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再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-26 14:21 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

decide the best way you think good to your kid.  some people will encourage you to choose IS, but they send their kid to local famous school and some vice versa.  

try to be objective and evaluate your kid.  it might be good for other, but might not be yours.  IS is not only for good english, but in fact an alternative way of learning.  the key point should be the way of learning is good / suit best the kid.  if your kid is very good in descipline, self driving and of course hard working with good memory; not worry of heavy homework and testing and..... accepted to running on a well prepared track without asking too much WHY.  then they are going to master in local school - a traditionally recogonized good kid in our society.  how about if the kid is not that way, they are creative, willing to learn without strict path, but to some extend lazy and do not want to work hard for homework and testing..  this kid would not be good in our traditional system.  then are they bad??  IS would be a choice for this kid.   

think of you own case.  no other people than you know your own kid better ever.

發表於 07-4-26 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-26 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

When we talk about how to spend money, everyone have his own value, Once there is a daddy told me he like IS. But they can not effort the expensive school fee, despite that, he is a policemen and driving an expensive car.

I wonder how much he spend on his beautiful car each month, like Insurance, Government License, Car park, Petrol, Maintenance, Tunnel, (traffic/ speeding ticket) etc…

If you add them up and plus the education allowance around 3k each month. That is the school fee of some IS.

May be he think it is more worth to own a car than pay the school fee. Of course, he got 100% freedom to decide what is good!

To me, Education is an investment; good investment will have good return. It is better to educate my boy than give him money / house etc. We, as a parent got to have a vision to anticipate the challenge of our child in 20 years later.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-26 19:49 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

I think many of the parents in this forum, especially those who are not really VERY RICH people (including myself), would rather spend more money on our children's education than on other "less important" expenses.  That's why we are here "IS forum" to share our view.  But the cost of IS's school fee is really quite unpredictable.  Many IS can increase the school fee almost yearly.   

The expense of owning a beautiful car, however, could be within one's own control.  The owner can buy a 2nd hand car, or sell the car in case of financial difficulties.  But sending a kid to IS is a 10+ year of commitment.  We may also need to save money for sending the kids to study in the university abroad.  

Not all parents can guarantee themselves to have steady income all the time & they may also have other huge expenses such as paying the mortgage, taking care of elderly parents, etc.

That's why many parents still have to send their kids to local school in the end even if they like IS.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-4-27 10:02 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定


Hey I totally agree with you.
I also think the best gift I can give my son is good and happy education and I plan NOT to give him a flat or a big bulk of money (at least I think so now, and also becos' I probably can't afford it. haha). I do believe that once he's well educated, with positive and 'correct' life attitude, he would be able to earn a good living by himself. Sometimes, kids will just abuse what their parents can give them and they tend to become lazy (kind of human instinct).

My parents did not give me anyways when I was young. Not even subsidizing or helping my education. I had to earn my school fee since F. 6. But I did learn a lot from this experience. At least I know that I myself, am responsible for my own life. I believe that once I'm grown up, my parents responsibility on me has finished.
I hope my kid will understand this as well.

MarcusD 寫道:
When we talk about how to spend money, everyone have his own value, Once there is a daddy told me he like IS. But they can not effort the expensive school fee, despite that, he is a policemen and driving an expensive car.

I wonder how much he spend on his beautiful car each month, like Insurance, Government License, Car park, Petrol, Maintenance, Tunnel, (traffic/ speeding ticket) etc…

If you add them up and plus the education allowance around 3k each month. That is the school fee of some IS.

May be he think it is more worth to own a car than pay the school fee. Of course, he got 100% freedom to decide what is good!

To me, Education is an investment; good investment will have good return. It is better to educate my boy than give him money / house etc. We, as a parent got to have a vision to anticipate the challenge of our child in 20 years later.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear Ruby1219


All I'm hoping is a decent person! My boy already showing his lazy instinct!!!

Ruby1219 寫道:
I do believe that once he's well educated, with positive and 'correct' life attitude, he would be able to earn a good living by himself. Sometimes, kids will just abuse what their parents can give them and they tend to become lazy (kind of human instinct).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 14:04 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear Saturn

Yes very true!!! 10+ year, is a Big decision!!

I am not rich, and can not guarantee to have steady income all the time!!  Soooo I'm perpared to give up "less important" expenses.
And have a "simple" living.

