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樓主: kawai

"Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group " [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-6-30 15:46 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Thanks kawai!
Dr. Trodd replied as well and said the same.
Our daughter has been on Diflucan for just 5 days and we are still observing.  Our son had one course completed two weeks ago and appeared to have moderate improvements.  His teachers said he was doing great that week.  Less hyper, less distractible and more focused and working well most of the time.  We also had some new strategies (suggested by the OT) in the classroom starting from that week which are working very well.  So I think it is the effect of a mix of strategies, behavioural and biochemical at the same time.

耶穌在路上看見一個生下來就瞎眼的人。他的門徒問他說:「老師,這個人生來就瞎眼,是誰的罪造成的?是他自己的罪,還是他父母的罪呢?」 耶穌回答說:「他瞎眼和他自己或他父母的罪都沒有關係,而是要在他身上彰顯天主的能力。」(若/ 約9:1-3) 你應該在上主面前安心依靠,不要因萬事順當的人而煩惱 (詠/詩 37:7) "If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices." ~ Mother Teresa

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-30 23:36 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Tonight I let my son has the suppository form DMPS.  I didn't wait for him falling asleep but before he went to bed.  My husband said he preferred to tell his son what was going on instead of frightened him.  Luckily it was not too difficult.  My son said he was afraid.  Since I agreed to let him play the 發光風扇 inside his room in dark for 10 seconds, he did not against the pill.  Also the pill melted quickly so he did not push against the pill.  I asked how he felt, he said "pet pet覺得痛", he doesn't say 好痛, I believed it did not hurt too much.
Carson's birthday in January 2000.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-30 23:47 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


Hope the suppository DMPS won't cause too much side effect like DMSA.  Please update more tomorrow if any problem arise.  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-30 23:59 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Siu Ming,

Glad to hear that your son has been doing great currently.  I was wondering if Diflucan works on my son since no significant improvement was found  during the last two courses of treatment.  

Has your son tried Learners Edge?  My son showed some improvement after we introduced it.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-1 12:48 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

About DMPS

I read through some messages in Yahoo dicussion forum and Onibasu.com.  There are pros and cons about the suppositories form.  My son will have a CBC test a week later and I'll decide again whether I should continue the Supp. form or go back to oral form.

BTW, I saw the following message in Yahoo.  I cut and paste below for your information-

"Dr. Usman has just prescribed DMPS suppositories for our son. According to her, the suppositories can get deeper into the tissues where the TD might not. For the last four months we have not been getting elevated mercury as we had in the past and yet, his urinary porphyrins clearly suggest mercury toxicity. We are not doing better either. Initial gains are lost.

I was wondering why you wouldn't recommend the suppository form. My personal concern with the suppositories was the fact that they would not allow us to do DMPS every six hours as we do with TD (unless we talk to the lab? to do suppositories that meet our protocol). Her recommended protocol is the following:

1. To continue with TD-DMPS, every 6 hours, 3 on/4 off .
2. To simultaneoulsy do a DMPS suppository at nigth 3 on/4 off.
3. Later in the protocol, to introduce EDTA in suppository form.

Dr. Baker apparently has shown some data from his patients: A year and a half of TD-DMPS with hardly any pulls of mercury. This was followed by DMSA suppositories were patients had great pulls of mercury. I have no further information. If this was a study, the design is obviously not the best if you are interested in proving that the suppository form is better. To me, this might well prove that the different chelator was better. As I said I have no more info on this, but this is taken by some doctors as evidence suggesting suppositories are better."
Carson's birthday in January 2000.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 08:39 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,

I just want to share with you about Learners Edge.  I was given this by Dr. Td during my last visit on 16 June and have introduced to my son right away until present.  I observed an instant improvement in his speech where he asked more sensible questions and made comments on some situation!  He even 'complained' about his brother of not wearing shoes yesterday when we were about to go out!

Dr. Td also straightly commented negatively on TF and suggested to shift probiotics bottle by bottle.

I also checked with him various tests and he recommended Justin to do the Premier Viral Panel Test first.  May anyone please give me some hints what exactly this test can tell?  I only know that they need quite a large amount of blood for testing on this and I find great difficultly in holding my boy tight.

