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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 有冇人會放棄聖心offer呢?
樓主: fungkaka

有冇人會放棄聖心offer呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-16 21:20 |只看該作者
- 唔滿意面試安排混亂.覺得學校冇愛心

SH亂?!上年SPK上午IN時4個4個入, 不足2分鐘OUT...下午6個6個入....咁樣咪仲亂, IN下午的, 多不公平...!(SPK家長勿插)

發表於 11-2-16 21:51 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-16 22:58 |只看該作者
其實對於我黎講, 兩間幼稚園都好好, 能夠有幸入到其中一間, 已經萬分開心, 知道入到SHCK個心已經定左好多!

AM有AM好(早睡早起), PM又有PM好(唔駛咁趕), 所以唔會因為AM/PM而影響選校

因為未知SPK有無offer, 我只係做左好初步既分析, 就正如Ian所講, 我都係唔想小朋友到K3又要擔心上小學學位, 小學又要憺心呈分上中學(淨係In K1已經擔心左4個月, 每次Interview前一個星期都緊張到見佢食粒糖都擔心佢糖份過高, 隔離個小朋友病又憺心佢野到去唔到Interview...)

如果制度唔改, 我小朋友應會有25分入MPS, 但係又唔知咩原因, MPS->MSS既比率又唔係咁高, 比較穩陣暫時都係SPK->SPC

如果唔諗升學問題, 我會選SHCK, 因為佢有家長教師會, 起碼同小朋友同學既老師&家長可以交流多D, 對小朋友係學校既事都清楚D

A朋友=SHCK->K2轉左St. Jo (家長老師交流多些, 因為係男仔所以轉)
B朋友=SHCK->小學轉左SPC (為什麼轉就唔知, 不過媽媽話好明顯SHCK既小朋友係Sharp好多, 英文好D)
C朋友=SHCK->小學MPS(Knocking door)->DGS(勁讚SHCK有愛心, 連校工都有愛心)

Ian板主, 你是過來人, 請問能否提供更多有關資料給我們選校作參考?

原帖由 Cutemom0808 於 11-2-16 03:02 PM 發表

Even pm offer? Why?

發表於 11-2-16 23:24 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-16 23:29 |只看該作者
yes ... not everyone likes SPK, I love SH more as I love more low-profile schools which nuture humble students. No offense to SPK as it doesnt mean that SP isn;t a good school. Afterall, which to choose depends on what you value more :)

原帖由 Cutemom0808 於 11-2-16 16:12 發表


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-16 23:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-16 11:24 PM 發表


之前去In過玫瑰岡, 佢地有NET(鬼佬), interview時香港人老師會有一部份時間用英文問小朋友問題(聽得出老師D英文口音好好, 又有笑容), 佢地成個Interview處理得好好, 首先有老師帶住小朋友派樂器一齊唱歌, Warm Up完先分批入課室, 過程流暢, 我小朋友最尾In完送埋個飛吻比老師, 聽老師講, 佢地兩日全英文時段, 一日全國語, 有蒙特梭利堂, 我地都好鐘意,

但係見佢地小朋友考上小學既成績又唔係好好,平時見佢地等校車又無咁乖(比較Active, 嘈D) 所以我地都諗緊唔想淨係揀有NET既學校, 此終覺得小朋友既德育係最難教, 同埋要由細陪養.....

致於邊間英文好D... 我都唔係好知, 但係我去飲時,見我朋友個女能K2時自己攞住本英文故事書坐定定睇成個鐘...我覺得好西利..佢讀SHCK, 不過佢我估係阿媽教得好多過間學校教佢LA...

發表於 11-2-17 00:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-17 00:19 |只看該作者
every parent has their own consideration for kg e.g. fees, location, siblings, etc. School has the right to choose students , and parent also has the right to choose schools, as long as they are in a position to choose, this is a fair game.

Cest la vie!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-17 07:03 |只看該作者
Sorry that have been very sick and had high fever (38.8C) so I had slept 12 hours straight.  Just wake up and feel better now.

Honestly, the topic is so sensitive that I guess not many people would really want to give you clear and definite comments.  At the end, both secondary schools are band 1 and as SH parent, I agree in total that SPCS is definitely better on overall school performance (Academic + ECA, except Sports).

If by hearing this that already satisfy some of the parents to choose SPK over SHCK, then please don't go on and read the rest of this post.

