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直資學校與私立學校之討論(前為: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-3-3 18:26 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Thanks for your sharing!

I think if we want the children in HK be creative, first we need to change the parents' mind.

You know, I have heard from my friend, she said,
"My son wanted to take the piano exam because then he can have a certificate for applying secondary schools.  But he doesn't want to join the Big brother scheme at school, because he can't get a certificate from there."

Nowadays, children do something with specific reasons: not because of they like music, just because the certificate can help them get into a good secondary school.

It's a bite sad right?!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 03:55 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

我不懷疑羅太有崇高的教育理想, 也兼負為政府減赤的重任.  推行直資既可破除填鴨式教育, 又可由家長作部分教育承擔, 兩者兼得, 何樂而不為.  所以她近來大力推行直資或遊說現有津校轉直資, 力陳直資的優點, 是可理解的.

不過, 理想歸理想, 現實還現實.  當局推行直資, 除改變了資助模式, 開放教學模式和收生權給直資學校, 有給這些學校作教學上明確指引或幫助, 有做過其他監管或如出錯時有能力和及時執行這些監管嗎?  我們理想目標真能就靠開放教學達成嗎?  各施各法, 無一定模式可循, 如推行不同新理念教學的學校成果不彰的話, 就讀學生將來可容易轉校或甚至接上其他直資模式嗎?  但我們又怎能確信一班新理念校長教師可把教育的老問題短期實踐中改變過來呢.

我們現在的直資學校確有崇高教育學者推行他們自身的教學方法理念, 有些以評估代替考試, 引導思考閱讀代替背默功課刻板學習, 有些標榜較少的學習年期完成小中學課程, 有些採用外國課程增加語文能力.  這一切理想願望, 不是早已存在莘莘學子的家長和教育者心中. 為什麼我們以前沒有做到呢?   我相信有心有力的家長早已做到了, 他們把兒女送到活動小班教學的國際學校.  他們較富裕有較高學歷在課外可補子女學校活動教學或語文之不足, 全職或較多時間在家作開啟引導子女互動學習, 家庭學校相輔相成, 事半功倍.  但我們開放教學的直資學校在財力, 人力, 能力能達致目標嗎, 還有要取決校長教師的能力和努力, 他們推行的新教學方法是否有效. 接受開放教育的家長又如何呢?  時間, 金錢, 能力?  相信付出不比傳統教育的家長少, 他們不可能活活動動談談笑笑就可教育子女成材.  飽受填鴨教育之苦的學校, 家長, 學子誰不想找一條較快樂的學習途徑能達致同樣的好學習成果呢. 為什麼呢, 可能他們想是不能為之而不為之. 現在好了, 政府因利成便, 為削資而推行直資開放教育, 我們的教育病態可治理過來.

開放教育好處前文已述. 但我們應不應該向壞處看一看. 在我們教育資金不足, 教育界風雨飄搖, 志氣最低迷之際, 大力推出創意活動, 互動雙向教學, 有天時地利人和嗎. 這些直資校的前線教師現在或將來會從那裏來, 他們要自編或編採教材, 各校自做教育署課程部門的工作, 因應不同學生程度作創意引導教學, 作出容易引起家長覺得不公平學業評估, 比傳統學校單向教學更費力, 更承擔, 更壓力. 但相對來說, 他們要比官津收取較低薪資褔利, 校長學校可對其職位有生殺之權. 如我們不解決這差別不平, 在這已被極度分化的教育界, 把官津薪資減低, 加速殺校, 我們可找到直資校好教師嗎? 你看, 我們請的高薪外籍語文教師不是也雞飛狗走嗎?


-作為家長知道自己子女名次是作為參考孩子學習成績的比較進度, 有人考第一, 也有人考四十. 緊不緊張只視乎個別家長對子女祈望要求. 以我來說, 我囝囝名列中游, 但我已覺得滿意, 因我覺得他已學到所需, 有進步時也予以鼓勵. 同時, 看成績名次不是傳統校的專利, 在網上所見, 個別直資校的家長對校內比賽勝負喜餒也溢於言表, 你想他們會不會對孩子得到A覺得高興. 這是人之常情, 只要不太著意, 予孩子壓力, 還可訓練孩子不要單看成績以論成敗.

-我的孩子就讀高小, 以前從未補習. 不過, 因他少主動閱讀, 我考慮短期內給他學公文式英文. 原意不是以穫取高分爭取高幾個名次, 是想把外文基礎加固. 我想, 直資學校的家長也不會把補習屏諸門外吧.

