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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 York vs Creative Primary KG ~你地點揀呀?
樓主: LamSaSaBB

York vs Creative Primary KG ~你地點揀呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 09:42 |只看該作者
Dear little-noon,

Don't worry. You will receive the letter in 2-3 days.

我想知道平時你個小朋友既表現係點架?依家有無其他Offer係手? CPKG, York呢d競爭都算無甘激烈,唔好甘擔心先啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 12:46 |只看該作者
My son will feel shy when facing to others, except facing to us or grand parent. Don't like to go to school. May be he is too early to start to join play-group during 1 yrs old - 2 yrs old. He will cry when he's entering the school.
1- Estate kinder on hand only. Still got 1 interview on SAT.
原帖由 share123 於 09-12-17 09:42 發表
Dear little-noon,

Don't worry. You will receive the letter in 2-3 days.

我想知道平時你個小朋友既表現係點架?依家有無其他Offer係手? CPKG, York呢d競爭都算無甘激烈,唔好甘擔心先啦 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 14:48 |只看該作者

我好同意之前有家長話其實選差唔多LEVEL既幼稚園都OK啦,唔通怡家做緊醫生律師工程師全部都係st. cat同kv出黎嫁咩?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-17 20:42 |只看該作者
as i read all the above msg, i learnt more about CPKG. thanks share123.

my daughter is also accepted by CPKG but pm. only.  i have a friend whose daughter is K1 at CPKG and she said there was only one K1 class in pm.  it seemed CPKG was not so popular comparing to the other schools.   my daughter is really shy to outsiders and i prefer more children at school but not just 1 K1 class.

on the other hand, i have st. nicholas offer.  i am really struggling in choosing between CPKG and SN.

do anyone have comments about SN vs CPKG? thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-17 20:47 |只看該作者
hi kenoism,

i didn't attend CPKG seminar about teaching approaches, as we were not in hk.  did they give u any notes on the topic?

how to teach our child to facilitate their study at school??


原帖由 kenoism 於 09-12-6 22:44 發表


Hi LamSaSaBB,

Your bb is also on KV waiting list ar.... i think it is a good thing, because i wasn't keen to put him in KV anyway, and now that they d ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-17 21:44 |只看該作者
Hi little-noon,

Take it easy. My son also attended the interview at CPKG yesterday, the teacher asked him some questions, he could only answered her a few in correct. She asked him what colour is the circle, he answered green... , it should be blue but he knows most of the colour at home,  when asked him to put the puzzle into correct place, he put them all wrong cos he didn't play before. After the interview, we took him to "drink tea" and "冒險樂園".
Anyway, he's just a 2 yrs old baby and he doesnt know what's happened. He only like playing the toys in this stage.:loveliness:

Just take it easy, maybe you will get the offer finally cos some schools only interview the parent instead of kid performance.

原帖由 little-noon 於 09-12-17 01:55 發表
My son attended the interview today, but I'm quite depress & disappointed, (I cried seriously after back to home.)coz he've just concentrate to play all the toys, insist to get more toys from other ta ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 22:25 |只看該作者
Dear fineday,

U can send a fax telling the school that you're waiting for the am class. they will approach u when they have places released from other parents.

frankly speaking, people in HK are like this. All people are 一窩蜂. This is a good school, I can guarantee. However, people like fame and competition more than 'good'. I let my second kid entered SC just because of 'fame'.

If i compare the two kindergartens, i think the approach CPSK using is more advanced than SC. They adopt an approach that is closed to the educational reform, like inquiry and discovery approaches. However, all parents tend to compare how many words the kids know, not the thinking skills the children develop.

Anyway, it's good that you have choice. right? Hope you'll choose the one that suits your kid.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-17 22:56 |只看該作者

Thanks a lot for your comments given.  My son is also accepted by CPKG PM Session.  I read this thread of post everyday but seldom to offer any comment or respond to the post.  

I do appreciate much for your comments given.  Your comments really help me getting better understanding on CPKG.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-18 00:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 share123 於 09-12-11 17:08 發表
[quote]原帖由 kenoism 於 09-12-11 14:59 發表

學校係教小朋友既地方,大家因為interview要提前練到七手八臂先甘辛苦,既然都收左,就等學校教先,你同佢溫下書 ...

Hi Share123,
Thank you very much again for your advice :)
I shall find some madarin songs to learn with my little boy... haha.

