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教育王國 討論區 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 Difference between G1, G2 G3
樓主: ChapmanMa

Difference between G1, G2 G3 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-6 21:51 |只看該作者
其實讀SMC真係— d 都唔容易,都唔明點解外間仍然有人評價得差同咁淺!  當然相比其他 super band 1 schools, 仍有距離。但 keep 住讀上去,我都好有信心囉。當然, 家長、學生同學校都要付出。其實我地放工回家,再同佢地跟功課、dictations、quiz…都筋疲力盡!!!   

無法啦,全香港讀書 ge遊戲規則都係咁。如果學校無咁多野做,到時我地咪又擔心追唔上其他學校!


原帖由 HKQQbaby 於 08-11-6 15:20 發表

GS quiz拖太久了,我已厭倦(本星期已無再溫) 打算今晚粗略幫他們看看. 盡力吧!
我見baby的Spanish textbook已由老師批改後發還, 可能當作Spanish的功課記錄,我估計不用再Quiz了.

English reading journal ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-7 08:18 |只看該作者
My boy didn't want to go through the 4 chapters again.  He kept on telling me he is ok.  Let me see his talent show.

Those commented SMC 差同淺 do not know much about the school.  Though there are not much homework, there are quite a lot of optional (on-line exercises) and qualitative works.  It is up to the parents to decide where they want there kids to be up to.  This is quite considerate from the angle of working parents.

I quite like the design of the English Journal as it leads the kids to play back the contents of the story, think and express their feeling.  There are different formats and questions for each reading - not boring and mutli-angles thinking.  The disavantage is it requires a great deal of parent involvement (my P1 boy cannot finish by himelf) but the kids learn.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-7 09:56 |只看該作者
我個女個french quiz都係大意錯左少少,抄都抄錯, 都ok啦....佢數學都成日數錯,不過有時我都數錯, 尤其d prism & pynamid.......不過我發覺無細路係唔大意既....暫時都未聽過....如果有既都未必好好,或者個細路本身係完美主義者先會係咁,or 佢會對自己要求好高, 人生一定好難快樂!

其實我個女入左smc,我真係有總鬆一口氣既感覺,起碼功課壓力唔大,而細路又學到野!我個女而家好自律,我回家前已經可以做完功課,跟著佢會自己開電腦做on-line reading,所以我返屋企仲有時間同佢reading!雖然佢成績未必太好,but我都好放心啦....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-12 13:29 |只看該作者
Hi Sara,

你都講得 0岩,大部份細佬仔都係咁,更何況佢地只係得個6歲幾人仔。

其實佢地放學返到居企肯自律地自己做晒功課同上綱做每日一篇,都算係咁。我地放左工,都係同佢check 下功課,read下books,溫習下,都算幾好。

P.1 真係唔算多野做,但好明顯佢地係各方面都有進步,尤其languages。我仔仔竟然寫得出一整版English 關於之前係學校舉辦 ge Halloween party,雖然有 grammatical errors 同有一兩個生字串錯,但都算係咁,起碼佢肯自己寫,自己作,仲要一整個page 喎,我都覺得SMC 真係教得幾好囉。

So far 都 proved 我地當初選擇無錯 (唔係 advertising, 係真心體會同見證)。我相信好多家長都認同我此睇法, right?

黎梗14日又有Math quiz,希望大家ge 仔仔女女能夠小心d,唔好再衰係d 大意或唔小心度啦


原帖由 sara 於 08-11-7 09:56 發表
我個女個french quiz都係大意錯左少少,抄都抄錯, 都ok啦....佢數學都成日數錯,不過有時我都數錯, 尤其d prism & pynamid.......不過我發覺無細路係唔大意既....暫時都未聽過....如果有既都未必好好,或者個細路 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-12 18:29 |只看該作者

Do you know what is required for submission of the English blue folder?

