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耀中, 多多, 定Kingston好呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-29 14:16 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
耀中, 多多, 定Kingston好呀?
我個仔要入幼兒園, 可否俾啲意見?
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Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-30 00:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 mabel_lam88 於 07-8-29 14:16 硐表
耀中, 多多, 定Kingston好呀?
我個仔要入幼兒園, 可否俾啲意見?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-8-30 02:40 |只看該作者

我個囝返過多多的 playgroup 5個月,而家返緊 Kingston 兩歲班。我就覺得 Tutor Time 的老師很好很親切有愛心,但班裡太多小朋友了! (因我上 playgroup, so 十幾個小朋友 + 十幾個媽媽 / 工人姐姐,加埋老師 ) !我個囝無繼續返係因為常常病所以停咗。

後來選了 Kingston,現在開學第三星期,都算OK,老師們都很有愛心。其實我是比較喜歡 YC,聽說耀中的 Twos Programme 很不錯,但因 YC 要我囝囝十月先返學 (滿兩歲) 而我又想比佢早d返, 所以選了 Kingston。

How old is your son now?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-30 11:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 tuotuo 於 07-8-30 02:40 AM 硐表

我個囝返過多多的 playgroup 5個月,而家返緊 Kingston 兩歲班。我就覺得 Tutor Time 的老師很好很親切有愛心,但班裡太多小朋友了! (因我上 playgroup, so 十幾個小朋友 + 十幾個媽媽 / 工人姐姐,加埋老師 : ...

多謝你哋嘅意見, 真係有幫助!!

我個仔其實好細, 佢而家先得6個月, 但因為有一日我打電話去問Kingston, 佢叫我早啲報名, 我先開始搵唔同嘅幼兒班!!!
我其實原本好想俾個仔一歲左右入Kingston, 但我朋友remind我, 佢話Kingston嘅課程讀完不能升local小學,而且佢只係可以上到K2, (我唔想咁快肯定個仔一定入國際小學), 所以就搵左耀中同Tutor Time作比較, 我知耀中係可以升Local小學or國際小學, 但有人話我知耀中有啲唔好嘅地方, 佢話果道啲學生比較物質化, 會比較屋企有冇錢, 唔知係咪呢???佢話呢方面Kingston嘅學生會好啲..Do you agree?
跟住我又搵左Tutor Time, 佢係收六個月小朋友上Playground嘅, 我約左佢呢個saturday去參觀playground and學校, 我想而家俾個仔去Tutor Time上playground先, 到佢下年一歲先再決定轉唔轉Kingston或耀中, 唔知咁樣好唔好呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-8-31 02:03 |只看該作者
mabel_lam 88:

我諗你可以 apply 定 Kingston and Yew Chung 先啦,佢地都幾 full 架 (especially YC),Tutor Time 就比較多班。其實我都未決定比個仔讀 local school 定係 international school,不過這三間都係 international pre-school 喎,耀中到小朋友入三歲班時你都要決定讀 mainstream or international !或者你可以考慮埋 Victoria 佢地都 offer playgroup for 1 year old。至於你話小朋友會唔會物質主意,我就無諗咁遠喇,但我覺得家庭教育也很重要。

其實你可 apply Kingston and Yew Chung now, because after they recevied your application, the school will call you for a visit, then you can have a better understanding of the school.

我自己就當個仔 6 months 就返 Little Gym,可以訓練吓大小肌肉,到佢 13 months 就開始返 playgroup (Tutor Time)。或者你要考慮埋咁細個小朋友 (6 mth) 就返 playgroup 會唔會好易染病。

Hope this help.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-31 10:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 tuotuo 於 07-8-31 02:03 AM 硐表
mabel_lam 88:

我諗你可以 apply 定 Kingston and Yew Chung 先啦,佢地都幾 full 架 (especially YC),Tutor Time 就比較多班。其實我都未決定比個仔讀 school 定係 international school,不過這三間都係 interna ...

另外,Little Gym喺邊道上?好唔好o架?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-8-31 11:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 mabel_lam88 於 07-8-30 11:49 硐表

........但有人話我知耀中有啲唔好嘅地方, 佢話果道啲學生比較物質化, 會比較屋企有冇錢, 唔知係咪呢???

就幼兒園來說, 耀中一定沒有以上所說的情況!老師們十分有愛心,我的兒子讀過n1,簡直有360度進步!學校不是外間想像的商業化!
學費外沒其他什費, 很多親子活動都是十分合理價錢(只收車費),就算佢知我LOCAL KG, 她們都給我分析,沒有黑臉!家長都是十分有教養/禮貌, 十分客氣!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-31 15:57 |只看該作者
Tuo tuo ma,

has your son cried at sch now? my daughter can say goodbye then step into classroom by herself, and she came out class room with big smile now: ...no more crying, I think they really enjoy school life at Kingston. And I can see teachers do care about the children.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-1 00:30 |只看該作者

God bless, no more tears!!

