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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 Shrewsbury & Bromsgrove
樓主: honeyball

Shrewsbury & Bromsgrove [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 19-12-16 18:37 |只看該作者
回覆 hollymama 的帖子

we got the Bromsgrove offer, any comments ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-10-16 18:46 |只看該作者
siumanmama 發表於 19-12-4 23:53
回覆 hollymama 的帖子

女兒 暑假時去了Bromsgrove上summer course, 回來對學校各方面評價都很好。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-19 10:07 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-19 10:14 |只看該作者
kct 18, you got Shrewsbury offer?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-19 10:34 |只看該作者
ctn2000 發表於 20-11-19 10:14
kct 18, you got Shrewsbury offer?

Not yet.
The result will be announced by the end of this month.
I just review the past comment of the school in advance and just in case I have luck to get the offer.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-26 00:11 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 麥精豆奶 於 20-11-26 05:35 編輯

回覆 kct18 的帖子

Regarding Shrewsbury, I feel, modestly, qualified to give information for I have spent 5 years there, from Third Form straight to Upper Sixth Form and is now an "Old Salopian": the old-boy term for Shrewsbury educated pupils.
For starters, it is a school renowned for its sporting facilities; notably in football, cricket, rowing, and cross-country running. We boast to have the oldest running club in England and, perhaps, in the world, coining the term "the Hunt" as our very own phrase for Shrewsbury cross-country.

Academics wise, it is well recognised amongst pupils that we do not perform as well as the likes of Eton, Harrow, Cardiff Sixth Form College, St. Paul's Boys/Girls School...et cetera. However, I would like to assert that the school supports pupils who are both ambitious and capable very well; all Oxbridge applicants receive intense academic support from the school, and those who are thought of as deserving to go to Oxbridge do get in. Such support may range from Oxbridge exclusive interviews to personal statement preparation. There is also an internal tier system for Oxbridge applicants that distinguishes the realistic applicants from, may I say, not so realistic applicants; competition is fierce.

As for the school's offered subjects, I profess that I know little about sciences as I did A-Levels in History, Philosophy and Theology, Mathematics, and an EPQ which is a dissertation. However, I can assure that, from personal experience, the school's History faculty  provides the most rigorous teaching around site. The Philosophy and Theology faculty is decent, but requires self-motivation, and Mathematics classes are just full of Asians who are ahead of the game. It is also kindly reminded that for Third Form entrants it is compulsory to study a foreign language from the selection of Spanish, French, German, Greek, or Latin, for GCSE or IGCSE examinations. Fourth and Lower Sixth Form entrants are exempted, but welcomed to do so.

If there are any other questions relating to Shrewsbury, you are warmly invited to ask below or privately message me.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 00:42 |只看該作者
麥精豆奶 發表於 20-11-26 00:11
回覆 kct18 的帖子

Regarding Shrewsbury, I feel, modestly, qualified to give information for I have  ...

Thank you very much your detailed information.
Hope I can get the offer and be Salopian.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 08:01 |只看該作者
麥精豆奶 發表於 20-11-26 00:11
回覆 kct18 的帖子

Regarding Shrewsbury, I feel, modestly, qualified to give information for I have  ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 08:23 |只看該作者
As I find in school website, the campus is excellent.
How about the location and the town? We cannot arrange school visit this year. So I would know more about.
How about the sat and Sun life at boarding?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 08:28 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 kct18 於 20-11-26 08:50 編輯

Did u complete form 1 or 2 in HK?

Personally, do u find difficult or easy to migrate the school life in Shrewsbury start at year 9?

Except the Oxbridge support, do u think the destination of the schoolmates are satisfactory?

