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Some insights into the better ESF/Intl schools [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-13 08:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.

I graduated from an ESF secondary school recently, (the traditonal 5, not one of the newer ones) and made the choice of going to a local university - the most elite one, and did the most elite course at that university. Thats the only reason why I stayed in Hong Kong. But I have deeply regreeted this and eventually made the choice to transfer to study abroad.

It appears that things have chnaged so much from say 6-7 years ago when I entered high school and so thats why I felt the compulsion to write some of my insider thoughts. Especially since it appears that many parents who are discussing on this forum have not gone through an ESF or an overseas education....and they appear to be just getting all their information from random people's opinions, rumours etc.

Everyone seems so concerned about getting in - yes, that is important, but I just wanted to provide some more long term advice.

1st point - you really shouldnt consider sending your child to a local HK university, unless you really cannot afford overseas. I made this dreadful mistake, mainly because I was attaracted by the course I was offered at this elite local university.

And one other point - if you are considering a career in business/ commercial / investment banking, corporate law etc - as many ESF grads go into these fields - you must go overseas for your education. All the biggest and best firms (who pay the most!) recruit almost exclusively from overseas universities, and almsot always from the best ones.

Fortunately - as an ESF graduate, and if you arent too dumb or anything - you should make it into an "elite" overseas university quite easily - it just happens, dont ask me how. We're are not particularly smart but just that LSE/Ivy League etc seem to take alot of us every year. It's easy trust me - i know for a parent it seems so far away - but beleive me - your child will get into a good university if he / she makes it into a ESF or any other good International school.

So dont waste his/her potential - dont go back and then send him back to a local university.

And its not just in terms of career, but also the people - ESF / International school kids VS Local kids are just totally different. We do not mix well. So going to a local university wasnt great in this aspect. So expect your child to come out being different, come out expecting him to be an i"ntl skool kid"....but thats prob the main reason why you are all considering sending your child to an Intl school rather than a local school - cuz you want your child to stand out.

And some parents ask about ranking of Intl schools - i think this is very hard to give. And one post which I read described the situation very well - group them into tiers.

Top tier will always be the traditonal and well established ones with western origins -

ESF (i think in my opinion all ESF are almost the same....same culture, same uni entrances...and when we are overseas universities and see ESF people, we tend to hang out and associate with each other very well, since we went through the same sort of education.)


In my opinion these are the best intl schools (in no ranking...its a tier, ok?)....all about the same. All have very good acadmic standards, get into good universities. But yes, I would generally agree that GSIS is slightly more rigourous. But if your child is smart, getting into say LSE/Ivy League should be equally easy whether he went to ESF or GSIS.

But they do have different foccus and culture:

GSIS - widely regarded as being the most academic and indeed this is true, best uni entrances, best A-Level etc.

ESF - mainly professional class, more down to earth, determined kids working for their aim. Not filled with "yee sai jo" rich kids. So the work atmosphere is good in all ESF schools (the 5 traditional ones i mean - IS, WIS, KGV, SIS, SC). Good uni entrances - we get into elite London Unis (LSE, UCL, KCL) quite easily as well as US Ivy Leagues or near-IVy Leaguges without much difficulty....provided your kid is decvent;ly smart. But if at a local school - many of these Unis would be very hard to access, unless your kid was super smart)

HKIS - more of a rich kids school, party school, but yet very high academic standards since many get into good Ivy Leagues. If you think your child has Ivy League potential and would enjoy an American culture, then this is good (btw....not everyone likes / suited for an American culture/education)

CIS - more of the local chinese rich people. business man, but also high standards and good uni entrances.

In my opinion, how to get in

I entered ESF in P6, many years ago, after having come back from overseas ( i was one of the kids from the migration generation). So for me, it was quite easy and back then the waiting list wasnt as long.

