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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-25 12:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-24 17:46 發表
Hi kyliejet,

It's nice to hear from you and I am glad to hear that Chloe enjoys her new kindergarten!  It's a very good one so she will definitely enjoys the coming 3 years.

In fact, I am considerin ...

Wonder if you are living in "Mount Haven"???
I also apply Creative PN for my daughter....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 12:22 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

It's my first time to read this thread, your information is very useful, especially for 2007 babies, honest thanks!

My boy was born in 0709, we are targeting on SC, KeenMind, HKPS, Soka & PC for K1 of 10/11.  Since my boy can't talk, he just can speak "mama, ball ball, e e, 熱熱, b b .." few words, can't speak his name in Chi/Eng, we are much worry on his upcoming interviews in those KGs. My boy is shy and has to warm up before pointing sth to answer questions in front of strangers, I think it is fine for the "mock" interview, but would be disadv for "real" interview, it made us headache at the moment.

Before reading this thread, I have no idea on the selection of primary school and haven't take consideration for my boy's education path starting from nursery, seems a bit late to start the education plan. Now my boy is attending the PN at not famous nursery school and will choose another KGs in Kln Tong for K1 (if got offers), our target is to choose the KG with very well education level and easy to let my boy to connect with his school life in primary school. Know that there have no selection for the gov' primary school by ourselves, would like to know how we plan for selecting the primary school and what we might do at the moment.

Honest thanks for your reply.


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發表於 09-9-25 12:41 |只看該作者
hi gracekam912,

Oops!  Being spot by my neighbour!  Are you living there too?  I think the environment there is very nice, especially great for kids!

Will apply for my young one since we like the teachers there for pn as my elder one attend it last year.

原帖由 gracekam912 於 09-9-25 12:20 發表

Wonder if you are living in "Mount Haven"???
I also apply Creative PN for my daughter....

Rank: 4

發表於 09-9-25 12:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-25 12:41 發表
hi gracekam912,

Oops!  Being spot by my neighbour!  Are you living there too?  I think the environment there is very nice, especially great for kids!

Will apply for my young one since we ...

Yes...........our kid can meet sometimes.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 14:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-24 17:15 發表
Hi Fifi,

Thanks for letting me know you are also my fan!  I hope I won't get my wife jealous for having so many fans!  Just kidding!

Actually, my elder daughter is also born in August but her person ...

hi Ian

你好, 我個女响屋企勁naughty and active, non-stop talking, 但出到街就唔出聲,驚陌生人, 我叫佢tidy up, 佢always says NO, 所以我都唔知要搵一間咩學校先岩, 而我就覺得要迫先會努力, 所以都偏向多功課及課程深D, 英文都想好D, 又想多D課外活動, 最好唔愁搵唔倒小學及中學, 要求係咪好多呢? thanks for your help.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-25 15:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-25 12:18 發表
Hi kyliejet,

Agree that it will be tough for the maid to handle two kids so it's not a bad idea to try the full day nursery.  Especially boy may be more active!

We are planning to move back to HK is ...

Hi, kyliejet and iantsang,
We are on the same boat.  I have an elder child studying in K1 with a younger one who is preparing for prenursery school.  My main concern to my May 2008 son is that he prefers to response a english command rather than chinese which i consider an disadvantage for himself during interview.  Whenever i teach him chinese, either he walks away or simply ignoring my instructions.  In fact, he expresses more interest in english than chinese ( maybe because he is taken care by a philipino maid)...My plan is to put him into prenursery school once he reaches 2 but find out that not many nursery schools willing to accept him because : 1) nearly end of the school term, not useful or 2) no vacancy.  He is attending playgroup now but the teaching media is in english.  It couldn't solve my problem.  Any suggestion?

To iantsang,
I haven't make a plan to move to hk island because the housing expense is much too expensive for our family.  It is out of budget ~~~>.<~~~  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 16:34 |只看該作者



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-25 19:06 |只看該作者
NT-1, I have the same problem with you which my girl tends to response to English much more than Cantonese. I know it is really a disadvantage for her to attend any K1 interviews. I know only some KG like KCS, St. Cat which do have English interview, for the rest, I really worry about her.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 08:10 |只看該作者
Hi rwurwu,

As your first interview will probably happen in just more than ONE MONTH, you will need some efforts to try to increase your son's chance on the coming interview.

