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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St Paul Boys 簡介會: 大陸爸爸vs 香港爸爸
樓主: PoorParent

St Paul Boys 簡介會: 大陸爸爸vs 香港爸爸 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-30 09:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 好一個爸爸 於 10-11-29 21:39 發表
尼到無拍手啊! 因為十個爸媽, 至少九個都覺佢o地玩o野。

但講到何謂 4 個 good passes (升SPC F.1 要求), 佢話不能一概而論, 但如果囝囝四科 70分, 中學部都唔肯收, 佢會親自幫我o地叩門求情................講到尼 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 11:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 LittleKidult 於 10-11-30 01:16 發表

雖然係直資, 但兩年幾前spc (中學)都重有參與統一派位, 唔知而家重有冇參與..........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 12:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 ukodelechan 於 10-11-29 22:20 發表



如果身為家長,自己都唔鐘意間學校,唔欣賞間學校,什至唔覺得學校最好,一定唔會配合學校。。。 加上我相信這些有一定名氣,傳統同支持者的學校,都好有spirit.唔支持,唔認同學校的根本沒有資格去讀。


(1) Ukodelechan 說:  "其實我覺得係公眾場合討論都要付上責任,唔好胡亂將自己的意見發表,誤導他人。"

Ukodelechan 說:  "每間名校都有唔同的評論,比較,但又要有好多人報,我好唔明白家長的心態為何要這樣。。。"

回應: 我相信上得 Baby Kingdom 這個公眾平台的家長都是成年人, 都有自己的分析能力, 唔係未成年, 所以我對你說的"公眾場合討論都要付上責任"真的莫明其妙, 我就睇唒 Baby Kingdom Disclaimer (請參考下面個 link)先開戶註策, 你呢?  


再者, 我覺得你的用詞很有趣, 你說的"誤導", 何謂"誤", 何謂"導"? 我的言論極其量是發表意見

你我為兒子報讀的"聖保羅男校", 我不下說過很多次是一間很好的名校 !!! 但個人推斷"聖保羅男女"在大部份香港家長的心目中的認受性更高, 更出名, 這是一個港人意識型態, 一個港式 phenomenon, 並無不妥, 這是"香港大眾喜歡作比較"的獨特社會文化, 你我活於當下都很無奈……

(2) Ukodelechan 說:  "如果身為家長,自己都唔鐘意間學校,唔欣賞間學校,什至唔覺得學校最好,一定唔會配合學校。。。加上我相信這些有一定名氣,傳統同支持者的學校,都好有spirit. 唔支持,唔認同學校的根本沒有資格去讀。"

回應: 你我都是聖保羅男校的家長, 當然支持, 鐘意和欣賞間學校, 很多父母和我都在此貼講過很欣賞陳校長當日的回答, 我也絕對相信和支持陳校長的教學理念

但為何你的思維是除了要鐘意和欣賞間學校之外, 你認為要"覺得聖保羅男校是最好的, 才可配合學校方向, 唔認同就根本沒有資格去讀", 我覺得你這樣的思維很奇異…  ????

舉個例, Aston Martin Jaguar 都是兩個出名的汽車品牌, 有一日發夢, 李嘉誠說一定要送其中一部車給我, 叫我點都要選擇一部, 我都知道 Aston Martin 係更出名, 但就算誠哥送部給我, 我衡量過, 維修貴, 保費貴, 油費貴, 無福消受, 高攀唔起….. 如果一定要選擇, 我自己只敢諗 Jaguar.....這是我的選擇

有時你我都知道某些東西是更好, 更出名的, 但經過分析和考慮後, 最好的反而未必適合自己實際需要, 真的寧願選擇次一點的選擇, 起碼用家角度, 得舒服, 用得開心, 坐得安心, 這正正是我的看法

