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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 你地心目的至TOP既國際小學系邊間?
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你地心目的至TOP既國際小學系邊間? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-1 08:37 |只看該作者
我覺得每個人的"需要"都唔同, depends on個小朋友本身, 加埋父母的選擇...

我自己會揀"CIS", 因為我想個女可以同時學好英文+普通話(中文)
之前參觀過呢間學校, 對學生&校舍都幾impressive...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-1-1 16:26 |只看該作者
係呢個討論區內都唔係第一次睇到妳係度發表"esf既家長好多都係中等收入呀,家長d英文水平低呀,仔女d學校通告都未必識睇呀,自己都攪唔掂點樣去support小朋友讀IS呀!"  妳不停係度重覆呢d所謂既point但係呢d跟本係係妳自己根深柢固既偏見!

敢問妳的上幾代,甚至乎妳的祖父母可能係文盲字都唔識多隻都唔好講話教小朋友,咁佢地有冇送妳地父母去讀書? 妳既父母又有冇送妳去學校讀書?
自己英文唔好就要d仔女跟妳條舊路行? 英文唔夠好出去補習有乜問題? 好多local school既學生都有出去補習中文啦,又有乜問題?


原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-12-30 10:24 發表
bk 係 esf 的地盤,當然最多人會話 esf 好啦。
esf 小學的學生,主要都係本地土生土長的學生,因為佢地有一個 policy,係先收 esf 幼稚園學生,但 esf 幼稚園 9 成學生都係本地土生學生,外籍孩子都很少讀 esf 幼稚園,因此,基本上  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-1 16:52 |只看該作者

I am not here to take side of anyone. However, if you quoted my reply and asking me question, let me just simply give you a reply.

1. "Sorry to say" is just an opening phase of an sentance. Of course, i have nothing to be sorry for.

2.Although there are parents out there which is non-related to esf school, but they are mainly asking about esf school issue, such as i often seen parents asking for comment on RC.  I have to say that there is nothing wrong with that as well as esf is a big organization. More schools,more students and more parents to discuss about things.

3.The truth is that there is not as many parents of other IS in bk forum to discuss on other IS. Such as HKIS, CIS or GSIS. Or perhaps I just seldom see it here?

4.BK is an open forum for everyone to express their view. Once again i must say that I am not taking any side. Just stating facts. Would appreciate if you can be opened to other people' point of view as well.

原文章由 WYmom 於 07-12-31 08:15 發表

Why sorry? ESF parents providing help and discussion is bad??  Don't you notice that actually most topics are questions raised by non-ESF parents?  How about many parents discussing those top famous ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-1 19:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 happy_mum 於 08-1-1 16:52 發表

I am not here to take side of anyone. However, if you quoted my reply and asking me question, let me just simply give you a reply.

1. "Sorry to say" is just an opening phase of an sentance. O ...

If you read my messages in the past few years, you will know that I am always open to other's opinion and have shared a lot in the past, I have also responded to your recent query on DC.  I am sorry to say that your "opening phase" is an expression of taking side for that "famous" person who has no experience with IS but keeps on attacking ESF without grounds.

There have been various discussions on different IS previously, many parents of other IS have given comments, you can search for them as you like.  Actually, I think as many IS have been very well-established and well-known, people won't be very keen to discuss a lot.  RC is very new, so there are more queries and discussion on it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 08-1-2 12:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 丁家貓 於 08-1-1 16:26 發表
係呢個討論區內都唔係第一次睇到妳係度發表"esf既家長好多都係中等收入呀,家長d英文水平低呀,仔女d學校通告都未必識睇呀,自己都攪唔掂點樣去support小朋友讀IS呀!"  妳不停係度重覆呢d所謂既point但係呢d跟本係係妳自己 ...

