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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Victoria 家長 - 可唔可以講下大家戰績呀?
樓主: alcusmama

Victoria 家長 - 可唔可以講下大家戰績呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 17:27 |只看該作者
Hi Mcheung1, so envy that you've got so many choices. What campus does your child in?

My son is in CWB campus and he got..........nothing up to now. Academic is not what I've concerned so far. But the courtesy and discipline of my son is far too low and totally out of immagination. They are too free and out of control - may be class by class. What can I say now? I can change nothing now. But a mom from St Catherine did told me that the school teach their child to make a bow and say good morning to the teacher since K2. And his son said the one of the P1 principal praised him for doing that (make a bow and say good morning).

I'm really disappointed of this KG. Of course they did nothing wrong as they prefer all the children go into Victoria's Primary school. But I can tell you that the result of the student of my son's class is...... very bad. May be we expect to much.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 18:27 |只看該作者
Behave well and "behavimg look" have advantage to apply for Tradtional schools for sure...

原帖由 mcheung1 於 09-11-30 11:29 發表

都唔可以講smart只係囝囝樣子比較乖(唔知有無影響)比較定, 答問題時比較有文有路, 但就無任何證書.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-7 19:41 |只看該作者

Don't you know that this school has been running IB for at least 3 years (i.e. at least, from the first day of my son in K1)?  Its curriculum and style of teaching are much closer to international schools in which discipline is almost absent esp in pre-school grades..........   

原帖由 qchoir 於 09-12-7 17:27 發表
Hi Mcheung1, so envy that you've got so many choices. What campus does your child in?

My son is in CWB campus and he got..........nothing up to now. Academic is not what I've concerned so far. But th ...

發表於 09-12-7 20:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 14:50 |只看該作者
Mcheung1, 邊間係音小? 請你CHECK PM呀~我有個問題想問你呀.....謝謝

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 14:54 |只看該作者

我個囡現正報讀下年K1, CWB維記和ST CAT都收了我個囡, 我真係好煩惱, 都唔知點選擇呀? 你可否比些意見呀~ 我剛剛打去CWB維記問, 先知道佢地下年開始正式行IB! 好驚呀! 咩係IB, 係咪好FREE呀? 事關我無諗過俾個囡讀IS, 我地想佢考入直資的男女學校, 例如CO-EDU, CKY......點算呢?

原帖由 qchoir 於 09-12-7 17:27 發表
Hi Mcheung1, so envy that you've got so many choices. What campus does your child in?

My son is in CWB campus and he got..........nothing up to now. Academic is not what I've concerned so far. But th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-12-10 17:58 |只看該作者
點解你會認為商業化呢?  我都成日聽人咁講,但冇人講到俾我知。

填中小學我又覺得冇問題喎,維記都有唔少台灣人、大陸移民及外籍人士讀,填嘅學校都唔方會影响入小一啦!  況且,要填家庭收入嘅所謂街坊幼稚園我都見過!  如果填中小學有問題,咁父母職業同/或收入又與小朋友讀幼稚園有乜關係呢?  係咪都唔應該問?


原帖由 hui916 於 09-12-1 23:16 發表
我的小孩不是讀維多利亞. 但之前曾經考慮過而決定不報讀. 主要是認為它太商業化, 而且報名表要查父母小學, 中學及大學. 它可以要求父母填報學歷, 但無必要讀過的學校名稱都要填寫. 其用意何在, 大家心知肚明.

它網 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 18:33 |只看該作者
笑话:边填報父母學歷, 想起自己小學, 中學不是名校, 是否照镜子,死地不报名小學。

發表於 09-12-10 18:51 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 19:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 alcusmama 於 09-11-28 10:51 發表
Victoria家長 - 大家可唔可以講下戰績呀?

Just wonder, according to web site of Victoria, over 100 kids studied at VSA, so it still appears to be the most popular among parents of Victoria kinder so apart from the high school fee, what deter U to study there and opt for other DSS/ private instead?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 20:33 |只看該作者

回覆 4# pauljr 的文章

年初搬到港島, 朋友推介維多利亞. 由於朋友認識其校董, 可以直入. 不過一見其報名表我立即決定唔報.

後來女兒上了一間普通中文幼維園. 而家St. Paul. Co-ed收咗, 仲有機會入理DGJS. 報咗5間直資及私校(St. Clare, Raimondi, HKUGA), 4間都有Offer, 一間等緊.

我認為要入名校, 邊間幼稚園關係唔大, 無謂浪費金錢讀富貴幼稚園. 最重要是父母的家教和裁培.

發表於 09-12-10 21:41 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-10 23:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 hui916 於 09-12-10 20:33 發表
年初搬到港島, 朋友推介維多利亞. 由於朋友認識其校董, 可以直入. 不過一見其報名表我立即決定唔報.

後來女兒上了一間普通中文幼維園. 而家St. Paul. Co-ed收咗, 仲有機會入理DGJS. 報咗5間直資及私校(St. Clare,  ...

