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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Anyone know when CKY will release final result ar ?
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Anyone know when CKY will release final result ar ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-17 12:22 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Anyone have the clue ?
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-17 12:59 |只看該作者
Dear All,

I call the school last Friday, and the teacher said it will be in the beginning of January.

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-12-17 12:22 發表
Anyone have the clue ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-17 16:14 |只看該作者
Hi...just walk thur....

As I remembered the teacher during 2nd in told us that the result will be announced before X'mas.  She also reminded us to keep eyes on the website as it also annouce the result.

So, I think it may be around this week.

For save, you may call cky again to confirm the release date.


原文章由 achow 於 07-12-17 12:59 發表
Dear All,

I call the school last Friday, and the teacher said it will be in the beginning of January.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-17 16:15 |只看該作者
Dear all,
Just called the school, the final result will announce before
Christmas.  They will inform the parents by letter, but still not confirm yet if they will upload the result on their website. Good luck everyone.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-17 17:11 |只看該作者
Dear sosog,

Thanks a lot for your information.  Dear Parents : Good luck and enjoy your Christmas la..


原文章由 sosog 於 07-12-17 16:15 發表
Dear all,
Just called the school, the final result will announce before
Christmas.  They will inform the parents by letter, but still not confirm yet if they will upload the result on their website.  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-17 17:24 |只看該作者

原文章由 sosog 於 07-12-17 16:15 發表
Dear all,
Just called the school, the final result will announce before
Christmas.  They will inform the parents by letter, but still not confirm yet if they will upload the result on their website.  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-17 23:21 |只看該作者
Don't worry (as worries can't help you change the facts), be happy.

It's nice to know the outcome sooner, be it good news or otherwise.

Stay cool, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

原文章由 puncos 於 07-12-17 17:24 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-18 11:49 |只看該作者
Dear all,

Although my son has already accepted by another school, but we still want to know the result from cky, so I phoned them and asked them the RELEASE DATE.

The staff replied in VERY GOOD AND POLITE MANNER (值得一讚) and said parents will receive letters before X'mas (i.e. before 24 Dec).  She also emphasised that their website shall NOT announce the result.   

So, all parents be patient to wait for the X'mas gifts la.

其實CKY都係我地心儀嘅學校, 因為老師同校風都好好...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-18 14:44 |只看該作者

So even CKY accept your kid, you will reject the offer ??

But I guess you already help your son to find the most suitable school. Hope all the kid will find a suitable school.

: : : : :

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-18 11:49 發表
Dear all,

Although my son has already accepted by another school, but we still want to know the result from cky, so I phoned them and asked them the RELEASE DATE.

The staff replied in VERY GOOD AND  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-18 15:07 |只看該作者

I applied 2 schools for my son and they are dbs and cky respectively.

We've got acceptance fr dbs and now are waiting for the result of cky.

Honestly, we love these 2 schools -- dbs is famous with long history and outstanding track records on competitions locally and overseas, while cky is rather new but with excellent language trainings.  cky adopt "proactive" teaching method and they encourage students to read books by themselves, to gather info from internet, library...for doing projects by themselves...etc.  Fr P.4, cky also has overseas trip for students to join in to know more abt the world and other countries.  All in all, these are what we expect our son could be in future.

So, we are now have "headache" on choosing which one.  But, may be rather selfish that we will register dbs first coz cky is "private school" not DSS, so we have time to wait for the result and then make final decision.

If you were me, which one you will choose?  Share with me your views, if you don't mind.

By the way, you're also waiting for the result of cky?  Apart fr it, any other school(s) you've registered for your kid??

Chat Chat if you have time.


原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-12-18 14:44 發表

So even CKY accept your kid, you will reject the offer ??

But I guess you already help your son to find the most suitable school. Hope all the kid will find a suitable school.

: ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-18 17:30 |只看該作者
CheCheMan, I know we all are selfish.  But given that your first choice being DBS and your kid has been given an offer, I think you should really be considerate as 'not' to accept an offer from CKY should there be one.

Competition for a place at CKY is keen (and perhaps even more so with DBS) and most parents here really share the same education vision.  Nonetheless, I guess there are few who would reject an enviable offer from DBS for a place at CKY in the end.  If that would be your likely situation, why should you register your acceptance in the first place?

I write in advance of the results announcement as I would expect most - when given an offer - would register 'first' regardless it's their first choice or not.

It's definitely a tough decision to make.  But those in waiting can't thank you enough if you would kindly reject an offer from CKY.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-18 18:49 |只看該作者
Honestly, I well understood all parents' situation and 心情 coz I'm also the one.

Forgive me to ask you one question "apart from cky, have you registered another school for your kid?"

Wish you also understand our "struggling" coz we only applied 2 for our kids and luckily that we got acceptance from dbs which we had given up before, but....

Surely will surrender EITHER ONE for others once we make up our mind.  It's fair to other parents ma~  right

原文章由 papa_pop 於 07-12-18 17:30 發表
CheCheMan, I know we all are selfish.  But given that your first choice being DBS and your kid has been given an offer, I think you should really be considerate as 'not' to accept an offer from CKY sh ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-19 09:41 |只看該作者
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-18 18:49 發表
Honestly, I well understood all parents' situation and 心情 coz I'm also the one.

Forgive me to ask you one question "apart from cky, have you registered another school for your kid?"

Wish you also  ...