       妳講得好: : :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-2 13:51 |只看該作者


我好同意ESF收Kindergarten學生既system有小小問題,但有那一間學校是perfer呢?如果入到ESF,點解要花多餘的錢去讀其他IS 的確會有一些小朋友英文係比較一般,但如果你有一個好的英文environment比你的小朋友,我想你的小朋友唔會因為佢地朋友仔講broken English而英文變差,我自己就冇依個問題,我反而想我的小朋友學好中文.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-3 09:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 CSJ安樂窩 於 08-1-2 13:51 發表

Yes! Totally agree!!:

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-3 12:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 MarcusD 於 08-1-3 09:30 發表

Yes! Totally agree!!:


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-3 14:48 |只看該作者
丁家貓 得好說得對!~ 我非常同意呀!~

原文章由 丁家貓 於 08-1-1 16:26 發表
係呢個討論區內都唔係第一次睇到妳係度發表"esf既家長好多都係中等收入呀,家長d英文水平低呀,仔女d學校通告都未必識睇呀,自己都攪唔掂點樣去support小朋友讀IS呀!"  妳不停係度重覆呢d所謂既point但係呢d跟本係係妳自己 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-3 15:50 |只看該作者
謬誤: 外籍孩子都很少讀 esf 幼稚園

女兒的esf 幼稚園只有不夠三分一的本地土生土長小朋友, 上午班有一班全班只有3個中國人. 現在她讀小學(CWBS), 她那班只有5個中國人(全班30人).

原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-12-30 10:24 發表
bk 係 esf 的地盤,當然最多人會話 esf 好啦。
esf 小學的學生,主要都係本地土生土長的學生,因為佢地有一個 policy,係先收 esf 幼稚園學生,但 esf 幼稚園 9 成學生都係本地土生學生,外籍孩子都很少讀 esf 幼稚園,因此,基本上  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-6 20:31 |只看該作者
我朋友係日本人,不過老公香港人, 佢讀青衣英基, 佢都同我講, 佢個女果班大部份係香港土生小朋友.可能間間英基中國人比例唔同!

我細b讀國際幼稚園, d家長都考曬英基, 考唔到英基就考其他好似ICS, 我個女係年尾出生,所以repeat k2, 出年先至考.

[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 08-1-6 20:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-6 21:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 catcatmom 於 08-1-6 20:31 發表
我朋友係日本人,不過老公香港人, 佢讀青衣英基, 佢都同我講, 佢個女果班大部份係香港土生小朋友.可能間間英基中國人比例唔同!

我細b讀國際幼稚園, d家長都考曬英基, 考唔到英基就考其他好似ICS, 我個女係年尾出生, ...

hi catcatmom,

Do you mean your daughter born in Dec 2003?  If she born in year 2003, she must apply ESF 2008/09 year 1.  She can't apply 2009/10 year 1 as it will be rejected by the school.

[ 本文章最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-1-6 21:56 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-6 22:38 |只看該作者
hi yau cheung

My daughter was born in Nov 2003, I let her to apply at the end of this year. But my husband like ICS as we live nearby the school. Just 5 minutes walk

原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-1-6 21:53 發表

hi catcatmom,

Do you mean your daughter born in Dec 2003?  If she born in year 2003, she must apply ESF 2008/09 year 1.  She can't apply 2009/10 year 1 as it will be rejected by the school.

[ 本文章最後由 catcatmom 於 08-1-6 22:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-1-10 11:16 |只看該作者
原文章由 丁家貓 於 08-1-1 16:26 發表
係呢個討論區內都唔係第一次睇到妳係度發表"esf既家長好多都係中等收入呀,家長d英文水平低呀,仔女d學校通告都未必識睇呀,自己都攪唔掂點樣去support小朋友讀IS呀!"  妳不停係度重覆呢d所謂既point但係呢d跟本係係妳自己根深柢固既偏見!

敢問妳的上幾代,甚至乎妳的祖父母可能係文盲字都唔識多隻都唔好講話教小朋友,咁佢地有冇送妳地父母去讀書? 妳既父母又有冇送妳去學校讀書?
自己英文唔好就要d仔女跟妳條舊路行? 英文唔夠好出去補習有乜問題? 好多local school既學生都有出去補習中文啦,又有乜問題?



各位有意思比小朋友入esf既媽咪千祈唔好比d連打架同玩都未識分既人誤導 >>> 係呀, cara2006 呢個笑話, 我自己都笑咗好耐.

cara2006, you're so poor .

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-1-10 11:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 CSJ安樂窩 於 08-1-2 13:51 發表
我好同意ESF收Kindergarten學生既system有小小問題,但有那一間學校是perfer呢?如果入到ESF,點解要花多餘的錢去讀其他IS 的確會有一些小朋友英文係比較一般,但如果你有一個好的英文environment比你的小朋友,我想你的小朋友唔會因為佢地朋友仔講broken English而英文變差,我自己就冇依個問題,我反而想我的小朋友學好中文


無論係本地/國際學校, 大, 中, 小學/幼稚園, 每一間學校都有佢地自己一套嘅收生標準.

