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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 08-09 K1K Kent Road, any classmate?
樓主: ivychin

08-09 K1K Kent Road, any classmate? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-9-8 12:32 |只看該作者
hello ladies... so glad to learn about the school life since godiva didn't share much about school. but in general, she likes school think...

i asked godiva before whether any singing or playing piano in the class, she said NO... see she didn't pay any attention to the class i think... and she said she didn't play any toys... which i have doubt as well... probably i should call ms MI as well later on to double check...

my mom told me she didn't cry on friday when sending her in.... a bit resistance when getting into the class but eventually said good bye to my mom without any crying or screaming... that is a good sign... but see how it goes today as well, especially after the weekend...

p.s. i am so glad that i have u gals to share...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-8 15:16 |只看該作者
I took WingWing to school this afternoon. There were only about 5 kids when we were there and 2 girls were crying. 1 teacher was pampering 1 of them and the other gir had her grandma there...
WingWing told me she had a sore-throat, so i stayed and played puzzles with her for about 5 min. Her mood got better after i told her daddy will pick her up and take her to dr after class.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-8 23:53 |只看該作者
Hi RCmommy, may I know when did u & WIngWing arrived school? ...coz Ian takes school bus everyday, I knew he arrived school at abt 1320hrs at the 1st day....coz I waited for him there...I believe the arrival time is abt the same every day...he may be 1 of the 5 students in the class, did u see a boy with round face ....what did he do????

It's glad to know Godiva didn't cry on Friday...  everyday will go better & better !!

Ian told me he:
(1)played滑梯...but just once & had to queue up...maybe too many students & just got one滑梯
(2)watched TV with firecars
(3)singing & played piano..he said "children piano"...I don't know true or not
(4)"wee wee" 2 times

just want to share what the children learnt in class..he told me he loves to go to school...actually, I am extremely happy when I knew that...I really know it's hard to be a mother..

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-9 00:11 |只看該作者
Hi ladies, I suggested all of u read the below 2 messages I found. Ian can tell me he needs to rest his head on the table several times a day & cannot talk to others in class. ...But he still loves to go to school....it is amazing...Actually, KV has it's own method to teach children.

(1)學校會用10幾個星期, 去訓練小朋友嘅紀律, 令佢哋鍾意返學同學校。之後再慢慢進入寫字, 其他課程。我相信呢個就係KV同其他學校嘅分別, 開始明白點解咁多家長嘅小朋友咁自律。

我老公成日話, 一間有咁多年辦學經驗嘅學校, 佢有一套方法... 好相信KV... 我99, 老爺都係教書。99成日教我哋, 佢開學都係唔教書住, 約法三章, 同d學生講清楚晒d rules...大家明白大家嘅要求喎!

我個妹又係教書, 成個周星x拍電影咁, 佢同d學生又講笑, 又鬧。要大家專重, 無人敢傾計, d飛仔學生都好專重佢, 重會幫手叫d同學收聲。所以有咗discipline, 有個環境比老師同學真真正正地上堂。呢d quality, 比起知識更重要。

我囝囝個私人老師就好怕一間要小朋友坐定定嘅學校, 佢聽人講KV好嚴, 佢prefer 活動d, international 就最好啦。佢都講, 佢只係聽, 無認識KV學生。

(2)My friend told me (she knew this from her friend as her friend's son went to KV before) that K1 students had to go through the disciplinary training during the first term of the school year. That is cannot talk in class, sit properly, etc. Students cannot talk to each other even during snack time. They have to rest their head on the table during recess, etc. Therefore, the child probably couldn't tell you the names of his/her classmates and neighbours because they are not allowed to talk in class. The teachers will probably tell the students that things happen in class are secrets and cannot tell parents. Therefore, your children may not tell you many things about their school lives. My daughter was very quiet and didn't tell me anything about her K1 school life back then. Last year, after I knew this from my friend, I asked my daughter about this 'no talking' rule in the 1st term. She told me that's really the case. No talking at all. This is what KV regarded as disciplinary training. After the 1st term which is around December, students may talk and get more active in class. No wonder I felt that my daughter started talking about her classmates after the K1 Christmas party.
Some think this is good training, some don't. I am quite looking forward to it as I would like my son learns to sit still and behave.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 09:33 |只看該作者
Heather seldom talks about what happened at school.  But last Friday, she said many things (maybe she was in good mood).  She told me Ms Kung played piano, Ms Mi sang, and the children clapped.  They sang London bridge is falling down (as she ask me and her dad to play with her at home).  Then they went to toilet.  They have to put their hands on their knees after "wee wee". Then 君姐gave them tissue to clean up.  However, usually we helped her to clean up at home.  I asked Heather if anyone would help her, she said no.  I guess I have to train her on that part at home now.