又借個位講下笑, 我都希望有一日李嘉誠真的送部車給我..... TOYOTA PICNIC 得架喇, 不過發夢冇咁早

[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 10-11-30 13:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-30 13:46 |只看該作者
Well, orginally I have no intention to reply you anymore. But to respect your patience & time  in responding, I feel obliged to make some feedback.First, I note you have a special interest of making analogy by paring things up. Up to this moment, you are still comparing the different 'grading' of schools according to your own set of value system. What put me off most is you are comparing your 'so claimed' alma mata with the other one with similar names. Both are band 1 schools, how can you be so conceit in implying the status of one is more superior than the other. I still hold true, at least up to the present moment, that you are a 白x眼person. You are also making comparison between the other 2 st pauls. In your reply, you still keep on weighting the 2. You need to be sure it is YOU who induced the comparison and not me. So funny!!
I am busy right now and have no sufficient time in reading your colourful replies, what football teams and noodles...etc etc. But in view of your continuous interests & the support from another 新加入国民, I feel the urge of pushing me to reply again here.
a)  You don't need to keep on editing your previous messages. Your editing only reveals the weak parts of your thoughts.
b) I have no intention to mention all the names of spcc & LS etc. These names are only in response to the QUOTE from the 'self-claimed' old boy of one of them. Would parents of these 2 schools pls excuse me if I have made any offend here.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 14:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 diversity 於 10-11-30 13:46 發表

Well, orginally I have no intention to reply you anymore. But to respect your patience & time  in responding, I feel obliged to make some feedback.First, I note you have a special interest of making a ...

seemingly interesting reply......
I like your attitude and you've earned my respect... anyways, don't take it too serious dude

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-30 14:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 lugano 於 10-11-30 14:30 發表

seemingly interesting reply......
I like your attitude and you've earned my respect... anyways, don't take it too serious dude

For your information, I am a woman. Don't call me 'dude'. This, to a certain extent, has reflected your pre-conceived attitude on things. Anyway, I think I should stop here. Wish your son a happy life in spcps.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 14:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 diversity 於 10-11-30 14:43 發表

For your information, I am a woman. Don't call me 'dude'. This, to a certain extent, has reflected your pre-conceived attitude on things. Anyway, I think I should stop here. Wish your son a happy lif ...

okay okay.....sorry ma'am....my apology

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 16:26 |只看該作者
I like the word "diversity" which I really hope that the schools in HK are able to address this value in our education system....

I came from a very traditional "elite" school in Hong Kong long time ago, I can understand parents of my generation have been "shaped" by this kind of "elite" culture.... including myself... that I was not aware of that and I used to see myself as "higher" than others...of course when you grow up, you learned that this is very "stupid" and "disastrous"
I really hope that the value of "diversity" will be practised in our education system and our kids will be more aware of not to put "prejudices" & "discriminations" on people that are different from them or to have "classism"...and we are able to differentiate or identify which message or which kind of practice is "discriminative" and full of prejudice!!

In this forum, I have observed that people are not aware that they had conveyed the "discriminative and prejudices" messages on certain groups of people that are different from them!! They don't have this awareness!

原帖由 diversity 於 10-11-27 23:51 發表
呢位白x眼人士, 請你首先攪清楚, SPC was established in 1850, which is the oldest secondary school to commence operation in HK. SPCC 今年是95 anniversary, 你怎可說SPC是掛著個名抽水, 抽迈個水?

你再以套 ...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-30 16:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 17:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-30 16:26 發表
I like the word "diversity" which I really hope that the schools in HK are able to address this value in our education system....

I came from a very traditional "elite" school in Hong Kong long time  ...

Words of wisdom...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-30 17:31 |只看該作者

另外,我好同意有一位話他不斷重複,不斷比較。他的熱誠令我無法相信他竟然係其中學校的家長,我也同意前面幾位話覺得waiting list的而真正喜愛學校的唔抵。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-30 17:37 |只看該作者
I wonder why were there such a debate here regarding the two schools. Although non of my children is studying in the mentioned schools, I believe that both are good schools and there is not really such a need to compare the two schools.

And I think that it's true that everyone has their own preference in commenting, so sometimes we do have to think critically before actually believing.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-30 18:10 |只看該作者
純粹分享, 不喜勿插, 我在另一個 BK 的貼, 貼名 “St Paul Boy vs 高主教”

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... tra=page%3D3&page=4

貼內看到有家長 post了聖保羅男校中學部升大學的成績 (2009 to 2010 Form. 7) 和評論, 看後都有點兒那個, 主觀願望希望將來聖保羅男校整體有所提升, 因為我相信今日 behind 唔緊要, 只要肯努力, 將來一定會進步 (See Pg. 29頁)


Total : 71人 (2009 to 2010 form. 7 學年)

入讀八大(港/中/科/理/浸/城/嶺大/樹仁) 有 26人 (36.6%)
入讀海外大學有 12人 (16.9%)
入讀Asso / High Dip有 33人 (46.5%)

原帖由 kitshek 於 10-11-29 02:19 發表

點解仲有咁多人覺得 Paul Boy係 Dream School?

