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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Chinese Learning in International Schools
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Chinese Learning in International Schools [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 15:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I believe that most of the parents choosing RCHK rather than ESF schools feel the importance of Chinese learning in the international school. I have read thro' the curriculums in KGV and RCHK and found that the Chinese programme in RCHK is quite well-structured so more appealing -

Renaissance College offers high quality of education of Chinese (Putonghua). The Chinese curriculum is structured in accordance with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. In Renaissance College, students have opportunity to learn simplified and full form Chinese characters. All students are expected to read both forms.

Language study is a cultural and social experience. In Renaissance College, there will be a rich variety of activities for students learning Chinese: the Mainland China tour, student exchange with schools in Mainland China, field trips, taking part in local community services, and participating in Chinese speaking or reading competitions.

Primary Years Chinese Programme - In the primary school, the Chinese programme aims to establish young students' concepts of Chinese language and knowledge of how it works, and its connection to other languages. It also promotes a positive attitude towards and an appreciation of different languages and culture. In Chinese classrooms, students are to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In addition, teachers encourage students to become proactive thinkers and decision makers, willing and ready to solve problems. They foster students' confidence in receiving information and expressing ideas in Chinese, and encourage them to take learning risks, such as using Chinese in unfamiliar situations, and being independent in exploring new knowledge and skills. Teachers nurture students' natural curiosity of Chinese language and culture. In Chinese classes, students will conduct research as appropriate to their age using Chinese. Students are encouraged to enjoy learning Chinese, and their love of learning the language will be sustained throughout their lives.

Middle Years Chinese Programme - When students progress to the middle school, they will learn Chinese at A or B level.

Chinese A Level is designed for students with Chinese as their best language. At this level, students will be expected to use Chinese not only as a tool of communication, but also the path by which they gain access to literature and thereby to the cultural treasures of civilization. Chinese A Level course includes the study of the functional language skills, such as listening, viewing, speaking, reading and writing. It also includes the study of both classic and modern Chinese literature and a variety of genres, such as poetry, prose and fiction.

Chinese B Level aims to enable non-Chinese background students to gain competence in the language. The long-term goal is to establish balanced bilingualism or multilingualism. At this level, students are encouraged to understand and appreciate Chinese language and culture. It provides a skill base to facilitate their further Chinese learning. Proficiency in Chinese gives B Level students access to a broader range of input, experiences and perspectives of Chinese language and culture, and the enjoyment of being able to communicate in Chinese.

Diploma Chinese Programme - At the Diploma level, students will continue their study of Chinese in the similar fashion.

Chinese A1 course is available for students whose first language is Chinese. In studying Chinese A1, students are able to develop their personal appreciation of literature, skills in literary criticism, strong written and oral skills, respect for Chinese literary heritage, and an international perspective through the study of world literature. The course includes the study of selections of both Chinese and world literary works. The range of texts studied in Chinese A1 course is broad, and students grow to appreciate the language's complexity, wealth and subtleties in a variety of contexts. A specific aim is to create a lifelong interest in literature and a love for the elegance and richness of human expression.

Chinese A2, Mandarin B and Mandarin ab initio aim to promote an understanding of another culture through the study of Chinese as a second language. The main emphasis of the courses is on language acquisition and use in a range of contexts and for different purposes. Students who have a high level of competence in both Chinese and English will have choice of doing Chinese A2, a unique course to promote bilingualism. The A2 course includes the study of both language and literature. Mandarin B course is intended for students who have had some previous experience of learning the language, i.e. student who have successfully completed the Chinese B Level course. Mandarin ab initio course is for students who have no previous experience of learning Chinese.

Chinese Programme in KGV -

For example, in Year 7 & 8, only simple words such as "how are you?" to be learnt.

[ 本文章最後由 Balance 於 07-11-6 21:22 編輯 ]
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 20:07 |只看該作者

Chinese Programme in ICS

The Chinese learning in ICS is quite structured too.

Instruction for Life

Middle School
[url= ... ourse%20Catalog.pdf] ... ourse%20Catalog.pdf[/url]

High School

[ 本文章最後由 Balance 於 07-11-6 20:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 21:21 |只看該作者

Chinese Programme in Yew Chung


http://www.ycis-hk.com/Pages/SEC ... ment&MenuID=159

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 21:34 |只看該作者

Chinese Programme in CIS


The CIS program prepares students exceptionally well for the challenges of today's world. It aims to develop understanding and encourages students to inquire and to think critically and creatively. It strives for balance among the disciplines and for balance between classroom and non-classroom learning.

