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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 DGS 拔尖有幾人?
樓主: alady

DGS 拔尖有幾人? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-4 12:25 |只看該作者

回覆 #20 christf 的文章

Dear All<br />
<br />
You all should forget what christf said. She is so bias, always accuse local school with very bad words, and think only expensive IS school (like GSIS, her kid goes to) suit her class. See what she wrote in other forum:<br />
christf <br />
珊瑚級國民<br />
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         575        <br />
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UID 110384<br />
精華 0<br />
積分 575<br />
文章 519<br />
閱讀權限 0<br />
註冊 06-11-10<br />
狀態 離線<br />
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08-2-19 11:45<br />
#3<br />
   回覆 <br />
No, even though a school can fulfill all your four criteria, it doesn't mean it is a good school. <br />
<br />
If the school is bound by the rubblish local education system set by EB, it can hardly be a good school.<br />
<br />
On the other hand, HK does have good schools but the fee incurred is not affordable by most oridinary families.<br />
<br />
P.S. 好的辦學理念 doen't mean "和自己育兒方向一致" because there are so many parents here don't know what is education and I don't think their own 育兒方向 is really good!!!<br />
<br />
QUOTE:<br />
原文章由 嫦娥一号 於 08-2-18 19:47 發表 <br />
1) 首先是學校辦學理念和自己育兒方向一致。<br />
<br />
2) 校長有好的領導能力,使下屬實踐學校方針。<br />
<br />
3) 好支持兒女,肯投入和投放時間的家長作後盾。<br />
<br />
4) 用心教學的老師<br />
<br />
結論是:好的辦學理念 + 活力校長 +隨時候命的家長 <br />
    ...<br />
<br />
There isn't a single school in HK which is free (i.e. subsidised school) can be considered as "Good" bound by the current education system set by EB.<br />
<br />
christf <br />
珊瑚級國民<br />
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         575        <br />
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<br />
UID 110384<br />
精華 0<br />
積分 575<br />
文章 519<br />
閱讀權限 0<br />
註冊 06-11-10<br />
狀態 離線<br />
<br />
08-2-20 12:28<br />
#7<br />
   回覆 <br />
What you described was nothing new. Even so, it doesn't mean your daughter's school can be classified as "Good" school.<br />
<br />
Whenever your daughter's school is under the boundary set by EB, the school cannot avoid to internal rank the students into Band 1, 2, 3, etc. through various tests, exams,..etc., and also in order to maintain the school's reputation to avoid being "Kill", the school cannot avoid to put pressure on academic and do lots of lots of excerices drilling...etc..<br />
<br />
How can you classify such kind of school be "Good"?  - no way   Not a single subsidized school under the control of EB can be classified as a "Good" school.<br />
<br />
<br />
See how bad she kept criticising other kids' school.  But when she come to the school her kid studing (German Swiss International school):<br />
<br />
christf <br />
珊瑚級國民<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
         575        <br />
<br />
<br />
UID 110384<br />
精華 0<br />
積分 575<br />
文章 519<br />
閱讀權限 0<br />
註冊 06-11-10<br />
狀態 離線<br />
<br />
08-3-4 08:56<br />
#12<br />
   回覆 <br />
Hi Incredible<br />
<br />
Welcome aboard!<br />
<br />
1.  Year 1 don't have much homework except a daily reading book and two library books (one fiction and one non-fiction) per week.  Later, there will be also 1 to 2 pages of very simple exercise or homework during the weekend but no homework during any long holiday, e.g. mid-term break, Christmas, Chinese New Years, Easter and summer holiday.<br />
<br />
2. The discipline is very good. So far I have not heard about any bullying cases.<br />
<br />
3. So far my boy hasn't complained anything about the school.<br />
<br />
4. I believe that I have made the right choice and feel that my boy likes this school more than any of his previous schools.<br />
<br />
Regards<br />
<br />
Christf<br />
<br />
<br />
So forget about her comments or what she has said.  She is just living in her own illusion, irrational and hopeless. I do hope her kid can become a RESPONSIBLE person like what Joyce (Fei Fei's daughter) said.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-4 12:35 |只看該作者

Is IS really that Good?

Sorry May some of you can not see what I referred to about what christf has said in other forum. I now put the link to show how critising other school before.

What you described was nothing new. Even so, it doesn't mean your daughter's school can be classified as "Good" school.


A) (Whenever your daughter's school is under the boundary set by EB, the school cannot avoid to internal rank the students into Band 1, 2, 3, etc. through various tests, exams,..etc., and also in order to maintain the school's reputation to avoid being "Kill", the school cannot avoid to put pressure on academic and do lots of lots of excerices drilling...etc..

How can you classify such kind of school be "Good"?  - no way   Not a single subsidized school under the control of EB can be classified as a "Good" school.)

B) (No, even though a school can fulfill all your four criteria, it doesn't mean it is a good school.

If the school is bound by the rubblish local education system set by EB, it can hardly be a good school.