One day she told us that she told the teacher she has Barney also.  I guess they have watched Barney video or has a Barney doll.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 09:48 |只看該作者
thank you so much ladies for sharing the info about KV and the class... Godiva doesn't talk much about her school life so i felt quite worrying and disappointed without knowing much about what happened... but now read your messages below, i understand it's a process they need to go thru... NO TALKING... no wonder she asked us not to talk during dinner few times already... i thought she was just trying to join our conversation.. hahahah...

godiva didn't cry neither yesterday... hope she will enjoy her schoollife from no on...

btw, seems your children told much more of their activities in school than mine... can you share how old is your child? just to understand is it b'coz she is younger than others or she is just not good at expressing it..

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-9 15:10 |只看該作者
Ian was born on 9 May 05.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 15:36 |只看該作者
Heather was born on 16 Sep, 05.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 17:36 |只看該作者
WingWing is an April girl.

Hi, Ivychin,
WingWing sits close to the "fireplace". However, I dont' take WingWing to school everyday, only once a week. Maybe I can look for Ian & tell you about him if I see him? May I know where his seat is/close to?? But I remeber when I took WingWing into the class oom yesterday, at about 1:20-1:25pm,there were already 2 boys sitting inside. They both were very calm, but I didn't pay attention of what they were doing though.....
Yes, I believe your info is true that the kids have to put their heads and arms on the table & rest after they finish their snack, as WingWing told me the same thing.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-10 10:48 |只看該作者
forgot to quote, Godiva was born on Sept 26, 2005...

i checked with her as well, they did put the head on the table, and queued up for slide and weewee... but she only said yes or no after i asked her... she seems surprised that i knew (ahhahaha... she didn't know i came to Bk to chat lei...)... and she said Ms. Mi gave her the sticker yesterday...

so far last 2 days, Godiva didn't cry when going into the class... hope she will keep it up la...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-12 01:02 |只看該作者
On 10/9, Ian told me「月亮圓, 月亮光,好像燈籠在天上!」, besides, 「食茶點,各位小朋友好想食茶點,唔該老師幫我斟水」。 It's very funny!!

On 11/9, Ian told me「打開雪櫃、打開雪櫃有"菓汁"有"菓汁",快啲仃Kui 出嚟,快快啲仃Kui 出嚟,飲咗Kui、飲咗Kui!」.... besides, he bought me to the music room singing ABC song....

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-12 01:15 |只看該作者
Hi, RCmommy,
Ian cannot tell me the place he sits, but I think one of the boys might be him. It's glad to now he can behave well in the classroom coz he is very very active & talkative......he doesn't know the name of his classmates.....just mentions Ms MI ....remember to give the children water when pick them up, Ian drinks half bottle everytime...I guess he only can drink at snack time.....unless he ask for...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-12 12:34 |只看該作者
Heather told me they watched JJ during snack time yesterday.  I don't know what JJ is and she said it's an areoplane.  And they played hula hoop in the garden.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-12 17:37 |只看該作者
wow... your children did tell u alot of what happened... i now have concern that godiva would have problem of expressing herself or remembering what she learned in the class? she doesn't tell me anything about the class.. even if i asked, only yes or no, but didn't tell anything at all???

godiva has 氣管敏感 that she has been wearing mask to the class in last few days (even if she didn't cough, she still asked for the mask!!!)... doctor said today that air pollution will lengthen the recovery time as well...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-17 01:19 |只看該作者
Ian sang a new song to me last Friday, let's share:「吹一吹個大波波,吹一吹個大波波,吹一吹個大波波,笑着吹波!」.....He was disappointed since he cannot go outside to feed the fish...he said girls can go outside while boys has to stay in classroom....watched TV-Hello Kitty..