Little noon,
Don't be upset la... maybe it will be ok lei?  I think they said they would take a while to send the acceptance letters out, so give it some time la.  They are only little kids, they really don't know what is expected of them at interviews as they are too young.  So don't get upset with your little kid or yourself la... it really depends on fate as to what happens in life.  Good luck!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-18 00:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 fineday 於 09-12-17 20:47 發表
hi kenoism,

i didn't attend CPKG seminar about teaching approaches, as we were not in hk.  did they give u any notes on the topic?

how to teach our child to facilitate their study at school??

than ...

Hi fineday,
There is 2 pages of notes, one page is some comments where parents have to answer yes/no depends on their belief on bringing up a child.  And the other one has a picture of a brain, and it highlights the function of each part of the brain.

The seminar explains about brain based learning, which is the teaching approach of CPSK.  A few main points i can remember are:

1) children should do more excercise- because more excercise increases blood circulation to the brain, hence healthier brain cells and more clever kids.

2) we should protect all parts of our kids brains as once brain cells die, we will loose part of the brain function (i.e. be careful and wear helmets when riding bike etc...)

3) use positive encouragement to teach kids, and don't trigger their emotion by saying something like 'your brother is more clever than you....' cos the more you trigger their emotion (inside their brain), they natural reaction is to react by emotion (anger, crying) which produces a very emotional kid that is hard to teach/ control.

4) at CPSK, when the teacher ask a question, all kids can participate by putting up their hand and use different signals to answer yes/no/unsure.  This way, the kids dont feel embarrassed if they answered wrongly, and therefore will continue to participate happily next time.  Unlike those traditional kgs- where 1 teacher raise a question, but only 1 kid can answer at one time, so the other kids who also know the answer but didnt get given a chance to answer the question will eventually loose the interest to raise their hand up, and therefore just sit there and not participate.

5) to train the kids brains... we should provide them with safe enviornment to explore e.g. if they want to mix different sauce, let them do it but perhaps in a sink where it can be easily washed away.  Rather than stop them from exploring because there will be a lot of mess.  Otherwise it will deter them from being interested in learning.

6) to train their analytical and thinking power- parents should say less, and let their child speak more.  e.g. if your child ask you a question, you don't give him a direct answer.  You should ask him back and lead him to his own answers and ask him 'what else' to encourage him to think of more possibility to the question..... explore more... then praise him for his imagination, and conclude with a correct answer.

7) at cpsk- they let kids to be each other's 'little teacher'- so once they have learnt something, they can ask each other and discuss together so whatever they learn will sink in their heads more. Rather than just memorise like traditional kgs.

Hmmm.. i am sure they are more, but that's the main points i can remember.  I find them very interesting... hopefully you will too :)

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-18 10:59 |只看該作者
Hi Kenoism,

thanks so much for the sharing of the seminar.

I am still struggling between CPKG and York. I really like the teaching approach of CPKG, but if I can't afford to their CPKG primary school and enter into traditional primary school, I am worry that CPKG's curriculum is too easy and it will make the child very difficult to catch up in K1.

Very headache.....

原帖由 kenoism 於 09-12-18 00:44 發表

Hi fineday,
There is 2 pages of notes, one page is some comments where parents have to answer yes/no depends on their belief on bringing up a child.  And the other one has a picture of a brain, and  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-18 12:28 |只看該作者
Hi 蚊蚊PIG,

相信好多家長最終無揀既原因都係唔讀CPS小學,所以不如揀其他. 甘就要搞清楚,打算俾小朋友讀咩小學啦. 如果打算讀地區名校的話, 我覺得不如讀屋企附近既幼稚園, 唔好去九龍塘讀. 去得九龍塘,對個小朋友有要求既話,KV, SC呢d可能係首選,但如果入唔到呢d,我覺得其他既分別唔大. 小學面試係講個小朋友既presentation,好少學校考筆試,CPSK應該唔會輸蝕,況且都有網友講,有CPSK都考到SFA架.我家姐個同事既仔仔考到st paul co-edu.

我條路已經行左一半喇,可以話俾大家聽.要培養個小朋友好top,最緊要係父母既心機同埋其他活動既配合. SC KV d學生都唔係個個考得好,始終係家長俾effort重要d.學校只係幫到幾成架.所以唔使太緊張.

[ 本帖最後由 share123 於 09-12-18 12:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-19 15:32 |只看該作者

thanks a lot. it's really helpful.

原帖由 kenoism 於 09-11-26 22:47 發表
My little boy has also been admitted to York and CPSK.  We are going to pay for both first, then decide because we find it really hard too.

