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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 上緊:兒童無限Montessori30小時 0-3歳嬰幼兒家長班的媽 ...
樓主: miumiu809

上緊:兒童無限Montessori30小時 0-3歳嬰幼兒家長班的媽咪... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-6-30 16:20 |只看該作者
I have registered for their "親子班".  HK$2000 per course and  a course has 8 (1.5 hr) classes.

however, they do required bb and mama attend the classes at the same time.  no exception eventhough you are a working mom.

i am a working mom too.  so i have to use my annual to attend these classes.

If you are interested , call and pay the deposit earlier as their classes are quite full.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-3 16:37 |只看該作者
I attended the 8 hours parent course in CU last year.
I sent email to enroll my baby and the lady said I have to attend addditional 4 hours course.  Diasy should have told us the 8 hours from them and CU were different in the first place!!!!!

原文章由 fatjaimama 於 08-6-30 16:20 發表
I have registered for their "親子班".  HK$2000 per course and  a course has 8 (1.5 hr) classes.

however, they do required bb and mama attend the classes at the same time.  no exception eventhough yo ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-15 22:02 |只看該作者
如果你未上4~6, 0~3應該上.  因為我個女讀緊佢地個pg, 之前我已上左4~6, 我上pg成日都問daisy野, 所以0~3 對我嘅啟發冇最初咁大, 但係都改變左我平時一d習慣, 我係為細仔讀呢個course, 平時多d時間比大女, 所以真係忽略左細佬d, 上完始終多d idea.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-15 22:13 |只看該作者
我好難想像candy會講出賺唔到你錢, 叫人走呢d說話.  用logical thinking, 如果佢地立場係純為賺錢就冇理由唔收小朋友.  

我個女係佢地到上緊pg, 兩個星期前我係度見到個小朋友狂喊又lure 地, 起碼廿分鐘冇停, candy完全冇任何唔耐煩, 亦冇任個負面comment, 只係好理智咁同個阿媽分析.  

candy有時可能直d, 但係我冇見過佢有beautylam所提嘅態度.

至於lm, 我個女上過佢地堂, 返左個幾月, 不過佢唔鍾意, 可能都係個個小朋友唔同, lm係行ami, 兒童無限係 ams, 前者比較多規條, 後者自由d. 另外, lm班房set up我有d唔同意, 我個女上細仔班, 佢地將大仔細仔班d野一齊放, 只係大仔班d野搵野遮住又或推埋一邊, 小朋友點知咁多, 有野就攞, 佢地又唔比.  我覺得咁唔好, 佢地連小朋友心態都唔去理解來做, 你唔想比人玩嘅野就唔應該擺出來, 佢咁細, 點識分?  另外, lm個有牌老師冇物笑容, 所以我個女怕左佢.

[ 本文章最後由 elmostoney 於 08-7-15 22:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-22 18:25 |只看該作者
我都考慮緊上佢地個30小時0-3家長班呀, 請問上左堂的媽咪, 有咩comment呀?

另外, 我個仔剛開始上佢地既pg, 其實早在2月份第一次試堂 (剛2.5歲), 可能因為當時妹妹出世不久,我個仔十分黏, 貼身膏藥, 唔俾我走. 導師們認為他不太ready, 要多試一堂.叫我ready再約.

隔了一段時間,再打電話去, candy 還向我解釋我仔仔的情況最好至少隔3個月才再上去.

結果, 再上去之後,就愛上了. 有一次,因事沒有去pg,阿仔仲成日問我幾時去呢!

so far, 我都覺得佢地ok 啦!

原文章由 elmostoney 於 08-7-15 22:13 發表
我好難想像candy會講出賺唔到你錢, 叫人走呢d說話.  用logical thinking, 如果佢地立場係純為賺錢就冇理由唔收小朋友.  

我個女係佢地到上緊pg, 兩個星期前我係度見到個小朋友狂喊又lure 地, 起碼廿分鐘冇停, candy ...
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