On the other hand, HK does have good schools but the fee incurred is not affordable by most oridinary families.

P.S. 好的辦學理念 doen't mean "和自己育兒方向一致" because there are so many parents here don't know what is education and I don't think their own 育兒方向 is really good!!!)

And German Swiss International school may be the only good school in HK, because her kid goes there.


A) (Welcome aboard!

1.  Year 1 don't have much homework except a daily reading book and two library books (one fiction and one non-fiction) per week.  Later, there will be also 1 to 2 pages of very simple exercise or homework during the weekend but no homework during any long holiday, e.g. mid-term break, Christmas, Chinese New Years, Easter and summer holiday.

2. The discipline is very good. So far I have not heard about any bullying cases.

3. So far my boy hasn't complained anything about the school.

4. I believe that I have made the right choice and feel that my boy likes this school more than any of his previous schools.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-4 15:02 |只看該作者
Christf:"   Go to study more about the curriculum of those elite IS. Community service has already been built into the curriculum for many many years.  IS is always famous to its community service that every student has to be participated in even though some schools haven't switched to IB that community service is a compulory requirements.

上 屆 拔 萃 女 書 院 一 口 氣 包 辦 女 子 組 A 、 B 、 C 三 個 Grade 的 團 體 冠 軍 , 完 美 登 上 總 冠 軍 后 座 , 聯 同 之 前 同 樣 以 Grand Slam 大 滿 貫 姿 態 贏 得 游 泳 賽 桂 冠 , 女 拔 萃 去 年 可 說 是 威 盡 水 、 陸 兩 路 ! "

唔知外国名牌大學去評估學生所就讀的學校時會否考慮學校在ECA方面的成就,相信如 christf 所指嘅"famous IS "在 ECA方面嘅成績同 DGS 都是不遑多讓。
Christf: " DGS students are far away from those top IS students.  Even though some DGS girls can enter those top world's universities, their deficience  as compared with from those top IS students will easily be seen at most starting from the second year of university. They are in fact not in the same league"     講到我都心思思想試吓同小女轉校到 so called "famous IS "可否推介那一間比較好呢?

發表於 08-3-4 17:20 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-3-4 17:23 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-4 18:25 |只看該作者
Think simple and always naive christf

Reading from your past forums, the point was not the content or theraies you created.  The point is the way and attitute to put forward those and always tries to step other people (or local schools to be exact) under your shoes (or under your dream IS GSIS). I wonder you or your kid had been a loser under the current education system (or you always refer to local education)? How bad was you failure? Was it really bad. Please share here with us, maybe someone kind enough to refer you a good clinical psychologist to help.  i know it is always painful to have bad experience in your past, but don't give up. There is always an Institute (of some kind ) to help case like you.  Otherwise, if you keep surfing the BK forum, and look for revenge opportunity and continue to attack other people, schools, or kids; it doesn't help.

You are not only poor in reading and understanding English but also poor in general knowledge or just ignorance

How do I 跎衰 GSIS?  IF you can find out any point that I posted here are illogical or non-sense, you are most welcome to state out if you can.  

**外國乞食那個英文都好叻, **

Go to find out the meaning of "illterate". Many western people are illiterate. See!

***有男拔生小學已經出了幾本書, 你得閒行下書局, 你個囝寫那一pat野唔代表甚麼, 可能我囝第時都寫到。***

It is good that DBS student can publish several books.  Of couse I know it. However, I am pretty sure that the quality of my boy's English novel is much better and my boy is only 7. How old is that DBS student?


Good, wait until you son can do it before showing off here.

**早排某間IS有男生拉女生入廁所攪野, 仲話要塞乜野落人地下體度,***

There are many IS in HK. Some are excellent but some are... Don't you know it?  If you want to quote the bad behaviour of students, you can find tons of them occured in local schools, the quantities and percentages are much much much greater than IS.  Don't you know it?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-5 00:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 08-3-4 09:05 發表

IS are very different from local elite schools, they do not screen out or expel students with poor academic results, so they have band 1 to 3 students even in top IS.  There is a wide range  ...


It is my fault to use the word "expelled" as my previous boss was disappointed with the famous IS and voluntarily took her girl out.
Indeed, the local schools also rarely expel the students due to academic reason. On this point, I don't see the difference between IS and local schools.

I agree that IS students have high percentage to universities. But how is the percentage to top universities, I have no idea. I have visited the website of GSIS and found some names of famous universities but not the exact percentage or number of students admitted to them.

I have some friends who sent their kids to IS. They all feel that the academic teaching is so slow and efficient. They all arrange private teachers or extra academic class for their kids. But it is at the cost of time, sacrificing other ECA and much money. So if you are rich enough, you need second thought for IS.

Conversely, I find the ISs in HK are using the approach of local schools. I know a senior expatriate in my organization. He brought her girl (12 years old) from a top London school to a HK IS years ago. The girl found the IS very tough and it emphasized very much on discipline compared to her previous school.

