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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 各位讀梗york既媽咪,請問你地覺得依間學校點?? ...
樓主: matthewlimama

各位讀梗york既媽咪,請問你地覺得依間學校點?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-4 11:30 |只看該作者
Hi all,  here i wanna share with you my experience and the actual situation of my K.1 daughter who are currently studying in York.

Be honest, after studying there for nearly a half year, I discover that my daughter's English speaking & listening ability improves a lot. She nearly can know all the phonics and pronounce for every first letter correctly. She can sing English songs very well. This phenomenon did not happen in the past . She even gets the award of distinction in English in the first semester. In fact, she is studying normal class now (ie 2 local teachers). I admit that having native teacher is better, but the point is……….the kids' whole daily life is not in the school only, but also at home or anywhere outside school. The language environment outside school is very important, so don't solely rely on whether the teacher in schools. Parent / maid speaking in English  to the kids is definitely critical. I do not think there is a huge difference on English performance for a kid taught by native or local teachers.

But there is no doubt that the main weakness for york is its high school fee and no guarantee for a offer to some certain primary schools. Also, I do not quite agree with profit earning skill of the school  (ie  suddenly establish a int'l class and increase fee by more than 20%). It is also not fair to have students studying in old campus but having paid for the high fee.  I think parents have to leverage before making decision.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-4 17:14 |只看該作者
I have just received the registration information from York, and really think that the following fees asked by York are really so expensive:

(1) School Fees: $3,600/month (local stream)
(2) Miscellaneous Fee: $1,842/year i.e. $167/month
(3) Snacking Service: $1,920/6 months i.e. $320/month
(4) School Bus fee: ~$870/month (for my district)

That means: $4,957/month

(and, it said it would introduce an international stream, and the monthly school fee will be $4,200 (X 11 months). That means: $5,557.)

Also, I don't know if the other fees are really expensive if compared with other schools (but I am quite surprised with the charges myself):

(1) Summer uniform: $210/set - suggested 2 sets
(2) Summer PE uniform: $190/set - 1 set
(3) Sweater: $145/set - 1 set
(4) School bag & Snack bag: $175/set - 1 set
(5) Cup, plate & towel box: $72/set - 1 set

That means: $1,002!!

I really think York has overcharged!!!!!!!!! How come a school bag & a snack bag can cost for $175? Is it covered with 'gold'?  I have asked a friend whose son is studying at KM, and she told me that the school bag and apron (as uniform) fee is just under $100.  Also, how come the cup, plate & towel box set can cost for $72?  A friend whose daughter whose daughter is studying at 聖心, though the School also requires this kind of cup set, it just costs for $20!!!!!!!!!!

發表於 10-3-7 23:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-10 16:48 |只看該作者

York selection

Hi all

My son small BB Nov 07 accepted by York p.m. session and will have to register on 18 March. Quite confusing whether pm session will take lesson on new campus.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-18 10:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 joycemfng 於 10-3-10 16:48 發表
Hi all

My son small BB Nov 07 accepted by York p.m. session and will have to register on 18 March. Quite confusing whether pm session will take lesson on new campus.

I registered today and was informed that the book cost will be $2000. wowo. it is so expensive that the whole registration fee will cost us $10,364.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-18 20:14 |只看該作者
好耐無上嚟了, chinnco 媽好嗎???

都係個句啦, 一間幼稚園難唔難收人對我嚟講無意思, 因為佢教唔教到我個仔先最重要, 如果覺得心理上要幼稚園都爭下先 '開心' er, 咁我唔係呢類人~~

我唔知點解成日覺得d mami 要上嚟報料~ 因為好老實個句, 以前上幼稚園版係收下風, 小學都考完了, 咁梗係轉陣地去小學版la, 都無咩特別, 好少番嚟呢邊~ 再加上, 我可以講york 家長真係唔似其它幼稚園咁終於show off... 唔想大家下下咁要同其它幼稚園比^^

而我所知, 學生考得幾好, 大多數都都考得心目中幼稚園, 去KTS, SFA, DBS, YING WAH, ST. PAUL CO EDU, GOOD HOPE , 陳守仁, 禮賢, 培僑, 等都有幾多人, 基本上好多人都唔止一個OFFERS係手, 所以END UP我都唔知佢地想要咩.

我仔仔就差不多間間都有SEC. IN, 有4個OFFERS, 不過我諗最尾會選SFA.

