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聖心vs 真光 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-13 10:06 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
我個囡囡今年讀 K1,住藍田,聖心幼稚園收咗我個囡讀下午班,亦已經交晒學卷、校服、校車費,雜費、留位費...


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-23 17:01 |只看該作者
Same as TL, they guarantee from KG to Primary; for Primary to Secondary, parents at TL said they guarantee only the first 1/3 of P6 students since they need to maintain the academic standard in TL secondary school.

原帖由 ck07hk 於 10-7-20 17:24 發表
真架??我都以為係直上中學架喎... 咁德望呢?? 咁我對一條龍都有d保留喎!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-20 17:24 |只看該作者
真架??我都以為係直上中學架喎... 咁德望呢?? 咁我對一條龍都有d保留喎!

原帖由 sheffield 於 10-7-20 15:59 發表

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-20 15:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 yvomak 於 10-7-20 15:45 發表
其實一條龍並不代表一定會上到中學架! 我有個朋友以前都係讀聖心小學, 佢成續都不算差全科都b以上, 中學都派唔返中學!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-20 15:45 |只看該作者
其實一條龍並不代表一定會上到中學架! 我有個朋友以前都係讀聖心小學, 佢成續都不算差全科都b以上, 中學都派唔返中學!

原帖由 Joyjoymum 於 10-7-14 10:45 發表
先多謝你意見. 因為我住九龍, 其實兩間都唔近架. 但為左一條龍無後顧之憂, 遠就遠d啦!

我女女係天主教徒, 聖心都係天主教學校. 最後我都決定選聖心.


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-16 23:54 |只看該作者
Sacred Heart definitely accepts small B, there are plenty of small B.  (Big or small B is not a factor nor consideration for admission).

原帖由 dulldull 於 10-7-16 23:29 發表

我想問下聖心同埋真光呢d幼稚園收唔收細女架? 其實我個女係0710出世架.. 我地打算下年搬過港島區.. 咁如果係就要同佢考個邊d學校啦.. 呢兩間學校K2有無得插班呢? 如果有咁細女會唔會唔收啦.. 真係唔收我就要黎緊 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 23:29 |只看該作者

我想問下聖心同埋真光呢d幼稚園收唔收細女架? 其實我個女係0710出世架.. 我地打算下年搬過港島區.. 咁如果係就要同佢考個邊d學校啦.. 呢兩間學校K2有無得插班呢? 如果有咁細女會唔會唔收啦.. 真係唔收我就要黎緊今年再幫佢報K1啦.. 等佢REPEAT 1年K1囉..


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-16 21:25 |只看該作者
I am sure!

原帖由 Joyjoymum 於 10-7-16 13:00 發表
Dear Ian,

Never mind, it's normal as u have contacted so many parents ar mar, hehe ^^

I've contacted Kwong Chung and confirmed that there'll be a stop at Lam Tin. Thanks for the reminder.

Maybe w ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 13:00 |只看該作者
Dear Ian,

Never mind, it's normal as u have contacted so many parents ar mar, hehe ^^

I've contacted Kwong Chung and confirmed that there'll be a stop at Lam Tin. Thanks for the reminder.

Maybe we can still meet in the school activity nei :)

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-7-14 17:59 發表
Oh sorry that I made a mistake that I thought you live in West Kowloon.  Then my daughter will not be taking the same school bus with your daughter.  Please accept my apology!  I am not sure if we hav ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-14 17:59 |只看該作者
Oh sorry that I made a mistake that I thought you live in West Kowloon.  Then my daughter will not be taking the same school bus with your daughter.  Please accept my apology!  I am not sure if we have planned a stop at Lam Tin yet for PM route.  You may wanna give Kwoon Chung a early notice to let them know in advance.

原帖由 Joyjoymum 於 10-7-14 16:33 發表
Dear Ian,

Thanks for your recognition & information. Yes, my husband & daughters are Catholic, and my elder daughter even asks us to pray before meals, as she learnt this from the pre-nursery school, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-14 16:33 |只看該作者
Dear Ian,

Thanks for your recognition & information. Yes, my husband & daughters are Catholic, and my elder daughter even asks us to pray before meals, as she learnt this from the pre-nursery school, haha ^^

So nice that my daughter will travel with yours in the same school bus ar. We'll soon move to Lam Tin, not live in TKO lar. Looking forwards to seeing u / ur daughter soon!

Wish u & ur daughter also have a nice vacation, and enjoy more happily in K2.  

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-7-14 11:19 發表
Dear Joyjoymum,

I glad to learn that you can make up your mind.  If your family is a Catholic family, then I am sure you have made a right choice.  The kindergarten provides great moral education wit ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-14 11:19 |只看該作者
Dear Joyjoymum,

I glad to learn that you can make up your mind.  If your family is a Catholic family, then I am sure you have made a right choice.  The kindergarten provides great moral education with religious support.

