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教育王國 討論區 啟思小學 2011-2012 P1 parents please come in
樓主: motherotk

2011-2012 P1 parents please come in [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-20 21:30 |只看該作者


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-21 07:35 |只看該作者
I am not sure, I saw my kid draw some at the side of the words...
原帖由 cm_pang 於 11-9-20 21:30 發表


Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-21 09:22 |只看該作者
Yes, my son did same thing on his English home work. He drew something aside to each word.. He did enjoy this part. But to me, i was saying to myself "wow!!".

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-21 07:35 發表
I am not sure, I saw my kid draw some at the side of the words...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-9-21 17:54 |只看該作者
hi all,

岩岩先睇到呢度, 我仔係p5, 可入啓幼果邊或pm我, 希望有野可解答到妳地. ^^

今年多左一班小一, 返放學車都多左好多, 另外又有d怪獸車(停係學校正門, 行晒入學校, 人地響晒on都唔出黎果只, 咪成條牛津道c晒囉), 所以校車都無計, 因為塞住都出唔到個回旋處.

每朝都見有小一家長送返學, 好溫馨, 又同小朋友影相又打招呼, 仲唔捨得走(排操場果幾日等到上樓), 唔知其中一個係咪妳??


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-21 19:04 |只看該作者

tomorrow dictation again-2nd time this week

just very surprised to see the handbook that tomorrow will have another dictation, other than Monday..on Chinese, two times a week?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-21 19:05 |只看該作者
Hi Iron, you come to visit us?
原帖由 IRON 於 11-9-21 17:54 發表
hi all,

岩岩先睇到呢度, 我仔係p5, 可入啓幼果邊或pm我, 希望有野可解答到妳地. ^^

今年多左一班小一, 返放學車都多左好多, 另外又有d怪獸車(停係學校正門, 行晒入學校, 人地響晒on都唔出黎果只, 咪成條牛津道c晒 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-21 19:44 |只看該作者
My son said Miss Lam said "had", "am", "and" no need to draw picture. But my son forgot if "can" need to draw a picture or not

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-21 07:35 發表
I am not sure, I saw my kid draw some at the side of the words...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-21 19:48 |只看該作者
Yeah, a bit surprised, very little time to do the revision, the words are 天,的,水,星,晶。

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-21 19:04 發表
just very surprised to see the handbook that tomorrow will have another dictation, other than Monday..on Chinese, two times a week?

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-21 19:58 |只看該作者
No Chinese dictation for 1A4, only need to finish 小小書法家P.7-9. Chinese dictation will be 3 days after.

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-21 19:04 發表
just very surprised to see the handbook that tomorrow will have another dictation, other than Monday..on Chinese, two times a week?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-9-22 09:56 |只看該作者
早晨! 請問今日係學校門口2位家長有無上黎??

企左幾耐先走呀?? 睇"鴨仔"睇得好開心呢~~:) 放學見~~

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-21 19:05 發表
Hi Iron, you come to visit us?

hi motherotk,



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-22 10:16 |只看該作者
no Iron, I said hi you come to visit us at this forum...I did not join hubby's car, usually he takes agnes to school.

原帖由 IRON 於 11-9-22 09:56 發表
早晨! 請問今日係學校門口2位家長有無上黎??

企左幾耐先走呀?? 睇"鴨仔"睇得好開心呢~~:) 放學見~~

hi motherotk,



Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-22 21:42 |只看該作者
Hi everyone,

My girl is Vivien in 1A2 and nice to meet you all. I have question about the internet learning sites that mentioned in today's notice.

Does anyone have any idea should we subscribe to these sites or not? My daughter is so tired after school everyday. I am wondering is she having any energy to use those sites.

I have already paid more than HKD300 for an English learning site the school introduced last week. I don't know how much these extra cost is coming?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-22 22:37 |只看該作者
Hi gingermama,

我個仔都係1A2, 黃樂希. 好開心終於見到同班的家長.

我同你一樣已經比了$336參加英文課程. 本身又有其他嘢學. 真的無時間啦! 我決定暫時唔報住, 入到來都係唔想太辛苦, 何必呢? 但又唔知學校係咪想我地報?!

我見學校個網到都好似會有練習, 我諗住到時比佢玩就算.

原帖由 gingermama 於 11-9-22 21:42 發表
Hi everyone,

My girl is Vivien in 1A2 and nice to meet you all. I have question about the internet learning sites that mentioned in today's notice.

Does anyone have any idea should we subscribe to  ...

[ 本帖最後由 da_da 於 11-9-22 22:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-23 07:43 |只看該作者
Hi, I have the same difficulties. so will join one and have more time for my daughter to enjoy free time and play.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-23 07:49 |只看該作者
Hi mothers or fathers,
Just curious if your kids will finish the lunch box at schools? did they tell you? I would expect my daughter to finish her lunch box (we bring our own lunch, which is not a big size box), but she said that other kids (choose school lunch) did not finish them. I just wonder if the school prepared lunch is of big size and the kids are allowed not to finish the lunch?