I also queue up for HBOT which already has 9 persons in front of my place ie. another 9 months to wait but Dr. Td said no harm to put on waitlist and I can cancel anytime.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-3 09:10 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Premier Autism Panel was mentioned in the book "Children with straving brains".

You can visit the website of the lab- click here to have a look.
Carson's birthday in January 2000.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 12:27 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Thanks very much, chanchanboy!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 13:18 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Justin 2002,

The Autism Premium Panel tests tells if your kid has viral infections.  A lot of kids were tested positive on Herpes virus and will need medication.

I have heard various results on the mild HBot.  Good luck.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-3 15:05 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

For my son, Nystatin and Learner's Edge had nothing effect on him. He had good response to nasal B12 at first but the effect had been fade out.

Recently he had rashed all over his back. I guessed it should be the reduced L-glutathione cream. But for safty sake, I stopped all the supplement except Vit. C.

Seems we'll have the supplement vacation for a while.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-3 15:22 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Finally I find the essays about the negative comments onDMSA. This long articals was not written by a docotr. The man only combines all the existingstudies and researches together. But I learned the basic knowledge about what I should know.

A mom with 3 ASD children abroad told me to turn away from any doc. that ask me to do DMSA at the 1st appointment. That's why I didn't visit Dr. Trxxx again.

Extracted from the essay: "Inexperienced doctors trying to detoxify mercury with DMSA, and possibly DMPS, may damage these children irreparably! Irresponsible use of these toxic drugs will damage the sulfoxidation system of PST children beyond repair......"

The artical is VERY LONG. Search "DMSA" and find these paragraphs.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


Thanks for your info too!

What is Herpes virus?  If it is cured after medication, will it help on their ASD behavior?

Yes, I also heard about the +ve/mild/no effect on using HBot, but I am in fact not yet decided to have it or not ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 18:49 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Hi All,

Any one of your kids has high lead level?
My daughter's hair test report has just come out: high levels of lead and mercury (3.5 and 1.3 respectively; the reference ranges are <1.0 and <0.4 respectively)  The levels of other toxic elements such as arsenic, nickle, tin and titanium are also on the high side.  No wonder, her total toxic representation is rather high (in the red band).  We will see Dr. Trodd the coming Thur and he will elaborate on the findings and give advice.  My daughter's profile is quite different from that of my son.  My son's initially mercury level stood out comparing with others but has gone down to the "green" band recently.  His overall toxic representation is therefore within the green band as well.  

Just want to know anyone of you got experience with profile similar to my daughter.  Thanks a billion!!!

耶穌在路上看見一個生下來就瞎眼的人。他的門徒問他說:「老師,這個人生來就瞎眼,是誰的罪造成的?是他自己的罪,還是他父母的罪呢?」 耶穌回答說:「他瞎眼和他自己或他父母的罪都沒有關係,而是要在他身上彰顯天主的能力。」(若/ 約9:1-3) 你應該在上主面前安心依靠,不要因萬事順當的人而煩惱 (詠/詩 37:7) "If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices." ~ Mother Teresa

Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-3 21:40 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Hi Justin2002,

May you pls tell me yr son's dosage on Learner's Edge? After I traced back the record, I found that it's not "no effect" but "bad effect" on LE. My son's expressive language is not good at all, but to the worst he started stuttering after using LE 1 week or so. I stopped it and he had no stutter anymore. His dosage is 1 capsule 3x per day.

And, can you also tell me what's the negative comments on TF by Dr. Td?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 22:26 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Hi Siu Ming,
我個仔做過兩次hair test,
lead 3.0
mercury 0.44
最勁係aluminium 62! (直情出咗界)
其他antimony, tin, nickel都高.
lead  0.93
mercury  0.21
aluminium 33 (都係紅色, 不過"入"返界啦)
其他antimony, tin, nickel都減咗少少.
我個仔做過一次dmsa provacation test, 3個round td dmsa, 屋企又換哂阿仔d煮食用具, 又換咗water filter, 唔知邊樣幫咗佢, 不過其他方面進步就唔多, 而家都係得好少單字, 仲多數唔係用嚟溝通, 只係labelling

Siu_Ming 寫道:
Hi All,

Any one of your kids has high lead level?
My daughter's hair test report has just come out: high levels of lead and mercury (3.5 and 1.3 respectively; the reference ranges are <1.0 and <0.4 respectively)  The levels of other toxic elements such as arsenic, nickle, tin and titanium are also on the high side.  No wonder, her total toxic representation is rather high (in the red band).  We will see Dr. Trodd the coming Thur and he will elaborate on the findings and give advice.  My daughter's profile is quite different from that of my son.  My son's initially mercury level stood out comparing with others but has gone down to the "green" band recently.  His overall toxic representation is therefore within the green band as well.  