其實睇入咩小學都好難答你好唔好, 因為都要睇家長心態要咩, 我發現有幾多家長唔似以前咁咁重視傳統幼稚園, 佢地反而真係好CONSIDERED小朋友性格, 讀書壓力等而去'簡', 亦有好多簡政府出名小學咁.

有D幼稚園一收, 收六百幾人, 間間小學都有佢地D學生都唔覺得奇, 但我亦都可以講, 我識幾個 '柑桔' 同'貓咪', 一間都考唔到. 我唔會話間幼稚園唔好, 只會話小朋友準備得未足夠, 還有的是唔夠運~~


Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-28 01:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 fentanylbaby 於 09-8-18 09:26 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-29 23:02 |只看該作者
My son just grad. from York and fully agree with Shirley.  Although York accepts most of the kids apply for it, the kids actually learn many things over the 3 years.

For SC and KV, they may choose to accept the above-average students and parents cos the schools could select from thousands of applicants.  For York, I can observe that even though it may not accept the TOP students, the students' standard (learn much from school) and my son and his classmates receive good offer from DSS.

Of course, no matter what kinders your kids study, the parents are well-prepared for those students who got acceptance by the DSS.

However, I am very very satisfied with what York could offer to us and my son is lucky to study in York for 3 years.

原帖由 shirleymatt 於 10-3-18 20:14 發表
好耐無上嚟了, chinnco 媽好嗎???

都係個句啦, 一間幼稚園難唔難收人對我嚟講無意思, 因為佢教唔教到我個仔先最重要, 如果覺得心理上要幼稚園都爭下先 '開心' er, 咁我唔係呢類人~~

我唔知點解成日覺得d mami 要 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 23:42 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-30 09:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 mokstick 於 10-6-29 23:42 發表
其實有些說話很想講,點解大家成日話york咩都係$,又話樣樣都貴過人,但係當你去選擇呢間學校的時間,應該清楚呢間學校background同學費,先會去諗啱5啱自己&小朋友,要是選擇了york,又點解成日話$$$$,好像搞到york好有問 ...

Strongly agree....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-30 11:08 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-30 12:23 |只看該作者
我都想講, 如果無 budget 又或者真係好 tight 既, 不如選其他學校, 始終3年話長唔長, 話短唔短, 如果真係為左學費同雜費攪到自己好大壓力, 又何苦呢?出面有好多收費平又唔錯既學校, 唔一定要讀 YORK既。

原帖由 mokstick 於 10-6-29 23:42 發表
其實有些說話很想講,點解大家成日話york咩都係$,又話樣樣都貴過人,但係當你去選擇呢間學校的時間,應該清楚呢間學校background同學費,先會去諗啱5啱自己&小朋友,要是選擇了york,又點解成日話$$$$,好像搞到york好有問 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-30 13:01 |只看該作者
totally agree. parents should know the background and money charging pattern before sending our kids to this school. We send kids to this school because we agree with its mission and teaching method, paying is to buy such service. so should not complain. even if u study in a cheaper kindergarten, u still need to pay extra to other classes such as English class, PTH class... i think the total expenses should be more or less the same. So if we choose this school, just go ahead. No complaint

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-30 13:02 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-30 14:12 |只看該作者


[ 本帖最後由 leahchang 於 10-6-30 14:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-30 17:27 |只看該作者
原帖由 1010sy 於 10-6-30 13:02 發表

我係跟本一心想讀york的mami,我老公,我老公個朋友(細過我老公的),我個friend,我另一個friend個女(今年k3,我覺得佢d英文幾叻),都係讀york,我99and uncle知道呀仔讀york都話好,以上讀york的人英文都好good!!所以我無後悔!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 13:12 |只看該作者
Strongly agree and my son has just grad. from York.  For the academic position, it all depends on the exam result.  If only 1 child gets full marks in all paper, he/she will be the 1st.  I found the teachers are fair.

I am so lucky that my son has studied in York.
原帖由 leahchang 於 10-6-30 14:12 發表
大囡現小一,九月升小二..幼稚園係讀york,雖然雜費唔少,但可以揀,睇人心態...我個囡好多嘢都冇跟,閱讀圖書,課外活動淨跟劍橋,其它都冇..好多人話唔跟課外活動就冇獎攞,但阿囡自K2-K3次次考試都有十名內,有時攞優秀獎, ...

[ 本帖最後由 dinosaur_bb2004 於 10-7-16 13:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 13:45 |只看該作者
非常感謝各位媽咪的分享, 我都想囡囡讀york, 希望快d收到信
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