character--------
Mine is a trouble one.

The homework load is really less, many student can finish it in 10-15 minutes.  But, my princess could finish it in 2 hours or mo ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-8 15:27 |只看該作者
Ha! Ha! Ha!  I am a bit happy now!

For books!  It really depends on your daughter's classmates.   My daughter only read those books which her classmates like to read,  and those recommended by their reading teacher.   So, I don't know what is the trend when your daughter enter P1.  

For my daughter, she read: 老鼠記者, 米奇偵探, 冒險小虎隊; Rainbow Magic series, Princess Tiara series (she likes only faries).

原文章由 AndyRain 於 08-7-8 15:08 發表
Oh, I feel sorry to hear the working speed is that slow of your daughter.  I understand your feeling!!!  My elder son is opposite to your daughter, he does his homework very fast BUT he makes many car ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-10 00:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 ii-3 於 08-7-8 15:27 發表
Ha! Ha! Ha!  I am a bit happy now!

For books!  It really depends on your daughter's classmates.   My daughter only read those books which her classmates like to read,  and those recommended by their  ...

Dear iic,

Thnks for your valuable information!

God Bless!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-11 00:30 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 christineyan 於 08-7-10 00:52 發表

Dear iic,

Thnks for your valuable information!

God Bless!! [/quo

There is a lot of parents for today's P1 registration!!!
Very Crowd!! I read the book list and I found it was less than I expected.  Please try to reserve in Jing Kung because it was not complete now!!! I reserved already!!
See you on 26 Aug 2008!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-7-16 10:43 |只看該作者
Yes, I also wonder how come their text books are that less??  Much lesser than my son's school.   Is anyone know are there any more exercise book we have to buy from the school later or the school will provide worksheets? As SPN no needs to buy books as well, because the school provides all the materials.  

原文章由 christineyan 於 08-7-11 00:30 發表
[quote]原文章由 christineyan 於 08-7-10 00:52 發表

Dear iic,

Thnks for your valuable information!

God Bless!! [/quo

There is a lot of parents  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-17 06:01 |只看該作者
Yes, When I compare with MPS, our cost is almost half of this and other school. Many school cost about 2200+ for textbook only.  I think we may have some more extra supplementary exercises later Like the creative writing that we need to buy it seperately.  However Current P1 parents, can you share??  AndyRain, Did you buy the Checker Hair Tie up on that day??  Finally I decided to buy a SEVEN Schoolbag for my girl because it was light and well protected and More Fashionable but expensive.  I got some comments from other parents??  Girl is enjoying summer holiday and no class at all.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-7-17 09:16 |只看該作者
Yes, When I compare with MPS, our cost is almost half of this and other school. Many school cost about 2200+ for textbook only.  I think we may have some more extra supplementary exercises later Like the creative writing that we need to buy it seperately.  However Current P1 parents, can you share??  
@@ Any existing parents can share this point with us? @@

AndyRain, Did you buy the Checker Hair Tie up on that day??  
@@NO, as I found that is not beautiful.  I saw the existing P1 girl can put other hair clips but of course something like blue or white colour and with simple design.  Any existing parents can give advise as well on this issue?  I want to buy it before Sept.@@

Finally I decided to buy a SEVEN Schoolbag for my girl because it was light and well protected and More Fashionable but expensive.  I got some comments from other parents??  
@@Is there any website you could advise for me to have a look as I don't have any idea yet for the school bag.@@

Girl is enjoying summer holiday and no class at all.
@@My girl still has school until tomorrow. She eagers to start her holiday!!!@@

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-17 13:18 |只看該作者
May I know any music lesson for lower class ?
Cos we no need to buy the music book !

Also, how about computer ?
Any lesson ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-17 14:25 |只看該作者
For P.1 & P.2, no need to buy music book.
They have to buy music textbook starting in P.3.

No computer class, only have computer class as interest class after school hours (optional-要抽籤).

"Creative writing" and copies fee for additional "worksheets" have to be paid.  It cost not much! A hundred something.

For hair accessories -- all color can be used, but not that very shiny(no 閃粉), too complicated/big(不跨張,大舊).

原文章由 jazzmama 於 08-7-17 13:18 發表
May I know any music lesson for lower class ?
Cos we no need to buy the music book !

Also, how about computer ?
Any lesson ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-18 04:19 |只看該作者
Dear Andyrain,

Please try this website, but the style in Hk is slightly different.  Please try to visit Lee Garden 2 (Barocco) for details!

Thnks and rgds


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-18 10:25 |只看該作者

Thanks for your sharing

May I know if our school will help girls to join the Music Festival , like Potunghua/English 朗誦 & piano ?
Is it choose by the school ?

原文章由 ii-3 於 08-7-17 14:25 發表
For P.1 & P.2, no need to buy music book.
They have to buy music textbook starting in P.3.

No computer class, only have computer class as interest class after school hours (optional-要抽籤).

"Creati ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-18 12:25 |只看該作者
I am not sure --- as far as I observe, the teacher will select the student, the teacher will ask the student during class, not send in memo.  

So, you better remind your daughter to react actively when teacher ask who want to join these and that...

真係要個小朋友主動爭取!  我個女怕羞, 所以1年級時好多野都沒有參加, 2年級時就好小小.

原文章由 jazzmama 於 08-7-18 10:25 發表

Thanks for your sharing

May I know if our school will help girls to join the Music Festival , like Potunghua/English 朗誦 & piano ?
Is it choose by the school ?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-18 18:22 |只看該作者
Dear jazzmama

Kids are free to join Music Festival.  Teachers will ask the students during class.  Whoever likes to join can get a form and return to the teacher. But you have to sort out everything with your piano teacher.  They just give you the form and do the registration for you.  You have to alert your girl when it is closer to the period of registration.

For Speech Festival, teachers will normally ask those who are interested to join to have sort of a  screening test.  For the selected students, the teachers will train them.  But  I know that some parents are very keen to join and even if the teacher doesn't choose the girl, they will ask the teacher to help in doing registration and they themselves will doing the training work.   Again, you have to alert your girl.


Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-19 15:19 |只看該作者
spc 家長

我想問下有關spc 既中文問題

spc 一向都比人覺得英文很好, 中文就一般, 我想問校方其實對中文課有無要求架, 定係全校都係以英文為主呢

仲有佢地是否全日在校都以英文為主架, 小朋友在操場時, 可唔可以講廣東話架

而國語, 校方有無咩課餘令小朋友多講多聽呢, 我既意思係除了每星期既國語堂

因為p1 仲未有咩家長會, 我想知多一點學校既情況


原文章由 charlesmama 於 08-7-18 18:22 發表
Dear jazzmama

Kids are free to join Music Festival.  Teachers will ask the students during class.  Whoever likes to join can get a form and return to the teacher. But you have to sort out everything  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-21 11:15 |只看該作者
Hi charlesmama

Thanks for your info

May i know if teacher will speak Cantonese for this kind ofnotice ?!

原文章由 charlesmama 於 08-7-18 18:22 發表
Dear jazzmama

Kids are free to join Music Festival.  Teachers will ask the students during class.  Whoever likes to join can get a form and return to the teacher. But you have to sort out everything  ...
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