Okay, here's my observations from the past years:

St. Paul's Convent is a school which done very well on increasing the value of the school image in overall.
- They are one of the very few Catholic schools which are willing to join DSS (Direct Subsidy Scheme).  That means the school itself has total control on what students they can admit.
- Students are encouraged to join as many competitions (on their own), and welcomed to skip classes in order to take part.  This give students more chance to build their confidence and also more awards and exposure for the school.  (A close relative of mine is current SPCS student)
- Students are being chosen starting from SPK/ SPN with a very specific character.  They need students who are very calm and emotional stable.  I will not disclose the exact details so don't PM me to ask.  My elder daughter had told me what happened during the interview, I cannot accept their method but I am sure that is a very effective method in order to select their students.  In short, they really don't need more than a minute or two for the interview to achieve this.
- As they have established such well organized way of teaching, so parents inputs are not welcomed.  To be fair, if the parents chose to let their children enter this school, they also need to trust them as they are the professional, right?
- Haven't talked much about SPK's curriculum since they are rather easy.  So, eager parents would arrange ECA to supplement that.

In sum, through my experience, I have absolutely no doubts that SPCS provides an excellent excellent environment if the parents want them to be in the top of the "food chain", at all costs.  It is because, they have started real life competition like a commerical setting from a very young age so girls there are well prepared.

For SH, in simple words, everything in opposite of the above.  This is why I always say they are very different schools so no points to compare.
- SHCC (Secondary section) chose not to accept more band 1 students outside and reserve that 30% of seats only to their primary school students (i.e. over 90% of SHCC students are own primary students).  This is a "foolish" act to many people but this tells you how far they can go to love their children.  Also, it tells you the dramatic improvement on these kids since many of them are band 2 during primary.
- Ever wonder why some kids cried and still got accept by SHCK?  It is because from their eyes, it is acceptable and normal for a kid to cry in an unfamiliar environment......
- Parents input are welcomed as this is why they start to have English and PTH teachers (they are not NETs, I am sorry for saying it wrong once, too expensive to afford) and how the Kowloon school buses are arranged.  These all thanks to parents' efforts and the acceptance by the kindergarten.
- The downside, probably your children may not be the top of the top in the competitive world, but they will be good citizens of the society.


原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-16 21:51 發表

oh, I mean SPK (已改)

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-17 07:15 |只看該作者
Hi wootaitai,

I am sorry that I mistakenly mentioned NET once.  The English teachers may or may not be Native.  If we change to NET, I think the kindergarten cannot accepts voucher anymore.

Although I have bad experience in SPK's interview too, but I don't really want to judge a kindergarten simply by their interview arrangement.  It is quite personal I think, sometimes you can tell from it whether this is what you are looking for or not, e.g. some parents want every single staff to put on a smiling face, some wants a place to warm-up, etc.    (just bad jokes)

Finally, I think I should apologize to the Canossians, SHCK and parents there.  We are rather low-profile and still do, just because I am one of their parent and also a BK 版主 so you are "forced" to hear more from me......  please accept my apology to you and other parents if that affected your decision.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-16 18:43 發表
虛心請教各位prefer SH over SPK 的家長可否講吓點解?


- 唔滿意SPK面試安排混亂.覺得學校冇愛心
- SH 有net,多少少pth
-受熱心家長感動(我自己都認同因ian 等,留意SH)

其他因素如culture 等,我覺 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-17 07:42 |只看該作者
That's a lot of questions especially I used lots of energy and courage to reply the last one.....  let me try my best before I head back to my sick bed

原帖由 mary1004 於 11-2-16 22:58 發表
如果制度唔改, 我小朋友應會有25分入MPS, 但係又唔知咩原因, MPS->MSS既比率又唔係咁高...

The reason to explain the low percentage of MPS to MSS is because MSS only wants band 1 students from MPS, so they will not accepts their own students during disrectionary places stage (the first 30% which allows them to accept top students everywhere in HK).  MPS has a rather easy curriculum and EMI but the result is overall banding may not be as good.

原帖由 mary1004 於 11-2-16 22:58 發表
如果唔諗升學問題, 我會選SHCK, 因為佢有家長教師會, 起碼同小朋友同學既老師&家長可以交流多D, 對小朋友係學校既事都清楚D

True, that is one of the factor which I prefer SHCK since I believe proper communications are necessary for continuous improvement.

