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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 皇仁 / 喇沙 / 男拔 / 聖保羅男女, 你哋點排呀? ...

皇仁 / 喇沙 / 男拔 / 聖保羅男女, 你哋點排呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-16 09:37 |只看該作者
真犀利, SPCC & LC.

你仔仔是不是讀得體育又得 ? interview 問什麼呢 ? 請賜教 (pm 也ok) !

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 10-3-17 04:20 |只看該作者
Not that good as you think, thank you for your comment anyway.

Do you mean the interview of SPCC OR LC?

原帖由 CFaHB 於 10-3-16 09:37 發表
真犀利, SPCC & LC.

你仔仔是不是讀得體育又得 ? interview 問什麼呢 ? 請賜教 (pm 也ok) !

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 10-3-21 03:13 |只看該作者

回覆 1# ABC-DAD 的文章

收到QC 28/3 面試信

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-22 11:33 |只看該作者
Good luck, if he is accepted by SPCC, QC interview will be very easy to him.

原帖由 ABC-DAD 於 10-3-21 03:13 發表
收到QC 28/3 面試信

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 10-3-22 12:05 |只看該作者

回覆 1# MountainView 的文章

Thank You ! MountainView, you are a very supporting n helpful bk member

Your son is in S2?
I'd seen your articals for a while, la!
Have to said Hi and Thank you for all the bk mums and dads
升中選校原來真係要大家支持呀: :
有壓力。。有壓力。。 呀!

歡迎PM呀  不過我未試過

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-22 12:28 |只看該作者
Ha ha, thanks for reading. I did have more time before but now I am back to work, I come here less often, only if I am less busy at work, like today.

BK is good site to get information, but now money related (like which course is good, which centre, etc) topics are getting more "adv-like" type of conversation. But I like this thread as I did get a lot of information when my son did F1 application before, really thanks other parents at that time. I will visit here for latest info again as my younger son would apply F1 at the end of year!

Yeah, my son is now S2.

BTW, PM by clicking on second button at the bottom (private message). I PM you too.

Good luck again!

原帖由 ABC-DAD 於 10-3-22 12:05 發表
Thank You ! MountainView, you are a very supporting n helpful bk member

Your son is in S2?
I'd seen your articals for a while, la!
Have to said Hi and Thank you for all the bk mums and dads: ...

[ 本帖最後由 MountainView 於 10-3-22 12:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-22 16:08 |只看該作者


Hello, MountainView, ABC-DAD & all friends

看見你們的孩子升上很好的中學, 真是很羨慕;
相信孩子和你們都付出很大的努力, 恭喜你們!

小兒現正就讀四年級(沒有直屬中學), 我知道升中成績很重要, 但除成績外, 是否要預備很多東西, 例如各樣的比賽等, 請問可否指教什麼証書或比賽成績, 學校較著重.
我現在才開始搜集資料, 什麼都不懂, 請多多指教!



[ 本帖最後由 BB822 於 10-3-22 16:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-22 17:20 |只看該作者
I personally think academic goes before everything. Then, picking activities that go with your kid's interest. If they have talent on that (music,sport, speaking, dancing, etc), of course, try to get the best result from inter-school competition. Otherwise, getting certificates from different type will show the balance between academic and activities. This will not guarantee you.

I actually think training his presentation skills, thinking process, etc is more important and takes time, that will help him during interview, and later in school.

In most school's selection process, I believe they count academic + activities + interview performance.

Finding a right/good school according to your kid's capability and interest. If they enjoy school life, build confidence there, no matter what banding school they go to, they all have good future!

Just my own thoughts.

原帖由 BB822 於 10-3-22 16:08 發表
Hello, MountainView, ABC-DAD & all friends

看見你們的孩子升上很好的中學, 真是很羨慕;
相信孩子和你們都付出很大的努力, 恭喜你們!

