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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 大平反!(再改標題)小朋友一年睇千本書, 你認為可能嗎? ...
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大平反!(再改標題)小朋友一年睇千本書, 你認為可能嗎? [複製鏈接]

發表於 07-10-23 18:55 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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發表於 07-10-23 19:05 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 22:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 christf 於 07-10-23 19:05 硐表
So far I haven't read any bad comments on 耀中的 kinder in BK.  Those comments were mainly for 耀中的 secondary school.

而且, 在 BK 這個專談 IS 的角落, 談起 YC, 都是和其他國際學校來比較的, 不是將她和傳統學校來比的啊 !

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-24 12:13 |只看該作者
My son went to Yiu Chung Kinder (International Stream). I agree that the teachers there are very nice and my son enjoy his school life there. But I have no comments about the secondary school since my son and many of his kinder friends did not go to Yiu Chung Primary. Many of them go to ESF schools instead. But, once my son told me that he met some Yiu Chung students (about his age, 10 to 12) and they can't communicate with him in English.
原文章由 mcheung1 於 07-10-23 18:55 硐表

hi, 各位, 你好, 我其實上bk都一段日子, 我今天送仔仔返學時聽到一位家長講她的囡囡3歲時是讀耀中的, 4歲後就去了CCKG, 她的媽媽以為執到寶, 因CCKG很有名也很難考, 但讀了一個月她的女兒毎天也咸, 也毎 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-24 13:21 |只看該作者



但如果以每月學費過萬,中學更要比廿萬 debenture ,當然要有合理要求啦。
收就收我 mercedes 的價位,比貨我就比 corolla,真係 ok ?

發表於 07-10-24 19:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-24 22:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 mcheung1 於 07-10-24 19:21 硐表
hi, 你好, 我對你的回覆感到失望, 因你明明在說(都冇乜好平唔平反,我唔滿意,你滿意,我覺得冇砥觸。)我都同意,但在後面就好似說到自己要求高,別人就要求低,可能我用錯標題,今你有少許敵意,加上我覺得你做了媽媽就不要太大火氣,凡事心平氣和,對你及小朋友都好d,我都係表達我自己的意見,沒有要所有人都認同,同埋,我覺得唔好用”鬧”這個字眼,相信你的小朋友也不希望你用這字眼,我們只是在表達自己的想法,加上我自己在為小朋友找東西時,無論是10元或幾多,只要負擔得起(不是勉強)又是好東西時,我都會給我的小朋友,因我們都是愛我們的孩子的,我只是想表達我的囝囝在耀中幼稚園兩年都很好很開心,再說一次可能我真的用錯標題,希望你不要太介意及太火爆會對你好d!!!!


而兩個 message 都 repeat 咁多感嘆號,似乎火爆的亦係你。

遇到有人跟你對耀中有相反的感受,就指人火爆,甚至指人對你有敵意,只令我覺得你好小家。如果係要賴皮,我都可以用類似的 terms 話你,不過我唔認為對討論有幫助。要討論,不如都係講下實際的情形啦。

唔知你有冇睇過我以往的 messages 呢?
或者有冇睇過其他耀中中小學部家長的 messages 呢?
你比我覺得你係根本唔知我地批評 d 乜。

我都講過,另外都有網友講過,往 bk 批評耀中的,都係講緊中小學的情形,同你孩子讀的幼稚園無關。點解你重係要喋喋不休,去為學校護航?點解你要咁激動,開新 topic,出黎平反?你愛學校冇錯,但係例今次似乎係搞錯重點,可以話係平反錯了對象。


我係唔係要求高, 不如由你評評。我要求的,係一間國際學校最基本要做到的。如果有睇過我以往 messages 的,你就知我的要求係乜,我唔再重複再講。舉一個,耀中好多學生係可以用英文上堂,用英文學習,但在社交層面上,遇到要講全英語的時候,就好大問題,甚至口啞啞,亦即係 joyfung 講的 "my son told me that he met some Yiu Chung students (about his age, 10 to 12) and they can't communicate with him in English"。這個情形,係我覺得唔滿意的其中一個原因。你話啦,係唔係我要求過高?

我本來唔想討論 "負擔得起" 這問題,因為這課題好敏感,好容易得罪人。不過你既然提到,我亦唔怕講講我的感受。讀得耀中中小學的,經濟能力點都唔會差。耀中家長,其實都比較樸實,即使人地唔係穿金帶銀,都唔代表人地冇錢。其實好多家長,包括我,都絕對可以負擔孩子 20 萬 debenture,及萬多元學費;我就唔相信有家長會因為負膽唔起而轉校。當然,有些家長會謙遜 d,問起佢地點解要小朋友轉校,佢地都會話唔想讀中學時比 20 萬 debenture,但係如果學校真係好,點會 20 萬都唔想去比?真係要張羅 20 萬,對於一向已交開過萬學費的家長,應該唔係大問題。我相信認為學校唔好的,唔代表人地係有經濟困難;相反,亦唔係話負擔得起,我就要比,就唔會批評。這點似乎你我的價值觀亦不一樣。

其實,你到底有冇睇晒我地以往對耀中有批評的 message?