-我不認為讀傳統校的學生缺乏創意, 你問一唔會答二. 我的囝囝, 你問他問題, 他會反提出相關問題問我. 你看很多創意或辯論比賽, 取勝有沒有傳統名校, 我們多出自傳統學校的會考狀元, 是不是讀死書之人.

-子女在小學學習或學業不佳, 任何教育摸式下的父母都會擔心.

-我不否認部分家長祈求在子女在才藝學習上得獎, 作為升學台階, 不過你學就會得獎嗎? 此乃不切實際之想. 不過, 很多小朋友在幼稚園時期已開始學音樂游泳, 相信絕大部分家長是向子女才藝體能培養為目的. 反問一句, 受開放教育的家長子女不會學音樂游泳, 以我所知, 真還不少呢. 還有這些學校擔保將來不會以才藝作收生標準嗎?

Kathy, 妳講的說話我十分認同. 但我認為學子大部分的壓力不是來自學校, 是源自家長, 來自一些望子成龍的家長. 這些家長的子女無論去到任何模式學校就讀, 其子女也一樣承受壓力. 如家長用一種包容體諒甘苦與共的心看待子女學業成績, 子女就算辛苦也一樣會讀得開心的. 我的孩子直至現在也很喜歡上學. 相信絕大部分的傳統學校家長也有同感. 不過, 家長的壓力也源自社會, 我們有很多人可對swl的問題say no 嗎. 我們做的無論對錯, 不過是想確定子女有一定成績能力進身較好學校, 得到較好教育, 將來立足社會. 孩子的基礎教育是最重要的, 我們怎不步步為營呢. 如開放活動教育能以少些壓力, 少些辛苦能導致同樣學習成果和語文能力, 我們還不舉腳贊成嗎.

發表於 04-3-5 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Answer to questions from swl and 囝囝爸 can earn an PhD degree, it may be a very good topic in wiriting a dissertation.

I want to response all yours question but it will take much time. I'll try to do this one by one later

We all write long passage, sometime I got difficulties in reading. Since we have too many want to talk about.

The first response:

As a pen friend to 囝囝爸, if you want to raise your son's interest in reading, I don't suggest you let him join the Kumon English. It won't help, the idea of Kumon is, througout iterate practice, students "remember" the correct use;spelling of grammer; words; adjective etc.

I don't know how to induce kid to read, I can only tell you how my son like to read.

Before I sleep and while my son is doing his homework, I used to read (friction; magazine or newspaper). One day, around his late K3, when we were shopping in a bookstore, he asked me whether he could choose a book for himself. The book must be at less picture as possible, just like my friction no picture at all. And he said the book must be read only by himself, don't let us to read for him or give any explanation.

We also went to the library together, not very frequent (only one in a month or even one in two months). borrowing load of books (18 pieces each time).
let him choose for what he want, even though we think the books are not suit for him, just let him borrow.

Always walk into the bookstore when there is one nearby.

Children always want to do same thing as parent, so if you don't read, how you can persuade them to read (I'm not talking you)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

After send out, I find the passage still too long.

For the resource allocation and salary of teachers:

The subsidy of a DSS student is subject the average subsidy to a standard student. I don't understand why the promotion of DSS by EMB is always said to be the Government overture of cutting education expense.

Our Government tends to cut expense which is unarguable. No matter the existence or promotion of DSS or not, she will try its best to cut it.

But how the DSS will help, I can't see any direct relationship. Please tell me!

An indirect synthese always raised by the teachers is that teachers' salary in DSS or private school need not follow subsidary school structure. Which may induce cutting of their salary. How this happen?

Because, the popularity (is it nowaday!) of DSS will decrease the demand of subsidary school (why?). As a result, more subsidary school will going down. Teachers of the closed school have to seek a job in a DSS or private school but with lower salary.

The above hyposynthesis turns out lot of questions.

1. Under current structure, the expense of the well maintain subsidary school (still popular) remains unchanged. if so the sibsidary to their student still valid, teachers (salary) in such school won't get any affect. The result is, subsidary to each student remain unchanged. No matter how the DSS teacher's salary is cut, the money given to any student remain the same. There is no help in cutting government expense.

2 Why the DSS school have to employ the redundance? Due to their low salary(even they are willing to be cut)? or due to their performance (coming from an unsuccessful school)? If an DSS employ them (with lower salary), does it harm to its popularity.

Most of the school are non-pfofit making institution, does they need to cut the teacher salary in order to attract student. any direct relationship?

3 If you are good teacher, why you have to accept the low salary of DSS and don't work in a standard salary's subsidary school. Is there no working reference of a teacher? Are that all teachers should be identical in performance, is that real?

Teacher please tell me.