How do u comment the academic standard of Shrewsbury, pushing, relaxing, encouraging?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 08:39 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 kct18 於 20-11-26 08:50 編輯

I understand the boarding ratio
in Shrewsbury is very high. Do they all the full boarding? Not weekly? How about the international student ratio in school? Is there many Asian ? Or mainly local British ?
Do u think it is easy to make friends with local students?
Do the students all come to Shrewsbury at year 9?
Any preparatory school they come from or from same school?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 08:41 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 kct18 於 20-11-26 08:44 編輯

Sorry to throw much questions piece by piece. Hopefully to know more about Shrewsbury and really appreciate to have a real old salopian here to update us the real picture of the school!
Thank a lot in advance.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-26 10:05 |只看該作者
回覆 麥精豆奶 的帖子

Thank you for your sharing which is very helpful for us. Shrewsbury school is strong in art or science subjects? How about the pastoral care of the school?  You mentioned for Third from entrants it is compulsory to study a foreign language.  Which language you think is easier to learn - Spanish?

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-29 09:22 |只看該作者
回覆 kct18 的帖子

<5 years; I would rather not give the exact year of class to retain anonymity...

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-29 09:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 麥精豆奶 於 20-11-29 09:39 編輯

回覆 kct18 的帖子

Town is close to the school, and depending on the house's location a walk to town is around 10-15 mins. The school forbids pupils from using public transport (e.g. bus, uber) during term time to travel ; I believe this may be for their inability to exercise their duty of care should the pupils take said public transport. This is however not the case when coach weekend or half-term approaches when it will be unrealistic to walk from Shrewsbury to Heathrow on foot. The school also provides coaches for pupils to take to major cities and airports in the country. They are at a very fair price, often cheaper than train tickets, such that going down to Heathrow would cost <80 pounds; that is, when I left.
The town contains numerous common brands such as M&S, Tesco, Waitrose...et cetera, and to my best knowledge there is, inter alia, a hk-style takeaway and a couple of japanese diners, all within foot range.

Sat and Sun arrangements vary between Lower School (Third to Fifth) and Upper School (Lower and Upper Sixth).

Saturday requires all students to attend lessons up until lunch time, and for Lower School Sundays may include house activities such as karting or movies from time to time, but Sundays are mostly reserved for our own purposes. For Upper School, Sundays are a wholly different matter for the workload doubles or even triples that of Lower School. There are far less house arranged outings for Upper School as most of them often work for the whole day.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-29 09:51 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 麥精豆奶 於 20-11-29 09:56 編輯

回覆 kct18 的帖子

Did u complete form 1 or 2 in HK?I did, in fact. I attended St. Paul's College before going to Shrewsbury.

Personally, do u find difficult or easy to migrate the school life in Shrewsbury start at year 9?
I would say it has some difficulties in terms of integration, for the language spoken is wholly different from that learnt in Hong Kong. But this takes time and it will improve over your time at the school, that is, if you engage in learning the language. Most entrants are on the same starting line in terms of relationships with others, including the British students, when they enter the school. So as long as you stay conventional to their culture you should fit in fine; those able to observe the British boarding school traditions and culture quickly would be those who will fit in quicker; but that is not suggesting that those who observe slower cannot.

There is casual and banter-like racism, but it is applicable to all such that the English will tease the Welsh for having more sheep than people; it is not exclusively racism-against-Asians.

To my understanding there seems to be a trend for Hong Kong/Asian parents preferring their sons and daughters to refrain from staying within the Asian bubble so that their English may improve. This is true to some extent, but  what matters more, I would say, is the will to engage not the circle you are in.

Except the Oxbridge support, do u think the destination of the schoolmates are satisfactory?
I profess that I do not hold the complete data for all gradaute destinations, but to my knowledge a majority of the graduates land at a Russell Group. Within the Group, I would surmise that most probably land at a tier 1.5 Russell Group, that is, world top 50-100. Although, some popular detinations include, inter alia, Durham, Exeter, Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester, UCL, LSE, and King's; in my personal opinion these range from tier 1 to tier 2.