我估冇人話過要說服全部人,要一齊批評耀中。起碼,我知我地這些批評耀中的,只是想講講感受,令人知到更多耀中的實際情形,以免選擇錯誤。另一方面,以往的討論,亦有很多支持耀中的,我覺得都可以 co-exist 在 BK,因為大家睇多幾種意件做參考都好。我亦多過一次,講話戥那些滿意耀中的家長高興。就如個各下,能感到開心,實在係件好事,我衷心恭喜你。

(1) 你講的係幼稚園,我講的係中小學;
(2) 你話我火爆,和對你有敵意,並冇根據,亦對討論冇幫助。

歡迎各下回應,作友善的討論,但請你先再細讀以往的 topics 再說。

發表於 07-10-25 09:58 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-10-30 09:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-31 22:56 |只看該作者

YC Kinder


本人是YC ITLP parent. Though my son is so young, but I want to share my experinec here as well. My son join there for 8 months and really enjoy the school life. I was worry about too much free play time there, but I find it is good.
I like the way they let the child to free choice what they are interested, focus on it, no rushing or pushing. In fact, I do joined some famous playgroup in Kowloon Tong, the activities there were very 'well' arranged (tight schedule) each one doing the same thing at same time in rushing mode, and to certain degree, the level was not fit the childs' ability, but do impressive to parent, but out of child's ability. But in YC, they do simple things, but child are really given sufficient time to explore how to do it. My child likes arts now, he can repeat to do the painting for few times within free play session. The songs, stories are simple enough to let the child to learn, pick up and repeat at home. I really appreciate Teachers there can tell your child's doing in school. Moreover, if  I tell my concerns on my child to teacher, they will help to pay special attention. So, even I can't comment the Kindergarten, I should say that playgroup under 2, YC is a good place. At term end, they will give you a profolio of your child with your child's photos at school activities, and a A4 page comments, in which I found they have good observation on what you child can do in various aspects.

I joined the introduction session and school tour tonight in Somerset campus, for local stream, to my surprise, it was impressive. The way they inspire the child....is good. The homework, art work, activites displayed are very encouraging. I start to change my mind on YC kinder, as some friend comments YC was for fun only....but seems not really.

I look forward to learn more from you about the kinder.


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 07-11-1 12:30 |只看該作者

overscheduled children

Hi Kate,

It is very nice that your child is learning with fun at kinder.  You and your son seem like the school very much.  I am very impressive even I have read and heard a lot of  negative comments about YC that shiould be more related to primary and seconddary schools.    But for sure YC kindergarten is a wonderland because it provides fun for children.  In fact, the best learning and achievement come from fun.  The children will definitely treasure their happy learning in school.

My girl is aged 9, studying at a nice international primary in HK side.  When she's small, luckily I chose her the very good relaxed kinders such as Caritas Ling Yuet Sin and Small World.  In which she built up her character in loving to learn and appreciation for everything.  Some parents may question this kind of relaxed kinders would drive their tiny teeny kids (3-4 yrs old) left behind in acad####y in comparision with other kinders.  I would say both 'YES' and 'NO' at the same time.   The reason for 'YES' is  your brilliant children won't be trained to remember thousand of vocabulary when they are 3-4 years old.  The reason for 'NO' is my personal experience that  my girl learnt phoics until she is in  year one at school.  But now she's good at both English literarcy and numeracy.  She's genuine interest in learning, and in general read over thousand of books per year.  (each 200 - 500 pages).  What I know is her classmates are also learning with fun as her.   

Sometimes our babies just start to learn academic stuff at very early stage.  But missing a lot of fun to explore the world.  It is sad to see things happened like this.  They don't need to do it and be over-scheduled.  They would be fine even in a relaxed way.

I hope the above would give encouragement for those parents who don't want to make a over-schedule child.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-4 23:30 |只看該作者
"....read over thousand of books per year.  (each 200 - 500 pages)." Let's say three books per day, and 600 pages minimum. At one minute per page, that is 600 minutes, or 10 hours.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-5 16:22 |只看該作者
I had exactly the same query.
3 books per day?
Even if a child can finish that (which I doubt), what exactly can he/she benefit from such reading habit (which is totally impossible)?

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 07-11-5 17:16 |只看該作者
Regret to raise queries about reading book q'ty and
level.   I just want to encourage parents to give more relaxed parenting method for children.   The answer would be well understood by those parents who have children 100% hooked by any kind of books.  It's not good thng for us sometimes.   Anyway, it's lovely that there are large number of  international school children who love reading .  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-5 20:28 |只看該作者
She's genuine interest in learning, and in general read over thousand of books per year. (each 200 - 500 pages).

The answer would be well understood by those parents who have children 100% hooked by any kind of books.

My children love reading too.

But 3 books of 200 - 500 pages each per day?


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-5 21:26 |只看該作者
一年睇過千本書,每本書 200 - 500 頁;即係每日睇 3 本,每本 200 - 500 頁的書。

這類 post,真係回應都廢事。

發表於 07-11-5 23:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-6 15:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 mcheung1 於 07-11-5 23:03 硐表
我覺得你又唔可以咁講, 加上你又回應咗, 因為我的姪仔, 他是很喜歡睇書, 真的是毎年過千本, 不過他是讀小學的, 你哋真的覺得很出奇咩, 另外有個姪女(是在英國的)也很喜歡看書, 也是毎年過千本的, 我說的是我的兩個姪女姪仔, 但我相信他們是這樣, 也會有很多小朋友是這樣的, 不要否定晒沒有可能!!


bk 大把國際學校家長,亦大把人有親友在外國讀書。

日日睇 3 本唔奇,真係要睇, 30 本都睇到,
不過每本 200 - 500 頁的書,你真係覺得一日可以睇 3 本?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 15:50 |只看該作者
3 books of 200-500 pages each everyday.

I am really lost. Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-11-6 15:51 編輯 ]

發表於 07-11-6 16:04 |只看該作者
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