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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 十五十六添, 我都好想兒子入讀國際學校, 但.... ...
樓主: msbeauty

十五十六添, 我都好想兒子入讀國際學校, 但.... [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-10-24 12:32 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-24 14:30 |只看該作者
Oh! ic...  but is your son already 1 year old?  And the class you are applying for is Playgroup? or Pre-Nursery?   Do you mean that you need to accompany with your son starting on Sept and Oct Next year?

發表於 09-10-24 19:10 |只看該作者

回覆 62# msbeauty 的文章

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Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-25 23:14 |只看該作者
因囝囝將在下年入讀k1, 而k1有很多選擇, 與同事們一齊討論起來,而我一心都是想囝囝入讀國際學校,一來我老公都是在外國留學,第二,又是獨子,無打算再生,所以將最好的東西都想給他。
同事們說了,又另我十五十六了,因我心儀的幼稚園是蘇浙國際和英基,小學想入新加坡國際,一間是國語加英文,另一間是單英語,他們說: 最好是母語,孩子運用與人溝通,最好的是佢講,聽,才能寫得到出來,而英語方面,香港一般的家庭中,不是用英語來溝通,不是怕與孩子溝通出問題,而是在他不明時,我們幫不到他,他就會有壓力了。


Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-26 00:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-10-24 19:10 發表
Yes, my son is now 12 months.
I applied nursery for 2010, I have to stay at school with him until Nov.(He is 1008), How about you? You also applied nursery for your BB? AM/PM class?

Yes, I also applied pre-nursery for my son, however no school confirms the offer in this moment due to 細仔.  And I need to wait until there is vacancy or student withdrawal when my son is neary 2 years old.....

發表於 09-10-26 00:24 |只看該作者

回覆 65# msbeauty 的文章

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-26 08:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 hayhay2007 於 09-10-25 23:14 發表
因囝囝將在下年入讀k1, 而k1有很多選擇, 與同事們一齊討論起來,而我一心都是想囝囝入讀國際學校,一來我老公都是在外國留學,第二,又是獨子,無打算再生,所以將最好的東西都想給他。
同事們說了,又另我十五十六了,因我 ...

1. 100 parents have 200 ideas. u are the one and only who knows what is the best for your son. others' comments (including me) are just for reference;
2. 2010 K1 : i suppose u have submitted applications form already. Let's make the decision later when u have had an offer...
3. Teachers say most K1 children will get use to the English environment in a few months; u may not believe but changing is always happening; of course, parents should take extra effort to support at home...
4. if u have targeted SIS, why not planning to apply their Preparatory Year?...rather than thinking 15/16, Action sounds louder than Speech.
5. while doing your great project, contingency plan is always a must...just in case u miss your target(s), what next is best for your son?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-26 08:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-10-26 00:24 發表
What other international kinders did you apply for your BB?

You mean you applied pre-programme for next year? It's different between nursery and prep., am/pm?

Can you give me some suggestions about  ...

have u considered Kingston?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-26 08:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-10-26 00:24 發表
What other international kinders did you apply for your BB?

You mean you applied pre-programme for next year? It's different between nursery and prep., am/pm?

Can you give me some suggestions about  ...

Yes, I applied the pre-nursery, which is before K1.  However they haven't confirmed the offer due to my baby hasn't reached 2 years on Sept 2010.  Therefore I need to wait until Dec 2010 (when my baby is 2 years old at that time).

Please advise me the difference for nursery and prep?  Does nursery is K1, while prep is pre-nursery (which is before K1)? Am I Correct?

For me, if I were you, I will prefer "Think" as $$$ is also my concern.  Also I want my child can attend the whole day class.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-26 08:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 oooray 於 09-10-26 08:19 發表

1. 100 parents have 200 ideas. u are the one and only who knows what is the best for your son. others' comments (including me) are just for reference;
2. 2010 K1 : i suppose u have submitted applicat ...

May I know what how we can support our child at home if we plan to send him to IS Kindergarten?   Do you mean to speak Eng at home??  However I can speak Eng, but maybe the Grammer is not correct.  So if speaking Eng at home to my child, I am wondering if he will learn the wrong grammer Eng also?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-27 15:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 msbeauty 於 09-10-26 08:57 發表
May I know what how we can support our child at home if we plan to send him to IS Kindergarten?   Do you mean to speak Eng at home??  However I can speak Eng, but maybe the Grammer is not correct.  ...