Why all other professional have to seek their job due to working experience, personality, academic achievement,testimonial, reputation in the industry... And still their salary is different and fluctuate. Most of the professional need continue professional education (CPD)

Why teachers are different?

(sorry lunch time, to be continued)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 13:46 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說


十分多謝你的關心和分享. 我也把我自身的經歷細說出來. 我相信我是一個十分喜歡閱讀的人, 尤其是現在有了PDA, 可說是每天手不釋卷, 不過大部分以中英文小說為主. 我也是書店的常客, 相信我每星期很少有不踏足書店. 港九的書店我可如數家珍.  圖書館近來少去了, 以前孩子較少時我也常常和他去的. 不過, 有需要找資料或借閱心儀書本時, 我會從九龍城家居到中央, 將軍澳, 美孚茘枝角等較新較大的圖書館去.

但我兒子是一個很外向活潑的孩子, 我的閱讀習慣感染不到他. 所以我選了傳統學校給他, 在較嚴肅學習環境下把他外向的性情收歛下來. 在他嬰兒時期, 我每晚會在他入睡時在他耳邊唱英文兒歌. 在他較大時, 每晚睡前也給他讀中英文床邊故事. 也常常和他到圖書館和書店閱覽借閱, 我買給他的讀物也不下數百本. 現在高小的他, 我也和他一起伴讀學校指定的課外讀本. 每天學習之餘, 餘下時間不多, 我不會逼他閱讀, 給他一點娛樂空間, 看益智電影或玩電腦. 尚幸, 他學習記性不弱, 在學校課程中也學到不錯的二文三語.

我想給他學公文的原因是我覺得學語文不是一朝一夕的事, 是要經年累月浸淫回來的. 在我們社會, 每天聽到讀到的中文不乏. 但英文除學習上就較少接觸層面. 公文英文每天不花多於二三十分鐘, 對孩子較不造成壓力, 積年累月有系統的聽寫, 無論學習內容如何, 文法字彙總有一定幫助吧. 如不適合的話, 試試後放棄也無妨. 我看過一篇寫已故英國首相邱吉爾的文章, 邱說, 他的英文好, 也多得他小時一位英文老師對他們學生文法上有極其嚴厲一絲不茍的要求才達成的.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 15:52 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Oh! I don't mean Kumon good or bad, I just think it doesn't help reading habit. My son also joined for few months. We quit because it took much time that he couldn't spare after primary scool life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-5 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

The thinking path is broken by the lunch. Before response to other questions. I have to emphasis my standing point.

I am not anti-traditional mode of teaching. I support the DSS because it provide various choice to the parents of which we don't have much.

But the discussion seems to mislead that DSS is equal to provide another way of education apart from the traditional type.

It is truth that most of the DSS are using new teaching approach. But the trend is that (just like the original topic of this forum) more school adapting traditional mode of teaching try to change into DSS.

St Paul's Co-ed and PLK, even the DBSPS, (the fact of why DBSPS and not change DPS into DSS is a very good topic to discuss in relate to DSS or subsidary) they are all traditional school.

I understand why teacher resist the change, but I don't understand why so many parents don't like it also. Will the successful of DSS diminish the attractiveness of existing famous school or it will lower the standard of any existing school?

We always seek for fair, but which way of place allocation will be fair? I don't know, in fact I believe there is no true fair.

If you don't know some important guys, school board member, don't believe in Chris, no elder brother, not old boys. You have only 15 points. Is it fair for those only have 15 points. Or are you willing your kid being allocated a school by random computer draw.

I would say, I want my kid to a most suitable school. If he suit the traditional mode of teaching, than study in a traditional school. If he adapt activities mode of teaching only, I prefer he could study in these school.

How? the first criteria is: there exist school using your target's teaching mode. If all school are identical, what you can do?

The scond is whether you have a chance to apply, to that the DSS and private school could provide.

The third is how to get a vacancy. You or your kid have the abilitis that the school want, you will be selected. Is it more fair than whether you are old boys?

If your kid is only average, will he learn more in St. Francis than in a district school. don't even mention the happiniess.

Tell you a story, in my son's swimming class, there is an infant learn to swim, everytime he get up from the pool, the first thing is to drink mild (still using bottle). Why, because his parent think it will be an advantage in applying school. Being school team members could certainly enter into the related middle school. I don't know how they are sure he can get into the primary school. the target school
of course the famous one, and how they are sure their baby could deal with the normal school activities. Got zero mark in exam but still be the student of a famous school.

ECA being an extra (or main) weapon in entering into school while the school is good in academic mainly. Is it something sick?