How do u comment the academic standard of Shrewsbury, pushing, relaxing, encouraging?I would say it isn't a school that induces a transformation of the pupil, rather it magnifies the characteristics of the pupil. So that if one is academically pushing, the school will aid his or her development in said pushing direction. But to do so one needs to actively seek help from the school, such as going to teachers out of lessons. It is, basically, a school that has vast amounts of resources for you to utilise if you wish so, but for those who do not, the school does not force you.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-29 10:03 |只看該作者
回覆 kct18 的帖子

Do they all the full boarding? Not weekly?Around 80-90% of the school is full boarding. I can assure you that weekends at school are as populated as weekdays.

How about the international student ratio in school?
A majority of them are British, but the ratio of international students increase when it hits Sixth Form. It is, though, in comparison to the international students ratio at Bromsgrove from hearsay, much lower.

Is there many Asian ? Or mainly local British ?
As above.

Do u think it is easy to make friends with local students?
As above

Do the students all come to Shrewsbury at year 9?
A majority, but not all. The school accepts entrances at Years 9 (Third Form), 10 (Fourth Form), and 12 (Lower Sixth Form)

Any preparatory school they come from or from same school?

Yes there are certain feed prep-schools to Shrewsbury; I think Terra Nova is one of them. But it is, all in all, a melting pot.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-29 10:16 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 麥精豆奶 於 20-11-29 10:17 編輯

回覆 elbb 的帖子

Shrewsbury school is strong in art or science subjects?Its strength in Arts lie with the British, and in Sciences lie with the Asians.

There is a certain guaranteed standard which I find very high in Arts subjects for Shrewsbury. Remember that it is one of the original public schools, that is, on the same list of schools as Eton, Harrow, Westminster, and such, and therefore, as a tradition, Arts is a focal point in its education; science only really came about during the Enlightenment of the 18th century.

How about the pastoral care of the school?
I haven't really tested their capabilities in pastoral care for I had little problems during my time there. From what I know, they do have counselling service and student mentors, and they emphasise psychological wellbeing through lectures and events.

You mentioned for Third from entrants it is compulsory to study a foreign language.  Which language you think is easier to learn - Spanish?
I did German and I found it close to English, but this really varies. I would say avoid French for the masculine and feminine tenses are too complicated, but the other languages are largely indifferent. It is a new language afterall so interest is the predominant factor when considering subject choices which you will make in Fourth Form for GCSEs.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-29 22:15 |只看該作者


What about Shrewsbury and Uppingham? Both schools are town schools? My son will be in Year 12. Doesn't want a school that is too 'chur' but with academic support. My son likes music. Would be better if he can continue to join the orchestra if possible.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-30 11:42 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 麥精豆奶 於 20-11-30 15:24 編輯

回覆 luckyangel 的帖子

What about Shrewsbury and Uppingham? Both schools are town schools?I encountered a choice between Shrewsbury, Uppingham, and Whitgift when I put my applications forward for a Third Form entrance. I excluded Whitgift for it has a scarce population of borders, and a majority of those who do board are international, meaning that the environment I would be placed in may not aid my deveopment in the English language. As for Uppingham, I turned it down as well after a school visit; its campus is scattered around the town as compared to Shrewsbury's centralised campus. I made school visits to all three and the main reasons I went with Shrewsbury was for its full boarding experience, centralised campus, and, at the time, a lower proportion of Asian/international students compared to other schools on my list of offers.

My son will be in Year 12. Doesn't want a school that is too 'chur' but with academic support. My son likes music. Would be better if he can continue to join the orchestra if possible.
Obviously, I do not know about the music departments of Uppingham. But at Shrewsbury there is a dedicated music building with a recently refurbished auditorium, around a dozen practice rooms each with a piano, and brilliant music technology support.

If this is anything that impresses you, the resources allocated to the music department may be shown by its ownership of 2 Steinway Grand pianos. The brand's grands, recognised as one of the top pianos, each cost between 70,000 to 150,000 USD.
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