例如有些本地教會學校, 如果考生係教徒, 都會納入優先範圍.  雖然我唔係教徒, 但我都唔覺得呢個係大問題.  你揀人, 人揀你唧, 既然唔符合學校收生要求/標準, 咁咪另作他選囉.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-10 12:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 RAA 於 08-1-10 11:37 發表


無論係本地/國際學校, 大, 中, 小學/幼稚園, 每一間學校都有佢地自己一套嘅收生標準.

例如有些本地教會學校, 如果考生係教徒, 都會納入優先範圍.  雖然我 ...

Totally Agree.

其他IS, 若果有幼稚園, 都係優先收番自己嘅幼稚園學生, 並不是只係ESF咁做, 大家要客觀及公平啲, 等於本地一條龍學校一樣

[ 本文章最後由 puifun 於 08-1-10 12:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-10 16:20 |只看該作者
What is fair and what is unfair?
I personally think it is fair enough.
I do not see why ESF schools cannot first reserve places for children in their own kindergartens. My knowledge is that, even if everyone in ESF kindergartens gets into an ESF primary school, there are still places for other children. Every year, there are lots of children from other kindergartens that enters ESF primary successfully.
Now, if you like ESF schools so much and want to be safe, just play by the rules and put your child in an ESF kindergarten. Then you yourself can also enjoy the priority status. Sounds fair now?
Oh, but of course, you said that ESF schools are no good, right? Then, good. Just do NOT let your child go to an ESF school. I am sure many other parents would be happy not to have you as a fellow parent.

In any case, can this you-know-who just stop it?
You have made your points. Many times in fact. I know you are not happy. But there is nothing we can do about it. We are just parents like you. If you are so upset, why don't you write directly to the ESF management? Or even better, the SCMP or Apple Daily? Go and talk to the press. Make it a big issue. Let people know there are unhappy parents like you. Go on. Do it now, elsewhere. Just leave us alone.

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 08-1-10 16:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-11 00:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-12-30 10:24 發表
bk 係 esf 的地盤,當然最多人會話 esf 好啦。
esf 小學的學生,主要都係本地土生土長的學生,因為佢地有一個 policy,係先收 esf 幼稚園學生,但 esf 幼稚園 9 成學生都係本地土生學生,外籍孩子都很少讀 esf 幼稚園,因此,基本上  ...

Cara2006, from below, seems you are very understand the esf's student, their parent and also the school. If you don't think esf is your target school, why you spent so many time and efforts to collect those information??? Some information looks need to have face to face interview with esf parents in order to get those information. you really have so many time...why don't you spend those time with your kids? or understand more your kid's school????


-esf 學校 (尤其九龍區) 基本上 9 成係香港土生孩子。


-近年,好多 esf 孩子,家長本身知識水平英語水平都低,好多在家都幫唔到孩子學習,孩子去到三四年班,問題越是嚴重,學校亦會 "提醒"家長,孩子的英文唔好,被要求出去惡補英文。

-esf 亦有另一個包袱,就係唔可以好持本地名校咁,趕 d差的學生走,


-我知有 d 家長,完全唔理孩子的事,從來唔 show up參與孩子學校活動,亦唔會在家輔助孩子 reading,learning 等,當然,佢地亦從來唔上 bk,佢地的失敗 case,有幾多可以"傳" 到 bk?

-esf 家長當然唔會主動話你聽,衰 d 講,家醜不出外傳,知道有 d 差例子都唔會講。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-11 14:31 |只看該作者
有D有心人在BK係咁唱衰ESF School. 又化別名在其他 Forum繼續唱衰, 非常非常落力。我實在忍唔住都要講 , 這些
有心人非常非常熟識 ESF Schools 的運作, 收生程序, ESF kinder P1 情形都很清楚 , 要搜集這麽多資料真的很費心。但又話唔會考ESF School, 真的很奇怪。

會唔會有D人以為唱衰ESF School, 咁就小D人考, 甚至驚到收咗都唔讀, 請這
有心人不要發此春秋大夢 , 你估揀得ESF School parents 會是如此水平的嗎 ?

如果得的話 , 我想唱衰 Cambridge , 咁我就可以入到去讀了。

哈哈 !!

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