My boy told me he needs to draw some pictures.  There is no such mentioning in the intranet or the homework diary.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-12 19:45 |只看該作者

My daughter said Mr.G required them to write a story and draw a picture using one A4 sized paper.

Since my son is sick today, he was not back to school. So I can not confirm the above from him. And I have not informed the above via Homework diary and SM Intranet. So I will not do that until I receive the formal notice.

Now my kids can do the on-line exercises themselves everyday, I let them to try it , do not mind the marks.

Next Tuesday, they will trip to Ocean Park, no lunch provided, what will you prepare for the lunch? Sandwich, banana, egg, milk or others? I have inquired the teacher, no cash is given to kids that day, since teachers will not let the students to buy the lunch or other snack.

原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-11-12 18:29 發表

Do you know what is required for submission of the English blue folder?

My boy told me he needs to draw some pictures.  There is no such mentioning in the intranet or the homework diary. ...

[ 本帖最後由 HKQQbaby 於 08-11-12 19:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-12 21:16 |只看該作者

I think no lunch is needed to prepare for them since they're released at 12:10pm from the school to my understanding!

原帖由 HKQQbaby 於 08-11-12 19:45 發表

My daughter said Mr.G required them to write a story and draw a picture using one A4 sized paper.

Since my son is sick today, he was not back to school. So I can not confirm the above from ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-13 08:06 |只看該作者
Little duck,

I think you need to prepare lunch for your kid.  The dismissal time is3:20pm at school and there will NOT be any school bus service.  Unless your kid does not join the activity, then he / she will leave school 12:10pm.


My boy likes bread and I will make him the chesse and ham sandwich or buy him his favourite bread from Maxim's.  Besides, I will pack some sausages and drinks (vitasoy or chocolate).  As the weather is getting cool, I will let him have a bowl of noodels before he goes for the activity.  I think it is enough for him.

My boy has been doing the Chinese on-line by himself.  I will only explain to him some of the adjectives which he does not know.  However, he still needs help on the English one.  He is completely fine with the 5 words a day and e-report but may not fully understand the key messages from the e-reader as it is so long.  The way I do with him is I will replay the conversation whenever he has query on his answer.  It takes quite some time.  But this may not fit you as you have two to take care of.  I do not care about the marks but he does.  He insists on making sure the answer before he submits.

The first part of the sentence rewriting is a bit difficult for him and I need to explain to him the building and structure of the sentence.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-13 19:21 |只看該作者

My son said he has finished Chinese oral test today. Teacher requested him to read some words with PTH, and spell some PingYin.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-13 20:01 |只看該作者

I just found the notice from my girl's handbook today... Thanks!
原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-11-13 08:06 發表
Little duck,

I think you need to prepare lunch for your kid.  The dismissal time is3:20pm at school and there will NOT be any school bus service.  Unless your kid does not join the activity, then he  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-14 17:43 |只看該作者

Today 1st GS Quiz is received, the result is not ok. My girl said classmates who were over 60 marks only 9 students. (??) Ms Chu told me this quiz was difficult for them, since there are many English words, no picture, maybe the students do not know some words and do not understand the meaning, so the marks are no good. Next friday is 2nd GS quiz, there will be more picture, easy for their understanding. She said no mind the marks.

[ 本帖最後由 HKQQbaby 於 08-11-14 17:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-14 19:33 |只看該作者
Only 9 students > 60 marks???

My boy told me your girl got 80 marks.  I knew another two boys got 77 marks and 80 marks.  The highest in the class is 80+.

My boy got 62 marks and I was a bit worried.  I am also responsible as I didn't go through with him in those details - only the chapter summary and key sentences.  Besides, my boy needs some more quiz practices.

I think those with higher proficiency in English would get higher marks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-14 21:44 |只看該作者
So surprised that the questions of GS are rather difficult, especially for P.1 students.  Agreed that for those with high proficiency in Eng surely got higher score.

Again, the standard and requirement of SMC is rather high.