It is not just my commitment, it matter to my whole family! ....Not Easy....


Saturn 寫道:

But sending a kid to IS is a 10+ year of commitment.  We may also need to save money for sending the kids to study in the university abroad.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-27 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Hi, 大家好...

想請問有冇家長在屋企由細到大都是同小朋友講中文, 但又讀緊 IS, 小朋友 or 家長 怎樣適應, 讀得會不會好辛苦呢?
有冇朋友可以俾些意見, 指導一吓.

我小朋友現在讀緊一間 IS pre-school, 佢好自由, 讀得很開心.

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-28 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

can any parent with certified financial planner quaification teach us how to calculation school fee vs reserve so that parent can calculate how much need to be used?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-29 00:02 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

我便是這樣, 是完全不會有問題的. 我個 女已經13 歲讀了8 年了.  我個女甚至不會說話半中半芵.  

zitaeric 寫道:
Hi, 大家好...

想請問有冇家長在屋企由細到大都是同小朋友講中文, 但又讀緊 IS, 小朋友 or 家長 怎樣適應, 讀得會不會好辛苦呢?
有冇朋友可以俾些意見, 指導一吓.

我小朋友現在讀緊一間 IS pre-school, 佢好自由, 讀得很開心.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-29 00:15 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

你好, 我都有諗住比個囡囡入讀國際幼兒園, 但身邊D 朋友又話我平時都唔係同個小朋友講英文, 佢會唔識應同埋好辛苦, 如果小學唔讀國際學校, 請問會唔會有影響?可唔可以比小小意見? Thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-29 00:23 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

如果由幼兒園開始, 當然不會辛苦, 咁細個好快可以, 唔好聽其他人說咁多, 至於小學唔讀國際學校, 我比唔到意見, 因我是一直上的.  

森森美 寫道:
你好, 我都有諗住比個囡囡入讀國際幼兒園, 但身邊D 朋友又話我平時都唔係同個小朋友講英文, 佢會唔識應同埋好辛苦, 如果小學唔讀國際學校, 請問會唔會有影響?可唔可以比小小意見? Thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-29 20:04 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

多謝你比我意見, 想問多小小, 咁由幼兒園開始比佢讀國際學校, 佢會唔會唔識中文? 又可能中文程度會差過英文? 因為我唔清楚國際學校有冇中文課程.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-29 21:22 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

坦白說, 我的女兒的確中文比芵文差, 至於會不會唔識, 視乎你入讀的國際學校的比重, 我的女兒的那間, 大約跟外面相差3 年, 而國語則說得十分標準.  其他的, 我不便說, 因我也不清楚, 你若真的想知多一點, 請pm我.因很難在這說那麼詳細
森森美 寫道:
多謝你比我意見, 想問多小小, 咁由幼兒園開始比佢讀國際學校, 佢會唔會唔識中文? 又可能中文程度會差過英文? 因為我唔清楚國際學校有冇中文課程.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-29 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

choose International school or Local school , it really depends on how did you plan for her future.  if she will take overseas studies in the future (let's say from Secondary school), IS could be a foundation for ease of study. reversed from her career path. e.g if doctor is the career you planned for her, HK U or overseas U will be the one to choose, then consider to take better education in UK/ USA, you may send her to overseas from secondary school. english could be one of the key element for her to entry the high standard secondary school. if so, she should have a good english standard in primary school, so, send her to IS could be way to go.  Of course, opportunities are always there whever she's from overseas or local.   As a girl, personality and charact. are more important than her education and career.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-30 01:01 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定


to me, parents should not plan for the child for any career nor any way of living, it's up to his/her strength and interest to develop his/her career and to live his/her own life.  Otherwise, both will suffer.

do u agree?

HuronBaby 寫道:
choose International school or Local school , it really depends on how did you plan for her future.  if she will take overseas studies in the future (let's say from Secondary school), IS could be a foundation for ease of study. reversed from her career path. e.g if doctor is the career you planned for her, HK U or overseas U will be the one to choose, then consider to take better education in UK/ USA, you may send her to overseas from secondary school. english could be one of the key element for her to entry the high standard secondary school. if so, she should have a good english standard in primary school, so, send her to IS could be way to go.  Of course, opportunities are always there whever she's from overseas or local.   As a girl, personality and charact. are more important than her education and career.
進進豬, 06年1月6日,來到我們的懷抱 :-P

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-30 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Amyyeung 你好,

就你的個案, 一個中文家庭, 小朋友自細上 IS, 一路上都適應得很好. 以你的经驗可否再分享多一些...

