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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Urgent! Really want to seek for help!!!
樓主: wisekid2007

Urgent! Really want to seek for help!!! [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-6-19 17:52 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-6-19 20:37 |只看該作者
i am a social worker mainly for child.

無詳細看你以前的message, 不知他幾多歲,有d咩經歷,不過簡單看你形容他的情況,如果你的小朋友已看過醫生,証明不是普通生理患病,你真應該尋求一些輔導服務,讓小朋友得到協助。
1. 看西醫,讓他介紹及寫轉介信,介紹一些合適的.. 因不知你想是私人的還是政府的...所以好難介紹CP或精神科。同埋其實找PRIVATE的CP,會快D,但好貴。

2.  不知你那一區,如一般情況,可先到地區上一些非牟利的中心或社署,找社工協助,因可以先作輔導或一些有關的THERAPY再做轉介,或一些ASSESSMENT都可以。

3.  學校社工,如有的,都可以轉介。

我想專業的意見你是需要的... 為免憂慮,盡早處理,因他似是Depression...

原帖由 wisekid2007 於 09-6-19 17:52 發表
Thanks for your sharing. It is really not easy to be parents.

My boy vomited several times and always said very tired these two days. I just brought him to consultant a paediatrics. The paediatrics c ...
Mqchris :>

發表於 09-6-19 21:08 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-20 00:28 |只看該作者
hi wisekid2007,

understand your worry...
其實未接觸過你的仔仔..當然不能就此給予任何的意見...不過他今次的情況與以前的不同..本身emotional,..同埋見佢有生理不常情況出現(嘔)..如果你擔心,不如先問問以前見開的cp的意見, 因他比較清楚仔仔的情況....有需要先再見psychi... 或再轉其他CP取其的意見


原帖由 wisekid2007 於 09-6-19 21:08 發表
Hi Mqchris,

Thanks for your concern.

My boy is 8.5. Three years ago, my boy showed emotional problems at school that he acted out in the class, i.e. didn't want to participate in class activities an ...
Mqchris :>

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-21 02:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 wisekid2007 於 09-6-19 17:52 發表
Thanks for your sharing. It is really not easy to be parents.

My boy vomited several times and always said very tired these two days. I just brought him to consultant a paediatrics. The paediatrics c ...

Sorry to hear that your boy suffered from vomiting. He will go through this, he will be fine later.

Started from 5 years old, my boy vomited quite often. It lasted for almost 2 years. He blamed the food. He was very thin. It was a pain to look at him at those days! In side me, I said "太难养了!"

He is quite ok now. I can't remember how things changed, but I feel that I played a important role in this issue. I stay at home, spend a lot of time with them(he has a young brother), slow down the thing, I also work on myself ,so that I can quit the idea that he should be outstanding. He might be or might not be outstanding, that is not my concern anymore. Children are so sensitive that they sense every single feeling you have for them!

Kids are kids, no matter how smart they are. They have the right to be silly, to be naughty, aren't they?
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