I know ESF teachers very well, they are nice, kind people - nthey are our firends by the time we come to Year 12-13....so dont get intimidated by them. What they really like and what they are really concerned with isnt academic ability alone - you have to be WESTERNSIED. You have to make your child behave as if he was brought up overseas. Back in my days, most of my classmates were retrunees from Canada, Australia, USA etc...so it wasnt as hard ...cuz we were genuinely "overseas". But I suspect what ESF teachers like is someone who will fit in with them - someone is isnt too "local"....for example...try to learn about life overseas (i know its hard, if you come from a totally local family)....in the interview....show international insight (if your child is old enough for this), when asked about past times - say things like "i play cricket with my dad" or I play rugby at the HKFC etc etc....not that Im saying you should lie - but rather eneterring ESF is a logn term thing - you shoudl try and make your chiold more international from a young age....take him to play western sports, hang out with western people or at least returnee chinese....the culutre betwen local and international families / returnees is very different. Try to mix and immerse with these people somehow - be it sports clubs, kowloon cricket club...that sort of stuff.....your child needs to feel international in order for the interviewer to feel comfortable admitting him / her. They are gwai los afterall, they dont like to be surrounded by parents/children who are totally different from them..

Whilst eveyrthing that I have read in this forum is very important and well said - like  brushing up on your child's English, chosing the rightr address, strategically chosing schools based on their catchment zones etc...whilst all this is good - dont lose sight of the big picture - the gwai lo interviewers are looking for people who are like them - who are like their kids - who can fit into the school.

ESF in the past used to be very international - cuz it was mainly westeners, returnee chinese etc.....but nowadays the migration trend is over and most people who apply fopr ESF are locally born and bred - the ESF teachers want to preserve the atmosphere that was prevalent back in the late 1990s.

Thats my own opinion about ESF schools - they are not that harsh and unfriendly. They are nice people. But they are being so tough in the admission mainly bevcause of demand for places has risen so much and as such they want people who can genuinely fit into their culture - dont lose sight of the bigger picture in the search of a school for your kids. Good luck!!

Hope my insights have been of some help.
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-13 08:19 |只看該作者

I am really impressed. But i still want my son to learn Chinese at this moment. I hope my son can fit in ESF's culture when he's 15 years old.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-13 09:37 |只看該作者
謝謝分享! :D


IS的學生和local school的學生是非常不同的"產品". 而本地大學的所有一切, 都讓IS的學生處於不利地位. Non-Jupas admission 只是在收錄學生這一關對IS學生開了一扇小門. 但更大的問題是在大學的幾年. 至於香港的job market,  對IS學生也是一個大問題.

一個IS的學生, 在本地大學讀書, 基本上是舍其所長, 用其所短!  英文語言能力, 是他們的長處, 但本地大學對英文的要求, 則基本上都是minimum. 儘管本地大學也用英文上課, 可是對絕大多數教授來說, 他們英文程度也是"麻麻". 因為本地大學對英文的要求不高, IS的學生的"短"就變的非常明顯. 以數學為例, 同local school相比, IS的數學訓練遠遠"不夠". 不是說IS的學生不夠聰敏, 而是local school的學生花了大量的時間做數學的重複練習而變得擅長考試. 這樣, 大部分IS出來的學生能跟上本地大學的數學課程都非常不容易. 就像你是一個一流網球選手, 但比賽的是圍棋.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-13 12:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

hi esfpaststudent,

Thanks for your sharing.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-13 13:22 |只看該作者
hi esfpaststudent,

Really appreciate your sharing. :
原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-13 15:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

Hi esfpaststudent,
Really appreciated your sharing.  By the way, which ESF school are you in before?

發表於 07-10-13 21:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-14 00:14 |只看該作者
christf, So glad you too can come back safe. :)

Many people are mixing up "Mathematics" and "Arithmatic" ie calculation.  The illusion of local school students are better in math is probably because some people are merely comparing some simple "skills". As an example, many local K3 kids can already recite the chinese times table "gau yan gor". But IS students do not start learning multiplication until Year 3. They spend a lot of time learning the concept of multiplication and would learn the times table very slowly. Now if we are to ask students to compete in doing multiplication at the age of 8, IS students would almost surely lose.