就我屋企而言, 先生和我自小朋友出世開始就和他講中文(廣東話), 爸爸雖然有很好的教育程度, 英文水平也很好, 但是在家中仍然很少同小朋友作互動英語交流, 我們很想在孩子的語言(口語)敏感期中, 讓他好自然好開心地學習到英文(其中一個原因), 於是讓他上IS pre-school. 做父母的我們都有打算將來送他到外國讀書, 但現在的想法更像happy小米的意見分享. 無論如何, 現在我倆較為屬意孩子上IS 幼稚園, 最少到小學階段.

Amy 想請教一吓當初你為孩子選擇IS 的心得, 在家庭和學校中兩個不同的語境中, 怎樣幫助孩子從各方面順利過度. 而父母方面怎樣可以作出相認的調節和改變幫助孩子讓他讀得開心. 孩子和外國小朋友溝通上有沒有問題…

選校方面爸爸也有擔心正如前面很多家長提及的問題, 不過我們暫時意屬中間路線, 英文同普通話都好好, 校风較像本地的南區SIS or 蘇浙IS.


感謝 !

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-30 12:26 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Hi zitaeric,

我的小朋友已讀了6年國際學校包括3年kindergarten, 家中父母全中文溝通除了菲傭, 學校8小時全英文, 不會一句句子內半英半中, 他對住他的朋友或同學就自動說全英文溝通, 對住要說中文時會全中文對答不會不倫不纇係自動調節, 但寫中文就差.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-4-30 12:53 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定


My husband and I talk to my son in Cantonese, so do our relatives such as my son's grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc. Our friends are all Cantonese, so he also talks to them in Cantonese. While, my helper is Philipino who cannot speak Cantonese, so my son speaks to her in English.

Therefore, most of the time on weekdays my son is speaking English (with my helper and at school), however, he speaks a lot of Cantonese on weekends. This model works for us.

Also, I think other "environmental" elements are also important.  E.g. my son primarily reads English books and watches English TV programs (Cartoon Network). You know, it's easier to learn a language by immersing yourself into an enviroment surrounded by it.

Now, his English is better than Chinese, both reading, written or  verbally.
But he's still very fluent in Cantonese. And he is proficient in English in the meantime.

Hope this helps.

zitaeric 寫道:
Amyyeung 你好,

就你的個案, 一個中文家庭, 小朋友自細上 IS, 一路上都適應得很好. 以你的經驗可否再分享多一些...

就我屋企而言, 先生和我自小朋友出世開始就和他講中文(廣東話), 爸爸雖然有很好的教育程度, 英文水平也很好, 但是在家中仍然很少同小朋友作互動英語交流, 我們很想在孩子的語言(口語)敏感期中, 讓他好自然好開心地學習到英文(其中一個原因), 於是讓他上IS pre-school. 做父母的我們都有打算將來送他到外國讀書, 但現在的想法更像happy小米的意見分享. 無論如何, 現在我倆較為屬意孩子上IS 幼稚園, 最少到小學階段.

Amy 想請教一嚇當初你為孩子選擇IS 的心得, 在家庭和學校中兩個不同的語境中, 怎樣幫助孩子從各方面順利過度. 而父母方面怎樣可以作出相認的調節和改變幫助孩子讓他讀得開心. 孩子和外國小朋友溝通上有沒有問題…

選校方面爸爸也有擔心正如前面很多家長提及的問題, 不過我們暫時意屬中間路線, 英文同普通話都好好, 校風較像本地的南區SIS or 蘇浙IS.


感謝 !

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-30 14:43 |只看該作者

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

像其他回答你的兩位家長一樣, 我的情況也是大約相同, 他是沒有適應上的問題的, 而我現在更會鼓勵他跟我一起看中文節目, 保持他對中文的熱愛, 至於當初的適應, 我的女兒當時5 歲, 她就是這樣, 大約1 個月便可以了.  這是一個很難三言兩語用文字說完的事, 若你還是不放心請pm我, 我可讓我的女兒直接告訴你她當年的感覺, 希望能幫得上你
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