Answer to swl's question: you may take ECA as one of the weapon. Or you may treat it as and ECA only. It should be the attitude of parents. If the kid are so mutual that he knows ECA could be one of his weapon. His parent should tell him that many many students get their grade 8 certificate before finishing the primary school, most attend grade 5. This is not an extra bonus nowaday. And it is too late to start when he knew (in high level of primary)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-3-9 00:24 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

教統局只是支持及鼓勵發展直資學校,並不是一刀切,將傳統學校殺哂。教統局如何衡量學校好與壞,相信除了督學的視察報告外(上星期六”小孩不笨”那間學校做了不少門面工夫去應付政府的巡查),相信就 是靠市場力量,家長的選校的結果。




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-9 04:13 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說


很高興大家能在香港教育問題上分享意見和感受.  雖然大家對教育的想法可能不同, 但相信都可有所增益, 加深對教育認識和了解.

你講開視學問題, 我也想大家看看一則教師自殺的新聞

CLICK HERE . 死者是一位年青的保良局下一間學校教師, 也有提及視學問題. 對事情的感想我不想再講了.  


在目前情況下, 你對教師的要求過高了, 聽說未來三年因入學學童人數大幅下降, 會有千多名教師失業, 如果唔攪好校譽, 學校競爭力不足, 冇人讀, 有可能受殺校之險, 飯碗不保. 工作缺乏職業保障, 常常擔心供樓養妻活兒問題, 設身處地, 怎會有理想鬥志培育下一代呢?  我對教育工作是門外漢, 不過幾年來, 所見所聞, 道聽途說, 教師的工作實太繁重, 可怕的是, 他們大部分時間不是用在教育學生方面. 而是用在應付教育當局一浪接一浪的無謂改革上面. 可惜, 這些改革對教育成效甚微. 我們家長也不是被這些教改攪到氹氹轉嗎, 幾年下來, 不是更怨聲載道嗎? 有人可告訴我教育改革有什麼德政?

我不是反對直資, 只是反對及懷疑當局推行直資的手法. 其實, 我也是直資的既得利益者, 目前我尚能負擔私立直資的學費, 小兒升中時多些直資不是給我更多選擇嗎.  你說不是一刀切把傳統校殺哂, 但不久矣. ykwong 說直資不是也有傳統校嗎, 是的, 不過是收費的直資傳統學校, 可能直資傳統名校將來收費更高, 是自由市場定律. 當局的手法是, 收費直資可自由收生, 非直資官津一律平均中央派位為主, 冇得揀學生. 在失去收生競爭力下, 官津名校為保持競爭力可能被迫轉直資. 不是名校的官津轉不轉直資也缺乏競爭力, 但有收生權好過坐以待斃也轉埋直資. 到時, 直資當道, 免費教育變身為付費教育, 活動對傳統教學, 誰佳誰劣, 下回分解. 不過活動和傳統名校為求高質素要高成本會逐漸貴族化, 像現在的國際校一樣. 到時, 不用說錢的問題, 間間校自由收生, 要求不同, 家長學子有幾多時間精神到不同學校面試呢? 要有幾多才藝準備應付各校不同才藝要求呢?  到頭來, 當局可能兜兜轉轉又走回中央派位條路, 直資校不可自由收生.  各位可告訴我這有可能發生嗎.

講回子女教育, 真是各有不同想法, 有些要開放活動好, 有些應為傳統好壓力是避免不了. 我較傾向後者, 我覺得現今社會已太開放太多創意事物, 我不擔心孩子將來創意不足, 反而覺傳統學習能把現今年青人活躍不專之風矯正過來. 另我相信壓力在當今社會任何模式也避免不了, 看你怎對待處理它而已. 以同達一教育目標而計. 可能你在早段較輕鬆較無壓力, 但末段可能更辛苦更多壓力也不定, 我不相信學習會有較輕鬆的捷徑.  以我體驗和分享一些家長想法, 孩子一到高小就不怎受父母管制, 到中學更不用說. 有位教師說過, 把學生興趣從電腦或遊戲機拉回書本學習去是一件十分艱苦的工作. 我想部位有較大子女的家長也有同感吧. 所以, 我希望和孩子在初段較受教的日子裏把學習和語文基礎打好, 又德育個性培養方面, 我相信專注的傳統教學較能達致.

另外, 活躍的孩子不一定要受活動學習, 較文靜孩子也不一定合傳統學習, 如是者, 性情不是更走極端嗎. 我們不是常勸內向的朋友多作社交活動, 叫如脫韁之馬朋友回家安心定性嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-9 12:06 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Hit rate of this topic is quite high, I want to make a survey. Apart from the major speakers, me, 囝囝爸, swl, judy, jackie, ambrose, ahali, philip...and wunma of course

Is there any members used to check over this topic? Please give some simple response.