小兒現正就讀四年級(沒有直屬中學), 我知道升中成績很重要, 但除成績外, 是 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-29 11:36 |只看該作者
Mountain View, ABC-DAD

很羨慕你們的仔仔入讀了QC /獲得面試的機會, 可否透露一下他們的學業成績 (全級名次)及活動強項 (校外賽獎項)? 我想幫小兒報考QC , 但又恐怕因差距太遠而浪費一個跨區名額, 所以冒昧地請你們賜教 !!  

另外, 通常人們只會提及運動及音樂方面有優異成績的會有優勢, 但小兒的強項只是奧數, 不知道奧數獎項會有幫助嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-29 17:16 |只看該作者
My son was 1st in grade, he has swimming, table tennis and piano, never got 校外賽獎項 but he was in school teams, but enough to show balance I guess.

Olympic Maths does count but I heard it is even better if you can get some prizes in those related exams as this can show how good he is.

I never know what criteria they used to select students for interview, but I do heard that most are top 5 in primary, or may be only those who will apply...

原帖由 crystal2009 於 10-3-29 11:36 發表
Mountain View, ABC-DAD

很羨慕你們的仔仔入讀了QC /獲得面試的機會, 可否透露一下他們的學業成績 (全級名次)及活動強項 (校外賽獎項)? 我想幫小兒報考QC , 但又恐怕因差距太遠而浪費一個跨區名額, 所以冒昧地請你 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 10-3-29 17:46 |只看該作者
了解囝囝嘅興趣/強項係首要,奧數好多名校有興趣但語文成績一定行先,而且有奧數成績嘅人年年都好多,spcc行普教中,你自己度一度啦。名中學好出名的其他比賽你可在網上捜一搜尋..辯論..創意解難,能代表學校比賽表演,同通識方面嘅都hit。純個人,有怪莫怪。  另阿仔有事無in到QC。多謝你讃佢

[ 本帖最後由 ABC-DAD 於 10-3-29 17:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-29 23:12 |只看該作者
Mountain View, ABC-DAD


Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-1 16:51 |只看該作者
Hello ABC-DAD and MT. VIEW, 想請教QC, SPCC等的interview criteria 多是什麼? 是否都是以academic result行先? 另小五的校內成績及程分試是否最重要? 萬一失手, 還有得追嗎?  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-9 15:04 |只看該作者
For QC interview (2 years ago)
- English passage reading, picture description
- Conversation in various topics regarding yourself, school, family,etc in Cantonese and English

Fairly easier comparing to DBS, SPCC ,etc interviews (personal feel)

For QC req (public info in their web):
~200 students will be interviewed for 54 seats this year.

<小五的校內成績及程分試是否最重要? 萬一失手, 還有得追嗎?>
Well, the 程分試 affect the 教育局學生次第名單. It will include P5 final, P6 first and second term result. So, I believe the rank list QC got should include result from P5 final and P6 first term, not sure how worse you meant from P5, try the best in P6 first term to make up I guess.
According to QC "校方參考教育局提供之「申請學生次第名單」及評估申請人填報之資料考慮須否約見申請人。"

Too many applicants, getting an interview opportunity is already a very good start!

原帖由 alilu 於 10-4-1 16:51 發表
Hello ABC-DAD and MT. VIEW, 想請教QC, SPCC等的interview criteria 多是什麼? 是否都是以academic result行先? 另小五的校內成績及程分試是否最重要? 萬一失手, 還有得追嗎?  Thanks. ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-4-9 23:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 alilu 於 10-4-1 16:51 發表
Hello ABC-DAD and MT. VIEW, 想請教QC, SPCC等的interview criteria 多是什麼? 是否都是以academic result行先? 另小五的校內成績及程分試是否最重要? 萬一失手, 還有得追嗎?  Thanks. ...

I think they rank highly on the academic result.  We need to fill in the ranking in class & whole form in the application form.  Only very little space for filling activities & achievement in the form, unlike other top school like DBS, LSC & SPCC.

My friend's son (2 years ago) got fair result in P.5 2nd term & good result in P.6 1st term.  He did not have interview from QC in the 1st round.  Since his son ranks very good in P.6 2nd term, he was finally admitted through knocking door.
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