A defining characteristic of the school is the fact that there are no separate language or curriculum streams and all students pursue a single program taught in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English. In Reception to Year 2, equal time is devoted to the two languages. In Years 3 to 6, the ratio shifts to 65% English and to 35% Chinese. In the Secondary school, the amount of time spent on Chinese reduces progressively but it remains compulsory and central to the program. Traditional full-form characters are used, except for the teaching of Chinese as a second language in the Secondary school when simplified characters are used.
        漢基的一項顯著的教學特點是全校學生都學習統一的中(普通話)、英文課程,沒有按不同語種或不同課程開設不同的教學分部。中、英文教學所佔的比例,在幼稚園至2年級是各佔 50%,在3至6年級,是英文教學佔65%,中文教學佔35%。在中學,中文的教學時數逐步減少,但仍然是學生必修的主要課程之一。本校的中文教學以繁體字爲主,中學部分中文第二語言學生則學習簡體字。

[ 本文章最後由 Balance 於 07-11-6 21:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 22:10 |只看該作者

Singapore International School

Chinese Department


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 22:23 |只看該作者

Hong Kong International School

http://dnet.hkis.edu.hk/admissio ... dmdocuments/FAQ.pdf

In grades R1-5, Mandarin is compulsory. Children are placed in ability groups according to
grade level. Students may choose one language from Mandarin, French, or Spanish at themiddle and high school. Modern language is an elective from Grade 6 to 12. Although a
modern language is not required for high school graduation, it is strongly encouraged and often
required for college admission. Most college-bound students take at least 2 consecutive years
of Mandarin, French, or Spanish.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 22:27 |只看該作者

Australian International School


The Chinese Program at AISHK provides the students with modern standard Chinese, commonly known as PUTONGHUA. The program aims to facilitate our students' proficiency and competence in using the language to listen, speak, read and write. It also encourages our students, through the process of language learning, to have an appreciation and understanding of the literature, history, culture and geography of China.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 22:42 |只看該作者

American International School


Elementary School

The objectives of this course are to raise students’ interest in Mandarin and to develop and improve the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pronunciation and oral skills are emphasized. Students are introduced to Chinese culture through a description of how people live and work, general traditions and customs, as well as places in China and history of China.

Mandarin instruction is provided for Early Childhood to Grade 5, for two class periods per week. The course emphasizes the spoken language and special attention is paid to the correct pronunciation, listening and oral skills. Students with previous Chinese language experience are given additional work to extend their knowledge. Students who are new to the program are also given additional help.

Middle School

The study of Mandarin is significant not only because of its relevance to China and Chinese culture, but also in the role it plays in helping AIS achieve one of it’s underlying objectives: to foster and develop interaction among different nationalities and cooperation in a multicultural society. Our Mandarin program provides our students with the opportunity to enhance their language skills while at the same time raising their awareness and appreciation of Chinese culture. The program aims to provide relevant classroom instruction designed to assist our students achieve appropriate knowledge and confidence of the language. Of critical importance is the opportunity the program provides for our students to practice and strengthen their communicative proficiency in different dimensions through different activities.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-7 11:51 |只看該作者

Chinese learning in ESF

比較之下, 發覺 ESF schools (RCHK 除外)的中文學習真係差其他 International schools 好遠.

就算而家 ESF 有三間 primary schools 或加入新中文課程, SJS Yr 1-3 都係得每星期三堂普通話.
而 KGV 的中文課程只係同其他 languages 合組一個MFL Department, 並無一個有系統的教程. 連普通本地小學程度也未達.
若有對 ESF 較熟悉的家長, 可否分享心得?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-8 11:50 |只看該作者

Chinese Learning in International Schools

學習中文, 若只靠普通話補習老師每星期為小孩補習一兩小時係絕對不足.

請問 ESF 家長點為子女中文教育?

現今世界, 會是英文及中文二分天下, 因此連外國人亦趕緊學習中文, 身為華人, 可以不為子女打算嗎?

發表於 07-11-8 13:05 |只看該作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-8 13:19 |只看該作者

RC 比較特別,他們是新校,第一年收了一批來自本地學校的學生 ,這些學生中文好是必然了;但07學年的收生已嚴謹很多,他們似乎都傾向少收了本地學校學生,我就識有 MXS 和 LX 學生考唔到;反而,我知他們收多了外籍孩子和來自其他國際學校 (如 HLYIS,JIS,等 ) 的學生,( 這類學生一般入 ESF 都機會微,因此都選了 RC  )。如果以這種收生模式,肯定會有更少中文好的 "外援",到時中文水平如何很難講。

我有朋友帶著子女由美國回香港,入讀 RC,她的子女一個 year 6,一個 year 8,都只是讀 beginner chinese ,用的課本是以英語為教學語言的華語課本,上堂學簡單自我介紹,亦有學寫數目字。RC 的中文課程不是沒有問題,他們完全不懂中文的人很多,部份不太懂中文的華人孩子,少了壓力要學好中文,因為每級都一定有很簡易的 CFL (chinese as foreign language)。我自己的感覺,是孩子都不太注重中文,反正今年學得不好,大可以下年再學過。

至於 ESF,事實一向都係中文較弱,但亦因此他們有較多進步空間,再過多幾年,ESF 的整體中文水平應該不會差 RC 很多。但,我都總覺得,亦是不要有太大的祈望。

我觀察回來,除了三兩間比較 "本地化" 的國際學校,學生中文好像較好外,其他都不能有太高要求了,部份有個別中文特別好的學生,但多數都是插班的外援,人數亦不多。而且,不要忘記,這些中文較強的 "本地化" 國際學校,入讀的主要本地孩子,英語環境是比較缺乏,亦少了真正 "國際化" 的社交生活及學習環境。家長在選校時,要一併考慮。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-8 13:40 |只看該作者
現今世界, 會是英文及中文二分天下,

要看語文是否流行,還要看看很多現實的 "條件",

原文章由 Balance 於 07-11-8 11:50 硐表
連外國人亦趕緊學習中文, 身為華人, 可以不為子女打算嗎?

