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教育王國 討論區 滬江維多利亞學校 希望學校做好
樓主: carna

希望學校做好 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-12 17:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 11-6-13 23:07 |只看該作者
間學校由上到下都係好混亂, 看來學校真係需要一些改革,但係希望越改越好而吾係越改越衰喔,過去幾年真係好多改革, 但越改越差, 都係無信心會做好啦!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-14 13:08 |只看該作者

原帖由 carna 於 11-6-13 23:07 發表
間學校由上到下都係好混亂, 看來學校真係需要一些改革,但係希望越改越好而吾係越改越衰喔,過去幾年真係好多改革, 但越改越差, 都係無信心會做好啦! ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-14 23:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 slamai 於 11-6-9 13:53 發表
VSA develops its own (traditional) Chinese textbooks based on (or simplified from) those used in Shanghai for IB PYP programme upto Y3. The use of local Chinese textbooks starts from Y4. As a corollar ...


今年Y6係冇中文教科書, 只有老師印俾佢地既文章. 成語書就有一本既. 所以應該唔係你所講高年級先有教科書羅.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-15 00:11 |只看該作者
就以數學為例, 初初係用Longman text book 和 workbook.

跟住第二年只係用workbook, 呢個我覺得OK, 因為教數學唔一定跟書教, 小朋友做workbook 時都會知佢識唔識, 明唔明.

之後果年就冇晒text book和workbook, 得一本叫Maths Journal 既校簿. 上面寫既係記錄多, 好少攞返屋企, 睇完本Maths Journal 都唔知佢學左幾多嘢, 老師又唔改.

跟住仲衰, 冇數學堂, 將數學溶入POI.

最後又倒退番去Maths Journal

下年又再倒退番去用Longman workbook.

真係新不如舊 :evil:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-15 01:13 |只看該作者

I want to know how common or not common for VSA primary students starting from P1 to P6 change out to other schools including both (local/international)

If I choose VSA primary as a backup to make sure my children can learn good English and Mandarin and then change out to other local schools in P2 or P3, is it possible or I am just too naive?

Can I say that 出路 for P6 is VSA secondary and 出路for VSA secondary school will be schools outside Hong Kong? Thanks

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-18 13:42 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 11-6-19 20:05 |只看該作者
想問 VSA 學生 IB Diploma Result (2010 Year)???
英國想減少大學留學生數目, 好擔心出路問題!!!

Rank: 1

發表於 11-6-21 22:17 |只看該作者
, 個仔星期四畢業啦!人地個仔小學畢業就係踏上人生另一個階段,我就另一種迷茫,岀又出吾到去,局住留係度, 但係對間學校一 D期望都無, 學費年年加,簡直就係一間貴族Band 3學校,叫我地全家點有心情去慶祝呀!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-22 08:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-22 09:23 |只看該作者

回復 2# carna 的帖子

同意貴族Band 3學校!!
6月30日已學期完, 本星期先開始中文最後一本單完, 本MATHS WORKBOOK 有三分二未做過, 同佢IN其他學校, 學術跟本唔夠
總算有一間收, 決定走人了, 我唔想佢一直差下來!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-22 10:44 |只看該作者
I learnt the results of VSA's 2008-09 DP2 cohort from a summary released at a briefing session for the secondary parents probably in late 2009 or early 2010 but not published in the public domain which were roughly comparable to those of ESF schools (bearing in mind some students in ESF schools do not take IB Diploma programme in the final years). Please note that the cohort of VSA 2008-09 DP2 students did not study all the way there but joined the school just for two years.

The new policy in UK should not affect the majority of HK students as it mainly targets those sub-standard universities and fake students.

By the way, a significant no. of VSA students also plan to enrol in the local universities through the non-JUPAS route.

原帖由 hahahihi-monkey 於 11-6-19 20:05 發表
想問 VSA 學生 IB Diploma Result (2010 Year)???
英國想減少大學留學生數目, 好擔心出路問題!!!

