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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 有沒有蒙特梳利+杜曼混合教育的媽媽
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有沒有蒙特梳利+杜曼混合教育的媽媽 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-25 22:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

我在BB的教育整體上以蒙氐為主, 但語文上會執行一日3次的閃卡,

如有同路人, 可否分享, 教育心得
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發表於 08-6-11 16:12 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-11 21:41 |只看該作者
其實我好雜, 主要係七田及蒙氏, 但鈴木,杜曼都有, 有時連classical approach都會有, 更加有D自己改良

所謂蒙氐教具, 我係自制為主, 我覺得蒙氐的方式彈性都好大, 但係重點係佢既取向與啟發方式, 唔係話買左教具就係蒙氐囉,

我又唔覺係圖型為主, 反而係實物及體驗為主

原文章由 jadeleecs 於 08-6-11 16:12 發表
請問您是否用蒙氏給bb玩?  我只用杜曼教育方法, 那蒙氏小朋友反應好嗎? 我看過蒙氏, 大多以圖型為主???

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-12 10:57 |只看該作者
你有無用hurray english 1(蒙特梭利)+baby can read( 杜曼)flash card???

原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-5-25 22:29 發表

我在BB的教育整體上以蒙氐為主, 但語文上會執行一日3次的閃卡,

如有同路人, 可否分享, 教育心得

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-12 22:11 |只看該作者
我的教材都自製, MONTE不主張看電視, 我也不用DVD教學

原文章由 heihei1224 於 08-6-12 10:57 發表
你有無用hurray english 1(蒙特梭利)+baby can read( 杜曼)flash card???

發表於 08-6-13 22:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-14 14:30 |只看該作者
baby ted

btw, 我想問你D montessori教材點自製呢?個D俾佢摸下聞下唔同既野就可以自製,

但因為我覺得佢有D入coin, <-----飲完水之後個礦泉水樽cut一個裂口, 用少少膠紙包一包, 免佢"介"手; 以及飲完杏仁霜, 在膠蓋頂CUT個口, 就可以入COIN, 入完之後BB會自己攬住個罐狂搖, 好鍾意D噪音

入唔同形狀既盒好難用其他野代替,<---買塊發泡膠自己CUT, 幾多形狀都得, 玩個零月就一齊"meet"碎佢, 訓練手指頭, 跟住搵張咭片仔, glue上發泡膠碎, 俾佢touching感受下different texture, 一物三用呀
不過咁, 出街買既shape box硬膠或木製, 手感好D.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-17 01:21 |只看該作者

我的冧法同你一樣, 但我bb得6個月, 所以未有咁快知效果怎樣. 你bb幾大呢?

我覺得兩者其實可以互相補足, 杜曼的書也有提及Montessori.

原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-5-25 22:29 發表

我在BB的教育整體上以蒙氐為主, 但語文上會執行一日3次的閃卡,

如有同路人, 可否分享, 教育心得

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-17 01:23 |只看該作者

咁我想問你數學用邊種教法呢? 杜曼dot card 定Montessori?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-18 10:20 |只看該作者
maths in Shichida's curriculum, methods in dot card, then montessori as a "classwork", plus some daily activities... but everything fit into the curriculum

detail in http://hk.geocities.com/kwanaty/ECE/MyECE.htm#maths

原文章由 jor_mankiu 於 08-6-17 01:23 發表

咁我想問你數學用邊種教法呢? 杜曼dot card 定Montessori?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 11:06 |只看該作者
Thanks Kwanaty. Your website is very impressive, and it explains very clearly how you combine all the methods together to tailor made a plan for your son.

Just a couple questions:
- When you label the real objects at home, how big the font do you use? Or do you simply place the flash card in front of object and you take the card off a few days later?

- When you read to your son, what materials do you use? Story books, encyclopaedic books or just any materials? I just found hard to find materials to read to my baby every day

- when you said you avoid all eletronic aids like TV/Computer (which I totally agree with you), do you play music on CDs to your son? This is the part I could not avoid using CD.

It's such a great website you have done. Look forward to seeing more sharing on physical fitness and other things too!

