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Victoria vs Learning Habitat [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-5 16:40 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
小女在LH讀Pn,其實我祇想女兒在bilingual school讀,而我對LH的教學都頗為滿意,所以一直希望她繼續在LH讀上K1。



[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-5 16:42 編輯 ]
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-12-29 00:45 |只看該作者
Hello Mya MUMMY,
I am yee Yan MUmmy, Nice to meet here, My daughter also studies very happy in Victoria (GH)

原帖由 cherry_bb 於 08-12-9 14:20 發表
我女之前都返lh pn,因為當時victoria(hg)未開所以就返lh,後來victoria有accept letter之後參觀校舍我亦都諗了很久轉校問題亦都問過radiomama關於victoria意見關於收費問題.
而我考慮有以下方面1.地方lh ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-11 22:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-11 09:42 發表

Tutor Time是一間相當不俗的幼稚園,同學仔家 ...

Yes, but not many parents can afford the school fee in TT.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-11 16:22 |只看該作者
hi kyliema,

    你知唔知西貢邊度有tutor time前校長既興趣班,我想知呀,因我都係住西貢,又番過tutor time都幾滿意,如果你知可否 pm 我 ?? thanks.:
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-11 09:42 發表

Tutor Time是一間相當不俗的幼稚園,同學仔家 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-11 09:42 |只看該作者

Tutor Time是一間相當不俗的幼稚園,同學仔家長更是贊不絶口,但聽聞去年校長及其妻子已離去,在西貢開辦了興趣班,有同學仔參加後,評語亦是十分正面,主要是校長有heart,亦可啓發孩子,雖然地方較偏,但聽聞收生越來越好。

原帖由 ysnmama 於 08-12-10 20:57 發表

小朋友感覺好特別. 他們往往可以為些小事情. 例如同學頑皮事, 有少少爭玩具或者老師的表情甚至根本沒發生過什麼事. 只是有一刻感覺有少少唔同. 他們可能便將小事化大了而說不想上學. 有時畫面重複出現 ...

[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-11 09:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-11 00:40 |只看該作者
我是路過, 雖然我冇報 victoria 同 lh, 只報左 sc 同 hkps,  但對其它學校都想了解多d, 我們家長都是比較注重要選重2文3語的學校,

見 tutor time 人士的寫法, 都另有啟發性..thx.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-10 22:14 |只看該作者
How to Select a Preschool / Playgroup  
Having worked in the field of early childhood education for over ten years and being a parent myself, I am often asked by parents who have young children on how to find a school that will best meet the needs of their child. It can be a daunting, perplexing predicament these days because there are simply so many choices available in Hong Kong, especially for children aged six months to six years old. Preschools offer parents and children varied methodologies, curricula, religious and international affiliations, facilities and credentials. As often as twice a year, parents spend hours trooping from one “open house” to another, investigating campuses, meeting staff members, and receiving colorful brochures while trying to reach a decision.

My initial response when parents ask me for advice regarding this situation is usually the same: How does the classroom feel from the child’s point of view? Children, in fact, know nothing about curricula, methodologies and affiliations (which are actually of concern only to their parents). Their first learning experiences are based entirely on their senses. What looks and feels good to us might not be the same for the child and it is important that the child feels stimulated and secure in the classroom.

There are, however, other factors to take into account. It is the parents who need to consider the aspects of comfort, cleanliness, safety and security in the school because these are essential to any child’s wellbeing. We cannot expect learning to take place unless those components are part of the school’s environment. Fortunately, it is usually evident whether these components (e.g. cleanliness) are present in a school and should be apparent on a first visit.

Classrooms that are warm and inviting and adequately supplied with appropriate equipment make the child feel welcome. Parents should look for details: equipment is best when it exhibits signs of the teacher’s creativity and originality, includes teacher made materials as opposed to commercialized materials, and most importantly it must be “age appropriate” (challenging—but not impossible for the age group of the child.) On the playground parents should look for ample space for “gross motor” (large muscle) development as well as evidence that the area is not only used for play, but as another place in the school where learning and socialization occurs.

