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樓主: vv123

聖心下午校chatroom [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-27 23:11 |只看該作者
of course not... cos they have to booked the venue long time ago.... wait for 2009 la ... They are just only 'cheer team' in P1 & P2 only ....

原文章由 ichiban 於 08-1-26 20:56 發表

我果女今年剛讀P.1, 才開始參加第一年運動會, 咁就取消了, 唔知稍後學校會唔會再補返????


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-28 13:55 |只看該作者
唔會啦, 我肥囡都唔開心, 因為佢話用咗好多時間"訓練"D 1、2年級做啦啦隊, 而家又唔洗去, 同我訴咗成日苦

但我就鬼c 咁開心, 因為我係小西灣食咗5年風, 今年終於唔洗食

各位小一家長, 你地唔洗咁唔開心, 你地重有五年sports day

原文章由 ichiban 於 08-1-26 20:56 發表

我果女今年剛讀P.1, 才開始參加第一年運動會, 咁就取消了, 唔知稍後學校會唔會再補返????


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-28 18:01 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-28 21:46 |只看該作者
Yeah, i didn't have a bit sadness cos as what you said they still have 5 yrs .... I was real excited when i got the notic.... cos it's real far from me... i need to take over an hour transportation.....and cold lei .....

原文章由 beaclem 於 08-1-28 13:55 發表
唔會啦, 我肥囡都唔開心, 因為佢話用咗好多時間"訓練"D 1、2年級做啦啦隊, 而家又唔洗去, 同我訴咗成日苦

但我就鬼c 咁開心, 因為我係小西灣食咗5年風, 今年終於唔洗食

各位小一家 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-29 09:11 |只看該作者
你地未試過咋, 我比肥囡捉咗去5年, 5年都係坐係度食風, 果度好空曠, 坐係度又凍, 每次我都要帶壺熱茶去, 由9點幾坐去下晝4點幾(今年好D, 剩做上晝), 個囡有得同同學一齊, 就啋我都儍, 又唔係同其他家長咁熟, 就好似儍婆咁坐足成日:cry: :cry:

原文章由 chuiyeebird 於 08-1-28 21:46 發表
Yeah, i didn't have a bit sadness cos as what you said they still have 5 yrs .... I was real excited when i got the notic.... cos it's real far from me... i need to take over an hour transportation... ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-29 14:58 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 beaclem 的文章

天氣咁凍...可唔可以穿其他大褸返學嗎 ?
亞囡昨晚返黎話可以穿其他大褸..但只可以係藍色? 是真的嗎 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-29 21:43 |只看該作者
i think so....

原文章由 PPW 於 08-1-29 14:58 發表
天氣咁凍...可唔可以穿其他大褸返學嗎 ?
亞囡昨晚返黎話可以穿其他大褸..但只可以係藍色? 是真的嗎 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-29 21:44 |只看該作者
That's why i said no lose for me if cancel the sports day cos it's really cold and bad weather law....

原文章由 beaclem 於 08-1-29 09:11 發表
你地未試過咋, 我比肥囡捉咗去5年, 5年都係坐係度食風, 果度好空曠, 坐係度又凍, 每次我都要帶壺熱茶去, 由9點幾坐去下晝4點幾(今年好D, 剩做上晝), 個囡有得同同學一齊, 就啋我都儍, 又唔係同其他家長咁熟, 就好似 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-1 13:02 |只看該作者
我囡著件到小腿既羽絨, 佢話佢同學有人著羽絨, 帶手襪同埋頸巾, 但係要全部深藍色

原文章由 PPW 於 08-1-29 14:58 發表
天氣咁凍...可唔可以穿其他大褸返學嗎 ?
亞囡昨晚返黎話可以穿其他大褸..但只可以係藍色? 是真的嗎 ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-1 19:13 |只看該作者
My computer got virus and just fixed it.

Anyone knows whether we can bring siblings to school coming Sunday?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-2 10:50 |只看該作者
各位家長 :

小朋友開始放新年假了, 佢地又已經考完試, 都輪到我地做家長的可以好好輕鬆下, 唔使日日都叫住個小朋友去做功課, 跟住去溫習..............攪到自己好似潑婦罵街 咁去罵差佢地................ , 可以做返個溫柔的媽咪..........


[ 本文章最後由 ichiban 於 08-2-2 10:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-2 12:08 |只看該作者
well, i still keep on asking my kid to do holiday homework n review a bit everyday to keep her standard. Then we don't have to be so rush before test and exam .....

原文章由 ichiban 於 08-2-2 10:50 發表
各位家長 :

小朋友開始放新年假了, 佢地又已經考完試, 都輪到我地做家長的可以好好輕鬆下, 唔使日日都叫住個小朋友去做功課, 跟住去溫習..............攪到自己好似潑婦罵街 咁去罵差佢地.............. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-3 19:13 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 chuiyeebird 的文章

You're right!  I did nothing with her after exam, but after getting the report today, I think she has to work harder.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-3 23:16 |只看該作者
Is that what u r not satisfy with the result?  ...Mine is doing okay la ...but the most important keep the standard and has improvement in coming term. Don't be upset. Let's work more harder all SHCS P1 parents ....

