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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St. Stephen (Stanley) Interview - Oct. 9 &10
樓主: ma記

St. Stephen (Stanley) Interview - Oct. 9 &10 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-11 14:02 |只看該作者
Thank you!  I feel that we have an "invisible team" of parents here cooperating with each other by sharing information and opinions.  

Now that the peak period for 1st interviews is over, we will be anxiously waiting for 2nd interview notifications.  Good luck to you and all the "teammates"!
原帖由 ma記 於 10-10-11 13:54 發表

That's true, my girl also didn't answer in elaborating way...no hope la.

This is what I plan to meet with the ambassadors....just want to get more information from the student inpersonal....however ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-11 14:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 thomasha 於 10-10-11 01:24 發表
Process of this year's 1st interview:

1. Parents and child arrive at the registration counter in the hall.  The child takes the interview notification letter (after being checked by the registration  ...


You really run the risk of disclosing the interview format/questions again as St Stephen's will be interviewing some other kids on Oct 23.  Anyway, I do appreciate your enthusiasm to share (while I would also like to share but can't do so b'cos my kid was not reluctant to talk much after the interview.  After all, he's not been feeling well for the weekend and was taken for an ENT appointment this morning).

However, I wish to raise two observations during my encounter yesterday afternoon.  

(1)  At the drawing table

After my kid sat down for drawing, a father accompanying his son who was weeping along the way.  I didn't know why but I felt sorry for this kid.  Surprisingly, the Asian-looking English-speaking teacher (a lady) responsible at that table (Table 3) did not seem to be caring though and asked the daddy to stay with the kid.  After minutes, the kid stopped weeping and his daddy sat down at the waiting area while keeping an eye on his son.  But minutes later, the kid cried again and that lady kinda instructed his dad to take him for a walk and wash his face in a rather blunt manner.  I wonder why this lady had been so impatient with the kids.

(2) During school tour

My wife and I were received by a pair of G.4 and G.5 girls.  They used PTH to tell us about their school (orchestras, choirs, overseas visits, etc).  While the G.5 had tried her best I suppose, her PTH was quite fluent, but not as expectedly good as we had thought b'cos it still carried a no. of wrong pronunciations probably affected by our Cantonese dialect (e.g. 初 of 初級, 聲 of 聲音, 是 of 是的, etc).  The G.4 girl's PTH is better though (perhaps their oral English might be even better as St Stephen's is an English primary school).  Anyhow, they demonstrated responsibility, courtesy and love for their school, and most importantly proudly took up as school ambassodors to greet strangers on a Sunday.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-11 14:21 |只看該作者
My son also attended the interview on Saturday.  However, he said no individual intertew after the video.  OMG!  Anyway, as you said, it was over and just waiting for the result.

BTW, just want to say thanks to you as you released many useful info to all members here.  Not related St. Stephen, but also other schools.

原帖由 thomasha 於 10-10-11 14:02 發表
Thank you!  I feel that we have an "invisible team" of parents here cooperating with each other by sharing information and opinions.  

Now that the peak period for 1st interviews is over, we will be  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-11 15:16 |只看該作者
I'm sorry to hear about your son's sickness.  My son has a runny nose occasionally by Saturday and Sunday and I think he has reached the limit of his tolerance of stress, even though he said he enjoyed most of the interviews.

As for the student ambassadors, we could not find any when we left the hall, until after some time.  Two P6 boys showed us around.  They were very familiar with the school, though I could not feel their enthusiasm or sense of belonging to the school.  It may be caused by their tiredness after serving long hours (one of them started at 8 am and the other at 1 pm).  They were a bit "casual" when they greeted parents and while guiding the parents around.
原帖由 cornelius 於 10-10-11 14:21 發表


You really run the risk of disclosing the interview format/questions again as St Stephen's will be interviewing some other kids on Oct 23.  Anyway, I do appreciate your enthusiasm to share  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-11 15:25 |只看該作者
I don't have individual interviews neither, just the group interview upstairs with 7 other kids.  

And, heard from other parents around the same interview timeslots said the student ambassadors answer questions all the same!  They all said "the food are healthy though" when asked if the food at canteen is good.  :)

原帖由 BigBoyMaMa 於 10-10-11 14:21 發表
My son also attended the interview on Saturday.  However, he said no individual intertew after the video.  OMG!  Anyway, as you said, it was over and just waiting for the result.

BTW, just want to sa ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-11 19:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 BigBoyMaMa 於 10-10-11 14:21 發表
My son also attended the interview on Saturday.  However, he said no individual intertew after the video.  OMG!  Anyway, as you said, it was over and just waiting for the result.