However, Math is more than simple calculation. Math in daily live would never be simply 79 x 94 = ?  Math in daily live involves the understanding of the problem itself, and then developing a math sentence for calculation. And Math as a subject is much more than straight foward calculation.  IS students do have better English skills and are generally much better at critical thinking and analysing the problem. Now, I wonder whether a local school Form 3 student can really perform as well in Math if he is to do the same test paper an IS student does of the same age levels, particularly the paper comprises lots of "word problems".

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-10-14 00:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-14 00:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

Thanks for sharing.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-14 10:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 JennyL 於 07-10-14 00:14 硐表
christf, So glad you too can come back safe. :)

Many people are mixing up "Mathematics" and "Arithmatic" ie calculation.  The illusion of local school students are better in math is probably because  ...

你講得對, 數學(mathematics)同算術(arithmatics)確實不同. 但在中學初等數學這個程度上, 當然不是100%, 但至少絕大部分都是算術, 這包括中學最後一年學的微積分.

local schools 和 ISs在數學學習這點上, 是完全不同的. 前者寧願犧牲其他方面的發展, 而要求學生做大量重複的訓練; 而從後者因為學習數學的時間太少, 畢業的學生好多就連一些基本的運算都不熟悉, 但美其名曰重視對數學的理解. 我個人的觀點是, 不是"理解"不重要, 但如基本的運算都不能做到, 學生又能理解什麼呢? 基本的運算是理解數學的第一步.

結果是, local schools培養了大量的會數學運算的"庸才", 而ISs就連這樣的"庸才"都不多, 但時不時會出幾個既會運算又能理解的"天才". 哈哈.

如果孩子將來會學工程, IS的數學夠嗎?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-14 12:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,
I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised byeverything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts anddedication they have spent in analyzing international schools. ...

Thanks for sharing.
May you  have every success in your future !

原文章由 阿胡 於 07-10-14 10:24 硐表
...如果孩子將來會學工程, IS的數學夠嗎?

這點我不能苟同, 道理十分簡單.

首先, 本地 IS ( 起碼是 一線的那幾間 ), 程度和水準, 比英美大部份中學為高.; 即是 : 大部份英美中學生數學水平未必及得上香港的 IS 學生.

而鐵一般的事實卻 是 : 英美絕大部份的 中學生, 升讀自己大學的工程系都沒有出現問題, 那又何況香港的 IS 學生呢 ? 我個人認識一些 香港 IS 學生, 更在海外頂尖大學的數學系拿到頂尖的成績. 不過, 當然你可以說 : 這 是個別例子.

但無可否認, 儘管香港的本地中學生在中學時代可能計數會較叻, 但一到 undergrad/postgrad , 己佔不到「鬼仔」任何甜頭, 所以在國際科技數理領域, 主要仍是洋人天下.

這個現象, 值得各位以為 local school 的數學較佳的人深思.

[ 本文章最後由 Cayenne 於 07-10-14 12:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-14 14:55 |只看該作者
thanks for sharing.

i heard about this for quite a few years.

it is not only about what type of school, it is about the cultural difference / education mode.

原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-14 16:58 |只看該作者
My question is : What proof do you have for your "鐵一般的事實"?

My experience as a Math TA in a Canadian university tells me that many engineering students and science students in Canada are ill equiped to handle first year Math courses and beyond. You really have to see it to believe it. I constantly encounter blank test papers or test papers filled with non-sense. And bear in mind, these students all have at least above average grade in Math in highschool in order to be accepted into the Engineering program.

While I agree with the emphasis on learning the "theory" of Mathematics, IMHO, there is not enough stress or time spent on arithmetic in the North American education. (I hope we can all agree that the Canadian education philosophy is pretty similar to that of America.) The ability to compute is a pre-requisite of "real" math. Even with the emphasis on theory and understanding, most engineering students have difficulty grasping applied math concepts.

I am not suggesting whether the HK method or the IS method of teaching Math is better, I am merely pointing out that there are many significant short falls in the IS method. This is just my $0.02.

原文章由 Cayenne 於 07-10-14 12:03 硐表
而鐵一般的事實卻 是 : 英美絕大部份的 中學生, 升讀自己大學的工程系都沒有出現問題, 那又何況香港的 IS 學生呢 ?