中國人不要再自卑感作祟 !
見都外國人學中文,就沾沾自喜,以為自己 "好掂"。
香港人又何嘗不曾瘋狂地學日語韓語,甚至小朋友都識用泰文講句 "sa wa de cup" ,但這幾個語言卻一定不會在香港流通,最多只係年輕人的流行玩意。

華人都當然要為孩子打算,ESF 亦是因應需要加強中文。


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-8 14:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 christf 於 07-11-8 13:05 硐表
You have no need to quote all other IS's Chinese curriculum.  Go to check the real situation and results instead.   

睇學校 d website,當然講得好美滿,好理想,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-8 16:40 |只看該作者

Chinese learning in ESF secondary

Firstly, thanks to christf & nintendo for your opinions.

I think most of the parents here have children in primary level.

Are there any ESF parents having children studying in secondary level? Would you share the situation of Chinese learning in ESF secondary schools? Your valuable information is very useful for me to reach for a choice.

[ 本文章最後由 Balance 於 07-11-8 16:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-8 16:53 |只看該作者


我好同意nintendo的話, 上年我2個小朋友G5&8(RC),  G5那個是用英文拼音學中文的, 學了一年進度超慢, 仍是K3 程度. 好好彩, 他倆轉了直資數月, 唔單祇英文沒退步, 中文還勁進步, 真係有喲嘢要迫出來的. 不過講到尾都是要父母如何取決選校........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-8 17:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 Balance 於 07-11-8 16:40 硐表
Firstly, thanks to christf & nintendo for your opinions.

I think most of the parents here have children in primary level.

Are there any ESF parents having children studying in secondary level? Woul ...

I think if we choose IS, we won't expect our kids to learn very high level Chinese in the IS, simply because Chinese is treated as a 2nd or foreign language in IS.  We consider more the cirriculum, culture, internationalisation, all-round development etc. much more than just the language development.

For your reference, as I have mentioned sometimes before, there are 4 levels of Chinese classes in SC.  The top group is aiming at taking 1st language Chinese papers in GCE and IBD.  The other groups will target to take 2nd language Chinese papers.  Students in SC (including native Chinese) all communicate in English as their first language.  I think this is different from RC as there are more local school students joining RC and some of them communicate in Cantonese.

So it very much depends on what you expect.  If you want bilingual, then you should choose Yew Chung, CKY or ISF.  If you choose IS, don't expect your kids achieving 1st language Chinese unless you put a lot more extra afforts after school.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-11-8 18:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-11-8 18:06 |只看該作者
原文章由 Balance 於 07-11-8 16:40 硐表
Firstly, thanks to christf & nintendo for your opinions.

I think most of the parents here have children in primary level.

Are there any ESF parents having children studying in secondary level? Would you share the situation of Chinese learning in ESF secondary schools? Your valuable information is very useful for me to reach for a choice.

我知道的是,以 SC 和 RC 為例,中文班都依水平分班。
在 SC ,中文水平高的學生,用的中文課本不比 RC 淺,其實兩間學校的中文課本,如果讀得上 "高班" ,課文本身的深淺度都拍得住本地學校。不過當然,課本雖然都是跟得好貼本地學校的深淺度,但我相信不論係 RC 或 SC,教中文的時間,方式,甚至層次,都不能與本地學校比。
國際學校教中文 ( 起碼 ESF 和 RC 都係 ),學生懂得讀,懂得寫,老師都很開心了,未必會做到像本地學校,要學習 "欣賞" 和 "評論" 文章。
亦正如我說過,這些中文 "高班" 的學生,大都可能是插班生,早年多數都係讀過本地小學,才會有比較紮實的中文根底。
我認識的個案,如果是由 ESF 小一讀起的,即使是土生華人,中文都不太好;RC 太新,未有個案參考,但我一直都覺得,如果真是由 RC 小一讀起,中文也未必會真的可以跟本地學校比。

現在 RC 和 SC 的中文,我自己就收貨了。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-8 18:45 |只看該作者
I cannot remember how many times have this issue been raised, but "No". I do not agree that people speak mainly cantonese at RC. It is in fact the other way around. There are a lot of western children at RC. And even a child has an asian face, do not presume that he speaks mainly cantonese. Many chinese kids are in fact children returning from overseas and a large portion are only half-chinese. Even with an asian face, they speak mainly and only English at school.
If you do not want to trust my words, fine. In any case, I think I do not want to discuss about this anymore.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-9 00:25 |只看該作者
Thanks again for your above information. Your opinions are useful to me. In fact, I am considering to let my kid study in an IS after his primary education in a local school. KGV would be the ESF school in our catchment area.

[ 本文章最後由 Balance 於 07-11-9 00:34 編輯 ]
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