Btw, the photos don't display properly. You may want to fix that (yes I know it must be very time consuming). I have a blog for my son too. Feel free to come and visit: http://aydenpang.net

原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-6-18 10:20 發表
maths in Shichida's curriculum, methods in dot card, then montessori as a "classwork", plus some daily activities... but everything fit into the curriculum

detail in http://hk.geocities.com/kwanaty/E ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 11:13 |只看該作者
Hi Kwanaty

A couple more questions on language. How do you introduce Chinese (and/or Mandarin) to your child? Some people said mum and dad should speak different languages, some said it's ok to speak two languages by both parents as long as they don't mix two languages in one sentence/conversation.

Also,  how do you introduce written Chinese? Do you do flash card in Chinese also. If so, do you flash at the same time you flash the English cards or do you flash at a different time. I heard some saying we should not introduce a second language of flash card until he has been flashed on one language for more than like 1000 words.

Sorry for the long list of questions. Your experience sharing would be most helpful!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 21:50 |只看該作者
Thanks Kwanaty. Your website is very impressive, and it explains very clearly how you combine all the methods together to tailor made a plan for your son.

Just a couple questions:
- When you label the real objects at home, how big the font do you use? <--- i wrote them, so it's difficult to tell the font size, but... one whole word (3-4 letters, e.g. lip, nose) as big as my palm, lengthy words (e.g. refrigerator) as long as my forearm. can you get that? Or do you simply place the flash card in front of object and you take the card off a few days later? place the card on home objects like wall, clock, door, refrigerator since 6mth, they are still there and my son is now 15.5M. objects like starfish, shell are displayed for one month. in fact i have a theme every month.

- When you read to your son, what materials do you use? Story books, encyclopaedic books or just any materials? all of them    I just found hard to find materials to read to my baby every day <-- you can read the same books for a week, babies also learn from repeated reading. my reading time is divided into 2 parts; the 1st part, we read together the story books/self-made books/encyc..., the 2nd part, i 'll let him read on his own, i'll just sit aside and do my own reading, i might read my fiction, lecture notes, newspapers or whatever, but i read aloud my things.

- when you said you avoid all eletronic aids like TV/Computer (which I totally agree with you), do you play music on CDs to your son? This is the part I could not avoid using CD. <--- i played music for him, sometimes keyboard, sometimes the guitar, he loves guitar. well, i tried to avoid all electronic aids, he's still having some in the daycare ctr activities. i just avoid them at home

It's such a great website you have done. Look forward to seeing more sharing on physical fitness and other things too! <--- i'd love to do the physical fitness part, but i am still working hard on the language part. a language learning plan has just been uploaded, see if that's useful for you..

Btw, the photos don't display properly. You may want to fix that (yes I know it must be very time consuming). <---IT IS time consuming indeed and i have been working on this for a few days, when i uploaded all the pics, the site went down!! and i had to delete them all! still finding a way to fix it!!!  I have a blog for my son too. Feel free to come and visit: http://aydenpang.net

[ 本文章最後由 kwanaty 於 08-6-19 21:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 22:07 |只看該作者
Hi Kwanaty

A couple more questions on language. How do you introduce Chinese (and/or Mandarin) to your child? Some people said mum and dad should speak different languages, some said it's ok to speak two languages by both parents as long as they don't mix two languages in one sentence/conversation.
i speak eng with him, and since i cannot find him a daddy,  this is the only language at home. but he's in the Cantonese environment in the daycare ctr, i think that's fine for developing the hearing (cantonese) ability.
i am going to do this mono-lingual at home till he turns 2. by the time, i will introduce the 論語, 大學, 老子等齊魯文化給他(普通話), 並以廣東話教他唐詩(如你也會教唐詩, 用廣東話較合適, 因廣東話較普通話更近古音, 讀來更優美) 2歲前同一人教多種語言是有機會混淆的, 除非雙/三語教學也有其固定時間表的, 但我要工作, 沒這麼多時間. 其實只要是3歲前學習一種往後常用的語言, 也可達到母語的流利水平, 所以我會在2歲以後才教他

Also,  how do you introduce written Chinese? Do you do flash card in Chinese also. no, but i know he is doing some chinese reading at the daycare ctr If so, do you flash at the same time you flash the English cards or do you flash at a different time. I heard some saying we should not introduce a second language of flash card until he has been flashed on one language for more than like 1000 words. <-- actually it depends on how talent are you and your bb.