[ 本文章最後由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-10-14 17:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-14 17:44 |只看該作者
Thank esfpaststudent for giving us such a detailed and insightful insider comment on international schools. I agree with you totally about sending kids abroad for university education.  I may also share my own viewpoints on this too. I had my primary and secondary education in those so-called elite traditional schools in HK. Then I went to an "elite" local university and got my first degree there. After that, I went to the US to study for my Master's and Ph.D. And as esfpaststudent pointed out, only after I went abroad when I knew that how my study in the local university was wasted (I am more unlucky in this sense ). In these past years, I kept on asking this same question, "what would I choose if I were to go back to my undergraduate study again?" And the answer is definitely "go abroad". I would have even chosen a different career path! But bygone is bygone, now comes the next generation and I have decided to send my son to ESF and have determined to send him abroad for his degree (no question about that).

原文章由 esfpaststudent 於 07-10-13 08:02 硐表
Hi all,

I randomly came across this forum and was totally surprised by everything I saw. I was totally impressed by parents efforts and dedication they have spent in analyzing international schools.  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-14 21:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-10-14 16:58 硐表
My question is : What proof do you have for your "鐵一般的事實"?
My experience as a Math TA in a Canadian university tells me that many engineering students and science students in Canada are ill equ ...

My proof lies not in any personal anecdotal evidence, but from the fruits  of the American / British university systems , and it  is a glaring fact to see.

May be the US/British highschoolers can't even count with their toes and fingers, but somehow they end up making the most scientific innovations, taking up the top academic posts, and getting more Fields Medals and Nobel Prizes. And the bridges and buildings their engineers built do not collapse as frequent as one may think .

Something magical must has happened along the way form highschool to postgrad. Can you tell me why ?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-14 22:49 |只看該作者

ESF graduates admission to Oxbridge?

Dear ESFpaststudent

Hello. Thanks for your sharing.
Just wonder if the university admission data of ESF is available on the internet? If so, please kindly let us know?

BTW, You wrote 'we get into elite London Unis (LSE, UCL, KCL) quite easily as well as US Ivy Leagues or near-IVy Leaguges without much difficulty..'. How about the chance to get into Oxbridge? Is it uncommon for ESF graduates? I am an Oxbridge alumnus (of course, many years ago) so I am not sure about the current situation.

Please kindly share with us if you see this message.


[ 本文章最後由 JennyBaBa 於 07-10-14 22:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-14 23:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-10-14 10:24 硐表

你講得對, 數學(mathematics)同算術(arithmatics)確實不同. 但在中學初等數學這個程度上, 當然不是100%, 但至少絕大部分都是算術, 這包括中學最後一年學的微積分.

local schools 和 ISs在數學學習這點上, 是完全 ...

Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek  word αριθμός = number) is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics, used by almost everyone, for tasks ranging from simple day-to-day counting to advanced science and business calculations. In common usage, the word refers to a branch of (or the forerunner of) mathemathics which records elementary properties of certain operations on numbers. Professional mathematicans sometimes use the term higher arithmetic when referring to number theory, but this should not be confused with elementary arithmatic.

Calculus (Latin, calculus, a small stone used for counting) is a branch of mathematics that includes the study of limits, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series, and constitutes a major part of modern university education. Historically, it was sometimes referred to as "the calculus", but that usage is seldom seen today. Calculus has widespread applications in science and engineering and is used to solve complicated problems for which algebra alone is insufficient. Calculus builds on algebra, trigonomentry, and analytic geometry and includes two major branches, differential calculus and integral calulus, that are related by the fundamental theorem of calculus. In more advanced mathematics, calculus is usually called analysis and is defined as the study of functions. It was developed by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Please don't confuse.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-14 23:57 |只看該作者
我所指的算術, 是在廣義的意義下. 對大多數專業數學家來說, 學會了微積分, 還未能算是進了數學的大門, 而只能說是剛剛摸到門釘. 高中最後一年, 學生只是學了一些微積分運算. 這正是我所說的"算術"的意思.