When I have decided to let mychildren studying in IS, I have to 100% focus on their English ability becausethat is not only a foreign language but the most important tool for them toacquire knowledge.
There are thousands method todo but the most important factor is Exposure.
Forget about your deficiency inEnglish. If you are afraid of speaking English in front of your child, he willonly follow your behavior; that is not good in learning a language.
Most children can learn goodEnglish if they have a good environment (I think choosing a good school is oneof the key factors).
Of course, I had a hard timethat during certain period they were not good at both Chinese and English, thatwas really frustrating while my “investment” looked “under-perform”...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 13:46 |只看該作者

回覆 20# msbeauty 的文章


You may consider Kowloon Baptist Church Kindergarten, which locates opposite to Baptist University.  The school fee is very reasonable ($2200 per month) and this is a real international school.  They only teaches in English, no Chinese at all.  Most of the student goes to ESF or other international primary school.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 16:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 NatMom 於 09-10-30 13:46 發表

You may consider Kowloon Baptist Church Kindergarten, which locates opposite to Baptist University.  The school fee is very reasonable ($2200 per month) and this is a real international sch ...

Really thanks for your information.  Yes, I know this is a good school, however I also heard that there is no homework, just all the day "Play".  So I am afraid the kid just concentrate to play, and cannot learn anything after graduated K2.  

Does your child also study this school?  If yes, is it difficult to enter another IS (as all the time is play)?  Does the school teach English Writing?  

Appreciated if you can share with me.  Thanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-2 11:29 |只看該作者
Please don't worry too much. Our child even corrects our Eng pronounciation!
If you're worried about grammar, I think maybe you can buy some local school grammar exercise for him/her to do.
原帖由 msbeauty 於 09-10-26 08:57 發表

May I know what how we can support our child at home if we plan to send him to IS Kindergarten?   Do you mean to speak Eng at home??  However I can speak Eng, but maybe the Grammer is not correct.  ...

發表於 09-11-2 17:56 |只看該作者

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發表於 09-11-2 18:18 |只看該作者

回覆 68# oooray 的文章

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發表於 09-11-2 18:20 |只看該作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-3 09:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 cuteb 於 09-11-2 18:20 發表
唔知點解我完全冇諗過Kingston, 一心係咁諗住Anfield, 可能Kingston比我印象有啲貴族, 雖然後來研究Anfiled都係幾貴, 見好多BK's moms都講Anfield好, 老師有經驗+愛心, 學英文/學紀律/PTH/, 咁我就同個仔報咗依間,  ...

As an Anfield ex-parent, I will say it is worthy to try if you have done your own research and satisfy with your expectation.
A few reminders if you have decided to go to Anfield (maybe you've already known):
1. Some parents do not like accent of Indian Teachers;
2.U may meet a teacher you don't like (that is Life!);
3. Local Kids will be the majority; Some parents will not be too happy if most of classmates are Hong Kon Chinese;
4. If Cat. 2 parents target at ESF primary, most of them will be disappointed (it applies to all Cat 2 non-ESF kindergarten children without sibiling in ESF schools); but not problematic to you, as ESF primary is not your first choice, right?
5. Forget about PTH component. Don't expect u can learn a lot in 30mins everyday... u may learn to write Chinese Characters and sing some songs (my experience only); U may need other courses after school to meet your anticipation;
Personally, I agree that within appropiate parents' guidance, English environment in Anfield is good enough to meet IS primary requirement;
Full day in Anfield is really expensive (my standard only) but it is worthwhile to have this experience (I couldn't join for other reasons). As far as i know, they will eat, read and play during the lunch time with teachers and then join the PM class. I saw full day children were more active and of course, had more confident in speaking English.
Hope it helps your final decision.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-4 13:34 |只看該作者

Please check pm

原帖由 msbeauty 於 09-10-30 16:02 發表

Really thanks for your information.  Yes, I know this is a good school, however I also heard that there is no homework, just all the day "Play".  So I am afraid the kid just concentrate to play, and ...

發表於 09-11-4 16:29 |只看該作者

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