Sorry for the long list of questions. Your experience sharing would be most helpful!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 22:41 |只看該作者
Dear kwanaty

Thanks so much for the lengthy reply. That's very helpful. It's so good that you have guitar and keyboard to play with him. I'm thinking of getting a glockenspiel to play with him too (my home not big enought to put a piano).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-20 21:50 |只看該作者

Ooo, so you play music as well.
have you ever tried the Musical approach of Shinichi Suzuki? (鈴木鎮一的才能教育法) or Kindermusik??
i will soon start writing the music part for my page, and these 2 are included in my son's curriculum

原文章由 jor_mankiu 於 08-6-19 22:41 發表
Dear kwanaty

Thanks so much for the lengthy reply. That's very helpful. It's so good that you have guitar and keyboard to play with him. I'm thinking of getting a glockenspiel to play with him too (m ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 00:11 |只看該作者
I'm planning to give a try to kindermusik this summer as they have program for baby as small as my son's age (6 mths), whereas for Suzuki I thought it is for bigger kids?

Also I joined KindxxX and I found them quite commercial. Not sure if Suzuki center (which is also run by the same owner) is sth similar.

I used to play piano but I don't have a piano anymore...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 00:13 |只看該作者
btw, your website's chinese characters have all become funny symbols!! I never know how to fix the chinese problem on my website, and I've given that up already! haha!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-12 23:47 |只看該作者

唔知係咪LOAD唔晒你D字, 我見你寫話" 聽命說!認字!"

我當是聽(listening), 說(speaking), 認字即係reading啦.

reading, 23個月係preschooler啦, 我估唔會坐係度看咭, 如果想繼續doman, 以一個月為限進入短句階段.
我個人來說,識字教育對大B來說用montessori language會好D. 因為較易focus on task

MONTE+DOMAN的認字遊戲, 當然是先看字咭, 先揀好一本書, 從中取出5個生字造咭, 1秒1張, 看完從書中找出這10個字. 揀書要彩圖, 但不需要一頁只得一個字的那種, 一頁2-3句都可以(OK的話下次可以做多幾個字), 呢5個字識左之後要不時重溫. 本書每日都睇起碼1次(七田說的, 愈多愈好)

準備類似的字卡組, 如要學beautiful, 同組可有butterfly, buffalo, 一組3-4張, 先閃目標字卡給他看1-2秒, 然後在卡組中抽出來. 亦可把卡組造圖卡, 看字配圖

word bowling, 學過的字卡, 卡是長方形的嘛, 用2隻衣夾在同一邊邊長的兩角夾起(好似好複雜, 唔明再問), 造到好似有2支腳的路牌, 可以企起來, 一邊讀字, 一邊叫小朋友碌個波出去, 好似bowling咁.

文字大風吹, 紙盒或任何一種可以扮抽獎箱的容器, 字卡放入去, 抽一張字卡就同小朋友講, get me this, 唔可以讀出來. 不過此遊戲只能用家中有的物品來造卡.

5--chanting & rhythm
以上都要少少時間準備, 且不能每分每秒都用, 我最鍾意唸口黃, 我會把chanting & rhythm造成大字字報, 貼在牆上, 把口無聊就手指指去唸. 行行街見到有關既野就唸, 如見到火車就唸nice train

唔知你啱唔啱用, OK既你話知, 我才post listening & speaking, 因為真係太長, 打得好辛苦

原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-7-11 22:02 發表
英文都有得玩既, 睇你個B幾大, 同英文聽說讀寫你要針對邊樣??

我細佬 23個月, ! thansk! 聽命 說, ! 認字,! 

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-14 14:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-7-12 23:47 發表

唔知係咪LOAD唔晒你D字, 我見你寫話" 聽命說!認字!"

我當是聽(listening), 說(speaking), 認字即係reading啦.

reading, 23個月係preschooler啦, 我估唔會坐係度看咭, 如果想繼續doman, 以一個月為限進 ...


好有趣, THANKS 你分享, 等我試下先, THANKS! 
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