Once parents have narrowed their choice of a prospective preschool they should thoroughly research the schools in which they are interested. They should inquire as to the teachers’ experience, credentials and certifications that can protect children, such as First Aid training. The school should also be evaluated for its longevity and questions like: “Which schools do the graduates attend on leaving the preschool?” will help clarify the school’s reputation.

Some parents will prefer recognizable nomenclature that identify the school’s academic approach; buzz words like “Montessori,” school styles such as “Singaporean, Australian etc.” and even religious affiliations attract many parents every year. Competition is so intense that parents can always find schools like the “Saint Mary Had a Little Lamb Singaporean International Montessori Fun Play Group and Preschool,” however, upon investigation the school might be no more than an ordinary preschool that has only just enough space and be of little additional value to their child.

The key word in the last sentence is “value.” How much is your child’s education worth to you and your family? Successful placement of a young child in an educational environment, especially if it is the child’s first exposure to the classroom, will depend on the child’s adaptation to the school. This means that both the parents and the child must be comfortable with the prospect of attending the school, and be very comfortable with its environs, methods, equipment, personnel and atmosphere. To help narrow down the choices and make an informed decision, I’ve compiled a detailed checklist to use as parents visit each Preschool / Playgroup location. Take your time and review the options carefully.

Written By Y.L. Lie, Operations Director - Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-10 20:57 |只看該作者

小朋友感覺好特別. 他們往往可以為些小事情. 例如同學頑皮事, 有少少爭玩具或者老師的表情甚至根本沒發生過什麼事. 只是有一刻感覺有少少唔同. 他們可能便將小事化大了而說不想上學. 有時畫面重複出現又勾起了不開心, 又說不想上學. 當忘記了, 又再沒什麼. 突然又觸動了舊患, 又再說不想上學. 假若學校沒發生過任何事, 其實不保証就是轉了校也不會發生相同事. 有時小朋友也比較敏感的

發表於 08-12-10 19:26 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-10 16:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-10 10:42 |只看該作者
其實間間學校既收生標準都唔會公開, 我大仔入左 st Catherine, e+ 細仔被維記收左, 我地2夫婦唔係名校 background, 住係新界.

當然, 父母 background 一定幫到小朋友, 你本身有分幫到小朋友入名校, 間間學校都傾向會收, 咁佢第時派位個 result 一定靚 d, 不過, 呢個唔係 only 維幼既 case.

有時 interview 小朋友表現得好好, 學校又唔收, forum 上都好多, 真係好難概括學校既收生標準

我自己覺得, 如果小朋友返學返得開心, 就唔好轉啦, 始終佢地適應一個新環境, 係需要時間, 但如果佢唔開心, 唔肯返學, 你至同佢轉啦

原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-10 09:29 AM 發表


[ 本帖最後由 MrsCLee 於 08-12-10 10:47 編輯 ]
他對我說: 我的恩典夠你用的.因為我的能力、是在人的軟弱上顯得完全.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-10 09:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-10 09:29 發表


IMHO, LH is favorable to CKY from its formal release of past statistics. Past statistics of Victoria is open but rather 'widespread'. 6xx graduates and most of them enter its own victoria's school. You dont know they didnt choose some famous schools or or cant enter them.
Admission criteria of Victoria is quite difficult to guess and the fact is that its places are limited to every campus

[ 本帖最後由 anthony010103 於 08-12-10 09:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-10 09:32 |只看該作者
若言希望入cky,我相信選擇LH, Victoria or HKPS其中一間都是不錯的選擇。因為理念相近,亦是兩文三語,不會有適應的問題。

原帖由 Radiomama 於 08-12-9 23:25 發表

HMT去年度有比較多k3的學生(新校時由第一屆k1學生讀上去的), around 120人.  11人入了cky.