By the way, I also want to know if the group re-arrangment for 2nd term will base on those quizes' marks?   If so, what's standard and requirement for G1, G2 & G3.

Pls share w/ us if any body know the standard of the groups.  Thanks a lot!  

原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-11-14 19:33 發表
Only 9 students > 60 marks???

My boy told me your girl got 80 marks.  I knew another two boys got 77 marks and 80 marks.  The highest in the class is 80+.

My boy got 62 marks and I was a bit worried ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-16 07:53 |只看該作者

My girl got 60 marks instead of  80 marks. She said the highest mark in P1G2 is 99 marks, he is a non-chinese boy.

I guess this GS quiz paper may be from some famous school P1 past paper, SM just want to know the P1 student's actually English and GS standard.

I think I have to read more english books with my kids, so it will let them to know more words and improve the standard of english.

原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-11-14 19:33 發表
Only 9 students > 60 marks???

My boy told me your girl got 80 marks.  I knew another two boys got 77 marks and 80 marks.  The highest in the class is 80+.

My boy got 62 marks and I was a bit worried ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-17 09:13 |只看該作者

I talked to Ms Chu who advised the 1st GS quiz format is very much similar to what is using for P2 exam.  Hence, we get the direction and have 10 months time to "guide" our kids accordingly.

I finished two English composition with my boy over the weekend - "food" and "my toys".  The "food" one should be handed in during the class.  I found my boy only wrote 3 sentences and thus I coached hime for the rest.  I found my boy is quite creative and is able to express his ideas / the content verbally.  The problem is he cannot write down by himself.  I agree he needs to learn spelling a lot more vocabularies.

I found SMC is quite differenet in its English syllabus as most of the other schools would start teaching sentence making before story writing.  Perhaps this may be just the gap of my boy or this is expected to be bridged by the parents.  So, I have started teaching him sentence writing with a bit gramma.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-18 09:47 |只看該作者
我個女同我講話P1G1有幾個人拿100分(唔知係唔係),不過大部分都係70-80左右! 我問佢老師有無讀卷俾佢地聽,佢又答唔出,不過d字真係好深 e.g. harmful to the body,我個女就唔識harmful....份卷有d common sense,所以英文好就會高分.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 13:11 |只看該作者
Hi Hi Sara,

My son told me that the highest mark in G1 is only 98 but there're so many people got over 80 wor~  I'm not sure if such info is true or not..heee...just share with you.

Moreover, they also the 2nd Math Quiz result.   However, I found one question, in Part D...I forgot the Q number, but it seems so confusion.. do you have any idea about it?  My son told me that he knows 2-3 schoolmates also got 100 marks in G1.

Tomorrow will have 2nd GS Quiz.  Wish the questions is not difficult as 1st one la~~~

原帖由 sara 於 08-11-18 09:47 發表
我個女同我講話P1G1有幾個人拿100分(唔知係唔係),不過大部分都係70-80左右! 我問佢老師有無讀卷俾佢地聽,佢又答唔出,不過d字真係好深 e.g. harmful to the body,我個女就唔識harmful....份卷有d common sense,所以英 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-20 13:38 |只看該作者
Hi WD40,
My son will study at SMC 2009/10 P.1,
Would u mind to let me know the standard of the school? is it too hard /easy? thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 16:58 |只看該作者

Is that the one that - the cup is in front of / behind the book?  Both answer should  be correct depending on where you look at the objects.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-20 20:50 |只看該作者

No.  It's something asking abt "thicker / thinner" but the prism looks alike "taller or shorter".  So, we feel such Q is rather confusing and not clear.

Anyway, it's good training for students to read Q in all Eng.

So worry abt tmr 's GS quiz!!!  Last time, all Q were rather difficult to P.1 students.


原帖由 monkeydad 於 08-11-20 16:58 發表

Is that the one that - the cup is in front of / behind the book?  Both answer should  be correct depending on where you look at the objects.
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