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-19 10:11 |只看該作者
Frankly speaking, I guess no one will give up an offer from DBSPD for CKY.
As you son is from CCKG, DBSPD is most probably your target school as well. So, pleasssssssssssssse don't register at CKY. Many many parents out there are still waiting for their first offer. Don't make their ordeal last until Sept 08.
There were a few "no show" students at CKY at the beginning of school term in Sept 07. Some of these places are still not filled up till now. Such valuable places are being wasted.:cry:
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-18 18:49 發表
Honestly, I well understood all parents' situation and 心情 coz I'm also the one.

Forgive me to ask you one question "apart from cky, have you registered another school for your kid?"

Wish you also  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-19 10:31 |只看該作者
多謝你嘅意見.  其實而家講話要選擇, 都言之過早, 皆因CKY都未有result.  呢幾日我同husband都商量呢件事, 我地大至上有共識...

咦..聽你咁講,當初你都有chose dbs and cky for your son?  咁...你而家個小朋友係CKY讀得開唔開心呀?  分享下呀.


原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-12-19 09:41 發表

以DBS的名氣,是很多家長趨之若鶩的理想學校,加上一條龍,又有IB課程,聽聞也不太催谷呢,要取捨應該不太難吧!若已決定就讀的,可能留一個機會給其它後備生會更好。家長要留位取捨學校,可能因為兩間學校質素太相近,始難判斷。除 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-19 10:46 |只看該作者
CheCheMan, my kid is now in Y2, and fortunately, not competing for the 2008/09 Y1 places.

To be frank, I didn't register another school for my kid except for the 'allocated' place by the government in the second round.  True that we had not made up our mind whether to go for a relatively new private school, or a more established governement school - our first choice in the district for 12 years of free education.  And we heard different views/pressure from relatives and friends.  At last, we informed the government school of our regrets - as I reckon my kid will find CKY a better environment to grow and learn.

It's really a tough decision process and we tried to minimise the inconvenience to the schools concerned and to avail the P1 place to those in waiting soon as we could.

Anyway, your decision seems much easier as DBS is among the most preferred by parents.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-19 11:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-19 10:31 發表
多謝你嘅意見.  其實而家講話要選擇, 都言之過早, 皆因CKY都未有result.  呢幾日我同husband都商量呢件事, 我地大至上有共識...

咦..聽你咁講,當初你都有chose dbs and cky for your son?  咁...你而家個小朋友係CKY ...

坦白講,孩子在蔡繼有是很開心的。我認識有些家長三位小朋友都在蔡繼有,有些是插班入讀的,而原校亦屬傳統名校。這也證明蔡繼有實具可愛之處才能吸引家長付昂貴學費入讀。蔡繼有無可疑問能提供無壓的學習環境予學生,但作為家長的,就可給予學生適當壓力,督促學生。好像現在全校的學生都要為三月提交的science project作出準備,而小兒就很雀躍地要找題材,還說要怎麼怎麼做。這種積極投入的精神,作為家長的我聽後都感到欣慰。


[ 本文章最後由 kyliema2006 於 07-12-19 11:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-19 11:33 |只看該作者
2 more reasons for choosing DBSPD:
1. DBSPD has its own canteen. CKY order lunch boxes from outside caterer. (Health concern)
2. DBSPD got subsidy from Gov't. CKY is private. CKY's parents are actually being double taxed! (Pocket concern)

Therefore, it's no need to register at CKY. Please leave more chances for others. 功德無量!
原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-12-19 09:41 發表

以DBS的名氣,是很多家長趨之若鶩的理想學校,加上一條龍,又有IB課程,聽聞也不太催谷呢,要取捨應該不太難吧!若已決定就讀的,可能留一個機會給其它後備生會更好。家長要留位取捨學校,可能因為兩間學校質素太相近,始難判斷。除 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-19 13:06 |只看該作者
Hi Kyliema,

其實你朋友所面對, 亦係我地所擔憂.  講真句, 我地兩公婆都要返工, 而我更要跟上司四圍飛, 好多時靠仔仔主動, finished all home assignments and read books....   

不過點都好, 我倆已有共識...而我地都好明白為人家長嘅心情, 所以我地絕唔會hold 住個位.

無論點, 希望大家都會收到份"chrismas gift".  咁就大家都開心.

Merry X'mas


原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-12-19 11:05 發表

坦白講,孩子在蔡繼有是很開心的。我認識有些家長三位小朋友都在蔡繼有,有些是插班入讀的,而原校亦屬傳統名校。這也證明蔡繼有實具可愛之處才能吸引家長付昂貴學費入讀。蔡繼有無可疑問能提供無壓的學習環境予學生,但作 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-19 14:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-19 13:06 發表
Hi Kyliema,

其實你朋友所面對, 亦係我地所擔憂.  講真句, 我地兩公婆都要返工, 而我更要跟上司四圍飛, 好多時靠仔仔主動, finished all home assignments and read books....   

不過點都好, 我倆已有共識...而 ...

Dear CCM,

蔡繼有很著重家庭教育,父母的付出(時間)一點也不比傳統學校的少。若父母未能緊貼孩子的功課,亦會容易出現問題。反之,在DBS就讀,課程有序,又有書本跟從,就可聘請補習老師跟進功課;但在蔡繼有就要廣覽群書,增進孩子的common sense,補習老師未必能配合得到。
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