[ 本帖最後由 slamai 於 11-6-23 18:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-22 12:59 |只看該作者
As I have said earlier above, no school is perfect and it is upto the parents to choose one that suits their children most.
It seems that, among the parent population of VSA, there is a significant number of them who have a tendency towards the mode of education commonly adopted in Asia, targeting for quick results arising from keen competition since the early years of a child's education. This mode of education is adopted widely in local schools and, to a certain extent, is achieving good results, particularly in mathematics (maybe upto pre-university level). Good local schools can guarantee a place in one of the local universities for the student. However, it is often at a cost of quality family life and also questionable whether it is still good enough nowadays.
Did university graduates compete for employment as a police constable rather than a police inspector twenty years ago? Should parents target a more long term goal for their children in leading a successful life instead of merely securing their university education?
IB programmes aim at inculcating an inquisitive mind in the student and providing a broad base of education to prepare him/her for the ever changing world ahead. With due respect, I disagree that inquiry-based learning is not suitable for primary students. From research and according to the experts of IBO, young children should learn in an inquisitive environment in order to facilitate the development of their mind which is still in the growth stage. If they cultivate a habit of learning the standard answer to a question (say, simply looking for it in textbooks), they are bound to have overlooked different perspectives surrounding the question. Take the example of Pluto which is no longer regarded as a planet in the solar system, why? We all learned that Pluto was one of the nine planets in the solar system during our school days though it is considered not to qualify to be one any more. In the real world, there are multiple answers to a question, depending on the assumptions and viewpoints, etc. Acquiring a lot of such knowledge in terms of standard answers can only serve short term purposes (say, passing examinations) but, more often than not, will have negative impacts on the development of the child's mind. In the age of information explosion, it serves little purpose in feeding small children as much 'knowledge' as possible in primary years which can be acquired within months in their secondary years, if not updated (depreciated?) like the aforesaid case of Pluto. On the other hand, the learning skills acquired from an inquisitive environment can be carried forward to the university and beyond. Having said that, there are also assumptions and/or prerequisites behind the above viewpoint. Inquisitive learning must be guided and have discipline in controlling time and other constraints in resources so that efforts are concentrated in finding the answer(s) to the question rather than simply wasting time and heading for nowhere. IBO does have stringent requirements on the training of teachers.
I agree that there are a lot of areas for improvement in VSA and it is true that there have been a lot of changes in the school during the last few years. Just like interpreting half a glass of water, mine is that VSA is a glass half full of water with more (changes) pouring in and some (identified as bad practices) seeping out from time to time rather than as a half empty glass of stagnant water. VSA is a new school and dynamic changes (like flowing water) can remove (dilute) bad practices (impurities). Of course, not all changes are good and successful. Nevertheless, a dynamic organisation is more promising than a static one in finding the best way out.
Lastly, I cannot emphasize more but to make it clear that IB programmes may not be suitable for everyone and some children can have better achievements in local/traditional schools, e.g. it has been reported that some UK students having achieved good results in GCE O level could not get equivalent results in their university entrance examinations by switching to IB DP. It is important that parents need to find the most suitable school for their children, according to their character, the family's support and budget, etc.

原帖由 Ving 於 11-6-22 08:46 發表
其實有一点我真系百思不得其解,如果維小真系甘多問題,点解仲有甘多家長選,以海怡為例,真系好多維小學生,兄弟姊妹一齊讀大有人在。我相信海怡都算中產區,父母就算吾系好有錢都有啲學識,子女教育的選擇都吾会求其,如果真系甘吾 ...

[ 本帖最後由 slamai 於 11-6-23 16:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-22 16:09 |只看該作者

Accordingly, it seems that VSA parents attitude is "only believe and don't ask". And it seems that there are still many changes ahead for
VSA, whether good or bad, but parents are paying high school fee and test for those changes with their children. Is it worth doing so?

Another point that I don't really understand is that why the school fee is still increased by almost 10% per year provided that the school premises have been already relocated and settled for several years ago. What are the reasons from school management? Inflation or just profit?

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-22 16:49 |只看該作者

回復 70# Ving 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-22 17:23 |只看該作者
Actually, I am not sure if this kind of conflict is common in international school(ESF, ISF, SIS etc). Because on one hand, the school fee is high compared with local school, but on the other hand, parents have expectation and quality is not very up to the expected standard.

But I just wonder if this is good choice to switch from Y6 in VSA to some band 2 or band 3 local school? How about the adaptability of the students and parents?

原帖由 ANNIEYY 於 11-6-22 16:49 發表
未讀過VSA既人吾會明白,重要讀三四年先得清楚,知道味道,還有好多亞Q精神明明吾好都話好,我自己以前都係,我所認識既家長超過一半都有同一句話不過今年Y6真係好多人話吾讀, ...

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-22 19:26 |只看該作者
VSA本身就吾係一間BAND ONE學校,學費就係BAND ONE收費,我吾介意讀band 2,band3既學校最重要係個仔讀得到,明白乜嘢係讀書學習,如果冇 ( 希望學校做好 )既出現可能大家連我自己都未必會出声發表:D而且原來吾係我自己主觀覺得間學校有問題.:loveliness:

[ 本帖最後由 ANNIEYY 於 11-6-22 19:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-22 21:41 |只看該作者


Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-22 23:17 |只看該作者
其實一早就决定出國,而且在上個暑假Y5己去紐西蘭Auckland讀左六星期 IB middle school(個仔自己去),原先打算讀完Y6中學在Auckland讀,因為有朋友同民風純D,Y4暑假也去左學校,但經過六星期觀察發覺個仔重未知自己要点做同乜野叫做讀書,重未係放手送佢去既時候,所以先改變主意比佢讀到中三再算,我估計你涸小朋友一定係低年班,我個仔Y4開始補英文,Y5開始補math同中文,如果要去外國讀middle school跟本吾洗補習佢地以年歲計,讀VSA既英文係好似文冒只係識講識聽吾識寫,要轉band one學校吾難因為VSA英文還可以,但係讀書態度VSA就差到不得了,轉校最大目的就在此,你讀左VSA就會明白,我個仔自行分配兩間band one都有得面試,間題係比你入到以VSA既讀書方法吾改變係讀吾上既.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-23 11:28 |只看該作者
在 VSA 網頁只找到 universities offers 2010-2011:


但 IBD result 欠奉。以維記作為一間商業機構,如果嗰 IBD result 係好既當然會"打鑼打鼓"大事宣傳,以作 marketing tool,那是否意味真係考得好差完全唔見得人?   

原帖由 hahahihi-monkey 於 11-6-19 20:05 發表
想問 VSA 學生 IB Diploma Result (2010 Year)???
英國想減少大學留學生數目, 好擔心出路問題!!!
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