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canda sceondry school which one better [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-10 11:44 |只看該作者

canda sceondry school which one better

my girl 13 years,can you adv which school in canda is better,also school free around each years under hk$150000.00**

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-11 10:02 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi bonniebobo,

Are you looking at Vancouver or Toronto, or Edmonton?

For fees of HK$150,000, are you expecting your girl to live in School Residence (dormitory) with that amount as well, or that $150,000 is only for tuition?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-11 16:36 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

You are very helpful eventhough you have no clue about what to answer.
It is funny to see post like that and saying urgent. I dont understand what she/he expect by giving such tiny information? Is the child a citizen or overseas student?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-12 09:22 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi xother,

I guess bonniebobo may be just don't know what information to give.
I guess she may be just a concerned mother who wants to send her daughter to Canada.

I was a visa student at one point living in residence in high school.  It was 20 years ago and it cost my family CAD$10,000 at that time.

HK$150,000 is about CAD$22000.  I know an excellent girl school in Toronto charges about CAD$40,000 for boarding students, or CAD$20,000 for non boarding. But if going to public school, CAD$22000 probably is good enough, but there is NO boarding facilities.  So it depends on what, where and how bonniebobo is expecting for her daughter.  

Perhaps bonniebobo can give more details than maybe I can give her more info.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-12 14:08 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

i think the school free includ the boarding facilities.
canada school
i have canada passport!
can you adv which one private school

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-13 10:47 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi bonniebobo,

In Toronto, I don't think you can find any GOOD boarding school which school fee is HK$150,000 and under.

The ones that I know are all CAD$40,000 per year if you plan to be a boarding student.

Maybe in other provinces you can find some of those schools.

Here is a link may help you find the school within your budget.

Canadian Independent School

In Toronto, I would not go for those "schools" which aim to serve those Chinese visa students which much cheaper fees, because they are of poor academic qualities and may close down any time.

Good Luck.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-15 14:37 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

其實而家係canada搵私校要小心 因為分分鐘會摺...聽人講9月倒智有好多學校會摺 因為而家政府嚴o左 有d學校比分鬆or買分...... 有d分分鐘係入o左black list係冇人知ka!! 而家我都係讀私校 不過我其實覺得canada讀書唔好~~因為都係同返自己種族d人玩多 政府果d就睇落d黑人都會同d中國人做fd o既

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-15 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi Kayan,


Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-15 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

加拿大中學展 2007 Canadian High School Forum

3月 17 日(六)  Mar 17 (Sat) 12 - 6pm

灣仔 華潤大廈 低座 四樓
Hong Kong Exhibition Centre 4/F Low Block
China Resources Building, Wan Chai


Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-15 21:58 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi all,
I am from Canada, have been here for over 20 years.  the ones listed in the link below are TOP Canadian private schools, just like the Mary Knoll, St. Paul coed in Hong Kong.

Canadian Independent School

I also looked at the schools showing in 加拿大中學展 2007 Canadian High School Forum, they are not at all top schools, except for the Toronto District School Board and Vancouver District School Board which represents the public schools in Canada.

I recommend you either go to the top private schools in Canada, or the public schools here.  Don't go anything in between because their quality is not guaranteed and most of them are just there to make money, like the worst schools in HK.

You want better education for your kids, not worst.

Good Luck.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-16 01:21 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Flyer66~我覺得讀埋個中五去會好D 因為個cridet會高D架...... 即係讀中七先去o既話就比中五個cridet仲比高D你lor!! 我建議你比個仔入公校 因為而家好多我校都會做D不法行為(e.g買分) 令到好多私校入o左Black list 而我地d市民係唔會知ka!! 公校會真正學到英文... 好多有加拿大居留d同學係因為想易拎分 所以先讀私校 加拿大d私校好"易希" 話執就執 d錢都冇得拎返!! 公校就好大機會唔會入black list同執 仲會學到英文!! 不過而家間間私校d學費都差不多同公校價一樣ka咋!! 最好初頭同埋你個仔一齊過o黎 唔係一個o黎好慘 唔識搭車 咩都唔識行ka~~ 你有冇d親戚係canada住ka~~你可以叫佢地幫你拎from申請 之後再自己去領事管簽証la!! 之前係我姐姐幫我攪ka!! 而家d私校多Black list 所以入境都會嚴o左ka!!

我有個朋友都係讀私校 佢話果間係1對1(唔係好...係因為而家少學生讀私校ah) 之後間學校就轉o左佢o黎madison讀 讀o左一個月madison就執o左
我有個段執o左笠o既片 你想要我sd比你la!! 話要面對競爭果d而執wor!! 真係冇人信ah=.= 呃o左我好多錢ah...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-16 02:55 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Agree with YukiMommy that either go to public school or top private school. However, the chance of being accepted into top private school is slim as a lot of them won't accept ESL (English as Second Language) student. In other words, if one's English is not up to their required level, one will not be accepted.

