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有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-24 16:04 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-24 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi kc,

I live in Ngau Tam Mei, so very close to your place. My daughter is now studying the playgroup in Kowloon Tong (3 days in a week), and I am planning to let her study the nursery class in the coming September.
I know it is really a long way from Yuen Long to Kowloon Tong, but I have got no choice, I can't find a kindergarten in Yuen Long suited for my need, so I finally decided let me daughter to study in Kowloon.
What I am going to do?? I will drive her to Kindergarten very day but send my maid to pick her up.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-24 22:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

hi cpmummy,

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 04:28 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To kc:

我又係住Fairview Park o家,我家搬入來只不個一年,以前我家住九龍,所以好早期為女兒投考九龍塘幼稚園,後來我老公好鬼鍾意fairview park 所以成家搬

Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-25 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi, Longman,

I live in Yuen Long also.  My daughter will study in Kowloon Tong Kindergarten in September.  I also consider if it is better for her to study in the PM class because of long travelling time.  I checked the bus fees with a shuttle bus company.  He quoted me around HK$1,200 to HK$1,300.  Is this a reasonable fee?   

I got the same issue that I could not find a suitable Kindergarten for my kid.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-25 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi SumYunMaMi,

Where do you live? Are you also live somewhere around Fairview Park? Can I know how old is your daughter and which school is she going to study in coming September? Is she study morning session?

My daughter is now 2 year and 3 months, she will be study nursery class in Tutor Time in coming Setptember. I am consider to let her get on school bus when she meet 3 year old.

KC and Longman,

Can I also know how old are your kids? Which school are they studying now? In fact, I also think that afternoon session is good, especially in winter, they don't have to get up early, but unfortunately my husband I have to go to work too, so we are not possible to drive her to school in afternoon and we don't want to let her get on school bus as she is too small, so we decided to let her study morning session.
Glad to know you all are living close to me. So that we can communicate later how to choose a primary school for our kids.
Turely speaking, we are really love to living in Yuen Long, we are living in our Dream Place (more green and more quiet), it is really hard for us to moving out especially we have some big dogs in our house.
What do you think?


Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-25 11:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi, CPMummy,

I live in Grand Del Sol (朗晴居).

My girl is 2.5 years old now.  She will be in K1 PM class.  I am considering St. Catherine's or HK Preschool in Kowloon Tong.  I have not yet made up my mind.  I am applying to transfer her to AM class but I have not received the confirmation from the school.   

I share with you that living environment is better in Yuen Long.  I try to strike a balance between living environment and my kid's travelling time.  It's really a tough decision.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 13:55 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To SumYinmaMi:

Refer : I also consider if it is better for her to study in the PM class because of long travelling time.


Refer: I checked the bus fees with a shuttle bus company. He quoted me around HK$1,200 to HK$1,300. Is this a reasonable fee?

我以前搭個架校車$1,300 一個月,但它們不是行大欖直出九龍,行上水再行吐露港;所以需時比較長,因我唔想個女坐甘長途車,後來我選擇了另一間校巴公司它是行大欖的,不過就要1,600 車費,如果你有興趣,可PM 個電話No. 比你。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-25 14:06 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?


I have replied you before lunch, but due to the website problem, my message was disappeared. I really angry about this. Anyway, back to this topic....

Are both school accept your daughter into their pm session? I think both school are good, my colleague's sister who is a kinder teacher in kln tong, she highly recommend me to send my daughter to st.catherine, so i think i will apply it for her for 2005 K1.
Turely speaking, I like my child to study pm session, so that they don't have to get up too early in the morning, esspecially in winter. But i have got no choice as my husband and I have to go to work, so in order to save my girl's travel time, so we must chose morning session as we can drive her to kindergarten in the morning (we can't let her to get on school bus herself now as she is too small).
I know it is really a difficult choice for all parent live in Yuen Long, it really depends your financial ability, if you could afford the same size of department in kln, then why's not?? I believe a certain space for childern (even for adult) is a must, if a child can have their own private space (i.e. own bedroom with desk etc..) is much better than who have to share room with silbing or sleep with parent and doing home work in dinning table. For me, a lot of factors that cause me cannot move out, for instance, money, dogs, space etc...
Just would like to share with you........


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 14:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To : cpmummy

Refer : Can I also know how old are your kids? Which school are they studying now?


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To cpmummy

Refer: (we can't let her to get on school bus herself now as she is too small).

