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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 救恩小學
樓主: tungmom

救恩小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 10:55 |只看該作者
但上次拎的校車資料唔係好啱, 我見佢上環線都唔經上環的!

發表於 09-10-29 10:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 11:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 sandwichmum 於 09-10-28 22:52 發表
朋友個囝囝reject左, 連waiting都無,
聽講好多人in幾間學校黎做back up,
有無人有經驗可以share重有無機會 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 11:08 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 12:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 HCbb 於 09-10-29 11:08 發表

Yes, it clashed with True Light, I took a taxi and rushed to there after True Light's interview.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 13:54 |只看該作者
Thank Jen and other moms' comments.

My son has also been accepted.  It is our 1st choice and my son love it too as he didn't want to leave the school on the interview day.

Just want to share my obervation below. Some school have arranged their senior form student to guide the parent on the interview day (eg. Kau Yan, St Stephen Stanley and 高主教), I was very impressed by the Kau Yan student as they looks very smart comparatively.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-29 15:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 molamola 於 09-10-29 13:54 發表
Thank Jen and other moms' comments.

My son has also been accepted.  It is our 1st choice and my son love it too as he didn't want to leave the school on the interview day.

Just want to share my ober ...

What do you think about St. Stephen and 高主教?
Or, what do you know about these two school?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 15:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 tungmom 於 09-10-29 12:49 發表

Yes, it clashed with True Light, I took a taxi and rushed to there after True Light's interview.

我好好彩, 分開2日, 17號先in救恩!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-10-29 16:32 |只看該作者
I find St SXXXX a bit .........  On the date of interview, some students rushed to a celebrity couple and the headmistress was so so happy to greet them.  Personal feelings, no offence.

原帖由 grDaddy 於 09-10-29 15:13 發表

What do you think about St. Stephen and 高主教?
Or, what do you know about these two school?

[ 本帖最後由 Chole 於 09-10-29 22:15 編輯 ]

發表於 09-10-29 18:25 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-29 18:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 mcheung1 於 09-10-29 10:56 發表

但係共有千多人申請就真係校長說的, 因我朋友的仔仔在她那裡讀四年級, 她親自問她的, 因朋友細囡今年也考.

既然有兩天的面試, 有一千人名考生也不出奇.  請問各位知道最大的考生編號是什麼?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 22:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 grDaddy 於 09-10-29 15:13 發表

What do you think about St. Stephen and 高主教?
Or, what do you know about these two school?

My personal view: St SXX with good campus but too far. Students are smart too. But a bit "blue blood" feel.   For RC, too strict and old teaching style.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 17:12 |只看該作者
The lunch for the student to have daily is totally different (much healthier) to the food we tasted on the interview day. My son is in P1 this year and there are 2 dishes + soup/juice every week. There are also bread provided (in free) to the students everyday during their rest time.  

The students are encouraged to do a lot of Eng and Chn reading everyday.  

I'm really glad to let me son to study in Kau Yan. It's absolutely a good school for kids.


原帖由 aa120520 於 09-10-21 10:21 發表
Well, I want to know too. I like this school very much during the interview period......but except their canteen. The food are really not healthy to child. Seriously, what Jamie Oliver say in England, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 17:16 |只看該作者
Hi Jen,
I've got the same feeling as you have. BTW, which class is your son in? My son is in 1 Love.


原帖由 Jen 於 09-10-28 22:52 發表
All depends on what you want.  My P1 boy has gone to private tutoring ever since kindergarten.  He is in the same English class with 2 DBSPD boys and a co-ed girl.  He is reading same paper back novel ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-30 17:34 |只看該作者
I attended several school's open day and thru the whole interview process, I felt that Kau Yan was most sincere.  My only reservation is that its has no "one dragon" school nearby.

I do like Kau Yan as the headmistress and the teachers are the caring type.  However, I do hear from others that their teaching can be a bit too relaxed and may need extra boast from tutors at spare time.

However, to be fair, most DSS schools are like this nowadays.  Whenever I go visit these schools I always look at their school books and compare them to the "show pieces" from students.

My conclusion is if these students really just do so little home work, it will be impossible for them to be that good in writing essays.

Free,active, fun learning at school.  Dirty work for the parents to take care at home....

原帖由 Chole 於 09-10-26 21:43 發表
Jen, Semideaf & Bbone,

I havn't made up my mind yet.  Would you please share more why you love this school?  There is little discussion in BK or other forum and I do not know anyone studying in Kau Y ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-30 17:47 |只看該作者
Hi SuggieC,

He is in 1 Grace.  I love this school so much, and now I am in it, I am even thankful that he doesn't get accepted by the school that I previously wanted so much.  God knows what is the best for him.  

原帖由 SuggieC 於 09-10-30 17:16 發表
Hi Jen,
I've got the same feeling as you have. BTW, which class is your son in? My son is in 1 Love.


耶和華是我的牧者.我必不至缺乏。Thanks God for my lovely family.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-30 17:49 |只看該作者
Semideaf, in a way true.  A lot of dirty works are done by parents at home, but isn't it just the same for other famous school?  Students there also go to a lot of tutorial classes.

原帖由 semideaf 於 09-10-30 17:34 發表
I attended several school's open day and thru the whole interview process, I felt that Kau Yan was most sincere.  My only reservation is that its has no "one dragon" school nearby.

I do like Kau Yan  ...
耶和華是我的牧者.我必不至缺乏。Thanks God for my lovely family.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-30 22:08 |只看該作者
Kau Yan accepted my son.  After interviewing 3 schools, I really like this school except it is too far from my home ( from Chai Wan ).  Seems all teachers are loving and caring the students whoever the students are smart or below the standard.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-30 22:11 |只看該作者
Does anyone know the timetable of school bus from Chai Wan to Kau Yan?  Will the student wake up at 6am?  Will the school bus pick up on/before 7am?  Pls kindly advise in details, thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 22:37 |只看該作者
My daughter did accept by KY.

The reason why I apply this school because this is recommand by my colleague's wife. She is the primary school teacher for many years in HK side. I gave her the list including St. Paul co-ed to give me the comment. When she see my list with St. Paul co-ed, she did advise me the school which are good and have more or less the same academic level from SPCC.

So, I will expect this school is not as easy as we think in academic.

Besides, the interview is bring by my hobby. He knows nothing about this school. But, the school give him the image is good. He said, the teachers did caring the children. The students there are very polite. The principle there can see have heart to handle the school.

For me, the school is in HK side - Central web for secondary. So, this really attrack me so much.
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