So I guess publich school is the best option available. If one's focus is learning English, then Toronto or Vancouver school board may not be a good idea. In most public schools in these two cities, the percentage of Chinese students is above 20%. I am not saying that having a high Chinese population is bad, however, as someone from HK and not confident with one's English ability, it is natural that one choose to have Chinese speaking friends. To avoid this, you can go to the suburbs, cities that are further away from downtown, but not THAT far away. Or Edmonton/Calgary would be a nice choice too.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-16 14:35 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Dear Canuck,

Hi, I know that you are come from Burnaby North, would you give me some more information about the schools?
Since I got two relatives living in Van so I’m thinking two schools between Price of Wales (West Van) & North Burnaby.
To my understanding the ranking to PW is 8.6 with a lot of Chinese.
The ranking of BN is 7.8 and less Chinese.
Since the daughter of my relatives studies in PW for 2 years already, she said all her friends are come from HK they always speak Cantonese and she didn’t have any friends of different race. She also said this happened in every school in Van, is very hard for them to mix together.  Is that real? Will it be any different in BN or a little bit better? She also said more Chinese = better school result. How do you think?
My daughter is now 13, she is a Canadian. I’m thinking to send her there for this coming year.
She got average school result in a good school in HK. Her spoken English is better than her written Enghish.
Please give me some more advise. Thanks a lot.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-16 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

多謝kayan, 您的意見!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-17 00:50 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

多倫多的公校會收visa student的﹐但就要看學額多唔多
以我以前的學校為例﹐因為本區學生都收唔晒﹐所以唔收visa student,但附緊一間就有收

相對其他地區North York的唐人應該少D,呢區亦有唔少好學校。但其實揀學校都要看你的小朋友對咩野有興趣﹐有D學校出名art programme,有D music programme,而我以前間學校就出名英文成績好+有日文讀同有得去日本exchange。

Flyer66 寫道:
多謝kayan, 您的意見!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-17 09:02 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

真的多謝小貓 您的意見!
可否給我一些較好的學校名呢? 我希望啊仔將來在環保或者是藥劑方面發展! 謝謝!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-17 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Dear amy888,

In BN, I would say roughly 1/3 of the student population is Chinese, including Canadian born chinese. It is true that a lot of Chinese students always speak Cantonese and have no friends from other race. As I have said earlier, it is very tempting for someone who do not speak good English to fall back into one's native language group. If you want your daughter to be truly immerse in the English language, you should look into cities like Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, etc. No matter where you are, there is only one way to learn English, and that is through practice.

More chinese generally translates to higher academic result. In BN, roughly 3/4 of the students from honour classes are of Chinese ancestry. I think both BN and PW have similar academic achievement.

If her spoken English is quite good, then I don't think she will have any difficulty in adapting to the environment.

Feel free to ask more questions.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-19 17:19 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Dear Canucks,
Thanks very much for your advise.  But I still got a lot of questions.
Last Sat I have went to a exhibition of studying in Canada.
They have schools from different areas.  The schools from Gulf Island/Victoria and Sqmish looks good. Both of them are in rural area with less Chinese. Do you think I can apply a school in Victoria but using the Burnaby address.  Do you have any friends that study in Victoria before? I’m thinking to let my daughter stay in homestay in Victoria? Please give me more advise? Are you living in Vancouver now? Are you a working mom? Do you like living here?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-20 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

Hi Amy,

I think schools from Victoria and Squmish would provide a better environment for learning English than in Greater Vancouver. Also, there are less temptations in those cities. However, you need to talk to your child about this before choosing those schools. Make sure that she knows what she will be facing. Life can be quite boring on the Island. But at the same time, she can experience the outdoor side of Canada.

I know that the province allows out of zone students, but the school gets to decide how many out of zone students they want to accept. I think you need to check with the individual school to see if they will accept students from Burnaby.

Homestaying is one of the best ways to immerse oneself in English environment. But need to be very careful when choosing a homestay family. Most Canadians are nice people, but better be safe than sorry.

Hehe, I am still a student. I stumbled across BK when googling my old school in HK. I like living in Vancouver. The environment is nice, life is relaxing, and my whole family is here.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-21 05:28 |只看該作者

Re: canda sceondry school which one better

I just want to add my 2 cents here.

I was an overseas student and I agree it is hard to practice English if you mix with HK people, however, going to remote area is not a good choice as well. I dont have anything back me up, but just imagine who live in country side and who want to teach there? How much funding will the govt give? What facilities you can get from school? Do you want to send your child to remote area in Hong Kong instead of in city?

In school, it is your choice who you want to mix with and who you want to hang out. What TV you watch and who you want to work with in groups can make a big difference.

I pick up my English as I forced myself to watch English channels, work with overseas students who is good. Yes, I do hang out with my HK friends but it is just because I feel lonely but that help me as it will ease my home sick.

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