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溫哥華~好中學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-16 09:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我plan緊個女去溫哥華讀書,想知道o下那些中學比較好的(校風).阿女今年升F.3,咁讀完F.3就走呀?定讀完F.4先呢 ?因為阿女係最後一年o既F.7生,到時要同D 第一批"334"掙入大學:tongue: ,大學有咁多位咩 ?政府到現在都冇講到時點安排 .所以唯有自己搵出路啦:evil: :evil:  !希望有呢方面o既經驗和認識o既家長指點
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發表於 07-7-16 15:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-16 16:21 |只看該作者
F4 = grade 10
F5 = grade 11

If your daughter has good command of the english language, then it doesn't matter when she comes to Canada. However, if you anticipate she will require ESL, then it is better to come as early as possible. That way, she can at least spend 2 years in a regular English class. Another bit of information is that Grade 10 students have to write provincial exam on English, Math, and Science. The score will count for 20% of the score for applying to university. I don't know if ESL students are exempted from writing the English provincial exam.

Regarding better schools in Vancouver, do you mean the city of Vancouver or the greater vancouver region ( including Richmond, Burnaby, Coquitlam, etc ). There are many good schools, but the difference between the schools are not as great as those in HK.

原文章由 fattymama 於 07-7-16 09:43 發表
我plan緊個女去溫哥華讀書,想知道o下那些中學比較好的(校風).阿女今年升F.3,咁讀完F.3就走呀?定讀完F.4先呢 ?因為阿女係最後一年o既F.7生,到時要同D 第一批"334"掙入大學:tongue: ,大學有咁多位咩 ?政府到 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-17 08:59 |只看該作者
多謝你的答覆.我還有很多問題要向你請教呢 !首先是否每個香港學生都要take ESL 呢?阿女係Canadian,咁讀公校和私校同非
Canadian o既學生學費上有冇分別?我打算住 Vancouver City
請問你有哪些好的公/私校介紹,聽說溫哥華近年也吹起一片補習風,是否表示課程比以前深?還有,請你詳細講講 ESL 好嗎

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-18 15:03 |只看該作者
Most schools will ask the student to write an English exam when one first enroll to determine the necessity of ESL. If one's english is up to standard, then one will be placed in regular class.

For Canadian, studying in public school is free of charge whereas citizenship does not make a difference in private school.

Sorry, but I am not familiar with schools in City of Vancouver. However, a rule of thumb is West end schools are better than East end schools. In fact, you may want to avoid East end schools if you have an option.

The syllabus has not changed much in the last few years. But the increasing number of students taking extra classes is mostly because of us.. hehe... chinese immigrants who care too much about grade. It is also partly driven by the more demanding requirement to enter university. But compared to HK, studying here is a lot easier. As long as you put in the effort, you will most likely get good result.

Regarding ESL, my advice is to avoid it at all cost. It is useless 99% of the time. If you are from an EMI school with ok result, I would fight against the decision to have ESL classes. It is better to learn English in a regular class environment. On the other hand, if one's english is sub-par, then ESL may ease the transition.

原文章由 fattymama 於 07-7-17 08:59 發表
多謝你的答覆.我還有很多問題要向你請教呢 !首先是否每個香港學生都要take ESL 呢?阿女係Canadian,咁讀公校和私校同非
Canadian o既學生學費上有冇分別?我打算住 Vancouver City
請 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-18 18:33 |只看該作者
Hi GoCanucksGo

你好!  我囡囡今年11歲,很想讓她完成小學課程後到溫哥華寄宿學校,想請教你對於以下2間在Victoria B.C.的Boarding School有什麼睇法?

- St. Margaret's School
- St. Michaels University School

事實上,我個囡是在溫哥華出世的,她應可以到Public School,但我想她學好英文,到Boarding School 寄宿係我其中一個意向,真的麻煩晒你.....

原文章由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-7-18 15:03 發表
Most schools will ask the student to write an English exam when one first enroll to determine the necessity of ESL. If one's english is up to standard, then one will be placed in regular class.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-19 09:24 |只看該作者
Hi ,GoCanucksGo
又要麻煩你呀 (唉,做o左問題中年" tim").聽聞B.C省現在要求
18歲以下o既學生(citizen?)一定要父/母任何一方留在加拿大做監護人,是真的嗎 ?讀私校入大學(UBC) o既機會係唔係大D? Boarding School 又好唔好呢?食宿加學費一年要多錢?我囡囡現讀緊英中,英文成績算OK(全級Top 10),但都唔知掂唔掂.希望到時OK啦.其實ESL 會 唔會好難 pass ?太多問題了,希望冇煩"親"你啦 .
Thanks again.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-19 16:00 |只看該作者

Sorry, I am not familiar with private schools in Canada. You may want to check out  this website  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Michael%27s_University_School
It seems to be a good school.