Since we discuss so long that our comments seems iterately. Mainly deal with the money (cut of budget, poor's choice, cutting salary induce lower standard of teaching..).

I think we (the major speakers) understand our standing point very clear, so if there is no many other interest, I will try to conclude and speak no more.

PLK 陸慶濤, the first traditional district school, with high reputation (I think, at least locally), will change into DSS in the  coming term. How it runs will show the effectiveness of running a low fee DSS. Or whether it will change its fee policy after running for a few years. Hope it could success.

But if you say a few hundreds per month is still a burden to the poor in educating their kids. I can't say any more. The speaker (I can't remember) claiming him/herself a middle class will prepare to pay more tax in the following years.

For nurturing kids, I will still speak for something.
囝囝爸 posted news of a teacher suicide. We all talking pressure nowaday. So what we should teach our kid to deal with pressure. Not only the teacher, we sometimes heard suicide of student due to homework, pear group, exam pressure. Where does it come from, schools or parents?

Could us make them an optimistic one or train them used to face under pressure? I don't have any solid idea, please share opinion.

發表於 04-3-9 14:44 |只看該作者


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發表於 04-3-10 11:06 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Thanks philipwhau for your encouragement. Your writing skill also enlighten me. I hope I could write as well as you so that more may understand what I posted.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-3-10 11:56 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

囝囝爸 寫道:
但我兒子是一個很外向活潑的孩子,  所以我選了傳統學校給他, 在較嚴肅學習環境下把他外向的性情收歛下來.

看過一篇寫已故英國首相邱吉爾的文章, 邱說, 他的英文好, 也多得他小時一位英文老師對他們學生文法上有極其嚴厲一絲不茍的要求才達成的.



最後,我和你一樣,把他送進傳統學校,因我亦深信 "在較嚴肅學習環境下把他外向的性情收斂下來"。在這年多的小學生活中,他變得有規律,學會聆聽......他很喜歡上學,和同學相處十分愉快,亦很尊敬師長,他真的很享受現在的校園生活。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-3-10 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

Jmum & 囝囝爸 :

Agreed with both of you. My son is 2.5 years old, he is going to study K1 at coming Sept. Starting January, I  have regreted I didn't apply 傳統學校給他, 在較嚴肅學習環境下把他外向的性情收歛下來. It is better  if I could correct his character as earlier as possible.

Few weeks ago, I wrote a letter to magazine asking which kindergarten accepted my son is more strictly. Do you have any idea on that ?
SKH, St Paul Chruch, Victoria, LingLiangChurch
If you could PM the idea to me, it is much appreciated.
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-3-11 00:06 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說



1) 老師所受的壓力是可以理解的,但是在私人機構受薪的家長的情况可能更悲;不少朋友不好彩的減薪又減薪,慘情的連份工都無埋。,我一直都担心自己的飯碗不保,惟有繼績進修,希望公司不會有朝一日給予基本培訓,然後推去前線,跟着借口跑數不够,就以工作不符水準為理由,請你自動辭職,一個月人工都慳,相反的老師們現在有肥雞餐,已經較我們在私人機構工作好得多。

2) 現時大部份家長只視直資為後備,當資助學校派位不理想時,才會讓子女就讀。未來只有名校及一條龍的小學才可以轉直資,因為教育界一定明白囝囝爸所述直資的隱憂。一間資助學校,老師年資較大,人工高;相信要收數千元學費,如果不是名校,怎會有市塲。故此我相信未來轉直資學校其實不會多。資助學校的校長的實不用聯手去反對直資學校,其實讓家長多點選擇,[百駒競走,能者達先],[百花齊放,良性競爭],反而可以提高我們的教育水平。




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-11 02:05 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說


很感受到你對教育理念的真誠. 雖然你我觀點盡有不同, 我絕對相信, 祇要我們堅守培育子女信念前進, 任何不同途徑模式亦可達致同一理想目標.


對不起!  我對幼稚園認識不深, 尤其香港區.  不過, 聽朋友講過, 妳提出那幾間幼稚園都是好的.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-3-11 11:38 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說


Just 八卦, Victoria and LingLiangChurch are using highly activities mode of teaching. Definetely not your cup of tea.

發表於 04-3-11 11:57 |只看該作者

Re: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說

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發表於 04-3-18 22:00 |只看該作者

直資學校與私立學校之討論(前為: 李國章歡迎保良局全面轉直資 -----立人問,立人說)

DSS and private schools are hot topic in this forum. I suggest 版主:宏媽 fixing a "DSS and private school" on top level(i.e.主題已經固定在頂端). It should include contains of this topic.

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