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教育王國 討論區 高主教書院小學部 有冇 2010-2011 P.1C 家長
樓主: pcsiauw

有冇 2010-2011 P.1C 家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-22 16:33 |只看該作者
阿仔都好中意電腦堂, 成日話最中意mr.lai (教電腦的阿sir)~

zoe好番未? sunday去swimming lesson ma?

原帖由 pcsiauw 於 10-10-22 13:55 發表
Zoe 都同我講話佢地用埋同一款 jewelpet 拉鏈袋

btw, 我想問下, 之前響學校買校服, 已俾埋錢買埋冬季校服, 但未有得拎, 想問知唔知D校服係咪會 thru 學校俾番我地, 定係我要去佢門市拎架


Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-22 17:20 |只看該作者
我記得好似11月開始, 可以自行決定換唔換季, 我只係響度諗, 都十月尾啦, 仲唔派 ge

Zoe 其實無野 ge, 尋日全日都無事, 鬼 c 咁精神, 早知俾佢返學囉 所以如無意外, 佢都會去游水

其實佢今次燒, 係咪就係人地成日講果D"發骨燒"呢

原帖由 貝太 於 10-10-22 16:33 發表
阿仔都好中意電腦堂, 成日話最中意mr.lai (教電腦的阿sir)~ mouth:" />

zoe好番未? sunday去swimming lesson ma?


Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-25 14:28 |只看該作者
Chloe always complained she felt cold in the morning....

I called the uniform co., winter clothes will be delivered on this Wed.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-26 00:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 chloecadence 於 10-10-25 14:28 發表
Chloe always complained she felt cold in the morning....

I called the uniform co., winter clothes will be delivered on this Wed.

Oh... thanks for informing, Chloe mom!
My lovely Chezkel is 6.5 yrs old la!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-29 09:36 |只看該作者
Thanks Chloe mom

件校褸幾好, 長到可以遮埋 pet pet

原帖由 chloecadence 於 10-10-25 14:28 發表
Chloe always complained she felt cold in the morning....

I called the uniform co., winter clothes will be delivered on this Wed.

[ 本帖最後由 pcsiauw 於 10-11-1 16:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-1 16:07 |只看該作者
自從 Zoe 打完支德國麻疹針之後, 就一路微燒, 見佢食得玩得訓得, 又好似無野咁喎, 想問下其他媽咪, 你地小朋友係咪都係咁樣??

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-3 09:02 |只看該作者
Zoe 第五日無啦啦退哂燒, 神奇......

btw, 原來冬季校服裙係配白色 ge 長襪, 等我之前仲買定一堆灰色長襪 & 襪褲添

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-3 16:51 |只看該作者

Important!! Need help from P.1C Parents about a case

Dear P.1C class Parents,

I got a problem and want to collect some more information here.

Knew from my kid that one of the teacher of P1C class apply 體罰 to the students (i.e. 打手板) as punishment.
According to the kid, the punishment is applied to all students in the class and not only to the student who did something wrong.
The occasion happened more than one time.
As described by the kid, the classmates are very scared about the punishment.

I concern about this case but not sure how true is the description.
I want to collect more information here.
I want to know more from our kids here before I take any action about the case.

Please help to talk to your kid about their life in the class. We can just talk to them casually about their classmates and teachers in the class and let them speak more about it.
Collect as much as details about the punishment if it is true, then we can discuss here or you can PM me if you think it is more appropriate.
I am not intended to create any argument or rumor here but just want to understand more about the case.
Maybe it is also a good chance for us to know more about their school life.

Quite concern as 體罰 is proved not to be a good means of teaching and it may result in very bad long term impact to the children.

Some references:


or you can just search "體罰" in yahoo to get a lot of related materials.

Please also let me know even if your kid said that it never happen in P1C, then I can re-consider the case and how to response to my kid.

Wish all P1C classmates have a happy and fruitful school life!!

Thank you very much

A Parent who need some help.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-3 17:39 |只看該作者
Hi, I was a P1C student mum on last year.  I never heard 體罰, such as 打手板, from my son.

However, 罰企 are always happened to the student who are naughty, such as 上課傾偈, 上課不專心, 上課攪攪震 etc....

Actually, my son loves all his teachers and principal very much.

Hope it just a misunderstanding case la.

原帖由 needhelp 於 10-11-3 16:51 發表
Dear P.1C class Parents,

I got a problem and want to collect some more information here.

Knew from my kid that one of the teacher of P1C class apply 體罰 to the students (i.e. 打手板) as punishmen ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-4 18:45 |只看該作者
I will be concerned if any teacher corporal punished the students, especially continuously and unreasonably to all.

I asked my daughter today, but she told me it never happened.  No students were ever hit, or corporal punished (打手板 as you said) in the class.

Some teachers marked their names or number on the board for who behaved well and who is not.  Some teachers give points, after accumulated for a certain points, he/she can get little gifts, such as stickers.  Once, the whole class did not behave well, the whole class was deducted 1 point.  Sometimes, the whole column of students got deducted.  

My daughter said a naughty student were marked bad for several times, but still did not improve.  The teacher asked the student to go to meet with the principal, but the student refused, started to cry and lay down on floor.  That student was moved to a new seat temporarily at last.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-4 23:21 |只看該作者
Thanks so much for your information.

原帖由 No.Three 於 10-11-3 17:39 發表
Hi, I was a P1C student mum on last year.  I never heard 體罰, such as 打手板, from my son.

However, 罰企 are always happened to the student who are naughty, such as 上課傾偈, 上課不專心, 上課攪攪震  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-11-4 23:29 |只看該作者
I think I know how to deal with this case then.  I need to sit back and re-consider the relationship and communication with the kid........  

Thanks so much for your information anyway.

原帖由 chloecadence 於 10-11-4 18:45 發表
I will be concerned if any teacher corporal punished the students, especially continuously and unreasonably to all.

I asked my daughter today, but she told me it never happened.  No students were ev ...

[ 本帖最後由 needhelp 於 10-11-5 01:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-5 08:39 |只看該作者
我都問過我個囡, 同你個囡講 ge 完全一樣

原帖由 chloecadence 於 10-11-4 18:45 發表
I will be concerned if any teacher corporal punished the students, especially continuously and unreasonably to all.

I asked my daughter today, but she told me it never happened.  No students were ev ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-5 11:28 |只看該作者
From EP, sometimes children make up the story because they want to attract our attention.  Of course, sometimes, it is because they don't want to upset anyone, or afraid of the "consequence" .
Sometimes, the technique of asking is also very important too.
Not easy to be parents nowadays!!

原帖由 needhelp 於 10-11-4 23:29 發表
I think I know how to deal with this case then.  I need to sit back and re-consider the relationship and communication with the kid........  

Thanks so much for your information anyway.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-5 11:43 |只看該作者
Good, Zoe ma!! So far Chloe is happy in the school.

Less parents come to the forum, maybe too busy...
Luckily, it is Friday again!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-5 16:33 |只看該作者
係咯, 越黎越少人上黎吹吹水, 可能真係忙到暈左

原帖由 chloecadence 於 10-11-5 11:43 發表
Good, Zoe ma!! So far Chloe is happy in the school.

Less parents come to the forum, maybe too busy...
Luckily, it is Friday again!!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-11 16:16 |只看該作者


請問您們還有沒有保留著書單呢? 可否給張我 或pm給我? 萬分感謝.......
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