培養一個專業數學家, 大部分的大學數學系都會以Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra 和Abstract Algebra作為中心(core)課程. 也就算數學入門了.


Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-15 07:29 |只看該作者
First, my apology for making this such a long post. I just have too much to say......

I do not wish to hijack this thread, but I will make one last argument.

I will start with a quote from Simon Singh's "Fermat's Enigma" :
Despite having received very little formal education in his home village Kumbakonam in South India, Ramanujan was able to create theorems and solutions that had evaded mathematicians in the West. In Mathematics the experience that comes wigh age seems less important than the intuition and daring of youth.
End Quote

The fact that most Fields Medal went to Westerners does not proof that the Westerner's method of teaching Mathematics is superior. This merely shows the inequity of the modern society, that hunderds of young Ramanujan do not have the opportunity to impress the world with their talent.

Also, don't you find it troubling that many "US/British highschoolers can't even count with their toesand fingers"? Those are not the people who "end up making the most [exciting] scientificinnovations, taking up the top academic posts, and getting more FieldsMedals and Nobel Prizes". No, they were left behind by the education system and was given an easy way out. They can only get minimum pay job later on in life. The drop-out rate in US is eye-popping. And even those who manage to graduate from high school, many took the path of easier math, ie, learning how to compute for everyday situation instead of learning about the heart and soul of math.

The reason why "the bridges and buildings their engineersbuilt do not collapse as frequent as one may think" is because engineering students went through rigorous training in University. But this is not the advancement in "國際科技數理領域" that you mentioned in your previous posts. They are merely following a set of well-tested formulas and applying them. No innovation whatsoever.

And finally, to answer your point of "Something magical must has happened along the way form highschool to postgrad. Can you tell me why ?". I can tell you why. It is because of all students, 25-30% cannot do basic arithmetic and/or drop out of school. 50% struggles through high school math, can perform basic arithmetic, but lack the interest to do anything that involves math in later life. Of the remaining 20-25%, 99% of them end up in the applied math field (accountants, engineers, finance, and most fields of science) (that's me!!!). The remaining 0.2%, ie the cream of the crop, achieves the ultimate prize: PhD in Math or Stat. And some of them are the Fields Medal winner that you mentioned. Nothing magical here, just a natural selection of the best at play. And it re-iterates my point of "global inequity" -- I am sure it is the same process in China, although the percentages may differ. However, many of the people who would have belonged to the 0.2% were not given an education in the first place, were not given a chance to shine!!!

原文章由 Cayenne 於 07-10-14 21:45 硐表

My proof lies not in any personal anecdotal evidence, but from the fruits  of the American / British university systems , and it  is a glaring fact to see.

May be the US/British highschoolers can't  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-15 08:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 GoCanucksGo 於 07-10-15 07:29 硐表
First, my apology for making this such a long post. I just have too much to say......

I do not wish to hijack this thread, but I will make one last argument.

I will start with a quote from Simon Si ...

Why this topic becomes a discussion of Maths in IS?

Practically speaking, I like the detail teaching of concepts of Maths in ESF, but for numerical calculation, we need to give the kids some exercises at home to practise more.  As they don't have much homework to do except reading everyday, they have the interest and time to do some supplementary exercise at home without pushing.

I particularly like the teaching of Science and other subjects such as History and Geography in ESF, they really initiate high interest for kids.  In local schools, kids have to memorize a lot of words in Science, which are usually very difficult and the focus shrift to dictations of those words.  In ESF, they teach by asking students to do experiments and making things themselves, or through exploration into nature and real life, making the studies really interesting.  My kids really enjoy studying those subjects.  

So I always say that studying in IS is not just talking about learning English.  I believe it is more about getting an all-round education, training of analytical and critical skills and learn to be self-confident and independent.  

No school is perfect, so if Chinese and Maths numerical calculation exercise is not enough at school, we can supplement them at home.  In local schools, parents also need to supplement a lot tutor classes after school in addition to the heavy homework workload.  To me, keeping the learning initiative and motivation for life is more important.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-10-15 08:29 編輯 ]
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