I think my son get used to the environment and teachers already. He will ask for the the 毛巾盒 & water bottle when he arrived the classroom door. But he never say goodbye to me!!

He's so tired these 2 days after the 3-Hr class! How about your daughter? My son is in Bee pm class, how about your daughter?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-1 00:46 |只看該作者

我都未決定 local 定 international,我諗我都會報 d local 幼稚園 eg. St. Cat / 根德園 / 劍鳴,睇吓人地收唔收先啦!但我哥哥的兩個仔女都讀 international school,我見佢地都讀得好開心。
另,Little Gym 係尖沙咀新世界中心。


Do you still remember me? I 've asked you about YC's comment before. I chose Kingston finally, as they can let him start in August. So, which local KG is your child going now?

cissyc :

Are you going to apply any local KG or stay in Kingston?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-1 12:13 |只看該作者
Tuo Tuo Ma,

I'm in Bumble bee as well. My daughter is the one who didn't wear Tshirt. Who is your son?

原文章由 tuotuo 於 07-9-1 00:30 硐表

God bless, no more tears!!

I think my son get used to the environment and teachers already. He will ask for the the 毛巾盒 & water bottle when he arrived the classroom door. But he never  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-1 13:45 |只看該作者
My bb is studying 2 yrs program in Yew Chung, I don't find YC materialistic except the expensive school fee ($4,825)but in return it gives me good environment, good teachers and confidence. The other parents looked educated, not showing off or anything like that... they all dress up as normal people on the streets, no jewlery, no diamonds showing off. I think kids with 2-3 yrs old won't compare to others, they don't have this sense. Kids will start comparing in primary school.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-2 02:40 |只看該作者

So they are in the same class lor.
My son's name is Branden. I will see who's not wearing uniform on Monday.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-2 18:04 |只看該作者
Tuo Tuo ma,

I mean my daughter didn't put on the Tshirt on first few days, but she's getting used to the sch life and willing to put on the Tshirt, her name is Kayleigh.You can login the Kingston web to see their latest pics at sch, and you'll find one who didn't wear T shrit in the Bee class. By the way, I'm quite satisfied with the 2 teachers (and other teaching assistants as well) coz they do care about the children, esp. there was one teacher from K3 class who came to help during the first 2 weeks, my daughter will never get close to any stranger, but I saw her hugging with this K3 teacher on the 3rd day they get alone. and I truely believe they do care about the children, so the children in turn will feel safe and comfortable to get close to them. Recently, I heard my daughter counting from 1-10 using mandarin at home, seems they have really learnt something at school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-3 15:32 |只看該作者

my son go to 根德園呀!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 02:40 |只看該作者

Yes, I think the teachers and other assistants are very kind and nice. My son's best "friend" in the class is 月姐。
Kayleigh is such a clever girl, my son can only say 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 in mandarin . Can Kayleigh speaks in phrase or sentences? Branden can just speak single words, but he's picking up more words in these 3 weeks.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-5 21:13 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-24 00:36 |只看該作者
I'm also choosing among these 3.  however, my bb is a small b (dec 06), kingston will not accept him for 1 year old class until next aug, i.e when he is 1 year 8 months.  i think he may be too old in class then.  that's why i don't consider kingston anymore.  however, its mandarin n english program is still quite attractive ar!! :(

my bb is attending TT pg.  as parents said the class is too crowded!  :p  i don't know how to say, but i just feel that TT is not good enough!!  it could be better than that.

my hubby's frd's son is studying YC.  she said parents there are wealthy and "GOOD" quality.  i don't know what she means by "GOOD" quality.  my son is on the waiting list of the infant program. dunno how long we hv to wait... ...


Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-24 02:35 |只看該作者
haha..wearing diamond ring is showing off??!!
what should i wear if i don't wanna show off?? a copper ring?? or simply don't wear anything??? you are so funny!

原文章由 sarahmama 於 07-9-1 13:45 硐表
My bb is studying 2 yrs program in Yew Chung, I don't find YC materialistic except the expensive school fee ($4,825)but in return it gives me good environment, good teachers and confidence. The other  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-25 16:05 |只看該作者
My son also study in YC. The other parents as I observe are educated and polite. They won't show off to other people what professional qualification they have or how much wealth they have (but in fact they have plenty).

annienorman: why would you like to let your kid change to KV instead of staying with YC? Coz recently many moms are talking about applying to KV, SC for next year. I am thinking about it and wish to know your experience. Thanks!
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