我和仔仔在兩年前也曾在lh上playgroup及報讀pn, 留位費交了和迎新日也參加了, 但最後沒有選上.  當年在海逸分 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-10 09:29 |只看該作者

原帖由 winniegor 於 08-12-9 21:16 發表
Is is very difficult to admit Victoria??  Cos i am a full-time mum now and my husband is working as a trainer in Fitness centre.  I am afraid our background is not tat good and my son will have diffic ...

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 08-12-9 23:25 |只看該作者

HMT去年度有比較多k3的學生(新校時由第一屆k1學生讀上去的), around 120人.  11人入了cky.

我和仔仔在兩年前也曾在lh上playgroup及報讀pn, 留位費交了和迎新日也參加了, 但最後沒有選上.  當年在海逸分校的英文老師個個禮拜都轉人, 令我印象太深.  不過其課程, 校舍設施其實都好好, 所以仍有吸引之處.  而且海逸特別多日本人, 真的曾認為這是優點之一---因可接觸不同文化的朋友仔.

hkps的王校長都說是很好的校長, 有方法將學生教好.  但今年搬校舍後出過不少亂子, 老師流失也嚴重, 在該校有子女就讀的朋友也是過得一年得一年, 他們都是付出好多好多努力的家長來的.  但我得再說, 當年仔仔入讀k1, 這校其實是首選!

之於當年次選的維記, 幸好因為也有給留位費, 所以最後選擇了.  讀落其實都好適合仔仔, 愉快之餘是有一定的空間留給他自己發展.  不再hardsell了, 免你們以為我收佣添!

原帖由 cherry_bb 於 08-12-9 16:27 發表
welcome kyliema2006 大家交流吓!
有家長傾開有d 係hkps 轉來因為hkps新校舍課室比較細所以轉.其實好多時每位家長d要求都唔同,所以好難選舉.
if 上年hmt 分校有11位入到cky 唔記得hmt 有幾多學生明天看看,我覺得都唔 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-9 23:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-9 15:21 發表
Thanks cherry_bb,


小女上星期考了HKPS,她的表現很好,所有問題都答到,又有笑容、又有反應、亦有禮貌 ...


My son has learnt a lot from 學之園 since the last few months.  They have a lot of different activities to train the kids on fine motor skills, art, languages...etc.  They are teaching phonics since PN.  My kid love listening to the Letterland Alphabet songs CD.  He will follow the songs and show different gestures.  

I think the teaching methods in LH and Victoria is very similar.   Victoria is more famous.  You might choose one which is closer to your home.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-9 23:03 |只看該作者
LH PN is around 3,800 per month x 12 months.  3 weeks of summer holiday.

K2-K3 full day is 5,900 per month

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-9 22:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-9 15:21 發表
Thanks cherry_bb,


小女上星期考了HKPS,她的表現很好,所有問題都答到,又有笑容、又有反應、亦有禮貌 ...

how about school fees per month for LH? thx

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-9 21:16 |只看該作者
Is is very difficult to admit Victoria??  Cos i am a full-time mum now and my husband is working as a trainer in Fitness centre.  I am afraid our background is not tat good and my son will have difficulty in entering into Victoria!  Can u advise??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-9 16:27 |只看該作者
welcome kyliema2006 大家交流吓!
有家長傾開有d 係hkps 轉來因為hkps新校舍課室比較細所以轉.其實好多時每位家長d要求都唔同,所以好難選舉.
if 上年hmt 分校有11位入到cky 唔記得hmt 有幾多學生明天看看,我覺得都唔錯.
lh 其實我都buy,但係我先生比較like victoria.還有好多時都要家長配合,如果單靠短短幾小時就想可能學到好多嘢,我諗係人都想.

原帖由 kyliema2006 於 08-12-9 15:21 發表
Thanks cherry_bb,


小女上星期考了HKPS,她的表現很好,所有問題都答到,又有笑容、又有反應、亦有禮貌 ...

[ 本帖最後由 cherry_bb 於 08-12-9 16:44 編輯 ]
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