But before we start, since your son is born in September, he is NOT eligible for PC this year.  PC only accepts application from Sep 06 to Aug 07's baby.  So you may want to take note of that, and consider to apply for another one.

The situation with small B is a bit difficult on interview so my suggestion now is squeeze as much as both the mother and father's personal time in the coming months, and talk to him.  Please be reminded to use "single language".  On a linguistic point of view, the child needs to develop the sense of constructing a sentence and inserting more than one language will slow down this process.  I am not saying you shouldn't, but you have very little time to speed things up.

While I am saying that, don't feel too much pressure as you train him.  Making him speak better doesn't necessarily give him better chance on his interview.  There're no guarantee.

At the same time, besides training your child, you also need to train yourself.  As interview is not just for the kid, but also for the parents.  Start preparing yourself on more knowledge of some of your preferred kindergartens.  Try to know what they asked the parents in the past, prepare your own answers, and try to get the attention of the interviewers so they are impressed by you.

At the end, whether your son can speak well in the interview is not a big factor.  As I believe, it is not the important part of the interview to be able to answer (and even be correct) questions on interviews.  Parents' response is actually more important.

原帖由 rwurwu 於 09-9-25 12:22 發表
Hi Ian,

It's my first time to read this thread, your information is very useful, especially for 2007 babies, honest thanks!

My boy was born in 0709, we are targeting on SC, KeenMind, HKPS, Soka & PC ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 08:15 |只看該作者

My own blog

As suggested by other bk parents, I have decided to create my own blog to share my experience on how to plan for kindergartens and interview strategy.  It's just been built and I have only been able to copy a few posts which I put on bk prevoiusly.

Please be patience with me since it will take me some time to put up things that I know but hopefully it can serve as a comprehensive way to guide you through the process.

Good luck to all 07 parents!


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 08:31 |只看該作者
hi Fifi,

Yes, that's in fact asking for too much!   But that's in everyone's mind and you have the courage to speak it out!

You probably need to prioritize your wish list so you can know better what kindergartens you really should target to.  As I mentionded to other parents, if you really cannot decide, then just apply more first.  You have time to think about, but if you don't act fast, kindergartens like SC and KCS have already closed for application already.  Have you get the application form for SC yet?

On the other hand, I also dunno how to find a kindergarten which can guarantee me to find primary school.  As a result, I focus on one-dragon ones.

Frankly, you all are more luckier than I am.  I remember last year in September, I still have no ideas how difficult this can be.  I depends on my wife's suggestion and we were planning to send out elder daughter to KV.  So it was our target originally.  We also believe that children need to be prepared earlier so not believers of the activity learning approach.

Anyway, my suggestions based on your wish list is you should target HKPS and SC as your target kinder.  As I stated on my another post, you should also apply for some kinder which is similar but easier to be accepted.  And also apply to some more competitive to give you more options.  You can visit my blog to find it since I just have a few ones there.

Good luck and I hope it helps you.


原帖由 fifi8844 於 09-9-25 14:46 發表

hi Ian

你好, 我個女响屋企勁naughty and active, non-stop talking, 但出到街就唔出聲,驚陌生人, 我叫佢tidy up, 佢always says NO, 所以我都唔知要搵一間咩學校先岩, 而我就覺得要迫先會努力, 所以都偏向多功課 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 09:06 |只看該作者
Hi NT-1,

No need to worry too much since you are applying for pre-nursery now and your son can respond to your requests in English.  At least he has developed the language skills so he can communicate with someone.  There are still plenty of time before kindergarten interview the following year so you can start make up your mind to see what sort of kinder will fits him better (if he remains his preference on English only)

The reality is cruel, while many parents like to train the kids in English and also many of the domestic helpers need to communicate in English, so the kids develop their communication channel through English primarily.

However, majority of interviews happen to be in Cantonese.  I know some kindergartens have interviews in English or Putonghua but there are just a few of them.

My personal experience with my elder daughter was I concentrate on Cantonese ONLY to her.  Of course accompany by daily communications, her ability to express and communicate with others developed in a much faster pace.  However, the draw back is certainly in interviews where English is involved, then she has an absolute disadvantage.  Besides that, similar problem happen when I try to insert English to her, she is very reluctant to respond to me because she is aware that she is lagging behind.  I was worry for a while but I am glad that after she enter kindergarten, she suddenly start to talk to me in English from time to time.  Of course things like storytelling still need to be in Cantonese at the moment but I think she starts to show more interests in it, and able to comprehend.