I think Godiva is only 「慢熱」,maybe she knows all the things but just want to tell others in later time, she still observes the teachers & classmates...they will get the homework in November...many time for her to adapt to the school....don't worry.....

Ian likes to talk, he can talk in the whole day indeed!......it is his character!

Maybe a month later Godiva also talks a lot!!!

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-17 09:22 |只看該作者
Hello, 各位媽咪,我最近才學識上BabyKingdom呢個網,好開心search到K1K班,我的仔仔叫Ken,住土瓜灣,是搭根德園校車返學,9月4日出世,我真的非常開心收到各位媽咪報告的學校情況,因Ken只講有音樂堂,問他唱什麼歌,他只能說ABC, Twinkle Little Star, London Bridge ............ 沒有告訴我唱月亮歌,雪櫃歌.......Ian真的很聰明,連歌詞也能講得咁清楚,當我同亜Ken唱月亮歌......總之Ian之前所提及的所有歌,Ken好開心,問我點解識唱,哈哈.希望能和各位媽咪和小朋友保持聯絡.   

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-17 09:41 |只看該作者
昨天原來是Heather 生日,我補祝 Heahter BB 生日快樂,聰明伶俐, 人見人愛,返學開開心心.........
Ken & Jess

原帖由 shirley_chan 於 08-9-9 15:36 發表
Heather was born on 16 Sep, 05.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-17 09:45 |只看該作者

A new comer

Dear all parents,

My daughter Chloe 馮雪瑩 is one of the K1K students.  She sits beside a girl Fung Wan & a boy Chan Chun Kiu.

I've read all your messages & found most of the activities discribed by my daughter are the same with yours.  e.g. The Moon song, London Bridge. Open the Freezer.  I'm surprised that one of the messages said teachers told students to keep secret.  I asked my daugther who confirmed this!  She said teachers told them to sit properly; not to talk to others; not to tell anyone the above (although i can't wholly believe); go out to sing a song individually, etc.

We've tried to ask Chloe to teach us what she had learnt from the class but in vain.  She is v. relucant to do so.  She likes schooling but is afriad of teachers because sometimes we said we'll ask the teachers if she refused to tell us her school life.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-17 10:42 |只看該作者
hello jessken and vincentfung
nice meeting you here... let's stay in touch ar...

happy be-lated birthday to heather ar... hope she had a wonderful birthday ( )

u ar so right, godiva is very very shy... not sure why... she was very active and talkative when she was before 2yrs old... then started getting very shy as she grows older... not sure also b'coz she hasn't attended N1 before... so longer process for her to learn lei..

btw, during mid-autumn festival, she told us that she played lanterns at school, i.e. hello kitty lanterns, winnie the pooh lanterns, she said 有咁多 lanters 嘅 (it's a fact but she said it like a question lor ) and she said 有營光棒嘅 (but i am not sure if school allows to play 營光棒呢)...

i am just so glad that i can learn from you guys what they did/learned in school as she could only tell us so little each day... hope ivychin u ar right that she will improve later la (worry about the assessment ma... mouth:" /> )

[ 本帖最後由 godivachoc 於 08-9-17 10:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-17 11:37 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot!  She had a party on 14 Sept and went to Disney on 15 Sept.  She really had a joyful Mid-Autumn festival.  She kept sing "月亮圓, 月亮光, 好像燈籠在天上" during the holidays, and always looked up to the sky to find the moon.

She really loves school and yesterday she got a sticker.  Unlike your kids, yesterday was the first day that she got the sticker.  Probably she did not behave very well at school.

原帖由 jessken 於 08-9-17 09:41 發表
昨天原來是Heather 生日,我補祝 Heahter BB 生日快樂,聰明伶俐, 人見人愛,返學開開心心.........
Ken & Jess
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