原帖由 mary1004 於 11-2-16 22:58 發表
A朋友=SHCK->K2轉左St. Jo (家長老師交流多些, 因為係男仔所以轉)
B朋友=SHCK->小學轉左SPC (為什麼轉就唔知, 不過媽媽話好明顯SHCK既小朋友係Sharp好多, 英文好D)
C朋友=SHCK->小學MPS(Knocking door)->DGS(勁讚SHCK有愛心, 連校工都有愛心)

haha, you also have many friends!  Let's go through one by one:
A朋友 <--  I think this is natural for boys to go to St. Jo's kindergarten, there are really not many options for boys in HK island.  This is why we used to have a few places open for K2.  (St. Jo's kindergarten don't take in students anymore)
B朋友 <-- I assume your friend's daughter are born few years around year 2000, as those are the years with such low birth rates, SPCS have seats left to accept outsiders.  To be fair, I guess your friend's daughter must be particularly sharp in order to be accepted by SPCS, right?  So, they may have the impressions that their daughter is sharper.
C朋友 <-- (SHCK有愛心, 連校工都有愛心) they do, but they may not have a smiling face all the time I must remind you!    They are loving and caring in their heart, not on their face.
D朋友 <-- I agree with the comments from that parent totally.  Particularly it is true that EVERY SINGLE KIDS there are just like how the parent described.  (Personal note: I prefer some differences as we are human)


Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-17 09:05 |只看該作者
In sum, through my experience, I have absolutely no doubts that SPCS provides an excellent excellent environment if the parents want them to be in the top of the "food chain", at all costs.  It is because, they have started real life competition like a commerical setting from a very young age so girls there are well prepared.

this is exactly what i feel ... and this is the reaons why for some parents like me, would avoid schools with this characteristic for our kids. Afterall, it all depends on what parents value more.

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-2-17 07:03 發表
Sorry that have been very sick and had high fever (38.8C) so I had slept 12 hours straight.  Just wake up and feel better now.

Honestly, the topic is so sensitive that I guess not many people would r ...

發表於 11-2-17 09:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-17 09:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-17 09:27 發表
dear ian

first of all, please take care of yourself ar...

I really appreciate your effort and courage in replying our questions.... can totally imagine it would be an invitation to debate from paren ...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-17 09:59 |只看該作者
No PTA in SPK.... No wonder I did not see any "parent-like volunteer" at the interview. It was a big contrast to SHCK during form submission and interview.

PS: Ian, if you run a high fever, do consult a doctor and exclude flu as it is so common at the moment. Take care and get well soon.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-17 10:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-17 09:27 發表
... can totally imagine it would be an invitation to debate from parents of either school whenever one tries to stereotype the culture of the school. ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-2-17 10:08 |只看該作者
Don't get it wrong.  SPK also has parent-volunteers.  Parents are invited to read story books to the kids during school time.

原帖由 fefemom 於 11-2-17 09:59 發表
No PTA in SPK.... No wonder I did not see any "parent-like volunteer" at the interview. It was a big contrast to SHCK during form submission and interview.

PS: Ian, if you run a high fever, do consul ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-17 10:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 fefemom 於 11-2-17 09:59 發表
No PTA in SPK.... No wonder I did not see any "parent-like volunteer" at the interview. It was a big contrast to SHCK during form submission and interview.

PS: Ian, if you run a high fever, do consul ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-17 10:40 |只看該作者

回復 29# iantsang 的帖子

100 % Agree !!!

For my daughter, SHCK > SPK !

Rank: 2

發表於 11-2-17 10:42 |只看該作者


如果細心留意, 大部份SHCK, St clare, 真光的學生明顯會開心,昂起頭走路 ; 而見到大部份SPK的同學仔(本人工作地點在SPK附近) ,毫無表情, 默默跟著工人姐姐低頭走路呢, 這一切都跟學校無關, 只是跟家長有關

曾經跟SPK家長傾談, 原來家長們在良性比較之下, 往往要求自己仔女報很多興趣班, 小朋友往往會感到吃力
星期一至星期五都有堂上 , e.g : 溜冰, 合唱團, 國畫, 芭蕾舞, 畫畫, 英文...根本連到playground玩玩的時間也沒有

所以邊間學校vs邊間學校, 應自己用心去量度, 留意多d, 知多d, 對小朋友對家長都好d呀!
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