I hope I am not suggesting something too drastic to your son, but if you really want to increase his exposure with Cantonese, then probably need to at least send him to playgroups in Cantonese.  Kids are easy to blend together and can pick up the language if he must communicate with other kids.  Right now, he doesn't have to use Cantonese since the family will accomodate him.

Please accept my apology if my suggestion is too direct.  Just another opinion to be considered.


原帖由 NT-1 於 09-9-25 15:02 發表

Hi, kyliejet and iantsang,
We are on the same boat.  I have an elder child studying in K1 with a younger one who is preparing for prenursery school.  My main concern to my May 2008 son is that he pr ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-9-26 11:09 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-9-26 09:08 |只看該作者
Hi amanda0630,

No we didn't find it necessary to prepare portfolio for the kindergartens we applied.  And I guess it is the thing I try to avoid doing so we chose a one-dragon kindergarten!  :D

原帖由 amanda0630 於 09-9-25 16:34 發表



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 14:55 |只看該作者
I wonder how come some parents keep on asking profolio while applying kindergarten, I never hear any kindergartens request for profolio.  If any kindergarten request for it, please let us know.  Such a small kid, what kind of achievement will be expected before applying kindergarten, or just insert some funny daily infant photos.:

But some famous secondary schools do request for profolios such as P5 & P6 results, competition award etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-26 23:13 |只看該作者

回覆 45# iantsang 的文章

Thanks for sharing this...I'm looking hard to plan for my daughter. Even she's alrdy attended school ths September, I'm still checking out if anything else I hv to do for her...funny.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 23:38 |只看該作者
Hi Liza,

I remember when I was reading through a lot of posts for different kindergartens, the word portfolio may have came accross.  May be it is not the tradtional one, which would like to know more about the children's daily life.

For the P1 application for DSS/ private primary schools, you may also want to put together a portfolio too.  Besides the certificates, photos and such to describe the kids' life are included.  I think at the end it's a way to get to know the children better.  However, it would be a nightmare for the reviewers to go through all of them!


原帖由 ML_Ngan 於 09-9-26 14:55 發表
I wonder how come some parents keep on asking profolio while applying kindergarten, I never hear any kindergartens request for profolio.  If any kindergarten request for it, please let us know.  Such  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-9-26 23:42 |只看該作者
Dear Ian,

Just read your post and I got a sense that you felt that KV was a kindergarten that was not activity-based.  Well from my knowledge, KV does teach much academic knowledge, but they teach in a way that let children love to learn, which is the way KV becomes popular.  Actually, I am also struggling between activity-based and academic-driven approaches.  I incline to KV because for me it takes the academic-driven approach in a interactive way that makes children love to learn.  Please correct me if I am anything wrong.

Other parents please feel free to comment as well.


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 23:51 |只看該作者
Some parents will still arrange to change kindergarten in K2 and K3, so it's never too late!

原帖由 mameyulia 於 09-9-26 23:13 發表
Thanks for sharing this...I'm looking hard to plan for my daughter. Even she's alrdy attended school ths September, I'm still checking out if anything else I hv to do for her...funny.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-26 23:55 |只看該作者
Hi jaspachate,

I guess all the kindergartens would have some sort of activites anyway.  I guess in my mind what I meant by activity-based are those kindergartens which emphasize less on traditional teaching with more focus on knowledge transfer.  So you are right about KV and they are doing a pretty good job on what they wanna achieve.  At a point, I was thinking to let my daughter to study both KV and PC in parallel!  But I gave up the idea since it is just too much.


原帖由 jaspachate 於 09-9-26 23:42 發表
Dear Ian,

Just read your post and I got a sense that you felt that KV was a kindergarten that was not activity-based.  Well from my knowledge, KV does teach much academic knowledge, but they teach in ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-27 12:37 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

It is also a nightmare for parents to prepare a portfolio too.  

Definitely, no portfolio is required for kindergarten.  I think only a few famous primary schools requested upon application.


原帖由 iantsang 於 09-9-26 23:38 發表
Hi Liza,

I remember when I was reading through a lot of posts for different kindergartens, the word portfolio may have came accross.  May be it is not the tradtional one, which would like to know mor ...
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