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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 讀了國際學校,唔知學了什麼?
樓主: yeung2212

讀了國際學校,唔知學了什麼? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-4-9 03:09 |只看該作者
Your conclusion (if any) was wrong because your presumption was wrong.
Students at IS are not care free. They have lots of work to do and a lot of things are going on at school.
IS students do not learn by themselves. Even primary schools have curriculum to follow. IS students are also talking public exams: IGCSE, A-level, IBD, etc like high school students in other countries.
IS students would not end up not knowing many things......
If you want to know more about IS, read and listen to parents of IS. Do not ask for opinion of IS from 路人甲 whose kids are studying in a local school.
And FYI, Mighty does have kid(s) in international school. You might want to ask her for valid information and comments.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-9 04:44 |只看該作者
My girl is studying in Maryknoll P.6 this year but her result is just so so.  Am thinking of sending my girl to int'l secondary school?  
I checked with ESF, they told me that the waiting list are too long & advise me not to submit application!!

Any good recommendation of int'l school for my consideration?  Would it be very expensive??  

Thanks so much!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-9 09:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 mama.circle 於 10-4-9 04:44 發表
My girl is studying in Maryknoll P.6 this year but her result is just so so.  Am thinking of sending my girl to int'l secondary school?  
I checked with ESF, they told me that the waiting list are too ...

If you and your girl are happy with the school, I would suggest that she stay there for secondary education. Besides the long queue and slim chance to go to ESF, the most important point is that you and your girl need to reflect and must be very clear why you think change is good.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-9 09:21 |只看該作者
If in doubt, leave it out.

Rank: 4


發表於 10-4-9 09:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 vvnpo 於 10-4-9 02:51 發表
Even reading only story books, it is a kind of knowledge.  Nowadays, best invention came from strange and silly ideas.  The richest men in the world may not be the one who got the top score at schools ...


香港傳統教育很 tough, 但不代表出來社會就可以應付 tough 的 hk.

反應快/有創意/多元化思想 一樣可以應付千變萬化的香港.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-9 10:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 inho 於 10-4-9 09:16 發表

If you and your girl are happy with the school, I would suggest that she stay there for secondary education. Besides the long queue and slim chance to go to ESF, the most important point is that you ...

You may want to rethink, going to international school may not be any easier than staying in MCS.  I went to MCS primary myself and my parents sent me to international school in HK and boarding school in england.  The first 2 years of the switch was tough.  Your girl would be top of the class for math and science subjects.. but would find english and project based subjects such as RS and humanities tough.  There is a lot of writing.  

And if she goes to an international school and end up being in ESL class and have a tough time catching up with her other subjects, then you would need to rethink.  There is a lot of directed project based research and it doesn't mean Googling the title and cut and paste.  She has to read, digest and rewrite it.  It is also time consuming homework.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-9 11:20 |只看該作者
Aiya, you hv put me under the spotlight (^-^).  How about you?  You have kids in intl schools as well, hvnt you?

In yr first reply, you used the word 'agreesive', so I didnt quite understand.  Agreesive is not a positive word.  

Reading is not just for good English.  It is more for imagination.  Some kids like story books and some kids like scientific bookds but it doesnt matter. Just let them read whatever they like.  No matter what you choose, there are pros and cons and I think you cant just finalise things like.. locals are like this and intl school kids are like this.  We are all different and family background pays an important part in a child's character too.
love you for you

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-9 13:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 nintendo 於 10-4-9 03:09 發表
Your conclusion (if any) was wrong because your presumption was wrong.
Students at IS are not care free. They have lots of work to do and a lot of things are going on at school.
IS students  ...

Agree. parents need to do a lot of things to bring up our children no matter which system we are in.
In any system, there is no guarantee of success but almost guarantee failure if parents do nothing.
When people are weighing pros and cons local and IS, there will never have a single conclusion.
Sending children to IS is a risky decision (as least it is true for me).
ike investment, High risk high return or high risk total loss? Who knows?

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-9 14:34 |只看該作者
I think parents in Hong Kong tend to measure a child's knowledge by how much words they know, what kind of math they can do, etc.  However, when I look at what I am doing now, these things are least relevant in my career.  Those who succeed in my profession is those who can articulate better, who can present their idea in a better way, who has better interpersonal skills, in particular those can communicate well with "gweilo"

I do not know local or int'l schools are better but feel that int'l seem to have more emphasis on those skills that are needed in the commerical world.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-9 18:27 |只看該作者
Tamm, very well said !!!
love you for you

發表於 10-4-9 19:34 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-4-10 12:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-10 13:05 |只看該作者

回覆 1# edexp 的文章

Strongly agree with you on reading.  My children are also in international school.  They all like reading very much.  I never tell them what to read and they have their own choice.  My older one now in high school, he has lot of assignment to do and he always has lot to write about.  His English writing is very good and seldom has spelling mistake.  No matter English or Mandarin or other languages, reading is too important for the kids.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-10 13:44 |只看該作者
I dont have much saying on reading as my son is just 4.5 yrs old...but what I can tell is he loves books a lot since studied at an IS....he used to bring along with his toys every time we go out...but now, he will only bring with his books....& after his school introduced a topic "How does the world work?" to him, he was stimulated and started to look at the weather...& he even starts to study about the tornadoes & hurricanes lately...