無錯,Paul Boy個名以前係好響,但而家中學部成績真係跌到慘不忍睹,你睇睇佢自己公佈嘅 2009年入大學成績:

http://www.spc.edu.hk/docs/news_from_spc_10.pdf (29頁)

入讀六大(港、中、科、理、浸、城)加嶺大只有33.8%,屬 Band 2中等水平。唔好以為係因為好多人去外國升學,因為六成幾人要讀Asso / High Dip.

單計中西區排尾四,唔好話高主教,聖類斯都開始拋離佢,Paul Boy而家只係好過聖士提反堂同樂善堂等Band 3學校。 ...

[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 10-11-30 18:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-30 21:38 |只看該作者

回覆 1# lugano 的文章

hi lugano,

As I said before, I totally agreed with "diversity" and totally disagreed on your opinion except the point on the government education system.

When I read up to your message up to 14:55, I thought you knew what's wrong already and I didn't think of replying.

However, I saw your statistics of SPC in at least 2 topics in BK.  I cannot stop myself in replying.

Shall I thank you for your stat information? Why are you comparing the information for the secondary schools?  Is your son going to Form 1 in 2011?

We all noticed that the academic result of St. Paul's college (secondary section) has been dropping in the past few years. However, I do admit that the primary section is good, we cannot ensure what it will happen after 12 years, the performance of secondary section  will increase (or might drop) after 12 years.

What we focus on at this moment is "primary section is good".  

I think it's time for us to stop and close this topic.


發表於 10-12-1 01:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-1 07:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 siufu 於 10-11-28 21:54 發表
lugano 所說的我不願置評, 但其所論應只為其個人意見, 和喇沙有何關係? (先別說他是否真的是 old boy) 我想閣下只因一個 self-claimed LS old boy 的一些不同意見就針對喇沙, 似乎並不比 lugano 強.


唔夠人講就侮辱人家母校, 低下手法!!過後當若無其事, 唔曉道歉, 高低立見!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 08:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 PoorParent 於 10-12-1 01:40 發表
May be we should focus on more constructive issue for our kids, i.e.future education/ ECA in SPCPS & the aspiration of the new campus, right?
All replies  reveal me SPCPS' Parents are all well educate ...

Agree! Let's share more constructive info of SPCPS!

We talked to a P6 boy on the briefing session day and found that he's very polite, "pure" and presentable (just right at his age, not too 老積).  That's the style that I want my boy to be.

He said they have 6-9 pcs of homework everyday (include corrections) and he spends about 2.5 hours on doing it.  Sometimes he can finish some during 轉堂時間.  He said there'll be less homework for P1 boys.

One of my friends whose boy is P1 now telling me that the greatest challenge for his son is English comprehension (complete sentences are required) & English GS.  There's unseen Chinese dictation already (not yet for English).  Also, they have Chinese & English compositions at the beginning of the school term already.

[ 本帖最後由 Camom 於 10-12-1 08:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-1 09:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 PoorParent 於 10-12-1 01:40 發表
May be we should focus on more constructive issue for our kids, i.e.future education/ ECA in SPCPS & the aspiration of the new campus, right?
All replies  reveal me SPCPS' Parents are all well educate ...

Yes,yes,yes. Stop the debate and focus on constructive issue as we all love our buys so much.  Although, I am not well-educated but I would like to share with you (as well as Teresa' view in educating our SPC boys). (Many thanks to Teresa' encouragement for me and my husband 2 months age )

發表於 10-12-1 10:13 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 10:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 PoorParent 於 10-12-1 10:13 發表
That P6 boy alone (1 boy band) could face & answer all (~>30) questions from  ~10 adults surrounding in circle continuously. He kept replying with his logical sense & comments without any dead air.
S ...

You're one of the parents talking to the boy also?  I don't know whether he just passed by or was assigned to mingle with the potential parents.  I arrived at about 5:40pm that day and already saw him talking to a couple.  Remember he said, "I need to go now as the briefing session is about to begin" by the time we were allowed to enter the assembly hall?  I thought we might see him again inside the hall for some sharing but not finally.

發表於 10-12-1 10:41 |只看該作者
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