Victoria is a small, quiet town. And the two schools you have listed are located in the suburb of Victoria. So I think you can rest assure that your daughter will not be facing much temptations.

原文章由 肥肥師奶 於 07-7-18 18:33 發表
Hi GoCanucksGo

你好!  我囡囡今年11歲,很想讓她完成小學課程後到溫哥華寄宿學校,想請教你對於以下2間在Victoria B.C.的Boarding School有什麼睇法?

- St. Margaret's School
- St. Michaels Universi ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-19 16:25 |只看該作者

I did not pay attention to the news regarding guardian requirement. You can email schools in Vancouver as they should be more familiar with this.

Going to private school does not give one an edge in terms of university acceptance. Ultimately, what universities look for is good grades.

You can look at http://www.students.ubc.ca/welcome/admission.cfm?page=bc
to get an idea of what UBC looks for in admission requirement. However, some faculties in UBC decided to use broader base admission in lieu of an ever-rising cut off grade. Besides having ok grade, students need to write essays and attend interviews before getting acceptance.

As I have mentioned in the post below, I am not familiar with the private school system in Vancouver. So I can't give comment as to which boarding school is better.

Regarding ESL, every school does it differently. For example, my old high school split ESL into two levels. Level 1 is for people with little English while level 2 is for students with an ok command of the language. And after finishing ESL, students move on to transitional classes. Then finally the regular classes. But other schools may have more ESL levels. Every school year, there are two chances to move up the ladder.

Having said that, I didn't learn a thing from the ESL classes as it was too easy for me. I felt I would have benefited more if I were placed in transitional class. However, I didn't know how to fight the decision to place me in ESL back then. One major difference between HK school system and Canadian school system is that students have greater control over the courses that they take. And counselors are generally willing to listen to the demand of the students.

Your daughter must be really smart to be top 10 in her grade... I never made the top 10 list in my school in HK.... Don't worry, I don't anticipate her having trouble studying here. Studying in Canada is much more relaxing and enjoyable than in HK

原文章由 fattymama 於 07-7-19 09:24 發表
Hi ,GoCanucksGo
又要麻煩你呀 (唉,做o左問題中年" tim").聽聞B.C省現在要求
18歲以下o既學生(citizen?)一定要父/母任何一方留在加拿大做監護人,是真的嗎 ?讀私校入大學(UBC) o既機會係唔係大D? Boa ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 13:06 |只看該作者
Hi GoCanucksGo

真係好多謝你既解答! 我仲有問題想請教你...

- 如果想比囡囡有更好既英文環境,是不是要到Burnaby/Coquitlam等離溫哥華較遠地區居住/讀書會好一點?

- 你有沒有好既Public School 介紹?

- 入Boarding School 是否對囡囡學習英文會更有幫助?

吾好意思! 我真係有好多問題...

原文章由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-7-19 16:00 發表

Sorry, I am not familiar with private schools in Canada. You may want to check out  this website  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Michael%27s_University_School
It seems to be a go ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-20 16:31 |只看該作者
Hi GoCanucksGo

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-27 10:48 |只看該作者

Sorry for the late reply. I have been out of town for a few days. The chinese population in Burnaby/Coquitlam is not much different than that in Vancouver/Richmond. I studied in a Burnaby highschool, and about 25-30% of the student population is Chinese. You need to go further from Vancouver to find schools with low Chinese population. I think schools in Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, and Maple Ridge would have fewer Chinese.

Regarding good public school, I think most are pretty similar in academic standard. Since the school must admit all students living in their zone, I think it is more important to pick the community. Vancouver west end are "littered" with rich families while Vancouver east end are mostly middle - low income family. Therefore, west end schools do better academically. Burnaby and Coquitlam are mostly consisted of working middle class family.

For provincial exam result, you can check the Fraser Institute ranking. They ranks school according to graduate's provincial grade. Of course, this is not the only way that schools should be ranked, but it is one of the easiest, quantitative way to do so.

