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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St Paul Boys 簡介會: 大陸爸爸vs 香港爸爸
樓主: PoorParent

St Paul Boys 簡介會: 大陸爸爸vs 香港爸爸 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-1 11:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 Camom 於 10-12-1 10:28 發表

You're one of the parents talking to the boy also?  I don't know whether he just passed by or was assigned to mingle with the potential parents.  I arrived at about 5:40pm that day and already saw h ...

Are u talking about the boy with a blue school bag?
He is probably my son! He told me that he was surrounded by a couple asking him Qs re: SPC - school facilities, school activities etc. Then, more and more parents came to ask him.  He said he seemed to be a 導賞員of the school as he described.
If so, a bit comfort to me as I was quite worry if he could give accruate and truthful information to other parents.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-1 11:44 |只看該作者
To clarify, he is NOT assigned by the school to mingle into potential parents! That is just a coincidence that he passed by, for he was kept by the teacher for "extra tutorial" that evening!

發表於 10-12-1 11:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 11:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 PoorParent
10-12-1 01:40 發表
May be we should focus on more constructive issue for our kids, i.e.future education/ ECA in SPCPS & the aspiration of the new campus, right?
All replies  reveal me SPCPS' Parents are all well educate ...

原帖由 fredkong01
10-11-30 21:38 發表
hi lugano,

As I said before, I totally agreed with "diversity" and totally disagreed on your opinion except the point on the government education system.

When I read up to your messa ...

原帖由 backtohome2005
10-12-1 09:58 發表

Yes,yes,yes. Stop the debate and focus on constructive issue as we all love our buys so much.  Although, I am not well-educated but I would like to share with you (as well as Teresa' view in educati ...

原帖由 Camom
10-12-1 08:13 發表

Agree! Let's share more constructive info of SPCPS!

We talked to a P6 boy on the briefing session day and found that he's very polite, "pure" and presentable (just right at his age, not too
老積).  ...

首先跟樓主 PoorParent 說句打攪唒, 萬分對不起

當我留第一個 post 的時候, 我腦海裡重複那晚簡介會上那兩位爸爸的言論, 心裡有著莫明的討厭, 所以我留言時可能比較偏激, 詞不達意, 萬分對不起, Diversity女士出第一個回應時, 縱使她 get 錯左我文中的意思, 我無意繼續爭論, 我就迅速回應, 並把個內客回歸/專注回樓主個題目

本來亦無意跟她繼續, 點知她接二連三連續再出兩個回應, 其中一句牽涉到侮辱小弟母校喇沙的精神, 作為一個 Old Boy, 這涉及到一間學校的榮辱和辨學團體修士們背後天主教理念, 於是我才作出一個全面的回應

我重申, 心水清的都知我所有言論, 從來都只提及大眾對學校的名氣/認受性的比較, 有一點事情我亦想攪清楚, 我從來都沒有講過我自己叻過邊個邊個, 要知道天外有天, 人外有人, 更加沒有存在某學校所有學生比另一學校的所有學生叻

每一位都優勝過別人? 有冇可能 ? 我地都係大人, 有獨立分析能力, 名校都有全級考第尾, 正如你我都唔相信每一個聖保羅男女學生都優勝過所有聖保羅男校學生喇

最後, 我願跟樓主, Fredkong01, Backtohome2005, Camom 家長一樣, 一起講下未來大家將會在SPCPS 新學年面對的事情, 這樣實在得多, Diversity女士, 我願意伸出友誼之手  

其實我都很有興趣請教才思敏捷 Diversity 女士, 未知你師承那一間學校 ? (真心問)

[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 10-12-2 12:12 編輯 ]

發表於 10-12-1 11:57 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 12:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 Teresa 於 10-12-1 11:40 發表

Are u talking about the boy with a blue school bag?
He is probably my son! He told me that he was surrounded by a couple asking him Qs re: SPC - school facilities, school activities etc. Then, more ...

Hi Teresa,

I don't see his schoolbag...he's wearing whole set of school uniform (with blue coat)...not too tall and looks chubby.  My son likes him very much too and said, "嗰個哥哥介紹得好好!".  I'm proud of you if that's your son!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-1 12:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 Camom 於 10-12-1 12:08 發表

Hi Teresa,

I don't see his schoolbag...he's wearing whole set of school uniform (with blue coat)...not too tall and looks chubby.  My son likes him very much too and said, "嗰個哥哥介紹得好好!".  I' ...

Your description matches with my son's appearance.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-1 17:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 Teresa 於 10-12-1 12:36 發表

Your description matches with my son's appearance.


Rank: 2

發表於 10-12-1 21:10 |只看該作者

回覆 5# lugano 的文章

Good.  Let's share.

BTW, any current parents in SPCPS know that the swimming pool and roof garden will be built or not?

Many thanks,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-2 10:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 fredkong01 於 10-12-1 21:10 發表
Good.  Let's share.

BTW, any current parents in SPCPS know that the swimming pool and roof garden will be built or not?

Many thanks,

關於泳池, 如無記錯, 在最近一期的newsletter裏曾略略提過, 大意是仍待一些款項去做. 如有錯請指正.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-2 11:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 fredkong01 於 10-12-1 21:10 發表
Good.  Let's share.

BTW, any current parents in SPCPS know that the swimming pool and roof garden will be built or not?

Many thanks,

原帖由 HuiTung 於 10-12-2 10:44 發表

關於泳池, 如無記錯, 在最近一期的newsletter裏曾略略提過, 大意是仍待一些款項去做. 如有錯請指正.

Hi FredKong01 and HuiTung.... I have the SPCPS 2010 July Newsletter hard-copy in front of me, I quote directly from it

".......Thoughts are now being put forth to plan for a green roof and a swimming pool.  As you may see, some of these facilities are above standard provision, so we need extra funding to realise the plans.  Success in attaining our goals depends on your generous support.  I invite you to make a donation to the St. Paul's College Foundation to show your love and lasting care to the school......."  By Mrs Yvonne Chan, Headmistress

Hope this helps.......maybe we need generous help from Sir Li Ka-Shing....LOL....thanks

[ 本帖最後由 lugano 於 10-12-2 11:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-6 10:14 |只看該作者
asked a SPCPS parent (親戚) about the roof garden and swimming pool, he said no more updates in the latest newsletter

[ 本帖最後由 majacob 於 10-12-6 10:54 編輯 ]
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