原帖由 wangmarina 於 10-4-10 13:05 發表
Strongly agree with you on reading.  My children are also in international school.  They all like reading very much.  I never tell them what to read and they have their own choice.  My older one now i ...

[ 本帖最後由 gardenwoods 於 10-4-10 21:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-10 18:19 |只看該作者
Problem with many parents in HK is they think going to IS school is a "second rate" choice.
Like my kid isn't smart or tough enough for local system, hence, I have to send my kid to IS !!?!?! I don't know how many times I have heard this from my friends, and even family.

WRONG concept. Totally.

IS school students (as mentioned already) are not "free" and with nothing to do. In fact, since my kids have transferred to IS system, my kids have worked HARDER and more "meaningful" assignments and homework than they had before in local system.

I finally see the "point" of their homework, and topics, and reading homework, and presentations. As opposed to before, it was purely memorization, it doesn't matter whether my kids understood or not, their job was to memorize what the teacher said. Don't ask questions.

My kids will be going abroad for university. My husband and I regret not transferring sooner. At the way my kids were taught with the local system, my kids will NEVER fit it or catch up what we learned and grew up with overseas.

At least now I don't have to worry having them in ESL classes. Their chinese is stronger than ever before. The best thing is, over the two weeks of Easter holidays: My kids asked "Mommy, WHEN do we get to go back to school ?"

They miss school so much, they are looking forward to going back to school.
Over the holidays, we had to do piles of homework, reading stories, comprehension, and chinese worksheets and reviewing for assessment when they go back to school next week.

That is NOT nothing to do.

Sorry, I am a little tired of defending why we send our children to IS and not local school. It's not because we are "failures" it's because we are smart parents ! I learned too late!

發表於 10-4-10 19:47 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-4-10 23:58 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-11 00:11 |只看該作者
Hi Yeung2212,

Has your son been struggling with spelling for a while? May be he is dyslexic. It is not uncommon for high IQ dyslexic child not be able to spell. You may want to read the below about dyslexia and have him assessed by professionals.



原帖由 yeung2212 於 10-4-8 14:07 發表
I couldn't sleep well yestersday as I was thinking if it was right to switch my sons to another school.
I have called some local schools such as St. Margret and CKY this morning. The staff said that a ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-11 01:56 |只看該作者
Yes, this statement looks a bit too strong.  I'm one of the parents who can afford IS. However I'm still struggling whether to send my kid to a local school instead, the reason being that I'm very much concerned about the Chinese language competence of my kid.  In fact, from my experience, learning Chinese is more difficult than English - that's why I hesitate.  

The ability of reading and writing Chinese, as well as speaking Mandarin, seems to be a must in the commercial world of Hong Kong nowadays.   I don't think I'm being stupid or ignorant.

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-4-10 23:58 發表
There is a single word that can best describe those parents who are affordable but still choose to send their kids to local schools instead of IS - They are either:


This ...

[ 本帖最後由 babyvince 於 10-4-11 01:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-4-11 14:22 |只看該作者
開口埋口都話人 STUPID, IGNORANT; 把口唔收, 真係不知所謂.
本來唔想再搭嘴討論呢 D 咩 "國際學校VS本地學校", 甚至 "邊間國際學校好" 的 TOPIC. 因為次次都係, 本來人地傾得好好地, 就有妖孽出黎話人 STUPID.
比人鬧, 比人 BAN, 都陰魂不散.
成日諗住黎 BK 囉威, 人地唔駁你, 就以為人地唔夠你講. BK 臥虎藏龍, 不過唔係個個會開聲話你.
學校教育當然重要, 不過家庭教育更重要.
咁得閒, 出下去睇下個世界有幾大先啦, 成日活在自己的 "世界" , 比你稱王又如何 ? 出到去, 大把人叻過你, 分分鐘打低你個小朋友的人, 就係來自某不知名的新界 LOCAL SCHOOL.
成日話 DGS, SPCC 點點點. 唔好話人地學校啦. 咁大個人, 都係咁, 真係...
而且, 批評學校都算, 唔好次次都話人 STUPID 囉...

拿, 拿, 拿... 我唔係話 "你" 呀, 唔好對號入座.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 10-4-11 20:19 編輯 ]
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