The issue of boarding school is a complicated one. In general, I think it is beneficial. However, please be aware that there are many schools that are prying on oversea students. All they care is making money, not providing a good education. Stay away from those schools.

No need to say 吾好意思. I have not been able to provide much answer. I know almost nothing about other schools, but I am familiar with the system here as I went through it myself.

原文章由 肥肥師奶 於 07-7-20 13:06 發表
Hi GoCanucksGo

真係好多謝你既解答! 我仲有問題想請教你...

- 如果想比囡囡有更好既英文環境,是不是要到Burnaby/Coquitlam等離溫哥華較遠地區居住/讀書會好一點?

- 你有沒有好既Public School 介紹 ...

[ 本文章最後由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-7-27 10:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-27 22:59 |只看該作者
Hi I am from Toronto, so I know nothing about Vancouver.
However, I have one tip to share with you, so that you can "minimize the chance" of being send to ESL.

I came here over 20 years and my family came just 2 years after I came.  I remember when I took my sister to apply for public school (long time ago).  I talked to her in English throughout process.  I gave the image to the principal and teachers that my sister had no problem to communicate in English.  Within that 2 hours, I never spoke 1 word in Chinese and so neither did she, though her English was not perfect at the time.  But the strategy worked.  My sister was admitted to the regular English class.

Whereas there was another family.  They were talking Chinese all the time, and very loud too.  Obviously, their girl was sent to ESL.

Try it, it may work for you too.


Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-28 09:27 |只看該作者
多謝你的"貼士",我會照用,因為反正無害嘛!如果還有任何"貼士"請你繼續提供喎:loveliness:  .多謝!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-28 11:34 |只看該作者

To display your signature, you will need to upload your photo to an online image hosting server. You can use http://photobucket.com/

原文章由 YukiMommy 於 07-7-27 22:59 發表
Hi I am from Toronto, so I know nothing about Vancouver.
However, I have one tip to share with you, so that you can "minimize the chance" of being send to ESL.

I came here over 20 years and m ...

[ 本文章最後由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-7-28 11:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-30 09:29 |只看該作者
Hi GoCanucksGo

好多謝你詳細既解答。真係對我好有幫助! 謝謝  :

原文章由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-7-27 10:48 發表

Sorry for the late reply. I have been out of town for a few days. The chinese population in Burnaby/Coquitlam is not much different than that in Vancouver/Richmond. I studied in a Bu ...

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-15 13:59 |只看該作者

The best public sec. school in Vancouver

原文章由 fattymama 於 07-7-16 09:43 硐表
我plan緊個女去溫哥華讀書,想知道o下那些中學比較好的(校風).阿女今年升F.3,咁讀完F.3就走呀?定讀完F.4先呢 ?因為阿女係最後一年o既F.7生,到時要同D 第一批"334"掙入大學:tongue: ,大學有咁多位咩 ?政府到現在 ...

Now, I am in Vancouver with my girl in Grade 10. I am looking for the cheapest freight for sending my personal things here. I see your topic here, I would like to give you my opinion, but no enough information of your girl.

If your girl is very smart, she should come here NOW! If she willing to study under presure, she should come here NOW! If she wants to learn French, she should come NOW, I think she has no time to do other things except home works. If her En. is good enough, go to the IB directly in the best school!!!

Pony Mumi, pls tell me the forwarder's number again, pls. thx.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-15 14:03 |只看該作者

Best high school

The teacher pushes you to U. in the best school, the teacher entertaints you in the good school, much differ..

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-16 15:42 |只看該作者
Hi gaywa,
可以講多一D你的情況嗎(如你不介意的話 )?例如點解要囡囡去加國升學?現在囡囡入讀哪一間中學?你覺得囡囡適應方面怎樣?同學、功課和老師方面又點呢?其實,我都唔知囡囡o既意願o架,如果佢真係唔想去就算啦!但我搜集好資料,到時唔駛咁亂嘛.我囡囡o既成績算唔錯,將來就唔咁包啦 !

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-16 22:40 |只看該作者

原文章由 fattymama 於 07-9-16 15:42 硐表
Hi gaywa,
可以講多一D你的情況嗎(如你不介意的話 )?例如點解要囡囡去加國升學?現在囡囡入讀哪一間中學?你覺得囡囡適應方面怎樣?同學、功課和老師方面又點呢?其實,我都唔知囡囡o既意願o架,如果佢真係唔想去就算啦! ...
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