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 08-2-3 19:13 發表
You're right!  I did nothing with her after exam, but after getting the report today, I think she has to work harder.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-4 16:49 |只看該作者

回覆 #814 chuiyeebird 的文章

The problem is her class is very smart.  
She is below average in her class, i.e. class position after 17 in a class of 33.
I hope that she can rank average in class to improve her self confidence.
In the first term, she was not elected as any subject leaders, etc. and she felt neglected and thinking she's no good.  So I gave her the 'title' of 'car leader' at home to check that everyone buckled up before starting the car.  She then felt so important of herself
Luckily, this term she is a subject leader.  She feels great about this.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-4 22:44 |只看該作者
Is that your classmistress will tell you the around ranking of your kid? Cos i heard a parent from your class that the teacher didn't disclose anything... I am very surprised to hear that cos it's not fair to the students and class. At least i know the average standard of class.

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 08-2-4 16:49 發表
The problem is her class is very smart.  
She is below average in her class, i.e. class position after 17 in a class of 33.
I hope that she can rank average in class to improve her self confidence.
In ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-5 01:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #816 chuiyeebird 的文章

The teacher told me the approximate ranking in class and and in the whole form.
This info is very important.  
At first I think that my girl's performance is quite satisfactory, but comparing to her classmates, she is still below average Other girls are so smart!
Maybe that parent did not ask the teacher.  The teacher told me when I asked her whether my girl is below or above average.  If I didn't ask, the teacher might not mention it as the ranking is in a separate sheet of paper.

My girl is very weak in Chin composition.  The class mistress asked me to teach her more chinese vocabularies.  Maybe it is my fault as we don't really read books at home.  My girl told me that the class mistress asked her why she did not order books and magazines through the school.  I only ordered Hi Charlie! for her and nothing else.  My girl told me that other classmates ordered a lot.

Now I am worrying about music festival.  I ask the piano teacher to come twice a week to speed her up and see some improvement so far.  But her performance is very very unstable.  Sometimes she plays really good, sometimes really bad.  So don't know what will happen that day.
The piano teacher already teach her if she tries several times and still cannot finish the piece well, just stand up and bow and leave.  
Want to go to disneyland on Wed with my 2 girls.  Hope the weather will be good.

I took my girls to ballet class today.  After class, we watch the pointe class (adults) dancing.  They danced so well that my girl insisted to attend another class again today.  So it ended up she danced for 1.5 hr in total today and still not feeling tired.
I finally understand why so many adults keep on ballet dancing.  Really beautiful.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-5 10:13 |只看該作者
icic ....mine only ask her if she packed her schoolbag herself, read books besides school ones.. that's it ...maybe is running out of time. I just stay inside for around 3-5mins. That's it.... Mine also need to keep up to maintain the standard. Though she is doing pretty good this time... but i want her to have a bit improvement which is good to her, right?

My daughter also start again to practise 'A TOY' for piano exam since she forgot everything when she first play again after stop for a month.... so far is ok la .....

Well, i think the coming weather is just like today maybe have a bit rain.....remember to bring along thick clothes. It's real cold inside ga wor.... Good luck!!!

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 08-2-5 01:05 發表
The teacher told me the approximate ranking in class and and in the whole form.
This info is very important.  
At first I think that my girl's performance is quite satisfactory, but comparing to her c ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-5 23:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 chuiyeebird 於 08-2-5 10:13 發表
icic ....mine only ask her if she packed her schoolbag herself, read books besides school ones.. that's it ...maybe is running out of time. I just stay inside for around 3-5mins. That's it.... Mine al ...

Did any mum know the distribution of Class A-E are depends on the level of each girl besides putonghua & Cantonese teaching ? e.g. 1A is for the highest standard and 1C is for lower standard in Putonghua class ?
My girl got quite satisfactory result in class but average in form, I think the standard is bit lower than the others.  The class teacher also mentioned my girl is weak in Chinese and ask me to teach her more vocabs etc.............

Do we need to do revision on the 1st term content in 2nd term ?

[ 本文章最後由 Liu 於 08-2-5 23:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-5 23:49 |只看該作者
Liu, hmm... i think since this is the first year ... so i don't think they know what level they are in (but maybe base on the test of last july)... but may i know what class of your kid in....

原文章由 Liu 於 08-2-5 23:15 發表

Did any mum know the distribution of Class A-E are depends on the level of each girl besides putonghua & Cantonese teaching ? e.g. 1A is for the highest standard and 1C is for lower standard in Puton ...
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