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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 有冇小朋友係資優加亞士保加既媽媽?
樓主: CCHmama

有冇小朋友係資優加亞士保加既媽媽? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-28 01:10 |只看該作者


hihi, 真的身同感受!! 我小朋友已十歲, 在六歲是已做了 IQ test 亦評為資優.... 可惜在過去 四年 我們不段去見心理醫生, 精神科醫生, (做完 test 之後, 心理學家覺得我小朋友有 ADHA, 所以轉介去醫院....)不停安排見醫生, 輔導, 大小手肌肉訓練,食藥 通通試過.... 又如何...

最終我們發現...學業是好重要.. 完來無形中我們比了很大壓力她們, 又其是當我們一開始幫她檢查功課或見她寫字 就大件事, 不是誇張... 心力交碎...
打鬧少不免, 佢又唔開心我們就更加唔開心, 關係也變非常惡劣... 直至最近我們嘗試放開了... 考第幾又如何... 站在她立場, 她都好辛苦... 佢覺得d大人都唔明佢...

anyway, 3個字 "平常心" , 資優又如何, 都是小朋友, 我們不是只要讓她健康快樂成長, 那不是我們生她出來時向上天禱告的嗎? 為何越大越想她進步, 想她怎樣怎樣,,,,

現在我們只知道, 她非常非常須要我們的時間, 普通家長付出一倍時間, 我相信我們是她們的3倍... 她須要伴讀書僮...她須要無時無刻妳們能走進她的世界.....


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-28 09:59 |只看該作者

if 妳唔想再估估下, 就帶仔仔去健康院做評估, 要堅持妳擔心既野, 佢地自會安排到的, 不要信初初見妳的姑娘同健康院醫生, 堅持堅持要去做評估為止.....


亞氏保加媽媽.. 我地返番去特殊教育果邊慢慢再傾~~

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-28 13:35 |只看該作者

回覆 1# hkcindy 的文章

Thanks hkcindy.  我會再次同健康院姑娘講吓, 因為她在四歲check eyes時話我個仔一d都唔似係亞士保加喎!?!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-28 14:09 |只看該作者

當然, 妳囝囝唔一定係亞氏保加.  but 我可以深信健康院姑娘同醫生都一定唔識睇, 佢地都只係認為我有問題, 太緊張而已!

我囝囝5歲前一個月, 我都book左 Dr. T 果間診所做評估, 因為都成幾千蚊, 我當然打去問多d資料先去, 點知, 佢地好好人, 直接比我同個將會做評估既兒童心理學家同我傾電話, 比我問佢問題, 噤我又係將我擔心既野同阿仔既行為講出黎, 果個"兒童心理學家"答我, 因為我囝囝雖然冇去同人地玩, but佢有"望"人地玩, 都 "一定" 唔係亞氏保加.  結果, 我囝囝米被評為典型既亞氏保加, cac 醫生仲問我點解噤明顯都唔早d發現!!! 噤係唔係好無奈先?  好彩, 我慶幸既係我冇放棄我既懷疑, 出發點都係為個小朋友傘.

原帖由 roychi 於 10-6-28 13:35 發表
Thanks hkcindy.  我會再次同健康院姑娘講吓, 因為她在四歲check eyes時話我個仔一d都唔似係亞士保加喎!?!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-2 04:05 |只看該作者

It's the first day I visited BK again. I'm upset today and need to get more support with mummys with similar situations.

My kid has visited hychilogists for 2 times already and trying medicine for ADHD, as the doctor felt him has obvious difficulties in sitting properly and concentrate. After the medicine, he was better in doing homework the first 3 days, and began to drag on again in the rest of the week.

In the 2nd week, the doctor thought he is more stable and a bit polite -> progress, but during their conversations, the doctor discovered his weakness in expressing himself, especially in emotion, even though he can seen him possessing very good language skills,  so this reinforced the syptoms of Asperger.

The doctor increased the ADHD medicine dosage for the 2nd week, yet seemed that there was not much effect, rather he began to have feeling of vomitting which is one of the side effect.

Good thing is, I've learnt from the doctor that, for Aspergers, parents cannot expect daily or weekly progress, we need to focus on the OVERALL behaviour in months!  There will definitely be sudden bad days, which we should not pay too much attention to or worry about.

Overall, my kid has been better over the last 2 weeks, but he still have some problem behaviour that he's aggressive towards me.  

This has been a problem for a year, I was complained by my family that his bad behaviour is solely due to my technique in handling him. It was very difficult as I have pressure from family too.  In recent 2 month, my family had become more understanding as they come to my place very often and can see or feel the difficulties in dealing with the boy.

However, in past 2 weeks the boy has some overall improvement, but be aggressive only to me. My family started to suspect again the boy is only playing trickd on me but not really have any problem etc.

I'm upset and confused.  Yes that verytime to boy get very aggressive behaviour are mostly with me, like hit me, force to hold me, bite me, etc,  although he has records beating and biting other in tutor centre which were without my presence, those were just a few occasions as compared to very frequent toward me.  

CCHmama, based on your experience with your kid, do you think Aspergers can control their temper better in front of selective group of people?

This is annoyed. I'm confused, as the boy seems have better temper without me. And likes to do all behaviour to get me angry and fight with him, not the others.

I strongly feel the importance of supports from family. Without that, days are very difficult and the helpless feeling is very strong.

Thanks for reading. Hope I can be tuned up again in the morning.

原帖由 CCHmama 於 10-6-16 11:21 發表
yes thanks for your sharing:)
Elastic Girl + Incredible Mummy ~~~</i>
.....ElasticMum.. Ha! Ha! Ha!</i>
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