Hi, hui916, 可唔可以分享下妳裁培女兒的心得呢, 妳覺得哪一個環節對今次考小一最重要呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 23:41 |只看該作者
雖然收唔到PM , 但好多謝你的回覆呀~ MCHEUNG1, 你真好人呢~
其實我想請教你, CWB維記和九龍塘st cat 都收了我個囡, 讀下年K1, 我們喜歡直資的男女校小(co-edu, CKY, 真光, 聖士提反...), 今天先知道原來CWB都是行IB, 但我老公又想選擇港島區的幼稚園, 方便將來擇小學嘛; 我擔心CWB未必能夠應付直資小學的要求, 以你個囝囝讀了三年維記, 你覺得這間學校有咩優點和缺點呢? 謝謝....

原帖由 mcheung1 於 09-12-10 18:51 發表

我收唔到pm, 請你再send多次!!!!thanks!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 13:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 Maldives 於 09-12-10 23:41 發表
雖然收唔到PM , 但好多謝你的回覆呀~ MCHEUNG1, 你真好人呢~
其實我想請教你, CWB維記和九龍塘st cat 都收了我個囡, 讀下年K1, 我們喜歡直資的男女校小(co-edu, CKY, 真光, 聖士提反...), 今天先知道原 ...



自身經驗,我女係好動型,事事都想去睇發生咩事,曾讀vk pn,諗住活動教學會arm佢多d,學野吸收得好d。現轉了傳統型k1,因想盡早銜接本地教育。

舉一例:vk - 我女好鐘意趴地好enjoy咁睇書,趴地好free咁上堂(我出面同佢上堂時發現,想抖正佢,但佢已習慣左,係我好失敗,好後期先觀察到呢個習慣),咁出到去,人人都好正經坐晌度時,佢就趴左晌度聽。雖則呢樣我本身覺得只要小朋友學得到野,坐同趴無分別,但奈何,呢個就係香港既教育~就係咁,我女就比人覺得無紀律! 但晌外國,d小朋友咪就係咁上堂囉,有無問題?

而家讀傳統 ~ 我女秩序弱,要佢坐定定學野,佢會想走左去,無咁funny,佢會覺無咁好玩。但返左一段日子,見到佢行步路都唔再係跳下跳下,一同佢講,(行為)要好似返學咁,佢即第二個人上身咁,好定好大個咁! 之前佢真係太free,加劇左佢既好動!  


另vk ~ 令小朋友好自動自覺去睇書,當書係朋友,無左佢唔舒服。

但係咪個個vk生都好似我女咁呢?唔係囉,因我女度有個之前都係讀vk pn,我見佢係好淡定,所以呢樣野,真係要好睇個小朋友性格。正如去考p1一樣,定梗著數d啦!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-13 00:00 |只看該作者
these should be done with your child even if your are not studying victoria/international school, my child now study prenusary class(2 yr old) can also read a book together with me ah, so really depend on what the parent teach. My son is very obedience and polite, really more easy to be accept by KG as experienced in the interviews for KG. So really depend on what your child is I think, if he can't keep still, then my need traditional one, one he is too shy, may be victoria is good.
原帖由 mat媽 於 09-12-6 21:52 發表

My son is studying K2 in Victoria. My son reads one or two story books every week.

Moreover, Victoria encourages parents reading newspaper with kids.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-13 00:07 |只看該作者
victoria also accept my child, but my and my husband primary school or secondary school is just so so one.
原帖由 twinsstar 於 09-12-2 12:35 發表
some schools that I enrolled (e.g. SC, Munsang) also need to fill in the names of the primary and secondary schools that the parents attended Guess some schools will use this as selection criteria (pa ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-13 02:06 |只看該作者
I can't agree more with you foggyao. Support from parents is just as important as the school. I specially buy the concept of inquiry-based learning. My kid was encouraged to ask questions and explore in school. Besides, my was also taught how to use different tools like dictionary and computer to find the answers by himself. Now my kid is not in primary school, I am glad to see that he is still a knowledge-seeker. He has a strong desire to know everything and he would try to look for the answers by himself first before he asks me. Of course, I may not have all the answers.If I have time, I would teach him how to search for the answer say from the internet. If not, I would encourage him to derive his own answer with the limited knowledge.

As for the English standard, I just feel exactly the same as foggyao. My kid is now studying in an English traditional school. In terms of academic, I can't see he has any problem in the transition.

From my experience, most teachers (English / Cantonese / Mandarin) in VK are good.


原帖由 foggyao 於 09-12-11 13:36 發表



自身經驗,我女係好動型,事事都想去睇發生咩事,曾讀vk pn,諗住活動教學會arm佢多d,學 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-13 21:14 |只看該作者
I foresee people inquiring mind and creativity are most demended 20 years later. Look at 20 years ago, we didn't even have emails, internet and etc. and now almost all people need those skills. Only inquiring mind and creativity can keep life long learning and keep your kids competitive. The spoon-feed education is totally outdated. "High mark, low IQ" is not what our kids can have in order to compete under teh globalisation trend.

原帖由 sheepiedad 於 09-12-13 02:06 發表
I can't agree more with you foggyao. Support from parents is just as important as the school. I specially buy the concept of inquiry-based learning. My kid was encouraged to ask questions and explore  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-13 21:28 |只看該作者
if i say VK K3 students this year are not too smooth in applying famous DSS/Private primary school, will any VK parent agree in general?
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