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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 有媽媽分享下:絕對音感嗎?
樓主: miumiu809

有媽媽分享下:絕對音感嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-3 01:28 |只看該作者
I v much wished my child could have perfect pitch cos I am absolutely hopeless. Read quite a bit on the subject and come to the conclusion that I wish my son to have absolute pitch, ie can discern the notes he is hearing but NOT perfect pitch. The latter may mean he cannot truly enjoy music, he may go to a concert and pick out all the instruments and parts of the music that has gone off pitch!!

Absolute pitch can definitely be nurtured through note singing.

Doman's How to Multiply Your Child's Intelligence tells you how to develop a child's perfect pitch.

My 2 cents.

[ 本帖最後由 cemily 於 09-5-19 04:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-8 17:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 cemily 於 09-4-3 01:28 發表
I v much wished my child could have perfect pitch cos I am absolutely hopeless. Read quite a bit on the subject and come to the conclusion that I wish my son to have absolute pitch, ie can discern the ...

我大仔老師話我仔係 perfect pitch, 佢依家有學琴同鋼片琴, 其實我都好想知有咩途徑可以栽培下佢

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-19 04:43 |只看該作者
Perfect pitch means the child can distinguish each note played, but does NOT mean the child is a musician. To become a true musician, more important factors are a lot of practice, more music listening to nurture music sense (ie express emotions through music) and life experience.

原帖由 bobo 於 09-4-8 17:27 發表

我大仔老師話我仔係 perfect pitch, 佢依家有學琴同鋼片琴, 其實我都好想知有咩途徑可以栽培下佢

Rank: 2

發表於 09-5-27 02:49 |只看該作者
It's easy to get mixed up.  

Absolute Pitch is the SAME as Perfect Pitch = 絕對音感
Relative Pitch = 相對音感

Those with absolute pitch can produce or recognize a single accurate musical note without using an instrument.

打個比喻: 有 absolute pitch 的人就好似一個人唔駛用尺就知道 1 Meter exactly 有幾長.  Sounds very powerful. 但如果什麼數都唔識計, 其實無大好處. 如果要佢轉去 measure 1 Foot (like changing music keys), it's a nightmare (not impossible).  That's why I won't encourage people to train for perfect or absolute pitch.

But usually people with absolute pitch can enjoy music very easily. Most music are well-played in concerts.

I think Relative Pitch is what cemily wants.  簡單來說 Relative Pitch 的人會分得出所謂走音Out of pitch. 一般學樂器時都會有 ear training to help your kids develop relative pitch.

至於 how to develop relative pitch earlier, I think regularly listening to good music (無走音) is the best way. Many Mozart and baroque music are simple and easy to listen, but not limited to those.  Listening can also stimulate brain development.  Play 鐵片琴都不錯.

I am not against Doman or others, but I don't think we need to make the ear-pitch-training so complicated.  It will spoil the fun and the art of music.

原帖由 cemily 於 09-4-3 01:28 AM 發表
I v much wished my child could have perfect pitch cos I am absolutely hopeless. Read quite a bit on the subject and come to the conclusion that I wish my son to have absolute pitch, ie can discern the ...
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