BTW, just want to sa ...

My daughter told me that the room has 7 teachers and 8 kids.  Each kid got chance to meet teachers individually (but I don't know how she so sure this point when she was interviewing with teacher at the same time????)

Also, the teacher didn't call her name, only asked her to come to her desk, and saw the 1st interview letter she carried on her hand.......then started to ask questions, and made remarks on her paper file.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-11 19:16 |只看該作者
So funny! My daughter also said they asked her " does your father speakEnglish" too! They asked her questions in all three languages....Eng,Mandarin and Cantonese....

原帖由 ma記 於 10-10-11 09:56 發表

My daughter also finished 1st int. on last Sat.  Our interviewing time was 5:30pm (should be the last batch).  She went to meeting room around 5:55pm.  So, no school tour that all ambassad ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-11 19:23 |只看該作者
I think the interviewer did not ask my son this question because if he/she read the portfolio submitted, he/she would not need to ask at all. :)
原帖由 ahtan 於 10-10-11 19:16 發表
So funny! My daughter also said they asked her " does your father speakEnglish" too! They asked her questions in all three languages....Eng,Mandarin and Cantonese....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-11 20:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 ahtan 於 10-10-11 19:16 發表
So funny! My daughter also said they asked her " does your father speakEnglish" too! They asked her questions in all three languages....Eng,Mandarin and Cantonese....

I just asked my daughter again, and she said teachers asked her questions in three languages either.......
1) What's colour do you like? (Eng)
2) What's your favour books? (Eng)
3) What's your favour toys? (PTH)
other questions in Cantonese...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-11 20:47 |只看該作者
Hi ma記,
Tks for the info. Although it was over, still want to know what happen with my son.  I think I should use other approach to ask him.

原帖由 ma記 於 10-10-11 19:02 發表

My daughter told me that the room has 7 teachers and 8 kids.  Each kid got chance to meet teachers individually (but I don't know how she so sure this point when she was interviewing wit ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-12 18:37 |只看該作者
For 23 Oct interview, is there any PM sessions?

原帖由 cornelius 於 10-10-7 11:44 發表

My friend's daughter is more conversant in English and so her dad requested an English interview for her.  The school said there were no more available timeslots on Oct 9 & 10 and hence offered the  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-12 20:07 |只看該作者
Just a suggestion:

We tell our son that these questions will be asked next time when we (the parents) are interviewed by the school, so he has to tell us what happens and his answers or we will not be able to answer those questions and thus he may not be given a place in the school.  This approach works for us - our son thinks he is helping us and he tries his best to recall what he goes through! :)
原帖由 BigBoyMaMa 於 10-10-11 20:47 發表
Hi ma記,
Tks for the info. Although it was over, still want to know what happen with my son.  I think I should use other approach to ask him.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-10-13 00:06 |只看該作者
今次咁多人抽300人進入決賽,相信都相當難入...其實2nd in係想了解家長個背景丫,定再見多一次個小朋友,評估他們既表現呢?thomas兄有沒有咩見解呢?thx a lot

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-13 01:11 |只看該作者
據我所知,St Stephen's入紙申請o既人無Co-ed, DBS或者英華咁多,相對黎講機會應該大d。

今年好似係第一年有2nd interview,所以唔係好知佢地會問乜,我只係知道家長要帶埋小朋友去,而且1st in校長無參與面試,應該會o係2nd in見家長,相信都係討論o下教育理念,栽培小朋友的方法之類。
原帖由 墨魚佬 於 10-10-13 00:06 發表
今次咁多人抽300人進入決賽,相信都相當難入...其實2nd in係想了解家長個背景丫,定再見多一次個小朋友,評估他們既表現呢?thomas兄有沒有咩見解呢?thx  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-13 11:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 thomasha 於 10-10-13 01:11 發表
據我所知,St Stephen's入紙申請o既人無Co-ed, DBS或者英華咁多,相對黎講機會應該大d。

今年好似係第一年有2nd interview,所以唔係好知佢地會問乜,我只係知道家長要帶埋小朋友去,而且1st in校長無參與面試,應該會o係2nd in ...

Parents...you may check below weblink on "Smart Parents" to get some ideas what will be asked on SSCPS 2nd interview.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-13 11:35 |只看該作者
Thanks for sharing.

Looks like the 2nd interview is mainly for parents to communicate with the school and there is little if not nothing that tests the child again.
原帖由 ma記 於 10-10-13 11:20 發表

Parents...you may check below weblink on "Smart Parents" to get some ideas what will be asked on SSCPS 2nd interview.

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