At the same time, we are waiting for result from Kent ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-19 22:55 |只看該作者
My son got pm offer ar.....have to write a letter to change am if their seat available. I think I will paid the register fee to secure the place.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-19 23:23 |只看該作者
little noon, 不要灰心, 我跟你可說同病相憐, 我女兒在我面前對答如流, 學習亦沒有問題, 那次去維記面試, 我在玻璃房外看見老師舉字卡問她山和口, 我心想, 掂!認字卡是她強項, 醫生, 警察和城市等她都認到, 怎知她卻不肯望老師, 不肯開口,結果reject了, 在劍鳴面試時, 老師拿著bigbook說英文故事, 我每晚也有跟她說故事, 然後問她問題, 她都會答的, 怎知其他小朋友都搶著答老師問題, 只有她呆望老師全無反應, 我是老師也一定不選她, 結果是waiting list only, 從學校出來一刻我真想哭, 難道10個月大便陪她上playgroup, 每晚幾忙都說中英故事, 從不間斷, 一切努力都是白費嗎? 還是其他小朋友太強了, 女兒相近見拙, 她是我最寶貴的小公主, 真不能接受她在競爭下是最笨拙最落後的一個, 後來想通了, 人生長跑中有很多站的, 她只是這一站稍稍落後了, 將來一定可以追上的, 她仍是我眼中最聰敏可愛獨特完美的公主, little noon, 一起加油, 為我們的小朋友努力

[ 本帖最後由 abinayams 於 09-12-19 23:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-19 23:34 |只看該作者
abinayams, Thanks for your sharing! So toughing, we all have prince & princess. After those (interview) experiences, we all grow up already, remember everything is learn from experience. Be strong to be a mother, still have to pass through a long long path with our loves in the future!
原帖由 abinayams 於 09-12-19 23:23 發表
little noon, 不要灰心, 我跟你可說同病相憐, 我女兒在我面前對答如流, 學習亦沒有問題, 那次去維記面試, 我在玻璃房外看見老師舉字卡問她山和口, 我心想, 掂!認字卡是她強項, 醫生, 警察和城市等她都認到, 怎知她卻 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-20 00:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 little-noon 於 09-12-19 22:55 發表
My son got pm offer ar.....have to write a letter to change am if their seat available. I think I will paid the register fee to secure the place.

Hey little-noon,

Congratulations ar!!!  Hehehe... must be feeling very relieved :)
Well done...  turns out your little kid chooses the school more than the school chooses the kid.

Why do you want to change to am class lei??  My son is admitted to am class, but we are thinking whether or not to change him to pm class (but we won't be deciding until next year i say; but if we decide to do that at last, will let you know, cos maybe we could swab directly??)  But if you really want your son to go into AM class, you should write to the school directly :)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-20 00:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 abinayams 於 09-12-19 23:23 發表
little noon, 不要灰心, 我跟你可說同病相憐, 我女兒在我面前對答如流, 學習亦沒有問題, 那次去維記面試, 我在玻璃房外看見老師舉字卡問她山和口, 我心想, 掂!認字卡是她強項, 醫生, 警察和城市等她都認到, 怎知她卻 ...

I totally agree with you... my son went to victoria interview also, and i thought he did pretty well, but still on waiting list.  But i always believe in fate, and i feel that god or whoever you believe in will be guiding us to the end-point (believe it or not, i don't have a religion... haha)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-20 01:17 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing & encourage. I felt quite relax now. I want my son study in am session, so he can learn other course in the afternoon. Why you want to swap to pm session?Hahahaha..........
原帖由 kenoism 於 09-12-20 00:51 發表

Hey little-noon,

Congratulations ar!!!  Hehehe... must be feeling .very relieved :)
Well done...  turns out your little kid chooses the school more than the school chooses the kid.

Why do you want  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-21 00:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 little-noon 於 09-12-20 01:17 發表
Thanks for your sharing & encourage. I felt quite relax now. I want my son study in am session, so he can learn other course in the afternoon. Why you want to swap to pm session?Hahahaha..........:joy ...

Hi little-noon,

I know what you mean also... cos most other courses are offered in the afternoon.
But because i finish work quite late, 8pm, so if my son has to attend am class, it means he needs to sleep maybe at 9ish so that he can wake up the next day.  So if i finish at 8pm, come back home and have dinner, it's already 9ish, so i don't have much time to spend with him.  Then the next morning, he has to wake up and go to school really early, and i have to prepare for work wor.. so still not much time. So i am thinking pm class may be better for us??? But i also worry about extra-curriculum activities also...  have to do some research into them soon.
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