You can certainly apply SHCS(pm) too for 3 years later.  Is this your first born?  If so, then 20 points should be pretty safe to get a spot in SHCS.  Even not, the SHCK girls would have definite advantage while knocking door at a later time, if you choose to do so.  For our case, we aimed for SHCSPS so there are nothing else we need to worry.

Finally, wish you and your family a wonderful summer holiday and I think my daughter will be on the same school bus in September with yours so will keep in touch!


原帖由 Joyjoymum 於 10-7-14 10:39 發表
Dear Ian,

Many thanks for your detailed analysis and advice. Finally I picked SH kindergarten & rejected TL lar.

I totally agree to your point that I can still observe my kid in the coming years, an ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-14 10:45 |只看該作者
先多謝你意見. 因為我住九龍, 其實兩間都唔近架. 但為左一條龍無後顧之憂, 遠就遠d啦!

我女女係天主教徒, 聖心都係天主教學校. 最後我都決定選聖心.

原帖由 saiwai 於 10-7-14 00:24 發表


Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-14 10:39 |只看該作者
Dear Ian,

Many thanks for your detailed analysis and advice. Finally I picked SH kindergarten & rejected TL lar.

I totally agree to your point that I can still observe my kid in the coming years, and see if she's suitable for primary am / pm section. But I just wonder if I can apply pm section if I'm not living in that district. If not, I'll definitely apply the am section, due to the through-train advantage, and that's why I've to let me kid travel in long distance to study from k1.

Finally, I'm really grateful for the great efforts you've paid in fighting for the school bus to Kowloon side, and this really relieves my worry of the long travelling time nei :)

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-7-13 18:42 發表
I guess I am not a suitable person to give you comments since I think many parents in BK would know which kindergarten I prefer.

Just for the record, I can see no reasons to say there are too much pr ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-14 10:10 |只看該作者

原帖由 simonwong724 於 10-7-14 02:49 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-14 02:49 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-14 00:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 spmok1999 於 10-7-13 16:46 發表
比你揀到間程度高o既可能未必一定係好事, 其實係好視乎是否適合小朋友o既性格, 可唔可以承受壓力等等, 假設如果真係要夾硬谷小朋友到頭來大家都辛苦...
我覺得應該從小朋友方面去諗, 最好都係揀一間合適自己小朋友的 ...


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-7-13 18:42 |只看該作者
I guess I am not a suitable person to give you comments since I think many parents in BK would know which kindergarten I prefer.

Just for the record, I can see no reasons to say there are too much pressure in SHCK.  It gives you an option, if your children is suitable for heavier academic works, then you can apply for SHCSPS(am), if you prefer less workload, then apply SHCS(pm).  So, there is a choice.  In the kindergarten level, is it a very joyful environment for the children and only person who would have pressures are the parents themselves, not the kids.

Honestly, SHCSPS has heavy workload, it is a fact.  But it all comes down to whether you feel your children are suitable for such workload.  So, you need to spend time to observe your child.  There are really no right or wrong.

Concerning transportation to the kindergarten, I hope you do treasure the luxury that you are receiving this coming year.  There has never been official school bus going from Kowloon side to SHCK beffore, this is the first year that this happen after the efforts and inputs from parents over the past few years.  There is a big differences between school bus and nanny bus.  But of course, no clear winner since I understand nanny bus do have their advantages sometimes.  But for safety, school bus is definitely better as it is monitored by the kindergarten.

I guess I am only convenient to comment this much.

All the best!


原帖由 Joyjoymum 於 10-7-13 10:06 發表
我個囡囡今年讀 K1,住藍田,聖心幼稚園收咗我個囡讀下午班,亦已經交晒學卷、校服、校車費,雜費、留位費...


如果係您哋會點選擇呢?唔該各位MAMI俾啲意見..謝謝! ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-7-13 18:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-13 16:46 |只看該作者
比你揀到間程度高o既可能未必一定係好事, 其實係好視乎是否適合小朋友o既性格, 可唔可以承受壓力等等, 假設如果真係要夾硬谷小朋友到頭來大家都辛苦...
我覺得應該從小朋友方面去諗, 最好都係揀一間合適自己小朋友的較好...
有些小朋友入o左超級名校(小學)(程度係高其他學校一兩班的), 結果都係要轉校o既例子都有唔少呢~

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-13 12:50 |只看該作者
唔考慮小學的話, 我會選近果間, 等小朋友無咁辛苦.
考慮小學的話, 就聖心, 聖小程度及名氣都比真光高d.
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