Another observation is: starting from this week, I found that the kids in class like to exchange presents: one day, my daughter brought back a new pen, saying that it's from her classmate's present to her; the other day, she brought back a little doll, saying another present from her classmate. She also send out presents to her classmates, such as pen, rulers etc...

I am curious on that: are kids interacting and socializing through sending out or receiving? I told her that she should return all the presents as friends do not need presents to gain friendship...friendship is through caring and support..

It's very interesting, does this happen in your kid's classroom?

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-9-23 08:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-9-23 10:30 |只看該作者


關於網上練習, 妳地將會收到好多推介, 學校唔要求一定要跟, 所以我地應該睇下自己個小朋友個別情況去決定. 想當年, 我仔會做每日一篇(唔駛$$), 真係好緊張架, 晚晚點都要做完先訓, 去旅行都要上網, 因有排名; 而其他要收費既, 妳會發覺幾個月後, 可以數出佢做過幾多次, 持之以恆當然係好, 不過唔係幾多個做得到, 如果佢唔駛提又肯自動自覺去做既, 恭喜妳!

食飯方面, 開頭係老師睇, 之後阿仔話有個職位叫"飯長", 佢會提醒妳要食到幾多先准掉, 當然做飯長果個要以身作則先啦, 個個都有機會做架. (而家唔知有無改變呢)

至於送小禮物, 呢個係小朋友自認為既交友方式, 我既個人指導係, 阿仔唔好收亦唔好送, 准備一d小食(最好係獨立包裝), 係第一個小息時同好友分享, 佢地會自動一堆堆玩架, 而大節日時我會准備全班(都係廿幾份而已).

今朝係學校外停車場見到個小一男孩子, 係爹地車返學既, 我已送左我仔入學校, 企係我自己車頭, 佢好大膽問我係度做乜(佢見我唔走), 我就同佢傾左2句, 佢好開心同爹地入學校, 睇到佢諗起我仔小一時既番薯樣, 而家小朋友真係醒好多, 岩晒讀IB學校呢!

[ 本帖最後由 IRON 於 11-9-23 10:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-23 10:48 |只看該作者
Hi Iron, really thanks for your kind sharing!!!

原帖由 IRON 於 11-9-23 10:30 發表


關於網上練習, 妳地將會收到好多推介, 學校唔要求一定要跟, 所以我地應該睇下自己個小朋友個別情況去決定. 想當年, 我仔會做每日一篇(唔駛$$), 真係好緊張架, 晚晚點都要做完先訓 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-23 11:00 |只看該作者

my thoughts on the learning material from school

First of all, would like to thank Iron for sharing the experience with us!

I was pretty frustrated last night when I saw the notices from school about the extra learning materials. They are from 4 different learning institutes. And by reading these materials, they are basically the same things!! English, Chinese, Math and '常識“。 And they are just from yesterday, I remember i received similar stuff last week too..

I am not quite sure if the school was expecting the parents to buy all the material??? If we did purchase all of them, total sum is over $1500, and this is more than the material fee we paid to the school for this semester.

My thought is the school should select the material carefully before presenting to the parents. Thus, I may consider purchasing one set for my son as this may helpful to him.

It's just a little bit of my thought. Please share your thoughts on this as maybe you have a different perspective to see this issue, and it may help me to review my thought to this again.

Hope you all have a good weekend!


Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-23 11:22 |只看該作者
We order the lunch in school for my son. According to him, he loves the food that school prepares for them. That's good, as I don't need to worry about the lunch for him.

He did mention that the teacher said if they are really full, no need to finish all of them. And i shared this with one of the parents that our kids were in the same kindergarten. And her opinion makes sense to me. She thinks the school provides the set lunch for the kids for all ages (from p1-6), so the portion should be the same, if you are a kid in P1, of course it is difficult to finish a big portion.

And this is just my case, as you prepare lunch  for your daughter. Does she get very hungry after the school? Is she a big eater? Do you prepare a big portion of the snacks for her to the school?or maybe you can consider to order the lunch in school for her to try..

We are the mother always worried too much!! i have a little bit similar situation just like you. My son wakes up at 6:00, and basically he's not totally wake up at that time... so he barely can eat anything before gets on the school bus.. and everyday i ask him if he's hungry for the first couple hours in the morning, looks like it doesn't bother him... but as a mom, i feel terrible....

原帖由 motherotk 於 11-9-23 07:49 發表
Hi mothers or fathers,
Just curious if your kids will finish the lunch box at schools? did they tell you? I would expect my daughter to finish her lunch box (we bring our own lunch, which is not a big ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-23 11:32 |只看該作者
thanks sophia.. I agree that the school should screen before sending out all to the parents, that sounds not very "professional".

my elderson at other school used to do the 每日一篇, that's very good one for training up his Chinese knowledge and its good for boys as they are eager to participate in the competitions, not sure if this work for my girl now, will try...

原帖由 talktosophialiu 於 11-9-23 11:22 發表
We order the lunch in school for my son. According to him, he loves the food that school prepares for them. That's good, as I don't need to worry about the lunch for him.

He did mention that the teac ...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-9-23 11:34 編輯 ]
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