Just want to know anyone of you got experience with profile similar to my daughter.  Thanks a billion!!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

HI Justin2002,
我個仔抽過兩次血, 第一次都係要兩個大人捉住, 抽咗成大半個鐘頭先搞掂. 其實就唔痛, 因為會先搽一d膏, 只係我個仔一見有人捉住佢, 又見到支針先大叫大喊, 一緊張就血管收縮, 結果抽完右手, 抽左手, 再抽手背....   
第二次我哋就"準備"好d, 我個仔好鐘意睇卡通, 我帶咗部手提dvd, 到佢嗰陣就播dvd俾佢睇, 全情佢都冇望醫生一眼, 掛住睇dvd, (我又遮吓唔俾佢見到支針), 好快就搞掂...因為佢唔緊張, d血都易出d.
所以最好想吓有什麼東西可以另佢好"專住"5至10分鐘, 咁就好好多.
Justin2002 寫道:
Dear all,

I only know that they need quite a large amount of blood for testing on this and I find great difficultly in holding my boy tight.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-3 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Siu Ming and Ultamom,

Dominic last hair test was done in November 05, and it showed a lot more heavy metals (Aluminium-27, Mercury=1.8, Lead=1.7) compared to when he first saw Dr. Trodd in March 05.  However, when he has the urine challenge test at the same time (Nov  05), the urine test shows his heavy metals is not too bad.  That might be a positive hair test result since it means that he was able to get rid of the toxic metals himself.

I always find the hair test result difficult to interpret.  If the toxic metal level is high, that means the child has a lot in his/her body.  If the level is low, that may mean he/she cannot detoxify himself.

Blood Draw - I would buy Dominic's favourite toy a few days in advance and showed it to him everyday while not giving it to him.  I told him the blood test would be on Monday, and everyday I promised him I would give it to him after the blood test if he did not fuss during the process.  During the blood draw, I put it right in front of him.  It worked for a posessive boy like Dominic!  Bravo the ABA positive reinforcement method.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-3 23:44 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Hi Dommon,
My son got positive Herpes virus in the test result but Dr Td said no need to treat it.  He commented that if the test result showed various kinds of Herpes virus, then treatment is needed.  Don't know whether this comment is right or not.
Dommom 寫道:
Justin 2002,

The Autism Premium Panel tests tells if your kid has viral infections.  A lot of kids were tested positive on Herpes virus and will need medication.

I have heard various results on the mild HBot.  Good luck.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-3 23:45 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Hi ABBmom and friends,

My son is also taking Learner's Edge 1 capsule x 2 per day prescribed by Dr. Trodd.  I don't see any adverse effect after we introduced it a few weeks ago.  I believe that the effect of every single supplement is very individual.   

Regarding the effectiveness of TF.  My husband and I have been taking the advanced formula 1 capsule per day over 9 months from now.  We deeply feel that it really helps boost up our immune system as we didn't even got any flu since then.  I also want to know what negative comments are said by Dr. Trodd.  

Hi Siu Ming,

I know you're relectant to use oral chelation therapy.
Here're the non invasive methods which help remove toxin and heavy metals effectively but slowly.

1.  Clay Bath - Good for pulling out mercury and others heavy metals.  It is available at Little Giant
2.  Epsom Salt Bath which is available at Health Gate
3.  ETDA Bath/Beyond Clean - Good for pulling out lead. It is available from Dr. Lam

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-3 23:53 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

did your daughter take any chinese medicine for a long period before the hair test?  My son got very high Lead (6.8 vs ref range 1.0), aluminum (10 vs ref 8), Antimony (0.13 vs ref 0.066), Arsenic ( vs ref 0.08) Mercury (1.6 vs ref 0.4), tin & titanium....
He took 猴子棗 for long because of coughing and therefore his lead was extremely high.  After stopping all chinese medicine and taking the supplements, his toxic elements reduced gradually and all in ref range except Mercury in the recent test.
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