初時我都好擔心,記得個當時都係女好細個就搭校車,而且仲係第一次搭同埋個路途甘長!不過校車公司可容許家長陪搭,如果你擔心都可陪搭的,一來可了解清楚校車路線,二來可了解小朋友適應校車生活?只要在旁多加解釋你大個啦好(net)o家要自己坐車返學好似daddy & mummy 甘自己坐車返工一樣。

Refer: I know it is really a difficult choice for all parent live in Yuen Long, it really depends your financial ability, if you could afford the same size of department in kln, then why's not?? I believe a certain space for childern (even for adult) is a must, if a child can have their own private space (i.e. own bedroom with desk etc..) is much better than who have to share room with silbing or sleep with parent and doing home work in dinning table. For me, a lot of factors that cause me cannot move out, for instance, money, dogs, space etc...

"i am totally agreed with you."


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 14:40 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To SumYinMaMi:

Refer: I share with you that living environment is better in Yuen Long. I try to strike a balance between living environment and my kid's travelling time. It's really a tough decision.






Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-25 14:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?


我不是住在 YUEN LONG 不過也是新界區. 仔 現在讀緊 N1 (在區內) 9 月將會讀 K1. 現在我都正煩緊 出 KLN TONG 讀 OR 留在原校.  如出 去 讀 要坐校車.(車程都要一小時) 而且要讀下午班. (現在返上午)  

我好阿Q. 有人話坐校車. 也可以有好處. EG 讓孩子在這一小時車程 學會同小朋友 傾談相處 (總比對著工人好) 可能日子耐左小朋友會好ENJOY 坐校車.
我是否很阿 Q.

至於上下午問題 .  下午都OK. 因為不用一早起身.  我仔太喜歡跟我們一起. 時常不起早訓. 每天8時 10分起身. 他有時都會很倦. 如果出去讀又返上午只怕他更辛苦.

下午也有下午的好處. 訓醒精精神~上學去. 放學回家小休一會 我就已經回到家. 晚上又不用趕上床. 每次見他太夜訓時.早上又要叫他起來. 真的不忍. 但又不能給他有藉口唔返學. 於是有時 成 1時訓著 都要 8時叫他.  (他多數 12時訓著)


Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-25 15:08 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi, cpmummy,

Both kindergartens accepted my girl in PM class.  

Hi, Longman,

My plan is to let her study in private primary schools.  I want to enrol her in 保良局蔡繼有or ESF school.  I am now watching out for the development of these schools.  I will not move out when she is still in kindergarten.  But I will decide after I finalise at which primary school she will study.  I am probably talking about making the decision 2 years later. Sigh...  Please PM me the school bus information.  Thank you

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-25 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To: littleeva,

我個女以前和你小朋友一樣,從未搭過校車;並且在區內幼兒園讀上午校。後來moved to Yuen Long. This is the first time 搭校車而且返下午校。

So far, 她都適應得到。相信你不是阿Q精神。因為我每晚工作完夜歸回家都有時間和她對話、做功課。


Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-25 15:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

To: Longman,

Thank you for the information.  I will call him for details.

What is you plan of the primary school for your girl?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-25 19:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

Hi Longman,

I live in Ngau Tam Mei, so it is really close to your place (Fairview Park).


發表於 04-5-26 00:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

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Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-26 03:04 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

stccmc 寫道:

大家都知道三歲小朋友"每日"搭校車二至三個鐘的風險及壞處, 如浪費時間, 小朋友太小易生意外, 生活時間差(如夜瞓)..

* 我有些朋友住在九龍,因在區內四圍遊車河要接埋其他小朋友,它們的仔女有時都要搭成個鐘頭校車先返到學校。至於意外,當然唔想有,但意外意外'意料之外',這點很難擔保,唔通住得近自己接放學就擔保肯定沒意外嗎?
* 夜

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-26 11:03 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇住錦鏽但在九龍塘返幼稚園呢?

hello!  Longman

I live Fairview Park too.  My baby 18 months now.
我也為仔仔踏出學習第一部煩了大半年,在BK看了很多家長不同意見.  三年前我也是住九龙,因Hundand全部父母兄弟妺也住在此,所以也不例外,我當然嚮往kln購物行街方便,學校當然出面多選擇,但住在這裡也嚮往地方大,花園大,空氣好的渡假式生活,小朋友自由自在地玩, 所以一利也有一幣,每天出九龙真係好辛苦,之前baby未出生,我每天乘車出kln返工,早去晚返,日日如是,真係好倦,所以我都決定不出Kln讀,因不只係幼稚園三年,小學六年,中學七年~~~~~ 莫非咁多年也要路途遙遠每天出去Kln返學,打風落雨最慘.  我有朋友住在加州也在區內讀小.中學,今年考上港大,每區總有好校.  其實最重要是孩子在愉快的校園生活,啓發自學興趣,不是田鴨式就OK.
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