Please note that many famous local or newly established private or DS local schools are now trying their best to conduct the education in a way following what IS usually do.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-5 07:16 |只看該作者
原文章由 youma 於 08-3-5 00:42 發表


It is my fault to use the word "expelled" as my previous boss was disappointed with the famous IS and voluntarily took her girl out.
Indeed, the local schools also rarely expel the stude ...


Here is not a forum to discuss IS vs local, so I don't want to discuss in details.  Yet I think you have a very wrong impression about IS.  IS is a very general term and there are many different IS, some are better, some are using approach same as UK or US, some are using more local approach (such as SIS).  Different countries use different approach and system, good or bad is all different in different parents' mind.  There are a lot of discussions from many parents in the international school discussion forum for your reference.

I know that you do not support IS, but it just does not mean that IS is low in academic standard.  Please do not give such subjective comments without factual data.  I believe a rational parent will be open to and respect different types of schools, analyse based on facts for years, rather than just a few isolated samples.  I have told you that there are a wide variety of students in IS, and it is even more complicated with the wide variety of cultural background of different nationalities and the high turnover of expatriate students in IS.  So I don't know why you keep on quoting a few negative comments from your boss or western friends to badmouth IS without any understanding of IS.

As far as private tutor class is concerned, it all depends on the kids' standard and their parents' expectations.  I think you know all Chinese parents expect very high standard and learning one level higher even their kids are not that brilliant.  As I know, generally Chinese kids in IS usually attend tutor classes in Chinese to improve their Chinese learning, which is very natural.   I also know from my friends whose kids studying in top elite schools also attend a lot of private tutor classes in all subjects, in addition to very heavy homework workload.  So does it mean that thse top elite schools' standards are low??

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-3-5 07:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-5 23:50 |只看該作者
Hi WYmom,

Can you show me by which sentence I badmouth IS? Did I state that ISs are generally low in academic? If you are open-minded, why can't you accept somebody quote one single negative case?

Let me hereby summarize my points:
As said before, I believe IS students have better ratios in entering into universities genrally than the local school. But, according to my source of information, only a minority of them can enter into top universities. For readers understanding, can anyone show me the current exact % of the IS students entering the top 100 universities in the world? If no figures are given, how can one say that their successful ratio better than the local elite school like DGS, La Salle, SPC, StPaul Co-Ed or Queens?

I believe that IS students are generally good at English and project learning. They have advantageous in studying business, arts or social science disciplines. But for math and science subjects, those students from local elite schools are comparatively strong. (As far as I know, most international academic awards are won by local school elites).

IS parents have to pay much more than local students' parents, including school tuition, debenture, private tuition, overseas camps and ECAs, etc. I want to emphasize again that, if one is not rich enough, the cost can be far more than expectation. One should think carefully about the long term expenditure before sending one's kid there as it is likely no way turn.

I believe most parents understand that different ISs have different approaches. It's no point to discuss. I know a number of students from local elite schools and IS schools. For both streams, some of them are brilliant and some of them are just so so. I find the most dominating factor to succeed is parents' effort and care, not the schools'!

I quote a negative case with the aim to show that, contrary to what christf said, not all IS students are academically good! [If it is not guaranteed better, how do I justify to pay million dollars more to send my kids there?]

You said you did not want to discuss local vs IS in details. But contrarily, it seems that you love to discuss and defend. Just kidding.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-6 07:18 |只看該作者
原文章由 youma 於 08-3-5 23:50 發表
Hi WYmom,

Can you show me by which sentence I badmouth IS? Did I state that ISs are generally low in academic? If you are open-minded, why can't you accept somebody quote one single negative case?


It will be an endless argument on this topic if I really "defend".   There are so many IS and all their info. are available on websites.  I have explained clearly about difference in schools and students intake (not different approaches, if you can understand what I mean) in previous postings, so it is really not an apple-to-apple comparision with local schools.  IS students join different types of competitions (such as World Maths day and inter-school competitions for IS) vs local schools, they are simply in different context.  Seems that you just did not know it.  

Justify to study or not is a matter of each parent's expectation and value judgement.  For me, high quality education worths investment as it's a life-long asset for my kids.   The "value" gained is higher than the physical enjoyment from luxury materialistic life.  So obviously I have very different value judgement from you.  Anyway, I do agree with you that no matter which type of school you choose, parents' support is of course most essential for the kids' success.  Wish your kids doing very well in their top elite schools. Good day.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-3-6 11:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-6 23:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 08-3-6 07:18 發表
For me, high quality education worths investment as it's a life-long asset for my kids.   The "value" gained is higher than the physical enjoyment from luxury materialistic life.  So obviously I have very different value judgement from you.  Anyway, I do agree with you that no matter which type of school you choose, parents' support is of course most essential for the kids' success...

It seems that you have presumed that IS is of high quality education worth you paying higher than that for local schools.

I have nothing to add then.

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